Mock Cat 5 Sol

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Mock CAT – 5

Answers and Explanations

1 2 2 2 3 3 4 3 5 4 6 3 7 4 8 2 9 3 10 4
11 1 12 4 13 1 14 2 15 3 16 4 17 2 18 2 19 3 20 4
21 4 22 4 23 2 24 2 25 3 26 4 27 2 28 1 29 4 30 2
31 2 32 1 33 1 34 3 35 4 36 2 37 1 38 1 39 4 40 4
41 1 42 4 43 1 44 4 45 2 46 1 47 3 48 2 49 4 50 4
51 3 52 2 53 1 54 2 55 4 56 4 57 1 58 2 59 4 60 2
61 1 62 3 63 3 64 4 65 2 66 3 67 3 68 1 69 2 70 3
71 1 72 3 73 1 74 3 75 3 76 2 77 4 78 2 79 2 80 4
81 3 82 4 83 1 84 3 85 2 86 1 87 2 88 1 89 3 90 3
91 4 92 1 93 4 94 4 95 2 96 1 97 3 98 1 99 1 100 2
101 4 102 4 103 2 104 4 105 4 106 2 107 3 108 3 109 1 110 2
111 3 112 2 113 2 114 2 115 4 116 1 117 4 118 4 119 1 120 4


Total Time Taken Total Correct Incorrect Net

Questions (Min) Attempts Attempts Attempts Score

Language Comprehension Section A 30

and English Usage Section B 10
Section A 30
Quantitative Ability
Section B 10
Logical Reasoning based Section A 30
Data Interpretation Section B 10
TOTAL 120 150

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555 1
1. 2 We try to reconcile differences. Hence irreconcilable 15. 3 D & B introduce the subject matter through a report. A
differences is the most appropriate in the context. Also introduces the subject who is being discussed. C concludes
irretrievably and irreconcilable go well with the tone of the by presenting Olmert’s point of view.
sentence and give parallel emphasis. Essential/contradictory/
opposite differences do not create the necessary emphasis. 16. 4 D is the opener stating a fact about Madonna’s accomplish-
ments. A goes on to describe the reactions of the crowds. C
2. 2 There is no need for a contrast between the two parts of the closes by explaining the reason for the mania making option ‘4’
statement. In fact the second part of the sentence seems to correct. BC is a mandatory pair as C explains ‘the long lines’ in
complement the first. Hence ‘reigning and manager’ – which is B.
complementary and positive is the appropriate choice.
17. 2 B introduces the subject about Delta’s fortune. Also it has a
3. 3 The correct sentence is “… were left to our discretion.” general idea - ‘frustrations of airline travel’. BD forms a
mandatory pair the frustrations being the pricing. C expands
4. 3 The sentence is incorrect, breeding requires an adjective
the topic further; A explains the reason for the frustration,
“…good breeding “ as it is preceded by ‘the standard’, thus
making option 2 correct.
the specific standard needs to be defined.
5. 4 The author talks about this in the fourth paragraph at the 18. 2 The 2nd sentence is incorrect, the article preceding ‘…great
beginning – “The philosophes had also attacked the Church Sanctuary’ should be ‘the’. The 4th sentence is incorrect, there
because it blocked human reason. The Romantics attacked is an article missing, ‘simple crown’ needs to be defined,
the Enlightenment because it blocked the free play of the preceded by either ‘the’ or an ‘a’.
emotions and creativity. The philosophe had turned man into a
soulless, thinking machine — a robot.” This proves that the 19. 3 Sentence 1 is incorrect as ‘who’ has been used incorrectly
Romantics who came after the philosophes were fighting for inanimate objects ‘that’ is the correct pronoun to be used.
against the over dependence on reason and harking back to Sentence 2 is incorrect, the correct subject-verb-agreement,
emotions. This makes choice 4 correct. should be ready-to-wear clothing ‘is’, making option 3 correct.
6. 3 The author mentions this at the end of the third paragraph. 20. 4 Sentence 1 is incorrect ‘the’ should precede ‘greatest naval…’,
“The Romantics were conscious of their unique destiny. In In sentence 2 the correct phrase is ‘to build up’, in Sentence
fact, it was self-consciousness which appears as one of the 3 ‘for acquiring …’ should be ‘in acquiring’.
key elements of Romanticism itself” making choice 3 correct.

7. 4 The author mentions in the second paragraph – “To speak of 21. 4 Sentence 4 is incorrect. Error of subject-verb-agreement,
a Romantic era is to identify a period in which certain ideas should be ‘humans in their’ not its, the subject is humans.
and attitudes arose, gained currency and in most areas of
intellectual endeavor, became dominant. That is, they became 22. 4 The précis in the question is talking about the ‘first abacus’,
the dominant mode of expression. Which tells us something the fourth option elaborates this point and we have a complete
else about the Romantics: expression was perhaps everything description of the original abacus.
to them”. None of 1, 2 or 3 talk about this.
23. 2 The answer lies in the line ‘… warmest passions are directed’,
8. 2 The author mentions this in the fourth paragraph – “The making option 2 the most appropriate answer. 1 & 3 talk of
philosophe had turned man into a soulless, thinking machine wish / repressed wish. 4 does not go into the cause of dreams.
— a robot,” Making choice 2 correct.
24. 2 Issue forth: Come out of a place.
9. 3 Statements 1 & 2 are clearly Facts as they deal with pieces of
information open to verification. Statement 3 conveys an 25. 3 Fall away - to withdraw support or allegiance.
opinion that involves occurrences of the past. Statement 4 is
an instance of an inference, as it a conclusion drawn about 26. 4 Walked through - To perform (a play, for example) in a
the unknown on the basis of the known. perfunctory fashion, as at a first rehearsal is the best choice.
It is better than ‘lounged about’ which means ‘to laze around’.
10. 4 Statements 1 & 4 express opinions making them Judgements. ‘Pulled over’ is used with vehicles.
Statement 2 is stating a verifiable piece of information making
it a Fact. Statement 3 is an inference - a conclusion about the 27. 2 The author mentions this in the first paragraph, where he talks
unknown - ‘contributors’, based on the known - ‘that Wikipedia’ about how it opposed Victorian architecture which
is the biggest encyclopedia. emphasized on ornamentation. This makes choice 2 correct.

11. 1 All four statements are expressions conveying opinions 28. 1 The author mentions this in the fourth paragraph, and talks
making option 1 correct. about how the Modernists were going to create simpler
designs which would be cheap and therefore be suitable for
12. 4 Statement 1 is clearly a fact. Statement 2 is an opinion and the working classes. This makes choice 1 correct.
Statements 3 & 4 are facts which can be verified.
29. 4 The author mentions this in the fourth paragraph – “modernist
13. 1 C is the obvious opener. It introduces the subject matter and architects in the early twentieth century acted as much out of
the works of Paulo Freire. ‘A’ goes on to elaborate the subject, disdain as empathy for the lives of the middle-class people
also, forms a mandatory pair with ‘A’. BD is better after CA meant to crowd into the “machines for living.” This makes
since it seems an expansion of Freire’s methodology. choice 4 correct. ‘Disdain’ - which means considering others
beneath oneself is synonymous with condescension.
14.2 The opener is B, sets the tone of the passage, D goes on to ‘Antipathy’ means ‘aversion’. ‘Empathy’ is closer to acceptance
elaborate the same. ‘The industry’ in D refers to the ‘Scent than benevolence.
business’ in B. C adds further specific information to the topic.
A discusses the advances made by Givaudan in the field,
making BDCA the correct option.

