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Radio Network Controller

Radio Parameter Constraints Reference

Version: V4.11.20

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Revision History

Revision No. Revision Date Revision Reason

R1.0 2011–05–31 First edition

Serial Number: SJ-20120319104909-009

Publishing Date: 2011-05-31 (R1.0)

SJ-20120319104909-009|2011-05-31 (R1.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

About this Manual .......................................................................................... I
Chapter 1 Relationships ............................................................................ 1-1
1.1 MOC Association ............................................................................................... 1-1
1.2 Associations Among Radio Parameters ............................................................. 1-13
1.2.1 UMTS Logical Function Configuration (URncFunction) ............................. 1-14
1.2.2 Logical RNC Configuration (ULogicalRnc)................................................ 1-15
1.2.3 Iub Link Configuration (UIubLink) ............................................................ 1-17
1.2.4 UE Timers and Constants Information (UUeCnst)..................................... 1-17
1.2.5 CN NAS System Information (UCnInfo).................................................... 1-18
1.2.6 Iu Interface Timers and Constants Information (UIuCnst) .......................... 1-18
1.2.7 Dynamic Radio Bearer Control Information (UDrbc).................................. 1-18
1.2.8 Global Access Control (UGloAc).............................................................. 1-18
1.2.9 HSPA Configuration Information (UHspa)................................................. 1-19
1.2.10 Common EDCH Configuration (UCommEdch)........................................ 1-19
1.2.11 Limiting HSDPA GBR Resource Consumption Configuration
(UGbrResLimit)..................................................................................... 1-20
1.2.12 MBMS Configuration Information (UMbms) ............................................ 1-20
1.2.13 CFN Offset Configuration Information (UCfnOffset)................................. 1-20
1.2.14 Configuration of IDNNS route to Cs/Ps Pool (UIDNNSRouting) ............... 1-21
1.2.15 Configuration of IMSI route to Cs/Ps Pool (UIMSRouting) ....................... 1-21
1.2.16 QChat Service Configuration (UQChat).................................................. 1-21
1.2.17 UTRAN Registration Area (UUtranRegArea) .......................................... 1-21
1.2.18 User Configuration in White List (UWhiteImsiList) ................................... 1-21
1.2.19 Power Control Related to Service for White List (UWhiteSrvPc)............... 1-22
1.2.20 DPI Basic Priority Mapping Relationship (UDpiBasPriMapping) ............... 1-22
1.2.21 Application Service Type Configuration (UAppSrvType) .......................... 1-23
1.2.22 Dynamic Radio Bearer Control Information of DPI Service (UDpiDrbc) ..... 1-23
1.2.23 Qos Configuration ................................................................................ 1-23
1.2.24 Intra-frequency Measurement Profile (UIntraMeasProfile) ....................... 1-27
1.2.25 UE Inter-frequency Measurement Profile (UInterMeasProfile).................. 1-30
1.2.26 Inter-RAT Measurement Profile (URatMeasProfile) ................................. 1-34
1.2.27 Service Basic Configuration (USubSrv) .................................................. 1-39
1.2.28 UE DTX/DRX Configuration (UDtxDrx)................................................... 1-41
1.2.29 Power Control associated to Service and Diversity Mode (USrvDivPc) ..... 1-42

SJ-20120319104909-009|2011-05-31 (R1.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

1.2.30 External RNC Function (UExternalRncFunctionD) .................................. 1-45
1.2.31 External Gsm Cell (UExternalGsmCell) .................................................. 1-47
1.2.32 EUtran Cell Configuration Information .................................................... 1-49
1.2.33 Utran Cell ............................................................................................ 1-53
1.2.34 Power Control Related to Service (USrvPc)............................................ 1-78
1.2.35 NodeB Common Measurement Configuration (UNbComMeas)................ 1-81
1.2.36 NodeB Dedicated Measurement Configuration (UNbDedMeas) ............... 1-82
1.2.37 Traffic Volume Measurement Profile (UTrvMeasProfile)........................... 1-83
1.2.38 UE Internal Measurement Profile (UUeIntMeasProfile)............................ 1-88
1.2.39 User Authorized PLMN+SNAC Information (UImsiSnacFilter).................. 1-90
1.2.40 LAC and SNAC Information (USnac) ..................................................... 1-90

Chapter 2 Operation in Planning Radio Parameters ............................... 2-1

2.1 Overview ........................................................................................................... 2-2
2.2 URncFunction .................................................................................................... 2-3
2.3 UIubLink ............................................................................................................ 2-3
2.4 UUeCnst............................................................................................................ 2-3
2.5 UcnInfo.............................................................................................................. 2-3
2.6 UIuCnst ............................................................................................................. 2-3
2.7 UDrbc................................................................................................................ 2-4
2.8 UGloAc.............................................................................................................. 2-4
2.9 UHspa ............................................................................................................... 2-4
2.10 GbrRes............................................................................................................ 2-4
2.11 UMbms ............................................................................................................ 2-5
2.12 UCfnOffset ....................................................................................................... 2-5
2.13 UBasPri ........................................................................................................... 2-5
2.14 UBasPriMapping .............................................................................................. 2-6
2.15 USchPriMapping .............................................................................................. 2-6
2.16 UAppPriMapping .............................................................................................. 2-7
2.17 UBPriAc........................................................................................................... 2-7
2.18 UIntraMeasProfile............................................................................................. 2-7
2.19 UInterMeasProfile............................................................................................. 2-8
2.20 URatMeasProfile .............................................................................................. 2-9
2.21 USubSrv .......................................................................................................... 2-9
2.22 UrncDtxDrx .................................................................................................... 2-10
2.23 USrvDivPc ..................................................................................................... 2-10
2.24 UExternalRncFunction .................................................................................... 2-10
2.25 UExternalGsmCell ...........................................................................................2-11


SJ-20120319104909-009|2011-05-31 (R1.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

2.26 UUtranCellFDD ...............................................................................................2-11
2.27 UutranRelation ............................................................................................... 2-12
2.28 UGmRelation ................................................................................................. 2-12
2.29 UPriSel .......................................................................................................... 2-13
2.30 UCelSel ......................................................................................................... 2-13
2.31 UCHspa......................................................................................................... 2-13
2.32 UCMbms ....................................................................................................... 2-14
2.33 UMbmsSa...................................................................................................... 2-14
2.34 UEFach ......................................................................................................... 2-14
2.35 CelMPO......................................................................................................... 2-15
2.36 UScpich ......................................................................................................... 2-15
2.37 USccpch ........................................................................................................ 2-15
2.38 UPich ............................................................................................................ 2-15
2.39 UPrach .......................................................................................................... 2-16
2.40 UAich ............................................................................................................ 2-16
2.41 UMich............................................................................................................ 2-17
2.42 ULdCtrl .......................................................................................................... 2-17
2.43 UPlBal ........................................................................................................... 2-17
2.44 USrvPc .......................................................................................................... 2-18
2.45 UNbComMeas ............................................................................................... 2-18
2.46 UNbDedMeas ................................................................................................ 2-18
2.47 UTrvMeasProfile............................................................................................. 2-18
2.48 UImsiSnacFilter.............................................................................................. 2-19
2.49 USnac ........................................................................................................... 2-19
2.50 UUeIntMeasProfile ......................................................................................... 2-19
2.51 UCommEdch ................................................................................................. 2-19
2.52 UExternalENBFunction ................................................................................... 2-20
2.53 UEUtranRelation ............................................................................................ 2-20
2.54 ULogicalRnc .................................................................................................. 2-20
2.55 ULogicalIurQos .............................................................................................. 2-20
2.56 UDedSrvTb .................................................................................................... 2-20
2.57 UIDNNSRouting ............................................................................................. 2-21
2.58 UIMSIRouting................................................................................................. 2-21
2.59 UWhiteSrvPc ................................................................................................. 2-21
2.60 WhiteList........................................................................................................ 2-21

Tables .............................................................................................................. I
Glossary ........................................................................................................ III


SJ-20120319104909-009|2011-05-31 (R1.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential


SJ-20120319104909-009|2011-05-31 (R1.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

About this Manual
Manual Description
This manual describes the association among radio parameters, and the limitations on
radio parameter operations.

