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McKinsey on Corporate &

Investment Banking

Number 8, June 2009 Introduction 1

Corporate and investment banking 2011:

The path back to profitability 3
Despite recent improved performance, the global CIB industry faces a highly
uncertain future. Can the industry regain its past profitability and prestige?

At a crossroads: Corporate banking in Eastern Europe 18

With strategic options dwindling, banks that improve their core methods and
practices stand the best chance of weathering the storm.

What’s working in the back office 30

An update from the front lines of derivatives settlement.

New directions for the buy side 34

The titans of investing are improving their game in some surprising ways. Investment
banks will have to change as well.

Profiting from the low-carbon economy 44

Banks and exchanges are presented with an opportunity sooner than they expected.
How should they react?
44 McKinsey on Corporate & Investment Banking June 2009

Profiting from the low-carbon

Banks and exchanges are presented with an opportunity sooner than
they expected. How should they react?

Nick Hoffman and Amid unprecedented market turmoil, many banks are now rightly focused on shoring up
James Twining their short-term performance and even, in some cases, ensuring their survival. With
so many open questions—How deeply will the global recession bite? How aggressively
will regulators react to the crisis? How quickly can balance sheets be rebuilt?—
long-term strategy has received little or no attention. And yet, almost unnoticed, one
topic has advanced from distant issue to discernible opportunity: the transition to
the low-carbon economy.

The global response to the problems of of carbon emissions. Increasingly forceful

climate change will entail a massive regulatory intervention will drive
shift of industrial and financial resources. unprecedented shifts in cash flows and
To cut emissions of greenhouse gases valuations. Investors and regulators
(especially carbon dioxide), consumers, will demand better information about the
companies, industries, and even entire economic impact of climate change.
countries will have to abandon current
forms of carbon-based consumption This shift has already begun. And as cap-
and switch to new, less-polluting and-trade schemes and other regulations
alternatives. Vast sums of capital will be proliferate and more companies and
required to fund emission-reducing projects industries come within their ambit, the
and infrastructure. New industries will need for financing and trading will
be forged, going far beyond the nascent grow enormously. Banks, investors, and
companies we see today. New financial exchanges have critical roles to play
products and markets will be necessary to in shaping this transition to a low-carbon
manage and transfer the risks and costs economy. Speaking in January 2009 at

the World Economic Forum in Davos, infrastructure financing and advisory

Lord Stern, author of one of the most activities may reach $15 billion in 2020;
influential reports on the impact and costs industry revenues today from all cor-
of climate change,1 had the following to porate and investment banking activity are
say about the role and opportunities that in the vicinity of $250 billion. Although
climate change could create for banks: responding to climate change will not fully
ease banks’ current woes, it can never-
Banking could do very well as theless be an important part of the puzzle—
[the world] moves toward a low-carbon and one that banks overlook at their cost.
economy. There will be lots of business
opportunities. . . . [B]ankers are The future has arrived
particularly strong in this area. They Already, climate change is altering the
have been very creative over all business environment in which banks and
kinds of issues and they could do their clients operate. Many parts of the
it again in the financing of world have begun to ask the businesses to
green initiatives.2 bear the costs of the carbon emissions they
1 The Stern Review on the Economics of MoCIB 8 2009 create (Exhibit 1). The European Union,
Climate Change, October 2006. Low-carbon economy
By our reckoning, banks’ revenues from for example, has agreed to widen the range
2 Lord Stern in Jonathan Leake, “Stern recipe for

change,” Sunday Times, February 1, 2009. Exhibit 1 of 6 subset of carbon trading and
just a small of industries covered by its pioneering
Glance: A look at some of the leading proposals for emissions trading worldwide
Exhibit title: Proposed cap-and-trade markets

