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Mella Rizki Susanti


Dua orang meninggal dunia dan empat orang lainnya luka-luka akibat longsor
yang terjadi di belakang rumah warga dekat Teleng di Bukittingi, Sumatera Barat,
Selasa tanggal tiga bulan September tahun 2023

Korban meninggal dunia adalah Yusuf yang berusia 3 tahun, anak pemilik warung
di sekitar lokasi kejadian, Bujang, dan Meli, 22 tahun, saat sedang berkunjung ke
pasar. Korban luka langsung dilarikan ke RS Achmad Muchtar dan Yarsi.

Wakil Wali Kota Bukittingi Ismet Amziz, mengatakan hujan deras yang terjadi
belakangan ini menjadi penyebab longsor pada Selasa kemarin

Good morning viewers i'm Mella Rizki Susanti and this is morning report on
Refixxor television, dear viewers morning report will bring you interesting news,
over the next half hour, the first news comes from Bukittinggi.

Two people died and four other people were injured due to a landslide ,that
occurred behind a resident's house near Teleng in Bukittingi, West Sumatra,
Tuesday, the third of September 2023

The victims who died were Yusuf, 3 years old, the son of the shop owner near the
scene, Bujang, and Meli, 22 years old, while visiting the market. The injured
victims were immediately rushed to Achmad Muchtar and Yarsi Hospital.

Deputy Mayor of Bukittingi, Ismet Amziz, said that the recent heavy rain was the
cause of the landslide on Tuesday

That's all the news for today check this out at for the latest updates
im Mella Rizki Susanti Will accompany you tomorrow morning at the same time
keep up with other interesting news only on morning report on Refixxor

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