Intended Audience
This manual is intended for:
l Network planning engineers
l Network optimization engineers
l Field engineers
l System engineers
l Network operators

What Is in This Manual

This manual contains the following chapters:

Chapter Summary

1, Association Among Radio Parameters Describes the associations among radio


2, Limitations on Radio Parameter Operations Describes the limitations on radio parameter


Related Documents
The following documentation is related to this manual:
ZXUR 9000 UMTS (4.11.20) Radio Network Controller Radio Parameter Reference

SJ-20120319104909-009|2011-05-31 (R1.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential


SJ-20120319104909-009|2011-05-31 (R1.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 1
Table of Contents
MOC Association .......................................................................................................1-1
Associations Among Radio Parameters....................................................................1-13

1.1 MOC Association

The complete primary keys and alternative keys of management objects are described in
Table 1-1.

Table 1-1 Primary Keys and Alternative Key of MOC

Complete Alternative
Complete Primary
Key of MO
(A+B Indicates
(A+B Indicates That
Sheet Name MOC Name That the Complete
the Complete Primary
Alternative Key
Key Consists of A
Consists of A and
and B)

URncFunction UMTS Logical Function URncFunctionId N/A


UQosFunction QOS Function UQosFunctionId N/A

UBasPri Qos Basic UBasPriId basicPrio


USchPriMappingProfile Scheduling Priority USchPriMappingPro- profileId

Mapping Relationship fileId

USchPriMapping Scheduling Priority USchPriMappingId basicPrio + bearerType

Mapping Relationship

UAppPriMappingPro- Application Priority UAppPriMappingPro- profileId

file Mapping Relationship fileId

UAppPriMapping Application Priority UAppPriMappingId parentLDN + basicPrio

Mapping Relationship + bearerType +
direction + rateClass


SJ-20120319104909-009|2011-05-31 (R1.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXUR 9000 UMTS Radio Parameter Constraints Reference

Complete Alternative
Complete Primary
Key of MO
(A+B Indicates
(A+B Indicates That
Sheet Name MOC Name That the Complete
the Complete Primary
Alternative Key
Key Consists of A
Consists of A and
and B)

UBPriAcProfile Access Control Profile UBPriAcProfileId profileId

Related to Basic

UBPriAc Access Control Related UBPriAcId basicPrio

to Basic Priority

UTbTypeProfile Transport Bearer Type UTbTypeProfileId profileId

Profile Related to Basic

UTbType Transport Bearer UTbTypeId basicPrio + bearerType

Type Related to Basic

UDedSrvTbProfile Dedicated Service UDedSrvTbProfileId profileId

Transport Bearer Qos

UDedSrvTb Dedicated Service UDedSrvTbId trafficCategory

Transport Bearer Qos

UBasPriMapping Basic Priority Mapping UBasPriMappingId arpPL + trafficClass


UDpiDrbc Dynamic Radio Bearer UDpiDrbcId parentLDN +

Control Information of refUDpiAppSrv
DPI Service

USrvBasedHo Handover USrvBasedHoId N/A

Configuration Based
on Service

UIuCnst Iu Interface Timers and UIuCnstId N/A

Constants Information

UCnInfo CN NAS System UCnInfoId N/A


ULogicalRnc Logic RNC ULogicalRncId N/A


ULogicalCell Logic Cell ULogicalCellId refUUtranCellFDD



SJ-20120319104909-009|2011-05-31 (R1.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 1 Relationships

Complete Alternative
Complete Primary
Key of MO
(A+B Indicates
(A+B Indicates That
Sheet Name MOC Name That the Complete
the Complete Primary
Alternative Key
Key Consists of A
Consists of A and
and B)

ULogicalIurQos Qos Configuration ULogicalIurQosId refUIurLink

Related to Logical Iur

UMbmsSa MBMS Service Area UMbmsSaId mbmsSac


UMbmsPLFreq MBMS Preferred UMbmsPLFreqId freqBandInd +

Frequency Layer dUARFCN

UMbmsNPLFreq MBMS Non Preferred UMbmsNPLFreqId freqBandInd +

Frequency Layer dUARFCN

USnac LAC and SNAC USnacId snac


UHspa Hspa Configuration UHspaId N/A

UCommEdch Common EDCH UCommEdchId N/A


UDrbcProfile Dynamic Radio Bearer UDrbcProfileId profileId

Control Information

UDrbc Dynamic Radio Bearer UDrbcId N/A

Control Information

UMbms MBMS Configuration UMbmsId N/A

UDpiBasPriMapping DPI Basic Priority UDpiBasPriMappingId AppSrvPriCls +

Mapping Relationship BasicPrio

UImsiSnacFilter User Authorized UImsiSnacFilterId imsiMatchedDgtNum +

PLMN+SNAC imsiMatchedDigit

UMR MR Configuration UMRId N/A

UGloAc Global Access Control UGloAcId N/A


UUeCnst UE Timers and UUeCnstId N/A

Constants Information


SJ-20120319104909-009|2011-05-31 (R1.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXUR 9000 UMTS Radio Parameter Constraints Reference

Complete Alternative
Complete Primary
Key of MO
(A+B Indicates
(A+B Indicates That
Sheet Name MOC Name That the Complete
the Complete Primary
Alternative Key
Key Consists of A
Consists of A and
and B)

UAppSrvType Application Service UAppSrvTypeId appSrvType +

Type Configuration trafficClass +
arpPriorityLevel +
arpPremptionCap +
arpPremptionVul +

UQChat QChat Service UQChatId N/A


UWhiteImsiList User Configuration in UWhiteImsiListId whiteImsiNo +

White List imsiDgtNum + imsiDgt

UDtxDrxProfile UE DTX/DRX Profile UDtxDrxProfileId profileId



USrvFunction Service Function USrvFunctionId N/A

USubSrv Service Basic USubSrvId srvType + srvInd +

Configuration maxBitRate + direction
+ domain + direction

USrvPcProfile Power Control Profile USrvPcProfileId profileId

Related to Service

USrvPc Power Control Related USrvPcId srvType

to Service

USrvDivPc Power Control Related USrvDivPcId txDivMod

to Service and Diversity

UWhiteSrvPc Power Control Related UWhiteSrvPcId srvType

to Service for White List

UTrvMeasProfile Traffic Volume UTrvMeasProfileId profileId

Measurement Profile

URachEvtUeTrv UE Traffic Volume URachEvtUeTrvId ueTrvMCfgNo

Event Measurement
Configuration for RACH


SJ-20120319104909-009|2011-05-31 (R1.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 1 Relationships

Complete Alternative
Complete Primary
Key of MO
(A+B Indicates
(A+B Indicates That
Sheet Name MOC Name That the Complete
the Complete Primary
Alternative Key
Key Consists of A
Consists of A and
and B)

URachPrdUeTrv UE Traffic Volume URachPrdUeTrvId ueTrvMCfgNo

Period Measurement
Configuration for RACH

UFachEvUpTrv UP Traffic Volume UFachEvUpTrvId ueTrvMCfgNo

Event Measurement
Configuration for FACH

UDchEvUeTrv UE Traffic Volume UDchEvUeTrvId ueTrvMCfgNo

Event Measurement
Configuration for DCH

UDchEvUpTrv UP Traffic Volume UDchEvUpTrvId ueTrvMCfgNo

Event Measurement
Configuration for DCH

UDchPrdUeTrv UE Traffic Volume UDchPrdUeTrvId ueTrvMCfgNo

Period Measurement
Configuration for DCH

UDedSHsdschEvUp- UP Traffic Volume UDedSHsdschEvUp- ueTrvMCfgNo

Trv Measurement TrvId
Configuration Number
for Streaming Class on

UDedIBHsdschEvUp- UP Traffic Volume UDedIBHsdschEvUp- ueTrvMCfgNo

Trv Measurement TrvId
Configuration for
Interactive and
Background Class

UComHsdschEvUpTrv UP Traffic Volume UComHsdschEvUp- ueTrvMCfgNo

Measurement TrvId
for HS-DSCH in


SJ-20120319104909-009|2011-05-31 (R1.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXUR 9000 UMTS Radio Parameter Constraints Reference

