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Bahria University, Islamabad Campus

Database Management System

Name: Muhammad Umair.
Enrollment: 01-135221-039.
Class: BS(IT), 4th B.
Maximum marks: 5

Brief Summary:

Study one of the following real-world case studies on one of the following domain areas:
1. Police Station -> *Students with prime enrollment number
2. Hospital Systems -> *Students with odd enrollment number
3. Super Store -> *Students with even enrollment number
*Take the last 3 digits of your enrolment number and select the domain accordingly. Suppose if
your enrollment number is 01-134212-007, it’s a prime number.


1. Create Enterprise Model to depict association among entities/terms and business functions
2. Create conceptual and logical models
3. Justify the relationship with entities/terms and business functions.


 This is an individual assignment, no group work or collaboration.

 Cheating or copying will lead to straight ZERO marks and incident shall be reported to
administration for appropriate action.
 Must be submitted as PDF file on LMS.
Create Enterprise Model to depict association among entities/terms and business

1. Enterprise Modeling:

 Analyzing the Current System:

The current hospital system includes various entities such as:
 Appointments
 Patients
 Doctors/ Nurse
 Medical Record
 Departments
 Ward
 Billing
 Inventory
 Laboratory Tests

 Analyzing General Business Functions:

Hospital business functions includes:
 Patients’ record management
 Billing
 Appointment’s scheduling
 Doctors and Nurse management
 Inventory management
 Laboratory management
 Prescription
 Wards management
 Departments

 Identifying & Justifying the Need for New Data:

To support these functions, we need new data elements such as patient demographics, medical
histories, billing records, appointment schedules, and staff information. These data elements are
necessary for efficient hospital operations.
Create conceptual and logical models:

2. Conceptual Modeling:

In the conceptual model, we identify entities, relationships, and attributes.

Business Data Entity

- Appointment Patients Nurse\ Medical Department Wards Billin Inventor Lab
Doctors Record s g y tests

Patient X X X
Billing X X X
Appointmen X X X
t scheduling
Staff X X
Inventory X X
Prescription X X
Laboratory X X X
Ward X X
Departments X X X
3. Justifying Relationships:
Here's a table clarifying the relationships with justification for the relation:

Entity-Relation Justification

Patient -> Doctor Patient is assigned to doctor for medical services.

Doctor -> Nurse Doctor supervises nurse for proper patient care.

Doctor -> prescription Doctor describe medication to patients.

Patient -> Medical Record Patient has medical record that has their health history.

Patient -> Ward Patient is admitted in a Ward for short/long treatment duration.

Billing -> Patient -> Patient has to pay the bill for appointment and medical services.

Inventory -> Department Inventory is managed by departments to maintain supplies.

Lab -> Patient Patient has to do certain lab tests for diagnostic purposes.

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