2 555
30. 2 The author mentions this in the seventh paragraph - “Nearly all
our suburbs—tracts of Georgian revivals, Cape Cod 41. 1 P
bungalows, faux adobes—evoke the past rather than the
Modernists’ future,” writes Glazer”, making choice 2 correct. H3 H1

31. 2 The author mentions this in the third paragraph – D H2

“Bioaccumulation of most major toxins insures that those of
us on the top of the food chain will absorb the full brunt of an
overdeveloped industrial ethos”, making choice 2 correct.

32. 1 The author mentions in the sixth paragraph – “….that we in Let the radii of H1, H2 and H3 be R1, R2 and R3 respectively.
the developed North have lost nearly all conception of our Volume (H2 ) 1
daily bread as the staff of life”, making choice 1 correct. =
Volume (H1) 8
33. 1 The author uses this example in the last paragraph, while he
2 3
talks about how strict adherence to orthodox commitments to πR2
3 1 R
a particular diet might go against responsible ecological food ⇒ = ⇒ R2 = 1
2 3 8 2
choices. The purpose of the author is to show the irony of the πR
situation rather than just mock the situation. This makes choice 3 1
1 correct. Consider the triangle OAB.

34. 3 The author mentions this is the second last paragraph, and O
begins the last paragraph praising the anarchists for the way
they treat food and says ”…anarchists just love to eat”. This
makes Choice 3 correct. R3

35. 4 The author makes this comment at the end of the passage – R1 D R1
“Moral orthodoxy, whether in religious or dietary conviction,
shuts down more studied and complex understandings of the
world around us”, which is closest to choice 4.

A 9 0° B
36. 2 The theme of the paragraph is the Egyptian Kings, the Egyptian
people and the concept of immortality. The paragraph R2
emphasizes the fact that the people willingly participated in
immortalizing their King, even though they had no hope of a
berth in the tomb. So choice (2) which specifically refers to OC2 = AO2 – AC2
the people - ‘hoi polloi’ and suggests ‘immortality by proxy’
continues the idea left off in the last line. Choices (1) & (4) 2 R12 3 2
⇒ (R3 + R2)2 = R12 − R22 = R1 − = R1
could come one step later since they are general. Choice (3) 4 4
is vague.
R1 3
⇒ R3 + = R
37. 1 The paragraph refers to the popularity of Grimm’s Fairy Tales 2 2 1
all over the world. It starts from general information regarding
its overall impact and gradually refers to its impact in specific  3 − 1
regions. It ends with the dedication of the Japanese to the ⇒ R3 =   R1
 2 
Grimm’s. So, reference to the United States is the logical
extension to the passage. 3 3
Volume (H3 )  R3   3 − 1 3 3 −5
⇒ =  =   =
38. 1 Choices (2), (3) and (4) represents fear of amphibians, insects Volume (H1)  R1   2  4
and reptiles respectively. But (1) is fear of ‘pain’ – hence the
odd one out.
Alternative Method:
The ratio of radii of H2 & H1 is 1 : 2 and from the figure radius
39. 4 Choices (1), (2) and (3) are tombs whereas Sacellum is a
‘r3’ of H3 is less than r2.
Monument within a church – a small chapel.
So, the ratio of volume of H3 and H1 is less than 1 : 8.
Hence, option (2) is right.
40. 4 Options (1), (2) and (3) are synonymous. They refer to
cheaters and ways of deception. Apparition is the odd word
which means ‘ghost’ or a ‘ghostlike form’. 42. 4 [x + 3 ] < 5
−5 < [x + 3] < 5
If we take x = 2, [x + 3] = 5 and if we take x = –8
[x + 3] = –5.
Therefore all integer value of ‘x’ which are greater than –8
and less than 2 satisfy the given inequality.
Therefore 9 integer values of x satisfy the inequality.

555 3
43. 1
and (1 + b 4 + a5 ) ≥ 3 3 b 4a5 ...(iii)
Multiplying the three inequalities, we get:
X A (1 + a + c3)(1 + b2 + c3)(1 + b4 + a5) ≥ 273 (a.c 3 ) × (b2c 3 ) × (b4a5 )
6 2
 1 3  1
= 273 (abc)6 = 27   = 27  
Q 9 9
∴ Minimum possible value of the product is .
R 3

Let, ∠XRQ be ‘θ’

46. 1 Let, x – 2y + w = 3k ...(i)
∴ ∠XAQ = 180 – θ [XAQR is a cyclic quadrilateral]
Therefore y + 2z – 2x = 2k ...(ii)
∴ ∠PAQ = 180° – ∠XAQ = 180° – (180° – θ) = θ
and z – w + y = k …(iii)
∴ ∆XPR ~ ∆QPA
Adding (i), (ii) and (iii) we get 3z – x = 6k
XP PR RX (i) – 2(ii) + 2(iii) = 5x – 2y – 2z – w = 3k – 4k + 2k = k
⇒ = = Required Ratio
=(5x – 2y – 2z – w): (3z – x) = k: 6k = 1:6.
= ⇒ =
47. 3 Name Akhil Bunty Chameli Disha Eku
Let AP = x
No. of phases 4 5 x 8 8
⇒ x 2 + 2x − 48 = 0
⇒ (x − 6)(x + 8) = 0 Age (in yrs) 36 18 9 72 24
∴ AP = 6 units
 XP  Since Disha is the eldest, she would do least work per phase.
⇒ RX = AQ   = 4 5 units
 QP  Let us assume that the work done per phase by Disha = 1.
2 2 Then, work done per phase by
Ratio of areas of ∆XPR to ∆QPA = 
XP  8 4
 =4 = 1 Akhil = 2
 QP    Bunty = 4
∆ XPR 9XAQR + ∆ APQ 4 Chameli = 8
= = Eku = 3
∆ APQ ∆ APQ 1
Total work done by all
[3 Area of ∆XPR = 9XAQR + ∆QPA] = 4 × 2 + 5 × 4 + 8x + 8 × 1 + 8 × 3 = 60 + 8x
Chameli did 40% of the work.
∴ 9 XAQR =
3 ⇒ Others did 60% of the work
4 ⇒ 60% of the work = 60
⇒ 40% of the work = 40 = 8x
Now, we can observe that XR2 + XP2 = PR2 ⇒ x=5
\ DXPR is a right angled triangle. Hence, Chameli worked on 5 phases of the project.

1 1 For questions 48 and 49:

∴ ∆XPR = (RX )( XP ) = × 4 5 × 8 = 16 5 sq. units Let the distance between point Q and point P be ‘x’ m.
2 2
Let the speed of A, B and the river be a, b and r respectively.
⇒ XAQR = × 16 5 = 12 5 sq. units x 20
4 Therefore, = ... (i)
(a + r) (b –r)
44. 4 Obviously all prime numbers till 20 can be elements of ‘N’. ‘1’
can also occur along with those prime numbers. There are 8 Also, (x +60) = 40 ...(ii)
(a + r) (b + r)
prime numbers till 20. Even if we add ‘4’, ‘6’ and ‘9’ in this list,
that will not violate any condition. So there can be a maximum Dividing equation (i) by (ii) we get:
of 12 elements in ‘N’. They are 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 11, 13, 17 2x (b + r)
and 19. = ...(iii)
(x + 60) (b – r)
Given that b = 5r
45. 2 As a, b and c all are positive numbers, we can apply AM ≥ GM
property. 2x
Therefore, = 1.5 ⇒ x = 180 m
(x + 60)
1+ a + c3 3
So, ≥ 1× a × c3 Distance between points Q and R = 180 + 20 = 200 m.
(a + r)
Putting value of x = 180 in (i) we get: = 9.
⇒ (1 + a + c 3 ) ≥ 3 3 a.c 3 ...(i) (b – r)
Similarly, (1 + b2 + c 3 ) ≥ 3 3 b2c 3 ...(ii) a+r
⇒ =9
⇒ a = 35r = 7b