Complete Alternative
Complete Primary
Key of MO
(A+B Indicates
(A+B Indicates That
Sheet Name MOC Name That the Complete
the Complete Primary
Alternative Key
Key Consists of A
Consists of A and
and B)

UETTIEdchEvUpTrv UP Throughput UETTIEdchEvUpTrvId ueTrvMCfgNo

Event Measurement
Configuration for E-TTI

UDedEdchEvUpTrv UP Traffic Volume UDedEdchEvUpTrvId ueTrvMCfgNo

Configuration for

UComEdchEvUpTrv UP Traffic Volume UComEdchEvUpTrvId ueTrvMCfgNo

Configuration for

UIntraMeasProfile Intra-frequency UIntraMeasProfileId profileId

Measurement Profile

UIntraMeasSrvSpec Intra-frequency UIntraMeasSrvSpecId srvCategory

Configuration Related
to Traffic Category

UIntraEcNoEvMeas UEIntra-frequency UIntraEcNoEvMeasId intraMeasCfgNo

Event Measurement
Configuration for

UIntraRscpEvMeas UEIntra-frequency UIntraRscpEvMeasId intraMeasCfgNo

Event Measurement
Configuration for

UIntraMeasNoSrvSpec Intra-frequency UIntraMeasNoS- N/A

Measurement rvSpecId
Unrelated to Traffic


SJ-20120319104909-009|2011-05-31 (R1.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 1 Relationships

Complete Alternative
Complete Primary
Key of MO
(A+B Indicates
(A+B Indicates That
Sheet Name MOC Name That the Complete
the Complete Primary
Alternative Key
Key Consists of A
Consists of A and
and B)

UIntraEcNoPrdMeas UEIntra-frequency UIntraEcNoPrdMeasId intraMeasCfgNo

Period Measurement
Configuration for

UIntraRscpPrdMeas UEIntra-frequency UIntraRscpPrdMeasId intraMeasCfgNo

Period Measurement
Configuration for

UIntraEcNoEvMeas- Detected Set UIntraEcNoEvMeas- intraMeasCfgNo

ForD Measurement ForDId
Configuration for

UIntraRscpEvMeas- Detected Set UIntraRscpEvMeas- intraMeasCfgNo

ForD Measurement ForDId

UInterMeasProfile UE Inter-frequency UInterMeasProfileId profileId

Measurement Profile

UInterMeaSrvSpec Inter-frequency UInterMeaSrvSpecId srvCategory

Configuration Related
to Traffic Category

UInterEcNoEvMeas- UE Inter-frequency UInterEcNoEvMeas- interMeasCfgNo

forU Event Measurement forUId
Configuration for

UInterRscpEvMeas- UE Inter-frequency UInterRscpEvMeas- interMeasCfgNo

forU Event Measurement forUId
Configuration for

UInterEcNoEvMeas- UE Inter-frequency UInterEcNoEvMeas- interMeasCfgNo

forG Event Measurement forGId
Configuration for


SJ-20120319104909-009|2011-05-31 (R1.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXUR 9000 UMTS Radio Parameter Constraints Reference

Complete Alternative
Complete Primary
Key of MO
(A+B Indicates
(A+B Indicates That
Sheet Name MOC Name That the Complete
the Complete Primary
Alternative Key
Key Consists of A
Consists of A and
and B)

UInterRscpEvMeas- UE Inter-frequency UInterRscpEvMeas- interMeasCfgNo

forG Event Measurement forGId
Configuration for

UInterEcNoEvMeas- UE Inter-frequency UInterEcNoEvMeasfor- interMeasCfgNo

forE Event Measurement EId

UInterRscpEvMeas- UE Inter-frequency UInterRscpEvMeasfor- interMeasCfgNo

forE Event Measurement EId

UInterMeasNoSrvSpec Inter-frequency UInterMeasNoS- N/A

Measurement rvSpecId
Unrelated to Traffic

UInterEcNoPrdMeas UEInter-frequency UInterEcNoPrdMeasId interMeasCfgNo

Period Measurement
Configuration for

UInterRscpPrdMeas UEInter-frequency UInterRscpPrdMeasId interMeasCfgNo

Period Measurement
Configuration for

URatMeasProfile Inter-RAT URatMeasProfileId profileId

Measurement Profile

URatMeasSrvSpec Inter-RAT URatMeasSrvSpecId srvCategory

Configuration Related
to Traffic Category


SJ-20120319104909-009|2011-05-31 (R1.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 1 Relationships

Complete Alternative
Complete Primary
Key of MO
(A+B Indicates
(A+B Indicates That
Sheet Name MOC Name That the Complete
the Complete Primary
Alternative Key
Key Consists of A
Consists of A and
and B)

URatEcNoEvMeasforG UE Inter-RAT URatEcNoEvMeas- interRatCfgNo

Event Measurement forGId
Configuration for

URatRscpEvMeasforG UE Inter-RAT URatRscpEvMeas- interRatCfgNo

Event Measurement forGId
Configuration for

URatEcNoEvMeasforE UE Inter-RAT URatEcNoEvMeasfor- interRatCfgNo

Event Measurement EId

URatRscpEvMeasforE UE Inter-RAT URatRscpEvMeasfor- interRatCfgNo

Event Measurement EId

URatMeasNoSrvSpec Inter-RAT URatMeasNoS- N/A

Measurement rvSpecId
Unrelated to Traffic

URatEcNoPrdMeas UEInter-RAT Period URatEcNoPrdMeasId interRatCfgNo

Configuration for

URatRscpPrdMeas UEInter-RAT Period URatRscpPrdMeasId interRatCfgNo

Configuration for

UUeIntMeasProfile UE Internal UUeIntMeasProfileId profileId

Measurement Profile


SJ-20120319104909-009|2011-05-31 (R1.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXUR 9000 UMTS Radio Parameter Constraints Reference

Complete Alternative
Complete Primary
Key of MO
(A+B Indicates
(A+B Indicates That
Sheet Name MOC Name That the Complete
the Complete Primary
Alternative Key
Key Consists of A
Consists of A and
and B)

UAmrEvtTPUeInt UE Transmitted Power UAmrEvtTPUeIntId ueIntMCfgNo

Event Measurement
Configuration for AMR

UPsEvtTPUeInt UE Transmitted Power UPsEvtTPUeIntId ueIntMCfgNo

Event Measurement
Configuration for PS

UHoEvtTPUeInt UE Rx-Tx Time UHoEvtTPUeIntId ueIntMCfgNo

Difference Period
Configuration for

UPrdRttUeInt UE Rx-Tx Time UPrdRttUeIntId ueIntMCfgNo

Difference Event
Configuration for

UEvtRttUeInt UE Rx-Tx Time UEvtRttUeIntId ueIntMCfgNo

Difference Event
Configuration for RL
Timing Adjustment

URlEvtRttUeInt UE Transmitted Power URlEvtRttUeIntId ueIntMCfgNo

Event Measurement
Configuration for

UNbComMeasProfile NodeB Common UNbComMeasProfileId profileId

Measurement Profile

UNbComMeas NodeB Common UNbComMeasId nbCMCfgNo


UNbDedMeasProfile NodeB Dedicated UNbDedMeasProfileId profileId

Measurement Profile


SJ-20120319104909-009|2011-05-31 (R1.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 1 Relationships

Complete Alternative
Complete Primary
Key of MO
(A+B Indicates
(A+B Indicates That
Sheet Name MOC Name That the Complete
the Complete Primary
Alternative Key
Key Consists of A
Consists of A and
and B)