Exhibit 1
Proposed cap-and-trade European Union 27 United States Australia New Zealand
markets 1 Measure EU ETS1 Phase III, Waxman-Markey Carbon Pollution ETS 3
2013–20 draft bill Reduction Scheme 2
A look at some of the leading proposals for 2 Scope, t 1.97 GtCO2e 4 in 2013 5 t 4.80 GtCO2e in 2012 t ~0.45 GtCO2e in 2011 t 0.08 GtCO2e
emissions trading worldwide industry t Power, industry, aviation, t 85% of all emissions t 75% of total emissions t All sectors (100% of
sectors covering ~50% of total (68% in 2012, with (1,000 largest emitters emissions) by 2013
emissions further sectors added in across sectors)
2014 and 2016) t Agriculture excluded

3 Baseline t 21% below 2005 levels t On a 2005 base: 3% t 5–15% below 2000 t 1990 level in 2012
and target by 2020 reduction by 2012, levels by 2020 (0.06 Gt)
setting 17% by 2020, 42% by t 60% below 2000 levels t Beyond 2012 as
2030, 83% by 2050 by 2050 agreed in COP 116
4 Method for t 100% auctioning in power t 15% auctioning in first t Proposal favors t Grandfathering under
allocating from 2013, rest will year, more thereafter auctioning a national plan
permits move to 100% by 2020
in calibrated way
5 Offsets t CDM 7 and JI 8 offsets allowed t 1 Gt of domestic and t No limits on use of t No limits on use of
t Supply capped at 1.6 Gt CERs 1 Gt of international CDM and JI CDM and JI
from 2008–20 offsets allowed per year, t Domestic offsets
with some minor allowed from
variances non-covered sectors

1European Union Emissions Trading Scheme.

2A cap-and-trade scheme.
3Emissions Trading Scheme. The proposal is under review by the newly elected government.
4Metric gigatons of carbon dioxide equivalent.
5From existing installations.
6Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework on Climate Change (more usually called the Kyoto Protocol).
7Clean development mechanism, one of three flexibility mechanisms specificed by the Kyoto Protocol.
8Joint implementation, another flexibility mechanism allowed under Kyoto Protocol.
46 McKinsey on Corporate & Investment Banking June 2009

Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS) and to for example, have both made formal
enforce on these industries a minimum commitments to reduce emissions.
21 percent reduction of carbon emissions
(from 2005 levels) by 2020. The EU has Business has also been affected by climate
also left the door open to tighten the target change in other ways. Take dealmaking,
further. The new US Congress has sug- for example. The $45 billion private-equity
gested that by 2020, the United States must purchase of energy utility TXU in 2007
reduce its emissions by 17 percent from hinged on the buyers’ insistence that TXU
2005 levels, in part by implementing a cap- scale back its plans to build 11 new
and-trade system that will cover 66 percent coal-fired power plants and instead boost
of US emissions. Similar schemes are investments in energy efficiency, clean
planned for Australia and under discussion coal technology, and renewable energy.
in 8 2009Japan, and New Zealand.
Canada, On another front, activist share-
Low-carbon economy
And such action is not limited to the devel- holder alliances such as the Carbon
oped 2 of 6 Mexico and South Africa, Disclosure Project—an alliance of
Glance: Today’s €92 billion may grow into EUR2 trillion by 2020.
Exhibit title: Carbon markets, today and tomorrow

Exhibit 2
Carbon markets, today Trading value of carbon markets
and tomorrow Global markets today . . . . . . and tomorrow1

Today’s €92 billion may grow into € billion

€2 trillion by 2020.
Other Wide spectrum Global deal
JI2 Developed countries Developed countries
CDM3 t All sectors t All sectors
EU ETS4 t 20% reduction from 2005 t 30% reduction from 2005
Broad China and India
114% scope
t Industrial sectors
t 10% reduction from 2030 BAU5
Countries and
sectors under €1.1 trillion–€1.5 trillion €1.5 trillion–€2.0 trillion
22 cap-and-trade
systems Base case Tight target
Limited Developed countries Developed countries
scope t United States: all sectors t United States: all sectors
2005 2006 2007 2008 t Rest: power and industry t Rest: power and industry
t 20% reduction from 2005 t 30% reduction from 2005

€0.8 trillion–€1.0 trillion €0.9 trillion–€1.3 trillion

Low Ambitious
Reduction target

12020 projection; assumes a weighted average CO2 price of €30–€40 per metric ton with all allowances and offset credits.
2Jointimplementation, one of three flexibility mechanisms specified by the Kyoto Protocol.
3Clean development mechanism, another flexibility mechanism allowed under the Kyoto Protocol.
4European Union Emissions Trading Scheme.
5“Business as usual.”

