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Understanding Moderation in Islam and Its Challenge

By: Annisaul Masula, Khoirotum Mufidah

A. Challenges in Religious Moderation

1. Radicalism and Terrorism
Radicalism is an active movement in order to seek broad support for change
fundamental in society, which can endanger the existence of sustainable
direction (aims) of democracy, which may involve the use of undemocratic
methods which can endanger the function, purpose and order of democracy.
Meanwhile, Terrorism is a form of transnational organized crime that can
threaten state sovereignty, territorial integrity, and national safety.
Ad-Zuhailiy argues that according to Sharia law, terrorism can be classified in
two forms:
a. International Terrorism
Acts of terrorism involving outsiders have also occurred in Indonesia. On
2002 in Bali terror occurred which killed 202 victims. Jemaah Islamiah (JI)
is a terrorist network that plays a role in the act of terrorism. This terrorist
network was also involved in the 2003 JW Marriott Hotel, The office of
Australian Embassy in 2004, and in Bali again on 2004.
b. Local Terrorism
The 2016 Jakarta Attack is a series of events in the form of explosions, and
also shootings in the area around Plaza Sarinah, M.H Thamrin Street, Central
Jakarta, on 14 January 2016.
2. Islamic Views on Radicalism and Terrorism
Radicalism is an extreme understanding and attitude (ghuluw) that is contrary to
the moderate understanding and attitude in Islam, which is recommended by
Allah SWT to Muslims. Because out of justice, balance and contrary to social
behavior in general.
Based on God's word:
"And whoever kills a believer on purpose, the reward will be hell, he is eternal
in it. Allah was angry with him, and cursed him as well prepared a great
punishment for him.” (QS. An-Nisa: 93)
"And in that qisas there is (guarantee) life for you, O people of understanding,
so that you fear”. (QS. Al-Baqarah: 179)
B. The Role of Students in Religious Moderation

 As a student who has the role as agent of change, we have to be at the forefront
of these changes, then in making these changes we have to make a method that
is not in a hurry, starting from the smallest scope, yourself. For example, by
fortifying oneself from radicalism and terrorism by not easily accepting
unilateral information.
 In terms of social control and harmony, we as students should cultivate a spirit
of social concern for the community by contributing through brilliant thoughts,
discussing, or providing moral and material assistance to the community. So that
people are not easily influenced by radical understanding.
 Students are not enough if they are only intellectual academics who just sit and
listening to lecturers in lecture halls. We must enrich ourselves with knowledge
both in terms of professionalism and society. And have the ability, skills, and
noble character to become a potential leader.
 Students act as role models in society. Therefore, the education of a student is
needed to help the thought process to find solutions to various problems.

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