UNbDedMeas NodeB Dedicated UNbDedMeasId nbDMCfgNo


UGbrResLimitProfile Limiting HSDPA UGbrResLimitProfileId profileId

GBR Resource
Consumption Profile

UGbrResLimit Limiting HSDPA UGbrResLimitId N/A

GBR Resource

UCfnOffset CFN Offset UCfnOffsetId sigType + fstRecfgInd

Configuration + retranRate

ULocationArea Location Area ULocationAreaId lac


URoutingArea Routing Area URoutingAreaId rac


UServiceArea Service Area UServiceAreaId sac


UServiceAreaBc Service Area UServiceAreaBcId sacbc

Configuration in BC

UUtranRegArea UTRAN Registration UUtranRegAreaId ura


UUtranCellFDD UTRAN Cell UUtranCellFDDId cId + localCellId

UCelInfoFDD Extended Info of UCelInfoFDDId N/A


UUtranRelation Neighbouring Cell UUtranRelationId refUExternalUtran-

CellFDD + refUUtran-

UGsmRelation GSM Neighbouring UGsmRelationId refUExternalGsmCell



SJ-20120319104909-009|2011-05-31 (R1.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXUR 9000 UMTS Radio Parameter Constraints Reference

Complete Alternative
Complete Primary
Key of MO
(A+B Indicates
(A+B Indicates That
Sheet Name MOC Name That the Complete
the Complete Primary
Alternative Key
Key Consists of A
Consists of A and
and B)

UEUtranRelation EUTRAN Neighbouring UEUtranRelationId refUExternalEUtran-

Cell CellTDD + refUExter-

UEUtranRelation EUTRAN Neighbouring UEUtranRelationId refUExternalEUtran-

Cell CellTDD + refUExter-

UAich AICH Configuration UAichId commPhyChanelId

UPrach PRACH Configuration UPrachId commPhyChanelId

USccpch SCCPCH USccpchId commPhyChanelId


UPich PICH Configuration UPichId commPhyChanelId

UMich MICH Configuration UMichId commPhyChanelId

UScpich SCPICH Configuration UScpichId commPhyChanelId

UCelSel Cell Selection UCelSelId parentLDN

and Reselection

UPriSel Cell Reselection UPriSelId N/A

Frequency and Priority

UCHspa Hspa Configuration In UCHspaId N/A

A Cell

UCMbms MBMS Configuration In UCMbmsId N/A

A Cell

UEFach EFACH Configuration UEFachId N/A

UPlBal Power Load Balance UPlBalId N/A


ULdCtrl Load Control ULdCtrlId N/A


UCMR Cell MR Configuration UCMRId N/A

UCelMPO HS-PDSCH UCelMPOId app64QamInd +

Measurement Power appMimoInd +
Offset Configuration appDcHsdpaInd


SJ-20120319104909-009|2011-05-31 (R1.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 1 Relationships

Complete Alternative
Complete Primary
Key of MO
(A+B Indicates
(A+B Indicates That
Sheet Name MOC Name That the Complete
the Complete Primary
Alternative Key
Key Consists of A
Consists of A and
and B)

UExternalRncFunction External RNC Function UExternalRncFunc- mcc + mnc + rncId


UExternalUtran- External UTRAN Cell UExternalUtranCellFD- cId + mcc + mnc + rncId


UExternalGsmCell External GSM Cell UExternalGsmCellId cellIdentity + lac + mcc

+ mnc

UExternalENBFunction External ENodeB UExternalENBFunc- N/A

Function tionId

UExternalEUtran- External EUTRAN Cell UExternalEUtran- cellIdentity


UExternalEUtran- External EUTRAN Cell UExternalEUtranCellT- cellIdentity


UExternalEUtran- External EUTRAN Cell UExternalEUtranCellT- cellIdentity


UCNPoolRoutingFunc- CS/PS Pool Routing UCNPoolRoutingFunc- N/A

tion Fucntion tionId

UIDNNSRouting Configuration of IDNNS UIDNNSRoutingId startIdNnsValue +

route to Cs/Ps Pool endIdNnsValue

UIMSIRouting Configuration of IMSI UIMSIRoutingId imsiMapRuleNo +

route to Cs/Ps Pool imsiMatchedDigit +

For the associations among ZXUR 9000 UMTS radio resource managed objects, refer to
the Radio Managed Object Association section of ZXUR 9000 UMTS (V4.11.20) Radio
Network Controller Radio Parameter Reference.

1.2 Associations Among Radio Parameters

This section describes the associations among radio resource parameters. The value
range [A, B] means the value of parameter can be taken from A to B.


SJ-20120319104909-009|2011-05-31 (R1.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXUR 9000 UMTS Radio Parameter Constraints Reference

1.2.1 UMTS Logical Function Configuration (URncFunction)

Original Related Related Pa- Association
Parameter Object rameter

SharedNet- rncNeInfo NeType If SharedNetMode is 0XFF (no networking sharing),

Mode PlmnNum PlmnNum should be 1 in all the exchange records for
MCC[] MSCServer (NeType,Bit9=1) and SGSN (NeType,
MNC[] Bit12=1) in rncNeInfo; CC[], MNC[] and NEID[] should
NeId[] be unique.

HsupaC- URncFunc- HsdpaCmAs- If HsdpaCmAssoMode is “1: parallel”, the value of

mAsso- tion soMode HsupacmAssoMode is “1: parallel”.

CsRrcOn- URncFunc- InitRrcOnDch If InitRrcOnDch is 2 (forced FACH),

FachSwch tion CsRrcOnFachSwch can not be 0.

CMaxUlP- URncFunc- CMinUlPdu- CMaxUlPduSize > CMinUlPduSize

duSize tion Size

NonCMax- URncFunc- NonCMinUlP- NonCMaxUlPduSize > NonCMinUlPduSize

UlPduSize tion duSize

SharedNet- UUtran- PlmnNum If SharedNetMode is 0/1, PlmnNum in the related

Mode CellFDD table could be more than 1.

RrcSe- URncFunc- TRrcSetupRe- If RrcSetupRetraNum is more than 0, the related

tupRe- tion tran parameter should not be 0.

RxBurstlen- URncFunc- DrxCycle- RxBurstlength<= DrxCycleLength

gth tion Length

PlmnSe- URncFunc- SharedNet- When SharedNetMode is 1 (MOCN), PlmnSelect-

lectMethod tion Mode Method is valid.

ImeiNum Imei - The value of ImeiNum must be consistent with the

records in the Imei table.

SonTran- URncFunc- SonTransRe- (SonTransReqNumThrd * SonTransReqPeriod) >

sReqPeriod tion qNumThrd 5000

SonTran- URncFunc- SonTransRe- (SonTransReqNumThrd * SonTransReqPeriod) >

sRe- tion qPeriod 5000

RabMe- URncFunc- CoverMeaBal- When RabMeaBalStaSwch is enabled, CoverMeaBal-

aBal- tion Swch Swch is valid.


SJ-20120319104909-009|2011-05-31 (R1.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 1 Relationships

1.2.2 Logical RNC Configuration (ULogicalRnc)

Original Pa- associated associated Association
rameter Object Parameter

GsmLRange ULogicalRnc GsmURange GsmURange > GsmLRange;

If the value range of GsmLRange is [512, 885],
the value range of associated parameters must
be [512, 885].
If the value range of GsmLRange is [0, 24], the
value range of the associated parameters must
be [0, 24].
If the value range of GsmLRange is [955, 1023],
the value range of the associated parameters
must be [955, 1023].
If the value range of GsmLRange is [259, 293],
the value range of the associated parameters
must be [259, 293].
If the value range of GsmLRange is [306, 340],
the value range of the associated parameters
must be [306, 340].
If the value range of GsmLRange is [438, 511],
the value range of the associated parameters
must be [438, 511].
If the value range of GsmLRange is [128, 251],
the value range of the associated parameters
must be [128, 251].