Source: Point Carbon; McKinsey analysis

Profiting from the low-carbon economy 47

about 385 investors managing more than economy, creating transparency into
$57 trillion of assets—are stepping up their carbon-related costs and value, and driv-
demands that companies disclose their ing innovation.
emissions data so that members can make
more informed investment decisions. Industrializing the market for carbon
By assigning a cost to carbon emissions,
In recent months, many governments regulators have also created a new
looking to stimulate their economies have asset class: carbon allowances, or permits
identified low-carbon investment as a to produce a fixed amount of green-
compelling source of jobs, growth, energy house gases during a year. The European
security, and emissions savings. Stim- Union, for instance, issues allowances
ulus packages in the United Kingdom, the to companies in industrial and energy
United States, Mexico, China, and sectors. Companies that exceed their
elsewhere include provisions for spending allowances can buy them from others, or
on green projects. The Obama plan, they can buy “offsets”: investments in
for example, allocates $100 billion to be abatement projects, almost always in less
spent on energy efficiency, mass transit, developed nations, that can be set
modernizing electricity grids, and energy- against the company’s excess emissions.
focused R&D. These offsets can help alternative
technologies that are currently uneconomic
Despite this rapid and far-reaching change (compared with the higher-carbon tech-
in banks’ operating environments, the nology they would replace) turn a profit.
response from the banking sector has so Banks can finance and intermediate
far been muted. Our discussions with these offsets, make markets in the nascent
industry players suggest that even those exchange-traded carbon allowance
banks that are taking action are doing products, and design, sell, and trade new
so in a mostly ad hoc way: tackling their derivative products.
own carbon emissions or opportunis-
tically pursuing occasional financing, Although still relatively small (with traded
investment, or advisory opportunities. And volumes of about $92 billion in 2008),
even at those few banks that have drawn global markets for carbon credits and
up some sort of strategic agenda for climate offsets, we expect, should grow to at least
change, the impetus often comes from $800 billion and possibly as much as
within the corporate-social-responsibility $2 trillion by 2020 (Exhibit 2). At that size,
group, or even the facilities-management they would be more than twice as
function—areas far from the business’s core large as the global commodities derivatives
decision makers. market was in 2007. A big part of the
growth will come from offsets. Our
Creating the low-carbon economy research suggests that if the developed
To avoid being left behind in the world’s world agrees to reduce its 2020 emissions
transition to a low-carbon economy, by 25 percent from 1990 levels (the degree
banks must seize the opportunity. We see necessary to approach levels deemed
four broad ways in which banks can safe by leading scientists), it might have to
both contribute to and profit from the shift: buy up to 4 metric gigatons of offsets
industrializing the market for carbon, from the developing world—a thirty- to
financing and investing in the low-carbon fortyfold increase over current levels.
MoCIB 8 2009
48 McKinsey on economy
Corporate & Investment Banking June 2009
Exhibit 3 of 6
Glance: A breakdown of incremental capital expenditure, by economic maturity and sector
Exhibit title: A costly endeavor

Exhibit 3
A costly endeavor Annual capital expenditure versus “business as usual” required to reach a Annual incremental capital
450 parts-per-million (ppm) pathway, 2010–30, € billion1 expenditure versus business
as usual > €40 billion
A breakdown of incremental capital
expenditure versus “business as usual,” by 475 =
economic maturity and sector average
141 142 183 8 cost2

56% of capital expenditure in

rich economies
economies 108 79 79 1 267 t 70% in buildings and transport
(Annex 1) t 30% in power, industry, waste

28% of capital expenditures

by access to Fiscally in fiscally strong emerging
financing strong economies3
21 40 71 2 135
emerging t 45% in buildings and transport
economies t 53% in power, industry, waste
t 2% in forestry and agriculture

developing 11 21 30 4 66

developed 1 2 2 1 6

Buildings Transport Power, Forestry and

industry, agriculture

1Includes full cost-curve potential up to €30 per metric ton for rich developed
countries, and levers up to €30 per metric ton for other countries.
2Due to rounding, some figures may not sum.
3Includes China, Brazil, Mexico, Middle East, South Africa.

