Survey Questionaire

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Survey Questionaire

Personal Details
Age range;
 18-25
 26-35
 36-45
 46-55
 Female
 Male

Costumer Perception
1. Do you eat sweets?
 Yes
 No

2. If not why?
 It’s unhealthy
 I’m diabetic
 I’m not fond of eating sweets
 Others; please specify

3. How often do you buy cakes?

 Once a month
 Twice a month
 Every week
 Everyday

4. How often do you eat sweets?

 Once a week
 2- 3 times a week
 3- 4 times a week
 Always
5. Where do you buy cakes?
 Goldilocks
 Red Ribbon
 Rodilla’s Yema Cake
 Others, please specify

6. What flavors of cakes do you prefer?

 Chocolate
 Mocha
 Vanilla
 Strawberry

7. How do you want your cakes design to be created?

 Customized Design
 Ready Made Design

8. What method do you always preferred when purchasing a product?

 For pick up
 Delivery

9. What occasion do you usually buy a cake?

 Birthday
 Anniversary
 Picnic
 Others, please specify

10. How much do you love cakes?

 Very likely
 Somewhat likely
 Neutral

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