4 555
48. 2 Ratio of speeds of A and B = 7 : 1
x 2
In ∆RNP : tan θ = = 3 − 1 ⇒ tan θ =
49. 4 When B turned back, at that instant A was ‘y’ m from point P. H 3 +1
Distance traveled by A = 180 – y.
 2 
θ = tan−1  
Distance traveled by B = (180–y)  (a + r)   3 + 1
Since (b – r) = 9 
9  
Now they meet at the point R 53. 1 Perfect square less than 200 are 1, 4, 9………196.
Perfect cubes less than 200 are 1, 8, 27, 64 and 125.
( y + 20)
Time taken by A to reach the point R, from this instant = So, ‘P’ will contain the following 21 elements:
(a + r)
I. (1 × 1), (4 × 1), (9 × 1)………(196 × 1) ⇒ 14 elements
Time taken by B to reach the point R, from the point where he II. (1 × 8), (4 × 8), (9 × 8) and (16 × 8) ⇒ 4 elements
turned back = (180 – y) . III. (1 × 27) and (4 × 27) ⇒ 2 elements
(9b + 9r) IV. (1 × 125) ⇒ 1 element

(y + 20) (180 – y) In order to have exactly 12 factors, a number has to be

Therefore = .
(a + r) (9b + 9r) expressed in the form of a2 × b3, where ‘a’ and ‘b’ are prime
numbers. Out of the above, only 2 elements can be expressed
( y + 20) (a + r) 2 in the form of a2 x b3, where ‘a’ and ‘b’ are prime numbers.
Or, = =
(180 – y ) (9b + 9r) 3 They are (9 × 8) and (4 × 27).
Therefore y = 60 m.
So, the required probability is .
50. 4 There are two ways of writing 50 as a sum of two perfect 21
squares, namely 52 + 52 and 72 + 12. So there are 12 integral
solutions of the equation x2 + y2 = 50.
54. 2 2x + 5y + 3z = 4 ...(i)
x = ±5, y = ±5 ⇒ 4 solutions. 4x + 3y = −1 ...(ii)
x = ±1, y = ±7 ⇒ 4 solutions. 2y + 5z = 19 ...(iii)
x = ± 7, y = ±1 ⇒ 4 solutions. 5(ii) − 3(i) : 14x − 9z = −17 ...(iv)
5(iii) − 2(i) : 19z − 4x = 87 ...(v)
51. 3 LCM = 3 × 11 × 41 × 43. The two numbers are four-digit
numbers. Thus following cases arise: Solving (iv) and (v) we get that z = 5 and x = 2
Putting the value of x = 2 in (ii) we get that y = –3
HCF 1st Number 2nd Number Difference Therefore x + y + z = 2 – 3 + 5 = 4.
33 33 × 41 33 × 43 66
55. 4 Since the circle is divided into 12 equal parts, each part will
41 41 × 33 41 × 43 410 subtend the same angle at the center.
43 43 × 33 43 × 41 344
The angle subtended by any part = = 30°
Hence option (3) can never be possible. 12
Angle subtended by A12A8 at the center = 4 × 30° = 120°
52. 2 R T ∴ ∠A12A4A8 = = 60°
6 0°
Angle subtended by A3A4 at the center = 30°
θ 30°
P ∴ ∠A3A8A4 = = 15°
N 2
In ∆A3A8A4,∠A3QA4=∠A3A8A4 + ∠A12A4A8=15° +60°= 75°
Hm Angle subtended by A12A9 at the center = 90°
4 5° 90°
∴ ∠A12A4A9 = = 45°
S Q 2

Let PQ be the building and RS be the unbroken part of the tree. 90°
Let the angle of elevation of the broken point of the tree from Similarly ∠A1A9A4 = = 45°
the top most point of the building be ' θ ' . In ∆A1A9A4, A1PA4 = ∠A12A4A9 + ∠A1A9A4
Let PQ = H m and RN = x m = 45° + 45° = 90°
Since ∠PSQ = 45°, SQ = H m Required Ratio = 90° : 75° = 6 : 5

∠RQS = ∠QRT = 60° 56. 4 Assume PQR is greater than RQP, then P is greater than R.
After checking units digit of both the numbers, we get that
RS x + H
= = tan60° = 3 (6 + R – P) = P. Therefore R is an even number. So it can be
SQ H either 2 or 4. If R is 2 then P is 4 and the difference will be in
x three digits, which is not possible. So, R is 4 and P is 5. Now,
⇒ = 3 −1 6 + Q –1 – Q = P therefore Q can take, any value from either
0, 1, 2 or 3. So the value of ‘P + Q + R’ cannot be determined.

555 5
Time taken from the instant pipe B is opened till the tank is
3 7 25 
57. 1 x 2 − 2(p − 1)x +  p2 + p − >0 (3x5x4x3) 45
4 3 2  completely filled = = hrs.
4(12 + 15 − 20) 7
3 7 25 
⇒ x 2 − 2(p − 1)x + (p − 1)2 +  p2 + p − − (p − 1)2 > 0 Total time taken to completely fill the tank
4 3 2 
45 80 3
2  1 13 27  = 2+3+ = = 11 hrs
⇒ [x − (p − 1)] +  − p2 + p− >0
2 
7 7 7
 4 3
62. 3 Three balls can be selected from the 13 balls in 13 C3 ways.
[x − (p − 1)]2 is always positive for any real values of x and p. These 3 balls can be put into three boxes in 3! ways.
Now the remaining 10 balls can be put into these 3 boxes in
 1 13 27  −3p2 + 52p − 162 310 ways.
Now  − p2 + p − =
 4 3 2  12 Therefore total number of ways in which 13 balls can be put
into three different boxes such that each box contains at
−3p2 + 52p − 162
The least integral value of p for which is least 1 ball = 13 C3 ×310 × 3!
greater than zero is 5.
63. 3 Let the other root be β. As α is one of the roots,
58. 2 Water initially in the glass = 100 ml
In each sip, quantity of liquid inside the glass is reducing by 2(α )2 − (1 + α )α + 2(1 − α ) = 0
10 ml. Hence, total number of times the drunkard sipped it = 9.
or α2 − 3α + 2 = 0
Net quantity sipped = 9 × 20 = 180 ml.
Out of 180 ml, 100 ml was water. Thus, 80 ml of alcohol was ⇒ α = 2 or 1
sipped. Now,