Source: Project Catalyst; McKinsey analysis

To be sure, carbon markets have suffered Notwithstanding these problems, we find

growing pains. In the first phase of the EU the underlying opportunity compelling;
ETS , too many allowances were issued. a market potentially worth $2 trillion com-
And more recently, the economic slowdown mands attention. Moreover, future
has caused emitters to reduce their cap-and-trade schemes, such as the one
production forecasts. In both cases, the proposed for the United States, can
effect has been to create an excess of reasonably be expected not to suffer from
supply, causing prices to fall sharply. As a the same problems that have dogged
result, some banks, faced with lower the EU ETS. With better market mecha-
volumes and prices, have recently shut or nisms, growth in carbon trading is
scaled back their trading operations. likely to accelerate quickly.
Profiting from the low-carbon economy 49

To prosper, banks must determine the right capital projects—buildings, infrastructure,

time to commit to carbon trading and power plants, and so on. By 2030, that
offset sourcing in order to build share in figure will rise to more than $24 trillion.
what is changing from a market of Consider this the “business as usual”
one-off, over-the-counter deals into a investment, to which must be added the
global flow business comparable to incremental cost of addressing cli-
other large commodity markets such as oil. mate change as spending shifts from high-
This industrialization process will entail carbon projects to low-carbon ones.
the development of universal standards for Recent McKinsey research indicates that
market transparency, product specifica- to get on a pathway to lower emissions—
tions, and contract terms; the provision of pathways such as the one defined by
liquidity; and the development of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate
regulation encouraging blue-chip market Change as likely to limit further atmo-
participants to trade in size. spheric warming to less than 2 degrees
Celsius—additional investments will
Exchanges are already moving quickly be needed of about €475 billion annually:
to help build this new market. Many of the €350 billion per year for 2010–20,
big exchange groups, such as NYSE and €595 billion per year for 2021–30
Euronext through its Bluenext subsidiary (Exhibit 3).
and Nasdaq OMX through its NordPool
operation, have launched spot and futures Banks should note that this incremental
contracts. Volumes are growing smartly, investment may prove to be the tail that
and some exchanges are already turning wags the dog. Imagine a new $200 million
profits. New brokerages are springing power plant. Leading-edge abatement
up to help create markets in EU emissions technology may require only a relatively
allowances, UN -backed certified emis- paltry $20 million additional outlay.
sion reductions, and Regional Greenhouse But an understanding of that equipment,
Gas Initiative allowances in the the technologies that compete with it,
United States. the regulations that govern it, and the car-
bon markets in which emissions credits
In short, there is a lot of activity—but we are traded will be essential capabilities for
would note that these are early days, the bank that wants to finance the
analogous to the period from 1980 to 1984 plant. Low-carbon expertise may well
when oil futures first started trading. become the sine qua non for winning
Considerable opportunities will emerge in “vanilla” business. And with access both to
coming years, and banks that prepare their own balance sheets and to the
and act early will have the chance to stake capital pools of the global financial com-
out a leadership position for the time munity, banks have an unparalleled
when the market recovers and then opportunity to profitably connect investors
takes off. with the companies and projects
critical to the establishment of a low-
Financing and investing in the low- carbon economy.
carbon economy
Economists expect that by 2020, govern- Goldman Sachs, for example, generated
ments and companies will spend about an internal rate of return of 40 percent to
$16 trillion annually on investment in big 50 percent on its investment in Horizon
50 McKinsey on Corporate & Investment Banking June 2009