Luarfcn ULogicalRnc Uuarfcn Uuarfcn is larger than Luarfcn and these two
parameters should in the same frequency band.
If the value range of Luarfcn is [10562.10838,
24], the value range of the associated parameters
must be [10562, 10838].
If the value range of Luarfcn is [9662, 9938], 412,
437, 462, 487, 512, 537, 562, 587, 612, 637, 662
or 687, the value range of associated parameters
must be [9662, 9938], 412, 437, 462, 487, 512,
537, 562, 587, 612, 637, 662 or 687.
If the value range of Luarfcn is [1162, 1513], the
value range of the associated parameters must
be [1162, 1513].
If the value range of Luarfcn is [4357, 4458],
1007, 1012, 1032, 1037, 1062 or 1087, the value
range of associated parameters must be [4357,
4458], 1007, 1012, 1032, 1037, 1062 or 1087.


SJ-20120319104909-009|2011-05-31 (R1.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXUR 9000 UMTS Radio Parameter Constraints Reference

Original Pa- associated associated Association

rameter Object Parameter

If the value range of Luarfcn is [2937, 3088], the

value range of the associated parameters must
be [2937, 3088].
If the value range of Luarfcn is [4387, 4413],
1037 or 1062, the value range of the associated
parameters must be [4387, 4413],1037 or 1062.
If the value range of Luarfcn is [1537,1738]
, 1887 ,1912 ,1937 ,1962 ,1987 ,2012 ,2037
,2062 or 2087, the value range of associated
parameters must be [1537,1738] ,1887 ,1912
,1937 ,1962 ,1987 ,2012 ,2037 ,2062 or 2087.

UlLowLim- USubSrv MaxBitRate The corresponding up-link matching rate must

NegGBR Direction exist in the association table.

DlLowLim- USubSrv MaxBitRate The corresponding down-link matching rate must

NegGBR Direction exist in the association table.

MCC,MNC rncLocalOff PlmnNum、 The parameters in this table must exist in the
MCC[] , association table.

CsNullNri rncIuOff CsNri Except that the value of 0XFFFF is invalid, the
value of CsNullNri should not be equal to that of
CsNri configured in the rncIuOff table.

PsNullNri rncIuOff PsNri Except that the value of 0XFFFF is invalid, the
value of PsNullNri should not be equal to that of
PsNri configured in the rncIuOff table.

THPThresh [] ULogicalRnc - Array elements must meet the following

requirements: THPThresh [0] < THPThresh [1]
<THPThresh [2].

UlRateAd- ULogicalRnc UlRateAdjLev When the value of UlRateAdjLevNum is greater

jLevNum than 1, valid array elements must meet the
following requirements: UlRateAdjLev [0]<
UlRateAdjLev [1]< UlRateAdjLev [2]<…<
UlRateAdjLev [UlRateAdjLevNum-1].

DlRateAd- ULogicalRnc DlRateAdjLev When the value of UlRateAdjLevNum is greater

jLevNum than 1, valid array elements must meet the
following requirements: DlRateAdjLev [0]<
DlRateAdjLev [1]< DlRateAdjLev [2]<…<
DlRateAdjLev [DlRateAdjLevNum-1].


SJ-20120319104909-009|2011-05-31 (R1.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 1 Relationships

Original Pa- associated associated Association

rameter Object Parameter

UlPsRateLmt- USubSrv MaxBitRate The corresponding uplink rate and downlink rate
LowC Direction must be available to the association table.

UlPsRateLmt- USubSrv MaxBitRate The corresponding uplink rate and downlink rate
HighC Direction must be available to the association table.

UlPwrDasf ULogicalRnc DchAd- If UlPwrDasf or DlPwrDasf is enabled, then

DlPwrDasf jRateSwch DchAdjRateSwch must be enabled.

InitialRateUl USubSrv MaxBitRate The corresponding uplink rate and downlink rate
InitialRateDl Direction must be available to the association table.

1.2.3 Iub Link Configuration (UIubLink)

Original Associ- Associated Pa- Association
Parameter ated Ob- rameter

NodebNo UUtran- NodebNo Parameters in the association table must exist in this
CellFDD table.

NodebNo R_NeInfo NeId For NEs of Node B type, if the value of NodebNo is
PlmnNum PlmnNum consistent with that of Neld, parameters in this table
MCC4RAN- NeType are valid.
Sharing[] PlmnIndex The value of MCC4RANSharing[]\MNC4RANShar-
MNC4RAN- ing[] must be consistent with that of MCC[]\MNC[].
Sharing[] MCC[]\MNC[] must be the valid MCC[]\MNC[] of
R_PlmnInfo MCC[] the corresponding parameter in the association
MNC[] table (in accordance with PlmnIndex to the index
of R_PlmnInfo in R_NeInfo) (MCC4RANShar-
ing[]\MNC4RANSharing[] are obtained from the same
NMS objects: IubLink and LogicIubLink.

1.2.4 UE Timers and Constants Information (UUeCnst)



SJ-20120319104909-009|2011-05-31 (R1.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXUR 9000 UMTS Radio Parameter Constraints Reference

1.2.5 CN NAS System Information (UCnInfo)

Original Pa- Associated Associated Pa- Association
rameter Object rameter

MCC rncNeInfo PlmnNum MCC+MNC of the cnInfo’s record must be selected from valid
MNC MCC[] MCC[i] + MCC[i] (i= [0, PlmnNum-1]) of the rncNeInfo’s recor
MNC[] ds which NeType is RNC

MbmsMod- UCnInfo Kcs MbmsModPrdCoeff=max(Kcs, Kps)

PrdCoeff Kps

1.2.6 Iu Interface Timers and Constants Information (UIuCnst)

Original Associated Associated Association
Parameter Object Parameter

TigOR UIuCnst TinTR TigOR<=TinTR

MCC and rncLocRnc MCC and MNC Parameters in this table must exit in the association
MNC table.

1.2.7 Dynamic Radio Bearer Control Information (UDrbc)

Original Associated Associated Association
Parameter Object Parameter

ToF- UDrbc DxHsBo0E4b- ToFtimesThr<= DxHsBo0E4bThd

timesThr Thd

FToPchThd UDrbc FToIdleThd FToPchThd <=FToIdleThd

ToF- UDrbc DToPchThd ToFtimesThr< =DToPchThd


DToPchThd UDrbc DToIdleThd DToPchThd <=DToIdleThd

ToF- UDrbc DToIdleThd ToFtimesThr<= DToIdleThd


1.2.8 Global Access Control (UGloAc)



SJ-20120319104909-009|2011-05-31 (R1.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 1 Relationships

1.2.9 HSPA Configuration Information (UHspa)

Original Associ- Associated Association
Parameter ated Ob- Parameter

Dtx- UHspa RtDtxDrxSwch Only when DtxDrxSwch is 1(On), RtDtxDrxSwch is

DrxSwch valid.

HsscLessS- UHspa NVHsscLessS- Only when HsscLessSwch is 1(On), NVHsscLessS-

wch wch wch is valid.

CodeRe- UHspa CodeReAssPrd Only when CodeReAssInd is 1 (support), CodeRe-

AssInd AssPrd is valid.

NrtDtx- UHspa DtxDrxSwch Only when DtxDrxSwch is 1(On), NrtDtxDrxSwch is

DrxSwch valid.

Edpcch- UHspa EdpcchPOTti10 EdpcchPOTti2>EdpcchPOTti10


ScheIn- UHspa ScheIn- ScheInfoPOTti2>=ScheInfoPOTti10

foPOTti2 foPOTti10

CqiCycle UHspa CqiRepFactor When CCqiCycle is 0, the CqiRepFactor field is

When CqiCycle is not 0, the phsyical value of
CqiCycle meets CqiCycle >= 2* CqiRepFactor.

CqiCycle UHspa DtxCyc2Tti10 DtxCyc2Tti10 and DtxCyc2Tti2 must be integral times

DtxCyc2Tti2 of CqiCycle divided by two or quotient of CqiCycle
when HspaType in this table is 0.

