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Topic Rivers, coasts and glaciation

What is Erosion?

Grade 7 (Work sheet 2)

subject Geography

Prepared by Aida Hepzibah

I. Fill in the blanks:

1) A glacier is a tongue of ice moving down a valley.

2) Coastlines are under constant attack by waves.

3) Currents carry loose materials away and deposit it elsewhere.

4) Erosion is the wearing away of rock.

5) Erosion includes the removal of loose materials.

II. Answer the following:

1) What is erosion?
Erosion is the wearing away of rock and its removal by streams, ice, waves
and wind.
2) Differentiate between weathering and erosion.
Weathering breaks up and weakens the surface of rocks while erosion wears
away and removes the loosened material.
3) Name the types of erosion.
The action of rivers, the sea, ice and wind are the chief types of erosion.
4) What is the action of ocean currents?
Ocean currents carry loose material away and deposit it elsewhere.
5) How does human erosion take place?
Human erosion is caused by using bulldozers and lorries to dig out and move
large amounts of soil and loose rock. People also remove trees and
vegetation which can allow water, wind, and ice to land more easily.
6) Explain erosion, transportation and deposition.
Erosion wears away the land, transportation moves the material from one
place to another, and deposition builds up new landforms.
7) How do rivers form deep valley?
The river water pushes boulders, stones and rock particles along the river’s
course. As it does so, the loose material scrapes the river bed and loosens
other material. Much of what is worn away is then transported by the river
and put down somewhere else. In this way river can wear out and deepen
8) What is plunge pool?
The river flows over the top of the hard rock then plunges down a 50 meter
cliff. At the bottom of the cliff the water has worn away the softer rocks to
form a pool over 50 meters deep. This is called a plunge pool.
9) How does soft rock wear away?
Falling water and rock particles or boulders loosen and wear away the softer

10)What are called meanders?

The river has many bends. These bends are called meanders
11) What do you mean by alluvium?
A fine muddy material that is left behind after floods is called alluvium. It is
sometimes called silt.
12) What is called flood plain?

On either side of the river channel there is an area of flat land called flood

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