Wind, a small player that it built into an sectors such as aluminum, steel, and
industry leader. The IPO of Iberdrola cement. Management of energy supplies
Renovables for $24 billion in late 2007 and risks is already a competitive
was another noteworthy success. differentiator in these industries, and in
Clearly the drop in oil prices has taken coming years, that phenomenon will
the momentum (some might even only become more pronounced. Although
say “froth”) from many solar and wind many are relieved that oil prices have
investments. And though no one can recently dropped below $50 per barrel,
say with certainty where oil is headed next, plenty of forecasters agree that because of
we believe that the dramatic run-up in deep-seated structural trends, prices
prices for the entire petroleum complex might easily rise again above $100 per
that we saw from 2004 to 2008 pro- barrel within the next few years, as
vided a sort of dry run for the low-carbon reflected by Deutsche Bank’s oil economist,
economy, showing how demand for who commented in January 2009 that
renewable energy is likely to evolve. In any “we do not believe that unusually low oil
case, we expect short-term demand for prices can last forever.”3 Moreover,
solar, wind, and other low-carbon sources energy security remains a major concern,
of energy to be driven mainly by regulation as seen this winter in the dispute over
rather than by the price of oil. gas between Russia and Ukraine.

Creating carbon “transparency” Adding carbon prices into this volatile

The shift to a low-carbon economy mix raises the stakes even higher. Should
will favor some businesses and potentially the price of carbon allowances rise to
harm others, at least in the short term. €55 per metric ton, for example, primary
3 Bloomberg. Consider the effects on power-intensive aluminum production costs would go
Profiting from the low-carbon economy 51

up by 11 percent.4 To take another Whether pushed by regulation or not,

example, extending EU ETS to include the banks that can successfully develop
aviation sector (as is currently being a perspective on climate change and then
discussed) could cost that already-under- incorporate this understanding into
pressure industry $1.3 billion. their valuation models (by assigning lower
valuations or ratings to carbon-intensive
At present, continuing uncertainty about companies to reflect their higher input costs
regulation and a timeline that extends well or capital-expenditure requirements)
beyond the three- to five-year time or lending decisions (by imposing a higher
frame of most analysts’ models means that cost of borrowing on companies with
the long-term effects on corporate valu- greater levels of regulatory risk) will
ations are largely ignored by the markets.5 potentially have a competitive advantage
That could soon change, as post-crisis that will enable them to outperform
regulation may well push banks to develop the market and protect their—and their
a more comprehensive understanding of clients’—positions.
their risks. An example is the US insurance
industry where, under new requirements Driving innovation
agreed upon by the National Association Climate change is triggering a burst of
of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC), entrepreneurial activity and innovation in
insurers with annual premiums of more the financial sector. Many banks, for
4 Based on an initial cash production cost
than $500 million will have to inform example, are putting teams on the ground
of $1,853 per metric ton.
5 See Marcel W. Brinkman, Nick Hoffman, and regulators of their exposure to climate in developing countries to source and
Jeremy M. Oppenheim, “How climate change
change risks and detail their plans finance projects in the hope of producing a
could affect corporate valuations,”, October 2008. for addressing these risks. stream of cheap carbon credits. Insurers
52 McKinsey on Corporate & Investment Banking June 2009

too are helping clients—for example, with payback periods extending beyond current
climate-linked catastrophe bonds and tenancy agreements.
innovative insurance products such as the
Carbon Capture and Sequestration As markets develop and new needs
Liability Insurance, recently launched by emerge, banks with an active and healthy
Zurich, which will cover liabilities innovation process and the ability to
from pollution events and business inter- harness their employees’ skills will be well
ruption relating to the transmission and placed to develop new ideas on which
storage of carbon. And in commercial real businesses can be built.
estate, some are going a step further by
developing complex financial instruments Developing a climate change strategy
MoCIB 8 2009
that make it financially compelling for Some features of the low-carbon economy—
landlords and economy
tenants to coordinate and such as the long lead times associated
Exhibit 4 of 6
finance energy-efficient retrofits with with some of the opportunity areas and
Glance: The cost of known technical measures to lower emissions of greenhouse gases
Exhibit title: Global carbon abatement cost curve