59. 4 Water in the glass after first sip = 80 ml 1+ α

α+β =
In the glass, 10 ml of alcohol was added. Thus, water and 2
alcohol should be in the ratio 80 : 10, even when the sip of 20
1 − α −1
ml is taken. ⇒β= = or 0.
2 2
8 7
⇒ Water in the glass after second sip = 100 × × ml
10 9 ⇒ (α + β) is either or 1.
Similarly, water in the glass after 4th sip 2
Maximum possible value of the sum of roots = 1.5
8 7 6 5
= 100 × × × × = 33.33 ml
10 9 8 7 64. 4 Since the height of the cone P is a positive integer and the
Net quantity in the glass after 4th sip was taken and 10 ml surface area is maximum, therefore the height of cone P is 5
alcohol was added = 100 – 4 × 10 = 60 ml units and radius is equal to 4 units.
Remaining (60 – 33.33) = 26.66 ml must be alcohol. Surface area of the cone Q
Ratio after the 4th sip = 26.66 : 33.33 = 4 : 5
= p ´ 42 + p ´ 4 ´ 42 + 62 = 16 p + 4 p 52
60. 2 f(x) =x3 + ax2 + 3x + 11 Surface area of the cone P
and g(x) = x3 – x2 + ax + 10
The points of intersections of the two curves are the roots of = π × 42 + π × 4 × 42 + 52 = π(16 + 4 41)
the equation f(x) – g(x) = 0. Surface area of the part of the cone Q which is left out
i.e. (x3 + ax2 + 3x + 11) – (x3 – x2 + ax + 10) = 0
or (a + 1)x2 + (3 – a)x + 1 = 0 ...(i) = 4π( 52 + 41)
If the two curves do not intersect each other then the
determinant of equation (i) must be negative. π(16 + 4 41) 4 + 41 4 + 41
Required Ratio = = =
⇒ ∆ = (3 – a)2
– 4 × 1 × (a + 1) < 0 4π( 52 + 41) 52 + 41 2 13 + 41
or a2 – 10a + 5 < 0
65. 2 5x = 120 + y
⇒ 5−2 5 <a<5+2 5
or 0.54 < a < 9.46 y
Or, x = 24 +
⇒ integer values are a = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 5
∴ For 9 integral values of ‘a’, the curves do not intersect For ‘x’ to be an integer ‘y’ must be a multiple of 5.
each other. Since the values that ‘x’ assumes have opposite signs as
compared to the corresponding values of ‘y’, ‘y’ will have to
61. 1 Initially Pipe A is opened: be negative.
Time taken till the tank is half filled with water = 2 hrs.
Then Pipe A and C both are open: So all multiples of 5 from – 5 to –115 (both inclusive)
Time taken from the instant pipe C is opened till pipe B is will give positive integral values of ‘x’
Therefore number of integral solutions = 23.
opened = = 3 hrs.
4(4 − 3)
Pipe A, B and C are open:

6 555
66. 3 Let ‘x’ be the cost price of the article. Half of the class = 100 students
⇒ a + b + c = 100 and d = f + 10
 p  p 
Here x – x  1 −   1 + 100  = 21 Here,
 100   
a + d + e + g = 80
b + d + f + g = 75
⇒ x× = 21 ... (i) c + e + f + g = 60
1002 Adding all of the equations,
⇒ (a + b + c) + 2(d + e + f) + 3g = 215
 p2 
Also (x – 21)  1 − = 2058 ⇒ 100 + 2(d + e + f) + 3g = 215
 1002 
  Let (d + e + f) = S
⇒ 2S + 3g = 115, where S is greater than or equal to 10.
p2 p2
⇒ ( x – 21) – x × 2
+ 21× = 2058 (because d = f + 10).
100 1002
68. 1 Students who enrolled for at least one of the three activities
⇒ x − 21 − 21 + = 2058 = (a + b + c) + (d + e + f) + g
100 = 100 + S + g
Thus, we have to minimise the above value.
p2 If 2S + 3g = 115,
⇒ x + 21× = 2100 ...(ii)
1002 2S + 2g = 115 –g
Solving (i) and (ii) we get that 'p' ≈ 10 115 – g
⇒ (S + g) =
55 45 35 5 5 15 55 115 – g
67. 3 Let S = + + + ........ + - - - ...... - ⇒ 100 + (S+g) = 100 +
2 4 8 64 128 256 4096 2
S 55 45 15 5 5 45 55 To minimise 100 + (S+g), we have to maximise ‘g’ so that the
\ = + + ...... + + - ........ - - expression in the right hand side is minimum.
2 4 8 64 128 256 4096 8192
Subtracting (ii) from (i), we get
2S + 3g = 115 and S ≥ 10
S 55 10 10 10 10 10 10 55 ⇒ maximum value of g = 31, when S would be equal to 11.
= - - ....... - - - ....... – +
2 2 4 8 64 128 256 4096 8192 Therefore, minimum value = 100 + 31 + 11 = 142
S é 55 55 ù é1 1 1 ù
= + – 10 ê + + ...... 69. 2 Students enrolled for exactly 2 activities = S.
2 êë 2 8192 úû ë4 8 4096 úû If 2S + 3g = 115, maximum value of S would be 56, when
g = 1.
é1 æ 1 öù
S 55 ´ 4097 ê 4 ´ èç1 - 11 ø÷ ú 70. 3 x2 – 2x = 0
Þ = – 10 ê 2 ú
2 8192 ê æ1 - 1 ö ú ⇒ x(x − 2) = 0
êë èç 2 ø÷ ûú
∴ x = 0 and x = 2
Checking with the options:
S 55 ´ 4097 10 ´ 2047
Þ = - Option (3): y = –(|x–1|–1)
2 8192 4096 If we put x = 0, we get y = –(|0 – 1|–1) = 0
If we put x = 2, we get y = –(|2 – 1| –1) = 0
S 184395
= ∴ y = –(|x –1|–1) has identical roots as that of the equation
2 8192
x2 – 2x = 0.
\S = » 45
4096 71. 1

For questions 68 and 69: A

S w im m ing S katin g
(8 0) (7 5)
a d b

e f

Let, the radius of the smaller circle with center at P be r.

∴ OP2 = (R – PS)2 = (R – r)2
⇒ OM2 + MP2 = OP2
⇒ OM2 = (R – r)2 – r2
D a ncin g
Let the side of the square OCDE be ‘a’ units
(6 0)
⇒ R2 = OD2 = a2 + a2 ⇒ a =

555 7
72. 3 In all possible sets, two numbers are prime.
⇒ OM = OE + PQ = +r
2 73. 1 5 sets
 R  74. 3 Since, 9xy + 18(xy 2 + y) + 27(x 2 y 2 + 1) = 19y 2
⇒ (R – r)2 – r2 = OM2 =  +r
 2 
9x 18(xy 2 + y) 27(x 2 y 2 + 1)
R2 ⇒ + + = 19
⇒ R2 – 2Rr = + 2Rr + r 2 y y2 y2
9x  1  1 
⇒ 2r2 + 2r ( 2R + 2R ) – R2 = 0 ⇒
+ 18  x +  + 27  x 2 +
 y 
 y
 = 19

