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Marketing Diploma

Professional Student Code of Conduct

In preparing our students for careers in business marketing, it is essential to strive for the highest
levels of professionalism. Central to that objective is the development of a respectful and
professional atmosphere in the classroom, around the college and outside of George Brown
during your time at the college. Below is the Professional Code of Conduct for students of the
Business Marketing Diplomas (B120/108 and 158). This code is intended to help facilitate
professional business behaviour among students.

As a student in the School of Marketing, you acknowledge the School's Professional Student
Code of Conduct (as follows) through entirety of your program.

In the Classroom (Online and/or In Person Class)

1. Come to class on time – (be fully ready to participate in class at least 5 minutes prior to
class starting).
2. Ensure technology is working prior to class ex: microphone, camera and connection.
3. If absent from a class in which there is an assignment or test, or you are going to miss a
due date, you must notify the professor by email IN ADVANCE of the class or due date.
Failure to do so may result in a mark of zero.
4. Attendance in class or online synchronous classes is expected. ex: work is not an
acceptable excuse for missing class
5. Be PRESENT. That means listening and being an active and contributing member to
discussions, activities and exercises as well as turning your cameras on in an online
6. Be courteous, professional, and respectful to all students and the professor, especially
when someone in class is speaking or presenting.
7. Keep smart phones and other electronic devices turned off during class, use technology
in class only as it is relevant to the material being discussed and authorized by the

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Outside of the Classroom
1. Treat email correspondence with faculty, administration, and classmates as professional
communications (follow proper professional email etiquette). See Appendix B for
elaboration. Failure to do so may result in nonresponsive faculty, administration, and/or
2. Use your George Brown college email for all professional and course communications
associated with the college.
3. Be a responsible group member, attending group meetings and fully contributing to the
group’s discussions, work products, and presentations.
4. Be respectful and appreciative when a business professional takes time to interact with
you in or out of class.
5. Attempting to influence the instructor to assign a grade other than the grade earned is
not acceptable. This includes lying to the instructor in pursuit of extensions, leniency, or
grade alterations.
6. Honour appointments with employers, advisors, and faculty. If you are going to miss an
appointment you are expected to contact people IN ADVANCE.
7. Dress appropriately when interacting with professionals at Centre for Business events.
8. Practice academic honesty on all exams, quizzes, homework, assignments, and all other
activities that are part of the academic component of a course – See Appendix A for

I have read the above Code of Conduct and understand what is expected of me as Marketing
Professional Student during my time at George Brown College

Student Information Response



Student #

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Appendix A - Academic Misconduct

The George Brown College School of Marketing recognizes honesty and integrity as necessary
cornerstones to the pursuit of excellence in academic and professional business activities. It is
expected that each student conducts their academic affairs ethically. Cheating on exams,
unauthorized collusion on assignments, uploading assignments and tests, to third-party
websites and plagiarism will not be tolerated.

• Plagiarism – using another’s words, ideas, data, or materials and representing them as your
own. This includes copying anything from the Internet and embedding it in your work
without proper citation of the source.

• Cheating on an Academic Exercise – using a source that the instructor did not explicitly
authorize, regardless of how you came across the source. This would include:
o Using solutions manuals, test banks, graded material from another semester,
information from another student (with or without their consent), and online essays
or analyses (free or purchased)
o Sharing information about exam content with a student who has not yet taken the
o Removing exams from the room without authorization
o Consulting any unauthorized source during an exam, such as a cell phone, notes, the
Internet, or another student’s paper
o Receiving assistance on an academic exercise without instructor permission

• Improper Influence – calculating to influence the instructor to assign a grade other than the
grade earned. This includes lying to the instructor in pursuit of extensions, leniency, or grade

• Facilitating Academic Dishonesty – knowingly helping another person engage in academic

misconduct including uploading their assignments, tests, to third-party websites.

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Appendix B – Email Etiquette

1. Avoid vague subject lines, keep them short and descriptive – Emails to professors should
be titled as follows: Course Title, Class Section and what the email is regarding
• E.g., MARK1046 Friday Class – Question on First Assignment
2. Use your George Brown college email for all professional and course communications
associated with the college.
3. Choose your email salutation carefully – keep it professional
4. Keep your overall tone of emails professional
5. Use proper email punctuation, spelling and grammar
6. Double check your recipient's name and proper spelling
7. Use a proper/professional sign off, for example, full name and student number with

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All B120/108/158 must sign this document and upload to Blackboard in their MARK 1046
Class. The document needs to be titled as such - Last name, first name MPCOC

• E.g., FuttererLoriMPCOC

Your marks in MARK 1046 will not be released to you until this document is submitted.

In addition, if the Code of Conduct is signed and returned via Blackboard by the due date
stated and the student has participated in the Code of Conduct Discussion and personal plan
of action in their MARK 1046 class the student will receive 5% for participation in MARK

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