Exhibit 4
Global carbon abatement Abatement costs vs “business as usual,” 20301
$ per metric ton of carbon dioxide equivalent Low-penetration wind
cost curve Cars plug-in hybrid Gas plant CCS2 retrofit
Degraded forest reforestation Coal CCS retrofit
The cost of known technical measures to 100 Pastureland afforestation Iron and steel
Residential electronics
lower emissions of greenhouse gases Residential appliances Degraded land CCS new build
Retrofit residential HVAC3 restoration Coal CCS new build
50 Tillage and residue management 2nd-generation
Insulation retrofit (residential) biofuels
Cars full hybrid Nuclear
Building efficiency
Waste recycling new build
Organic soil restoration Power plant
Geothermal biomass cofiring
Grassland management
–50 Reduced pastureland conversion Reduced intensive
Reduced slash-and-burn agriculture conversion agriculture conversion
Small hydro
High-penetration wind
1st-generation biofuels
–100 Solar PV 4
Rice management
Solar CSP5
Efficiency improvements, other industry
Electricity from landfill gas
–150 Clinker substitution by fly ash
Cropland nutrient management
Motor systems efficiency Abatement potential,
Insulation retrofit (commercial) gigatons of carbon dioxide
–200 Lighting: switch incandescent to LED 6 (residential) equivalent per year

10 20 30 38

1The curve presents an estimate of the maximum potential of all technical greenhouse gas abatement measures below
$90 per metric ton of CO2e if each lever was pursued aggressively. It is not a forecast of what role different abatement
measures and technologies will play.
2Carbon capture and storage.
3Heating, ventilating, and air conditioning.
5Concentrating solar power.
6Light-emitting diode.
Profiting from the low-carbon economy 53

the small size of many of the companies the bank, as demonstrated by HSBC ’s
currently active in them—do not typically Climate Change Centre of Excellence,
marry well with banks’ operating and for example.
coverage models. This makes it essential
for banks to have a distinct and clearly How should banks begin? A first step is to
articulated strategy to develop market share narrow the scope of their work. Thus
in these businesses as they develop, far, we have discussed the opportunities of
supported by appropriate incentive and the low-carbon economy in general
organizational structures. Moreover, terms. But “low carbon” encompasses an
the complexity of the climate change oppor- enormous range of markets and tech-
tunity, and the dynamic nature of its nologies. McKinsey has developed an abate-
MoCIB 8 2009
political and regulatory environment, ment cost curve that incorporates more
argues for aeconomy
central pool of expertise that than 200 technologies in detail across
Exhibit 5 of 6
can advise and support the rest of 21 regions of the world, ten major industry
Glance: Seventeen technologies to reduce emissions from coal
Exhibit title: Clean coal: An in-depth look

Exhibit 5
Clean coal: Simplified investment life cycle
An in-depth look
Seventeen technologies to reduce Very low
emissions from coal water FGD1 Novel CO
Alternative sequestration Fine coal Subcritical CFB2
sorbent FGD utilization
Geological UCG3-IGCC4 Coal
CO2 storage Super-
Technological critical CFB beneficiation
pipeline Chemical Oxyfuel Ultra- IGCC
looping NOX6 reduction
Post- supercritical PCC5 (SCR7, LNB8)
Ocean CO2 combustion Coal bed methane
storage CO2 capture

Stage of Start up: Start up: Start up: Close to Deployment at

development concept lab testing demonstration commercial commercial scale

Time to
12+ 7–12 1–7 1–5 0
market, years

VC Public debt and equity;
private equity

1Flue gas desulfurization.