 
2 ( 2 + 1)R +  8 ( 2 + 1) + 8  R
−2  1  1  1  19

 ⇒ ( x )   + 2  x +  + 3  x2 + =
⇒ r=  
y  y   y 2  9
4 

R 
⇒ r= 2 2
4 
(4 + 2 2 ) −2 2 ( )
2 +1 
 1
 1  1  19
⇒ 3  x +  + 2  x +  − 5 (x )  = ...(i)
 y   y  y 9
R 
∴ r= 2 2 + 4 – 2 − 1 1
2   To minimise the value of x + we need to maximise the value
= 0.14 R
of .
For questions 72 and 73:
Highest two digit prime number is 97. So the maximum possible sum of x
these four number is 97 – 36 = 61. The other possible sums are Applying A.M. ≥ G.M. , maximum possible value of is
89 – 36 = 53 and 83 – 36 = 47.
The minimum number we can have is 10 and maximum cannot be more 1 1
than 28 .Why? x + 
4 y
61 – (28 + 10) = 23 = (11 + 12). If we have the maximum number
greater than 28 then we cannot get the other two middle numbers as x
distinct numbers greater than 10. Putting this maximum value of in equation (i), we get
Also, minimum cannot be more than 14. Why?
Suppose we start with 15 and take 4 consecutive integers {15, 16, 2
7 1  1  19
17, 18}. The sum will be more than 61, which is not possible.  x +  + 2 x +  =
Starting with 10 and 28 as extreme numbers, we have one combination 4 y  y 9
{10, 11, 12, 28} which leads to a sum of 61. But this combination
violates the second condition that sum taken two at a time should yield 1
Let, x + =a
a prime number in three occasions. y
Next we try with 10 and 27 as extreme numbers. We get the following
combination. 7 2 19
⇒ a + 2a − =0
{10, x, y, 27} 4 9
Now, (61 – 37) = 24
24 we can get in (11, 13) which satisfies the condition for sum taken ⇒ 63a2 + 72a − 76 = 0
two at a time and three at a time.
Hence, one solution is {10, 11, 13, 27}. ⇒ 63a2 + 114a − 42a − 76 = 0
Basically, we have to take care of the number to be added to the sum ⇒ (3a − 2)(21a + 38) = 0
of extreme numbers so as to get a prime.
Next we see that the 2nd condition is valid only for {10, x, y, 21}. Here  1 2
We get  x +  = , which is the minimum possible value of
61 – 31 = 30
 y 3
10,12,16 cannot be middle numbers in this case. So we can have only
(11, 19) and (13, 17) as the middle numbers if the extreme numbers  1
are 10 and 21 leading to two different cases.  x + .
Next we can see that other possible combinations of extreme numbers  y
are 11 and 21. Thus we get the following combination:
1 1 1 2 1
{11, a, b, 21} ∴ Minimum possible value of x +  = × =
Here, (61 – 32) = 29. Here 11, 15, 21 cannot be middle numbers. So, 4 y 4 3 6
we can have only (12, 17) and (13, 16) as middle numbers in this
We have 6 solutions. Hence option (3) and (1) are the correct choices
for Q.72 and Q.73 respectively.
We can go on to prove that for minimum greater than 11 we cannot
have a valid set.
The total 6 sets being {10, 11, 19, 21}, {10, 11, 13, 27}, {10, 13, 17, 21},
{11, 12, 17, 21}, {11, 13, 16, 21} {11, 12, 13, 25}.

8 555
z: [4] = 1 choice
75. 3 R ∴ Total number of such multiples = 2 × 2 × 2 × 8 = 64.

D E G 77. 4 Let the cost of 1 apple be ‘a’, cost of 1 mango be ‘m’ and the
Q cost of 1 orange be ‘o’
Therefore, (2a + 3m + 4o) – (a + 2m + 2o) = 6 ...(i)
And (3a + 3m + 5o) – (a + 2m + o) = 8 ...(ii)
S 2 x (ii) – (i): 3a + m + 6o = 10.
To make a profit of 5 % one should sell 3 apples, 1 mango and
F P 6 oranges at Rs. 1.05 × 10 = Rs. 10.5
Percent discount = × 100 = 12.5%
Let QR intersect DC at E and SP intersect DA at F. Also let PQ 12
extended meet DC at G.
Area of pentagon DEQPF = [ ∆AGD − ∆APF − ∆QGE] 78. 2 There is 1 equilateral triangle initially. Whenever we pick any
triangle and cut out one equilateral triangle, we are getting 4
In ∆AGD, AD = 2 cm. equilateral triangles as a result. Thus, each such cutting
2 4 increases our count from 1 to 4, that means an increment of 3.
Therefore, DG = cm and AG = cm Therefore, the number of triangular metal sheets at any moment
3 3 during the process has to be of the form (1 + 3n), where ‘n’ is
1 2 2 any integer.
Area of ∆AGD = ×2× = cm Here, only option (2) is not of that form and is our answer.
2 3 3
Drop a perpendicular PN from P to AB. Let AN = x cm. 79. 2 Here, A B A
1 × 2 3 1
Then AP = 2x cm and PN = 3x cm ⇒ x = cm
8 A B A
1 A B A ×
Obviously PF = cm
4 3 A B A ×
A B A ×
1 1 1 1
Area of ∆APF = × × = cm2 A B A × ×
2 4 4 3 32 3
A B A × ×
4  1
In ∆QGE, QG = AG − AP − PQ = − 2 1 +  For, the digit at the tens place of the product,
3  8
B + 3A = Base + A or 2A + B = Base ...(i) [In case of
16 − 9 3 carry over 2, hundred digit ‘4’ is not possible]
= cm
4 3 For the digit at the hundreds place of the product, 3A + 3B,
= Base + Base + 4 + 1(carry over from the tens place)

∴ EQ =
3 × 16 − 9 3 ) = 16 − 9 3
⇒ 2B + A + 1 = Base + 4
from (i) and (ii) we get

4 3 4 2B + A + 1 = 2A + B + 4
2 ⇒ B=A+3
1  16 − 9 3  For thousands place of the product: 2(carry over from the
Area of ∆QGE = × 3 ×  
2  4  hundreds place) + 3A + 2B = Base + Base + A
2 + 3A + 2B = 2 (2A + B ) + A
 2   1  3  16 − 9 3 
∆AGD − ∆APF − ∆QGE =  − −   ⇒ A =1
 3   32 3  2  4 
⇒ B = A + 3 = 1+ 3 = 4
864 3 − 1434  717  2 Hence, Base = 2A + B = 2 × 1 + 4 = 6
= =  27 −  cm = 1.15 cm [In case of other bases 5, 7, 8 or 9, this product is not possible]
32 3  16 3 

76. 2 A = 10 × w 9 × x 7 × y 3

= 2 × 5 × w 9 × x7 × y3 s

B = 50 × w × x13 × z 4

C = A × B = 22 × 53 × w10 × x 20 × y 3 × z 4
Since we need to find the common multiples of A and B such
that they are factors of C, so the choices for the different
powers of 2, 5, w, x, y and z available are as follows
Powers of 2: [1 or 2] = 2 choices
5: [2 or 3] = 2 choices
w: [9 or 10] = 2 choices
x: [13, 14, ...20] = 8 choices
y: [3] = 1 choice

555 9
82. 4 Number of bottles of Z left unsold at the end of January = 60.
A Maximum possible number of days on which 5 bottles of Z
80. 4
were manufactured in January is 30, when the numbers of
days on which 3 bottles of Z were sold = 30.
That means, (106 – 60) = 46 bottles out of the total bottles of
Z, which were manufactured in February were left unsold.
Since we have to maximize the number of days on which 5
D bottles of Z were manufactured, we will maximize the number
of days on which 3 bottles of Z were sold.
G So maximum possible number of days on which 3 bottles of Z
were sold = 30.

B C Therefore number of bottles of Z that were manufactured in

February = 46 + 3(30) = 136.
Let the number of days on which 5 and 4 bottles of Z were
2 3 manufactured be ‘a’ and ‘b’ respectively.
In-radius of the ∆ABC = = 1 cm Therefore the number of days on which 2 bottles of Z were
2 3
manufactured = (30 – a – b).
2 3 136 = 5a + 4b + 2(30 – a – b) or 3a + 2b = 76.
Circumradius of the ∆ABC = = 2 cm Maximum possible value of a is 24 when b = 2.
Therefore maximum possible number of days on which 5
Join CG and extend it to intersect the side AB at D. bottles of Z were manufactured = 24.
1 1 3 3 3 In the month of March, (166 – 106) = 60 bottles of Z out of the
Area of ∆ADC = ∆ABC = × × (2 3)2 cm2 = cm2 bottles of Z manufactured in the month of March were left
2 2 4 2
AP = 1 cm ∴ PD = ( 3 − 1) cm So, maximum possible number of days on which 5 bottles of
Z were manufactured in the month of March = 30, when 3
CR = 2 cm ∴ AR = 2( 3 − 1) cm bottles of Z were sold on each of the 30 days in March.
Therefore, maximum possible number of days on which 5
1 3( 3 − 1) bottles of Z were manufactured across all the three months =
∴ Area of ∆APR = × AP × AR × sin60° = cm2
2 2 30 + 24 + 30 = 84.