1.2.10 Common EDCH Configuration (UCommEdch)

Original Associated Associated Association
Parameter Object Parameter

EdpcchPOTti2 UCommEdch EdpcchPOTti10 EdpcchPOTti2>EdpcchPOTti10

ScheInfoPOTti2 UCommEdch ScheInfoPOTti10 ScheInfoPOTti2>=ScheInfoPOTti10

CqiCycle UCommEdch CqiRepFactor When CCqiCycle is 0, the

CqiRepFactor field is invalid.
When CqiCycle is not 0, the phsyical
value of CqiCycle meets CqiCycle
>= 2* CqiRepFactor.

CqiCycle UCommEdch DtxCyc2Tti10 DtxCyc2Tti10 and DtxCyc2Tti2 must

DtxCyc2Tti2 be integral times of CqiCycle divided
by two or quotient of CqiCycle when
HspaType in this table is 0.


SJ-20120319104909-009|2011-05-31 (R1.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXUR 9000 UMTS Radio Parameter Constraints Reference

1.2.11 Limiting HSDPA GBR Resource Consumption Configuration

Original Parame- Associated Ob- Associated Parameter Association
ter ject

HsGBRResLimi- UCHspa CHsGBRResLmtIdx The parameter in UCHspa must have existed in

tIdx UGbrResLimit

HsGBRLevNum USubSrv MaxBitRate The valid HsGBRLev[MAX_NUM_HS_GBR]

HsGBRLev[MAX_ Direction must have the corresponding downlink match-
NUM_HS_GBR] ing rate in the association table

HsGBRLevNum UGbrResLimit HsGBRLev[] When HsGBRLevNum is larger than 1, the fol-

lowing limits apply to the valid array element:
HsGBRLev[0] < HsGBRLev[1] < HsGBRLev[2]
< ... < HsGBRLev[HsGBRLevNum-1]

1.2.12 MBMS Configuration Information (UMbms)

Original Associated Associ- Association
Parameter Object ated Pa-

Thresh- UMbms Thresh- ThreshForHalfIsd>ThreshForIsd

ForHalfIsd ForIsd

1.2.13 CFN Offset Configuration Information (UCfnOffset)

Original Associated Associated Association
Parameter Object Parameter

SigType UCfnOffset RetranRate When SigType=2&FstRecfgInd=0, the records of Re-

FstRecfg- tranRate=0, 10, 20, 50, 70, 100 must be configured,
Ind and there can be only one record corresponding to one
value of RetranRate

SigType UCfnOffset RetranRate Only if the two parameters are Sig-

FstRecfg- Type=2&FstRecfgInd=0, the corresponding fields are
Ind valid


SJ-20120319104909-009|2011-05-31 (R1.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 1 Relationships

1.2.14 Configuration of IDNNS route to Cs/Ps Pool (UIDNNSRouting)

Original Pa- Associated Associated Association
rameter Object Parameter

Star- UIDNNSRout- En- The value of StartIdNnsValue must be smaller

tIdNnsValue ing dIdNnsValue than and equal to that of EndIdNnsValue.

Star- UIDNNSRout- Star- The value scope of StartIdNnsValue must be

tIdNnsValue ing tIdNnsValue inconsistent with that of EndIdNnsValue. For
En- En- example, A and B in the following formula are not
dIdNnsValue dIdNnsValue allowed:
B. StartIdNnsValue <= A. StartIdNnsValue and B.
EndIdNnsValue >= A. StartIdNnsValue

1.2.15 Configuration of IMSI route to Cs/Ps Pool (UIMSRouting)


1.2.16 QChat Service Configuration (UQChat)


1.2.17 UTRAN Registration Area (UUtranRegArea)

Original Associated Associated Association
Parameter Object Parameter

URA、Self- UUtran- URA、CId URA and CId in the association table must be
PhyRnc- CellFDD available to this table, and SelfPhyRncCInd is
CInd、PhyCId true.

URA、Self- UExternalU- URA 、 Parameters in the association table must be

PhyRnc- tranCellFDD AdjPhyCId available to this table, and SelfPhyRncCInd is
CInd、PhyCId false.

URA UUtran- PlmnNum The maximum number of RNCs related to one

UExternalU- MNC[]
tranCellFDD RncId

1.2.18 User Configuration in White List (UWhiteImsiList)



SJ-20120319104909-009|2011-05-31 (R1.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXUR 9000 UMTS Radio Parameter Constraints Reference

1.2.19 Power Control Related to Service for White List

Original Pa- Associated Associated Association
rameter Object Parameter

MaxSir- UWhiteSrvPc UlSir- UlSirTargDnStep<= MaxSirTargDnStep

TargDnStep TargDnStep

NhrThrUpTti2[ UWhiteSrvPc NhrThrUpTti2[ When the value of SrvType is an even number,

] ] the following requirement must be satisfied:
NhrThrDown- NhrThrDown- NhrThrUpTti2 [0] <= NhrThrUpTti2 [1] <=
Tti2[] Tti2[] NhrThrUpTti2 [2]
NhrThrDownTti2 [0] <= NhrThrDownTti2 [1] <=
NhrThrDownTti2 [2]

NhrThrUpTti1 UWhiteSrvPc NhrThrUpTti1 When the value of SrvType is an even number,

0[] 0[] the following requirement must be satisfied:
NhrThrDown- NhrThrDown- NhrThrUpTti10[0] <= NhrThrUpTti10[1] <=
Tti10[] Tti10[] NhrThrUpTti10[2]
NhrThrDownTti10[0] <= NhrThrDownTti10[1] <=

MaxSirTar- UWhiteSrvPc UlSirTargUp- MaxSirTargUpStep>=UlSirTargUpStep

gUpStep Step

NhrThrUpTti1 UWhiteSrvPc NhrThrDown- When the value of SrvType is the uplink service
0[] Tti10[] subtype (an even number), three array nodes
of NhrThrUpTti10 and NhrThrDownTti10 (i :
from 0 to 2) must satisfy the following condition:
NhrThrUpTti10[i] >= NhrThrDownTti10[i].

NhrThrUpTti2[ UWhiteSrvPc NhrThrDown- When the value of SrvType is the uplink service
] Tti2[] subtype (an even number), three array nodes
of NhrThrUpTti2 and NhrThrDownTti2 (i: from
0 to 2) must satisfy the following condition:
NhrThrUpTti2[i] >= NhrThrDownTti2[i].

ULMaxSIR UWhiteSrvPc ULInitSIR When the value of SrvType is an even number,


MaxDlDpch- UWhiteSrvPc MinDlDpch- When the value of SrvType is an odd number,

Pwr Pwr MaxDlDpchPwr >= MinDlDpchPwr

1.2.20 DPI Basic Priority Mapping Relationship (UDpiBasPriMappi



SJ-20120319104909-009|2011-05-31 (R1.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 1 Relationships

1.2.21 Application Service Type Configuration (UAppSrvType)


1.2.22 Dynamic Radio Bearer Control Information of DPI Service

Original Pa- Associated Associated Association
rameter Object Parameter

DPIDrbcStr- UDrbc DrbcStragy- The value of DPIDrbcStrCfgNo in this table must

CfgNo CfgNo be available to DrbcStragyCfgNo in Drbc.

AppSrvId R_AppSrv AppSrvId The value of AppSrvId in this table must be

available to AppSrvId in R_AppSrv.

1.2.23 Qos Configuration Dedicated Service Transport Bearer Qos Configuration (UDedSrvTb)
Original Associated Associated Association
Parameter Object Parameter

ProfileIndex ULogicalI- ProfileIndex Valid parameters in the related table must be

ubLink available to this table.
ULogicalI- When ProfileIndex in this table is quoted by
urQos the association table, the corresponding record
should not be deleted.
When the value of ProfileIndex in this table is
from 17 to 32, the corresponding record should
not be deleted or modified.