2Circulating fluidized bed.
3Underground coal gasification.
4Integrated gasification combined cycle.
5Pulverized coal combustion.
6Nitrogen oxides.
7Selective catalytic reduction.
8Low NO burner.
MoCIB 8 2009
54 McKinsey on economy
Corporate & Investment Banking June 2009
Exhibit 6 of 6
Glance: A three-step approach to take on an outstanding new opportunity
Exhibit title: Developing a climate change strategy

Exhibit 6
Developing a climate Simplified example of a climate change strategy program
change strategy
Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3+
High-level sizing and shaping Prioritize initiatives and A series of deep dives
A three-step approach to take on an
of opportunity space develop strategy
outstanding new opportunity
Key activities t Develop map of the climate t Prioritize a number t Explore prioritized areas in
change opportunity of areas as key climate greater depth through a series
t Understand the stage of change initiatives of deep dives aimed at building
development of each t Develop deeper concrete businesses in the
opportunity and the fit with understanding of climate change space
the bank’s current capabilities the value chain
and businesses of each prioritized area
t Select top ~10 opportunities t Decide how the bank
and develop high-level sizing will play against each
for each prioritized opportunity

Outputs t Diagnostic of bank’s current t Climate change strategy t Detailed business and
activities and capabilities t Syndication of strategy implementation plans
t Sizing of top ~10 opportunities with board t Training, governance,
t Establishment of an internal and incentives
climate change steering
committee to drive and
coordinate effort

sectors, and four different time frames but nonetheless significant level of activ-
(Exhibit 4). ity and revenues that could form the nucleus
of a coherent strategy (Exhibit 6).
To take one example: clean coal comprises
at least 17 different technologies, at This list should then be prioritized further,
varying stages of development and with identifying those few areas in which
different financing needs (Exhibit 5). These the bank believes it can build deep and
technologies also come under different distinctive expertise and therefore
subsidy and tax regimes, depending on meaningful market share. The bank should
location. A narrow scope is essential then proceed to a more detailed assess-
if the bank is to avoid scattering its energies ment of the specific products, industries,
and spreading itself too thin, especially in countries, and customers that it will
today’s resource-constrained context. focus on in each area, and the formulation
of its key criteria for success in each.
To narrow its scope, a bank needs to create
a short list of opportunity areas, priori- Whether the chosen areas represent a source
tized by the size of potential revenues and of immediate opportunity or a longer-
the time to market. At the same time, term prospect, the final step is for the bank
a systematic screening of the bank’s current to understand in detail how it should
climate change–related activities, across implement the recommendations and what
divisions and regions, could well reveal the targets and milestones should be.
a previously obscure, largely uncoordinated, This step must include thoughts on how to
Profiting from the low-carbon economy 55

address the opportunities in an integrated early to build a leading position in

manner, capitalizing on the knowledge and nascent markets—as Morgan Stanley and
insight gained in one part of the bank to Goldman Sachs did in energy trading in
win business in another—not an insignifi- the mid-1980s and Société Générale did in
cant challenge given banks’ perennial equity derivatives in the late 1980s
problem of coordinating client service and early 1990s—have reaped enormous
across their businesses. Deutsche Bank is benefits as these markets have grown.
a leading example of how to manage At a minimum, we suggest that banks take
this: it formed an environmental steering stock of their current climate change–
committee that brings together the key related activities and form a view of how
stakeholders from across the bank, along the market is likely to develop. Even
with an external advisory board if a bank decides to wait before becoming
that allows it to tap into and validate its involved, an understanding of the steps
progress with leading climate change it is currently taking, the potential upside,
experts and leaders. the issues and capabilities needed to
succeed, and a commitment to monitor
developments will ensure that, when it
believes the time is right, it will be ready
As important as agreeing on where to act. MoCIB
and how to play is deciding on the pace of
action. Although the timing of many
opportunities is sooner than most people
think, the challenge, as in any emerging
market, will be for management to
agree on how revenues are likely to evolve,
the likely competitive response, and the
implications for the sequencing of activities
and investments of people and time.
History has shown that banks that invested

The authors would like to thank their colleagues Ian Banks, Marcel Brinkman, Philipp Härle, and
Christian Schumer for their contributions to this article.

Nick Hoffman ( is a principal in McKinsey’s London office,

where James Twining ( is an associate principal. Copyright © 2009
McKinsey & Company. All rights reserved.

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