1 83. 1 Total number of bottles of X manufactured in all the three

∴ Area of ∆CRG = × CR × CG × sin30° = 1 cm2
2 months = 144 + Total number of bottles of X sold in all the three
1 ( 3 − 1) 2 Let the number of days on which 5 and 4 bottles of X were
∴ Area of ∆PDG = × PD × DG = cm
2 2 manufactured in all the three months be p and q respectively.
Or, 5p + 4q + 2(90 – p – q) = 144 + 90 (to maximise the number
of bottles of X sold in all the three months)
∴ Area of ∆PRG = Area of [ ∆ADC − ∆APR − ∆CRG − ∆PDG]
3p + 2q = 54.
Minimum value of p will be 0, when the value of q is 27.
3 3  3( 3 − 1) ( 3 − 1)  3 3 − 4 2
= − + 1+  =   cm
2  2 2   2  Therefore minimum possible number of days on which 5 bottles
of X were sold in all the three months = 0.
81. 3 Number of bottles of Z left unsold at the end of January = 60.
If maximum possible number of bottles were manufactured, 84. 3 Ratio of number of days on which 2, 4 and 5 bottles of Y were
then maximum possible number of bottles should be sold. That manufactured in the month of February is 1:2:3, therefore the
means that on each of the 30 days in the month of January, 5 number of days on which 2, 4 and 5 bottles of Y were
bottles were manufactured and 3 bottles were sold. That manufactured is 5, 10 and 15 respectively.
means 5 units of ‘Y’ can not be manufactured and 3 units of Y Number of bottles of Y manufactured in the month of February
can bot be sold on any day of January. = 2(5) + 4(10) + 5(15) = 10 + 40 + 75 = 125.
Let the number of days on which 1, 2 and 3 bottles of Y were
In the month of January, let, the number of days on which 4 sold in the month of February be d, e and f respectively.
bottles of Y were manufactured be x, therefore the number Therefore, 125 – d – 2(30 – d – f) – 3f = 110 – 53
of days on which 2 bottles of Y were manufactured = 30 – x. Or, f – d = 8
Let the number of days on which 1 bottle of Y was sold be ‘y’, Or, f = 8 + d.
therefore the number of days on which 2 bottles of Y were Therefore on at least 8 days 3 bottles of Y were sold. So,
sold is (30 – y). Obviously ‘x’ and ‘y’ are integers less than or minimum value of ‘f’ is 8, and in that case d = 0.
equal to 30. Number of days on which 2 bottles of Y were sold in February
= 30 – 8 = 22.
53 = 4x + 2(30 – x) – y – 2(30 – y) = 2x + y. Maximum possible
value of y = 29, because if y = 30 then the value of x is not an

53 − 29
Minimum possible value of x = = 12 .

10 555
85. 2 To maximize the difference between the number of days on For questions 88 and 89:
which 2 bottles of Y were manufactured in January and The possible anniversary dates of F can be 24th October or 24th
March we need to maximize the number of days on which 2 December or 12th October or 12th December.
bottles of Y were manufactured in January and minimize the Among these only 24th October and 24th December gives the maximum
number of days on which 2 bottles of Y were manufactured value, in other cases sum is not maximum.
in March. But 24th December = 24 + 12 = 36 is a perfect square.
So F’s anniversary is on 24th October.
January: Let the number of days on which 2 and 4 bottles of As B has his anniversary date on 24th so F is the wife of B.
Y were manufactured be ‘g’ and ‘h’ respectively. So, the
number of days on which 5 bottles of Y were manufactured 88. 1 B is the husband of F.
= (30 – g – h).
2g + 4h + 5(30 – g – h) = 53 + number of bottles of Y sold in 89. 3 G’s marriage anniversary is on 12th December.
Or, 3g + h = 97 – number of bottles of Y sold in January. 90. 3 N beats W and never meets L. That means N looses in the
In order to maximize the value of ‘g’ we need to minimize the second round. P wins two more matches than N. That means
number of bottles of Y sold in January. Minimum number of P wins in the third round and looses the final. So P is the
bottles of Y sold in January will be when 1 bottle of Y is sold runner-up of the tournament.
on all 30 days.
Or, 3g + h = 67. 91. 4 P played in the final, that means he has won at least 3 matches.
Maximum possible value of g will be 22, when the value of h So N has won at least one match. T is from group A and plays
= 1. the final match. So he represented group A in the third round.
March: Number of bottles unsold at the end of February Therefore T, V and X are from group A. Both T and V won
= 110. their first round matches in group A, so N can not play with
Number of bottles unsold at the end of March = 140. them. Z wins at least one match so he cannot play with N in
Total number of bottles of Y manufactured in March the first round. P plays final so he also cannot play with N in
= 140 – 110 + Number of bottles of Y sold in March. the first round. J, M and S also cannot play with N from given
Minimum value of days on which 2 bottles of Y manufactured conditions (1) and (7). If J, M, N and S are in the same group
can be zero. then N and S must win their first round matches and meet in
One such case is when 4 bottles of Y were manufactured on the second round, which is not possible. So N may have
all days in March and 3 bottles of Y were sold on all days in beaten any one among K, L, Q, R, U, W and Y in the first
March. round.
Therefore, maximum possible difference between the days
on which 2 bottles of Y were sold in January and March is 92. 1 Please note that ‘N’ appears in every option. Assume N reaches
(22 – 0) = 22. the third round, and then he plays with L. So P can not play his
third round match with N. So option (3) is ruled out. Therefore
For questions 86 to 89: P, N and S are in the same group. By checking options, we
From statement 1, E’s anniversary date can be 14th or 24th and that of observe the following:
H can be 7th or 12th in that order. If P plays the first round match with S, then he plays second
From statement 2, the anniversary date of D can be 7th May or 12th round with N.
December and correspondingly C’s anniversary date can be 12th or Thus S and N should be the first two opponents. Only option
24th. (1) holds true.
From statement 3, the anniversary date of A-E can be 24th May or
14th May or 14th March. 93. 4 N wins round 2 Match against W that means N reaches third
From above conclusions and statement 4, we can conclude that A’s round, then he plays with L, who is from group D. So N is from
marriage anniversary is on 14th March and D’s marriage anniversary group C and other players of groups C are S, W and Q. So Q
is on 7th May. cannot be in the group B. Therefore option (2) is ruled out.
Now C’s anniversary date comes out to be 12th. For both D and H, the Assume L, U, J and M are from group D and R, T, V and X are
marriage anniversary date comes out to be 7th May. So, they must from group A, then K, P, Y and Z are in group B, which is
form a couple. possible. Assume P, T, U and R are from group A and L, R, K
and Y from group D, then J, M, V and X are in group B, which
Husband A B C D is also possible. Hence option (4) is the answer.
Wife E F/G G/F H 94. 4 If P is either from group A or B then P definitely plays round 3
Anniversary date 14 24 12 7 match 1. This is because even if N fails to win any match, P
must win at least 2 matches (refer statement 6).
Month March Oct/Dec Dec/Oct May If P is either from group C or D, then we cannot definitely
comment about round 3 match 1 players.
86. 1 24th March cannot be the anniversary date for any of the
given couples.

87. 2 Only option (2) is a possible combination.

555 11
For questions 95 to 98:

1. The number of days for which Tata Steel’s share witnessed an increase was one more than the number of days on which it witnessed
a decrease. Therefore in 5 consecutive days, there were 3 increments and 2 decrements. But if the price would have been higher than
527.5 on 3rd February, then there would have been 3 consecutive increments and 2 consecutive decrements. Therefore, the share
price on 3rd February was lower than the price on 2nd February and even lower than Rs. 527.