IBUlResBwd UDedSrvTb TrafficCate- IBUlResBwd and IBDlResBwd are valid only

IBDlResBwd gory when TrafficCategory is 13(R99 PS interactive
high priority), 14(R99 PS interactive middle
priority), 15(R99 PS interactive low priority),
16(R99 PS background), 19(HSDPA interactive
high priority), 20(HSDPA interactive middle
priority), 21(HSDPA interactive low priority),
22(HSDPA background), 25(HSUPA interactive
high priority), 26(HSUPA interactive middle
priority) , 27(HSUPA interactive low priority),
28(HSUPA background), 30(MBMS interactive
high priority), 31(MBMS interactive middle
priority), 32(MBMS interactive low priority),
33(MBMS background) or 36(PS VIP).


SJ-20120319104909-009|2011-05-31 (R1.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXUR 9000 UMTS Radio Parameter Constraints Reference

Original Associated Associated Association

Parameter Object Parameter

TbTypePara1 UDedSrvTb Null These parameters must be different when they

TbTypePara2 are valid.
TbTypePara6 Qos Basic Configuration (UBasPri)

Null Qos Configuration Related to Logical Iur Link (ULogicalIurQos)

Original Pa- Associated Associated Pa- Association
rameter Object rameter

ANEID R_NEINFO ANI Parameters in this table are from the

R_NEINFO table , and they correspond to
the parameters in the R_NEINFO table.

TbTypeIndex[] UTbType TbTypeIndex When TbTypeIndex in this table is valid,

PlmnNum R_NEINFO TbType TbTypeIndex must be available to the
MCC[] IurBrsType TbType association table. If IurBrsType or
MNC[] IubSrvBrsType IubSrvBrsType of the rncLocalOff table is
(IP), TbType in the association table must
be (IP).

ResBwdIndex UTbType ResBwdIndex When ResBwdIndex in this table is valid,

PlmnNum MCC ResBwdIndex must be available to the
MCC[] MNC association table.

ProfileIndex UDedSrvTb ProfileIndex When ProfileIndex in this table is valid,

ProfileIndex must be available to the
association table.


SJ-20120319104909-009|2011-05-31 (R1.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 1 Relationships Basic Priority Mapping Relationship (UBasPriMapping)

Original Associated Associated Association
Parameter Object Parameter

Original Related Related Pa- Relationship Description

Parameter Object rameter

ArpPL — — When the value of TrafficClass is [4,

TrafficClass DBS_RR_THP_SEGMENT+3], the THP range of
the corresponding alternative service must be [1,
During record configuration, all the value combinations
that ArpPL is [1,15] and TrafficClass is (0~3+3,19)
must be configured.

MCC and ULogical- MCC and MNC Parameters in this table must exit in the association
MNC Rnc table. Scheduling Priority Mapping Relationship (USchPriMapping)

Original Associated Associated Association
Parameter Object Parameter

BasicPrio USch- BearerType During the record configuration, the records of all the
PriMapping value combinations that BasicPrio is [0,15] and Bear-
erType is [0,2] must be configured. Application Priority Mapping Relationship (UAppPriMapping)

Original Associated Associated Association
Parameter Object Parameter

RateSeg QosSeg BPSegNum When the value of BasicPrio is from 0 to 15, the value
Direction DlRateAd- combination ([<=16kbps;(<16&<=64)kbps;(<64&<=1
BPSeg jLevNum 28)kbps;(<128&<=384)kbps;>384kbps]) of downlink
RateClass must be configured.

Direction UApp- BearerType If Direction is 0(Uplink), BearerType cannot be

PriMapping 2(MBMS).That is to say, the up-link application priority
is invalid.


SJ-20120319104909-009|2011-05-31 (R1.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXUR 9000 UMTS Radio Parameter Constraints Reference Access Control Related to Basic Priority (UBPriAc)

Original Associated Associated Pa- Association
Parameter Object rameter

BPriAcIn- UUtran- BPriAcIndex[] Parameters in the association table must be available

dex CellFDD to this table.

BasicPrio UBPriAc Null All values of BasicPrio must be configured in this table.

ThreshRef- UBPriAc MbmsAcThresh ThreshRefCount<= MbmsAcThresh


DchUlAc- UUtran- BPriAcIndex UlSeriousOverLd> UlOverLd> utranCell; Under all

Thresh CellFDD PLMNs, BPriAcIndex in the BPriAc table corresponds
to DchUlAcThresh of all records.
ULdCtrl UlOverLd

DchDlAc- UUtran- BPriAcIndex DlSeriousOverLd> DlOverLd> utranCell; Under all

Thresh CellFDD PLMNs, BPriAcIndex in the BPriAc table corresponds
to DchDlAcThresh of all records.
ULdCtrl DlOverLd

MbmsAc- UUtran- BPriAcIndex DlSeriousOverLd> DlOverLd> utranCell; Under all

Thresh CellFDD PLMNs, BPriAcIndex in the BPriAc table corresponds
to MbmsAcThresh of all records.
ULdCtrl DlOverLd

BasicPrio ULdCtrl UlHighLd DchUlAcThresh in the BPriAc table corresponding to

DchUlAc- all basic priorities in the BasPri table (TrafficClass=0)
UBasPriM- TrafficClass
Thresh should be morn than UlHighLd in the LdCtrl table of
apping BasicPrio
this cell.

BasicPrio ULdCtrl UlHighLd DchUlAcThresh in the BPriAc table corresponding to

DchDlAc- all basic priorities in the BasPri table (TrafficClass=0)
UBasPriM- TrafficClass
Thresh should be morn than UlHighLd in the LdCtrl table of
apping BasicPrio
this cell.

HsdpaAc- UBPriAc DchDlAcThresh HsdpaAcThresh > DchDlAcThresh



SJ-20120319104909-009|2011-05-31 (R1.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 1 Relationships Transport Bearer Type Related to Basic Priority (UTbType)

Original Pa- Associated Associated Association
rameter Object Parameter

TbTypeIndex ULogicalI- TbTypeIndex[] Parameters in the association table must be

urQos available to this table.

BasicPrio - - When configuring records, users must configure

BearerType all values ( from 0 to 15) for BasicPrio.

ResBwdIndex ULogicalI- ResBwdIn- Parameters in the association table must be

urQos dex[] available to this table.

1.2.24 Intra-frequency Measurement Profile (UIntraMeasProfile)

This profile involves the following associations among radio parameters in MOC:
l Intra-frequency Measurement Configuration associated to Traffic Category
l UEIntra-frequency Event Measurement Configuration for CPICH Ec/No
l UEIntra-frequency Event Measurement Configuration for CPICH RSCP
l Intra-frequency Measurement Configuration Unassociated to Traffic Category
l UEIntra-frequency Period Measurement Configuration for CPICH Ec/No
l UEIntra-frequency Period Measurement Configuration for CPICH RSCP
l Detected Set Measurement Configuration for CPICH Ec/No
l Detected Set Measurement Configurationfor CPICH RSCP (UIntraRscpEvMeasForD)

Original Associated Associated Association

Parameter Object Parameter

IntraMeas- UIntraMea- EvtMeasEcNo Values of associated parameters in the association ta-

CfgNo sProfile EvtMeasRSCP ble must be available to this table.

IntraMeas- UIntraMea- IntraMeasCfg- Each value of the associated parameter must

CfgNo sProfile Note correspond to each record.