2. Also, since the price of Modi steel increased on 4 days and decreased on 1 day, therefore the share price would have increased on
1st February because there is already a decrease from 4th to 5th February.

Based on 1 and 2 above, the following is the offer price of the companies from 1st February to 6th February.

Offe r pr ice of the Com panie s

Nam e of the
Sl.No Indus tr y Gr oup 6th Fe br uar y 2007
Com pany 1/2/07 2/2/07 3/2/07 4/2/07 5/2/07

1 Tata Steel Steel Tata 594 595 596 594 595 593
2 JK Steel Steel JK 592 590 588 589 590 591
3 Essar Steel Steel Essar 591 592 593 594 595 596
4 Modi Steel Steel Modi 596 597 598 599 600 598
5 Nippon Steel Steel Nippon 598 596 597 598 599 597

Based on the above table, all the questions can be answered.

95. 2 Modi Steel had the highest offer price of Rs.598 as on February 6th.

96. 1 Tata Steel, JK Steel and Nippon Steel each had a price difference of Rs. 1 per share on 6th February as compared to 1st February.

97. 3 As on 5th February, the highest price offers were from Modi Steel and Nippon Steel and therefore these two companies dropped out.
That means the next highest bid was Rs. 595 which indicates a tie between Essar Steel and Tata Steel.

98. 1 As on 4th February, only two companies had an offer price that is higher than Rs.595, which happened to be Modi Steel and Nippon
Steel. Therefore the remaining 3 companies were not eligible for further participation.

For questions 99 and 100: For questions 101 and 105:

For A, B, C, D and E respectively, 101. 4 Pass percentage of the whole batch

ratio of gross salary = 4 : 8 : 10 : 3 : 5
63 + 70 + 38 + 54 + 61
ratio of tax paid = 4 : 16 : 17 : 3 : 10 = × 100
ratio of net salary = 36 : 64 : 83 : 27 : 40 90 + 90 + 60 + 90 + 90

Since (gross salary – tax) = net salary, we can form the following 5 = × 100 = 68.1%
equations: 420
4x – 4y = 36z
8x – 16y = 64z 102. 4 Maximum number of additional students passed from ECE is
10x – 17y = 83z less than 70% of 12 ≈ 8
3x – 3y = 27z Maximum number of additional students passed from CSE is
5x – 10y = 40z less than 70% of 10 = 6
Maximum number of additional students passed from IT is less
Solving them, x : y : z = 10 : 1 : 1 than 70% of 14 ≈ 9
Maximum number of additional students passed from ME is
99. 1 A’s tax = 4y = 2000 less than 70% of 20 ≈ 13
⇒ y = 500 Maximum number of additional students passed from EE is
less than 70% of 14 ≈ 9
⇒ x = 5000
⇒ gross salary of E = 5x = Rs. 25,000 Passed students in ECE = 63 + 8 = 71
Passed students in CSE = 70 + 6 = 76
100. 2 Tax paid by B = 16y Passed students in IT = 38 + 9 = 47
Net salary of D = 27z Passed students in ME = 54 + 13 = 67
⇒ ratio = 16y : 27z = 16:27 Passed students in EE = 61 + 9 = 70

Ratio of passed students to failed students for ECE = 71 : 19

Ratio of passed students to failed students for CSE = 76 : 12
Ratio of passed students to failed students for IT = 47 : 12
Ratio of passed students to failed students for ME = 67 : 17
Ratio of passed students to failed students for EE = 70 : 19

12 555
Clearly ratio is the maximum for CSE in this case. But if we 108. 3 At least 5 throws are required in order to make the distance
assume that no additional student passed from CSE, then the between the two brothers ‘zero’.
ratio is maximum for ME department. Initial distance between the two brothers = 14 steps.
So correct answer is option (4).
I. The number that appeared on the top face of the dice
103. 2 Failed students in ECE = 27 – 6 = 21 when A threw the dice is 6, then the distance between the
Failed students in CSE = 18 – 5 = 13 brothers becomes = 14 – 6 = 8 steps.
Failed students in IT = 21 – 7 = 14 II. The number that appeared on the top face of the dice
Failed students in ME = 30 – 10 = 20 when B threw the dice is 2, then the distance between the
Failed students in EE = 28 – 7 = 21 brothers becomes = 8 + 2 = 10 steps.
III. The number that appeared on the top face of the dice
when A threw the dice is 5, then the distance between the
Failed percentage in ECE = × 100 = 23.3% brothers becomes = 10 + (6 – 5) = 11 steps.
90 IV. The number that appeared on the top face of the dice
when B threw the dice is 1, then the distance between the
Failed percentage in CSE = × 100 = 14.4% brothers becomes = 11 – (6 – 1) = 6 steps.
90 V. The number that appeared on the top face of the dice
14 when A threw the dice is 6, then the distance between the
Failed percentage in IT = × 100 = 23.3% brothers becomes = 6 – 6 = 0.

20 109. 1 This can be achieved in seven throws.

Failed percentage in ME = × 100 = 22.2% If the number appearing on the top face of the dice in the
seven throws is 4, 5, 6, 3, 4, 5 and 6 in that particular order.
21 Distance moved forward after these seven throws = 4 + 5 +
Failed percentage in EE = × 100 = 23.3%
90 6 – 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 = 27 steps.
Minimum percentage of failed students is from CSE.
110. 2 The sequence will be 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. So the answer is
104. 4 Total students who applied for re-evaluation 21 steps.
= 12 + 10 + 14 + 20 + 14 = 70
Number of student who passed after re-evaluation 111. 3 Let the total number of boys in the class be ‘x’, therefore the
= 0.5 × 70 = 35 total number of girls in the class will be equal to (200 – x).
Total number of students who should appear next year Average weight of the students in the class
= failed + absentees
55x + 45 (200 − x )
 x 
= 35 + (2 + 1 + 6 + 1) = 45 = =  + 45
200  20 
105. 4 It is not known how many students will be there next year for Minimum possible average weight of the students in the class
this paper, as then new batch will be appearing for the paper
also. It is not clear whether the new batch strength of ME will  20 
is   + 45 = 46. Therefore there are 20 boys and 180 girls
be 90 or not.  20 
in the class in this case.
Let the number of boys in section A, B, C and D be a, b, c and
106. 2 Maximum possible distance between the two brothers is when
d respectively.
one brother moves maximum possible distance in 4 r o u n d s
Therefore, 70a + 60b + 55c + 40(20 – a – b – c) = 55 × 20
and the other brother moves minimum possible distance in
Or, 6a + 4b + 3c = 60
those 4 rounds.
Maximum value of c is 14 when a = 1 and b = 3.
Maximum possible distance that a brother can move in 4 rounds
is equal to 18 steps. This is possible when the number
Let the number of girls in section A, B, C and D be p, q, r and
appearing on the top face of the dice is 3, 4, 5 and 6 in the
s respectively.
four rounds in that particular order.
Therefore, 50p + 55q + 45r + 40(180 – p – q – r) = 180 × 45
Therefore the distance moved by the brother in first, second,
Or, 10p + 15q + 5r = 180 × 5
third and a fourth round is 3, 4, 5 and 6 steps respectively.
Or, 2p + 3q + r = 180. Maximum value of r is 175 when p = q
Minimum possible distance that a brother can move in 4 rounds
= 1.
from start is equal to 0 steps. This is possible when the
number appearing on the top face of the dice is 4, 2, 4 and 2
Therefore at most there could be 14 + 175 = 189 students in
respectively or 5, 1, 5 and 1 respectively in those four rounds
section C.
in that particular order.
Therefore maximum possible difference between the brothers
112. 2 Since we need to find the maximum possible ratio of the
after 4 rounds = 18 steps.
number of boys to the number of the girls in section D, we
need to maximise the number of boys and minimise the number
107. 3 Maximum possible distance covered by A after 6 consecutive
of girls in section D and hence overall.
throws in which the number appearing on the top face of the
dice are distinct and 6 appears in the third throw is 15 steps.
So, we have to assume that there are 180 boys and 20 girls
This can be achieved if the number appearing on the top face
in the whole class.
of the dice in these 6 consecutive rounds is 1, 2, 6, 3, 4 and 5
Let the number of boys in section A, B, C and D be a, b, c and
in that order.
d respectively.
Therefore the distance covered in these 6 rounds = 1 + 2 + 6
Therefore, 70a + 60b + 55c + 40(180 – a – b – c) = 180 × 55
– 3 + 4 + 5 = 15 steps.
Or, 6a + 4b + 3c = 540.
 2b  c
Or, a = 90 –   –  
 3  2

555 13
Since we need to maximise the value of d, b = 3 and c = 2. After round 2:
For b = 3 and c = 2, the value of a = 90 – 2 – 1 = 87. After round 2, the sum of absolute differences in ranks of friends
Therefore maximum possible value of d = 180 – (87 + 3 + 2) after round 1 and present ranks is 10 and three friends have same
= 180 – 92 = 88. absolute differences in ranks. So the possible combinations of
Let the number of girls in section A, B, C and D be p, q, r and differences can be (2,2,2,4,0), (3,3,3,1,0) or (1,1,1,4,3)
s respectively. There is no possible arrangement of ranks with combinations (2,2,2,4,0)
Therefore, 50p + 55q + 45r + 40(20 – p – q – r) = 20 × 45 and (3,3,3,1,0). With combination (1,1,1,4,3) the possible ranks
Or, 2p + 3q + r = 20. can be as follows:
Maximum possible value of (p + q + r) is when r = 15, p = q
= 1.
Therefore, s = 20 – (15 + 1 + 1) = 3. Rank after Round 2
Rank After
Maximum possible ratio of the number of boys to the number Round 1 Differences (1,1,1,4,3)
of the girls in section D = 88:3 Case I Case II Case III
A 2 1 3 5
113. 2 Let the total number of boys in the class be ‘x’, therefore the
total number of girls in the class will be equal to (200 – x). B 4 3 5 3
Average weight of the students in the class C 5 2 1 1
55x + 45 (200 − x ) x  D 1 5 4 2
= =  + 45
200  20  E 3 4 2 4
The following table gives the possible number of boys and
girls in the class. 114. 2 Possible initial ranks of A can be 1, 2 and 5. So, among the
given numbers, only 1 and 2 are possible.
Boys 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180
Girls 180 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 115. 4 Maximum sum of initial rank of C and rank secured after each
Ratio 1:9 1:4 3:7 2:3 1:1 3:2 7:3 4:1 9:1 of the 2 rounds can be = 4 + 5 + 2 = 11

116. 1 A cannot have 4 as initial rank or rank after any round.

Therefore except for 4:3 and 3:1, every other ratio could be a
possible ratio of the number of boys to the number of girls in 117. 4 Only A, B and D can possibly secure rank 5 after round 2.
the class.
For questions 118 to 120:
For questions 114 to 117: Revenue increased or decreased in each year. However, only the
absolute value of the increase/decrease is given.
After round 1:
A’s rank is higher than B’s rank with both of them having even numbered Year Change in Revenues (in Rs. Lakhs)
rank. 20
1990 to 1991
So A’s rank is 2 and B’s rank is 4.
C, D and E can occupy ranks 1, 3 and 5 not necessarily in that order. 1991 to 1992 30
The difference between the ranks of D & E; and E & C is same, with D 1992 to 1993 10
having highest rank among the given three. So, after round 1, D’s rank 1993 to 1994 40
is 1, E’s rank is 3 and C’s rank is 5.
Also, it is given that the final increase or decrease was of 5%.
The sum of absolute differences between the ranks of friends after
round 1 and the initial ranks is 8 and two different pairs of friends has 118. 4 It is given in the statement that revenues in 1990 were Rs. 8
same absolute difference in ranks. So the possible combinations of crores or Rs. 800 lakhs. Thus, taking the 5% increase or
differences can be (0, 0, 4, 2, 2) , (0, 0, 3, 3, 2) and (1, 1, 3, 3, 0) decrease, it can be said that the revenues in 1994 could be
Rs. 760 lakhs or Rs. 840 lakhs. Thus, the change has been of
So the possible initial ranks can be as tabulated below: Rs. 40 lakhs.
40 lakhs can be possible in only these 4 circumstances.
Differences Rank
(0,0,2,2,4) (1,1,3,3,0) after CASES Revenues Revenues
Change in revenue from
Case I Case II Case I Case II Round 1 in 1990 1990 to 1991 to 1992 to 1993 to in 1994
A 2 2 5 1 2 1991 1992 1993 1994
B 4 4 1 5 4 1 800 +20 –30 +10 +40 840

C 3 1 4 2 5 2 800 +20 –30 +10 –40 760

D 5 3 2 4 1 3 800 –20 +30 –10 +40 840
E 1 5 3 3 3 4 800 –20 +30 –10 –40 760
Initial Rank
Only the cases (2) and (4) are in accordance with our conclusion.
Checking the options, it can be seen that in option (4) whenever there
There is no combination of initial ranks possible with difference in rank was a decrease in the revenue from 1990 to 1994, the revenue from
as (0,0,3,3,2) 1993 to 1994 has also decreased necessarily.

14 555
119. 1 According to the statement, there was a decrease in revenues 120. 4 From the statement, the rise from 1990 to 1992 is just 1.25%.
from 1992 to 1993. From 1990 to 1992, the increase could be possible in only two
Here, considering the conclusion, it can be seen that revenue between + 20 + 30 = + 50 ⇒ 1.25% = 50 ⇒ 100% = 4000
16 to 20 crores is a big figure. Infact, the maximum possible revenue –20+30 = +10 ⇒ 1.25% = 10 ⇒ 100% = 800
in 1990 could be when there has been a consistent increase of 100
lakhs from 1990 to 1994. The revenue would be 20 crore in that case.
But revenues of Rs. 4000 lakhs is not possible, because then
Therefore, as per the conclusion, there could be only two cases:
the final change in revenue can never be 5%. 5% of Rs. 40
Revenues 1990 to 1991 to 1992 to 1993 to Revenues crores is Rs. 2 crores. Even if we consider successive
in 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 in 1994 increase of Rs. 20 lakhs, Rs. 30 lakhs. Rs.10 lakhs and
Rs. 40 lakhs (from 1990 to 1994), we can only get an overall
1600 20 30 –10 40 1680 increase of Rs. 1 crore. Thus, the revenues in 1990 have to
2000 –20 –30 –10 –40 1900 be Rs. 800 lakhs and option (1) is inconsistent with our main
The conclusion would be true only when the information in the options
To get an overall increase/decrease of 5%, there should be a
restrict to one (or both) of the cases above.
decrease of 10 lakhs in 1993 and increase/decrease of 40
Along with the statement, if you consider option (1), you can see that
lakhs in 1994 (as illustrated in the explanation of quesiton
there is a consistent drop in the revenues and hence, the final revenue
118). Thus, option (2) is superfluous. The information in this
lies between 16 crore and 20 crore.
option is implicit in the main statement.
Similarly, it can be seen that option (3) is inconsistent. Option
(4), if true, would lead you to the stated conclusion.

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