SJ-20120319104909-009|2011-05-31 (R1.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXUR 9000 UMTS Radio Parameter Constraints Reference

Original Associated Associated Association

Parameter Object Parameter

IntraMeas- UIntraMea- MeasQuantity The value of IntraMeasCfgNote, MeasQuantity and

CfgNote sProfile RptCrt RptCrt has the following restrictions:
When IntraMeasCfgNote is 0(Period Report
Parameters for CPICH Ec/No), MeasQuantity must
be 0(CPICH Ec/No) and RptCrt must be 2 (Periodical
Reporting Criteria).
When IntraMeasCfgNote is 2(UE Event Report
Parameters for CPICH Ec/No), MeasQuantity must
be 0(CPICH Ec/No) and RptCrt must be 1 (Event
Reporting Criteria).
When IntraMeasCfgNote is 5(Period Report
Parameters for CPICH RSCP), MeasQuantity must
be 1(CPICH RSCP) and RptCrt must be 2 (Periodical
Reporting Criteria).
When IntraMeasCfgNote is 7(UE Event Report
Parameters for CPICH RSCP), MeasQuantity must
be 1(CPICH RSCP) and RptCrt must be 1 (Event
Reporting Criteria).
When IntraMeasCfgNote is 10(Detected Set
Measearment Configuration Index for CPICH Ec/No),
MeasQuantity must be 0(CPICH Ec/No) and RptCrt
must be 1 (Event Reporting Criteria).
When IntraMeasCfgNote is 11(Detected Set
Measearment Configuration Index for CPICH RSCP),
MeasQuantity must be 1(CPICH RSCP) and RptCrt
must be 1 (Event Reporting Criteria).

RptCrt Intra UIntraMea- MeasEvtNum Only when RptCrt is 1 (event report), the associated
sProfile parameter is valid.



RptCrt UIntraMea- PrdRptAmount Only when RptCrt is 2 (period report), the associated
sProfile parameter is valid.


RptCrt UIntraMea- RptRange[] Only when RptCrt is 1 (event report) and MeaEvtId is
MeaEvtId[] sProfile 1a/1b, the associated parameter is valid.

RptCrt UIntraMea- W[] Only when RptCrt is 1 (event report) and MeaEvtId is
MeaEvtId[] sProfile 1a/1b, the associated parameter is valid.


SJ-20120319104909-009|2011-05-31 (R1.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 1 Relationships

Original Associated Associated Association

Parameter Object Parameter

RptCrt UIntraMea- ThreshUsed- Only when RptCrt is 1 (event report) and MeaEvtId is
MeaEvtId[] sProfile Freq[] 1e/1f, the associated parameter is valid. Moreover,
MeasQuan- the value range must meet the following conditions:
tity MeasQuantity is CPICHRSCP and ThreshUsedFreq
is (-115~25).
MeasQuantity is CPICH Ec/No and ThreshUsedFreq
is (-24~0)dB.
MeasQuantity is Pathloss and ThreshUsedFreq is

RptCrt UIntraMea- RptDeactThr[] Only when RptCrt is 1 (event report) and MeaEvtId is
MeaEvtId[] sProfile 1a, the associated parameter is valid.

RptCrt UIntraMea- RplcActThr[] Only when RptCrt is 1 (event report) and MeaEvtId is
MeaEvtId[] sProfile 1c/1J, the associated parameter is valid. Moreover,
JRplcActThr must be 0, 1, 2, 3 and 4 when MeaEvtId
is 1.

RptCrt UIntraMea- EvtRptAmount[] Only when RptCrt is 1 (event report) and MeaEvtId is
MeaEvtId[] sProfile 1a/1b/1c/1j, the associated parameter is valid.

RptCrt UIntraMea- EvtRptInterval[] Only when RptCrt is 1 (event report) and MeaEvtId is
MeaEvtId[] sProfile 1a/1b/1c/1j, the associated parameter is valid.

TrfCatIn- UUtran- TrfCatIntraMIdx The values of parameters in CIntra must exist in this
traMIdx CellFDD table

Evt- UIntraMea- In- The values of parameters in CIntra must exist in this
MeasEcNo sProfile traMeasCfgNo table


SJ-20120319104909-009|2011-05-31 (R1.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXUR 9000 UMTS Radio Parameter Constraints Reference

Original Associated Associated Association

Parameter Object Parameter

Evt- UIntraMea- TrfCategory When TrfCategory is 0xff, PrdMeasEcNo,

MeasEcNo sProfile PrdMeasRSCP, EvtMeasDctEcNo and
Evt- EvtMeasDctRSCP are valid, but EvtMeasEcNo and
MeasRSCP EvtMeasRSCP are invalid
Prd- When TrfCategory is not 0xff, PrdMeasEcNo,
MeasEcNo PrdMeasRSCP, EvtMeasDctEcNo and
Prd- EvtMeasDctRSCP is invalid, but EvtMeasEcNo and
MeasRSCP EvtMeasRSCP are valid

Prd- UIntraMea- IntraMeasCfg- The corresponding parameters in Intra must be 2(Pe-

MeasEcNo sProfile Note riod Report Parameters for CPICH Ec/No)

Evt- UIntraMea- IntraMeasCfg- The corresponding parameters in Intra must be

MeasEcNo sProfile Note 2(Event Report Parameters for CPICH Ec/No)

Prd- UIntraMea- IntraMeasCfg- The corresponding parameters in Intra must be 5(Pe-

MeasRSCP sProfile Note riod Report Parameters for CPICH RSCP)

Evt- UIntraMea- IntraMeasCfg- The corresponding parameters in Intra must be

MeasRSCP sProfile Note 7(Event Report Parameters for CPICH RSCP)

EvtMeasD- UIntraMea- IntraMeasCfg- The corresponding parameters in Intra must be

ctEcNo sProfile Note 10(Detected Set Measearment Parameters for CPICH

EvtMeasD- UIntraMea- IntraMeasCfg- The corresponding parameters in Intra must be

ctRSCP sProfile Note 11(Detected Set Measearment Parameters for CPICH

TrfCategory UIntraMea- Null All the values of TrfCategory should be configured


1.2.25 UE Inter-frequency Measurement Profile (UInterMeasProfile)

This configuration set involves the associations among radio parameters in the following
l Inter-frequency Measurement Configuration associated to Traffic Category
l UE Inter-frequency Event Measurement Configuration for CPICH Ec/No(UTRAN)
l UE Inter-frequency Event Measurement Configuration for CPICH RSCP(UTRAN)


SJ-20120319104909-009|2011-05-31 (R1.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 1 Relationships

l UE Inter-frequency Event Measurement Configuration for CPICH Ec/No(GSM)

l UE Inter-frequency Event Measurement Configuration for CPICH RSCP(GSM)
l UE Inter-frequency Event Measurement Configuration for CPICH Ec/No(EUTRAN)
l UE Inter-frequency Event Measurement Configuration for CPICH RSCP(EUTRAN)
l Inter-frequency Measurement Configuration Unassociated to Traffic Category
l UEInter-frequency Period Measurement Configuration for CPICH Ec/No
l UEInter-frequency Period Measurement Configuration for CPICH RSCP

Original Associated Associated Pa- Association

Parameter Object rameter

Inter- UInterMea- EvtMeasEcNo Values of associated fields in the association table

MeasCfgNo sProfile EvtMeasRSCP must be available to this table.

Inter- UInterMea- InterMeasCfg- Each value of the associated field must correspond
MeasCfgNo sProfile Note to each record.

Inter- UInterMea- MeasQuantity The value restrictions of InterMeasCfgNote ,

MeasCfg- sProfile RptCrt MeasQuantity and RptCrt are as follows:
Note When InterMeasCfgNote is 0(UE Period Report
Parameters for CPICH Ec/No), MeasQuantity must
be 0(CPICH Ec/No) and RptCrt must be 3
(Periodical Reporting Criteria).
When InterMeasCfgNote is 3(UE Inter-Freq Event
Measurement Cofiguration Number for CPICH
Ec/No), MeasQuantity must be 0(CPICH Ec/No)
and RptCrt must be 2(Inter-frequency Event
Reporting Criteria).
When InterMeasCfgNote is 4(UE Period
Measurement Configuration Number for CPICH


SJ-20120319104909-009|2011-05-31 (R1.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXUR 9000 UMTS Radio Parameter Constraints Reference

Original Associated Associated Pa- Association

Parameter Object rameter

RSCP), MeasQuantity must be 1(CPICH RSCP)

and RptCrt must be 3(Periodical Reporting Criteria).
When InterMeasCfgNote is 7(UE Inter-Freq Event
Measurement Configuration Number for CPICH
RSCP), MeasQuantity must be 1(CPICH RSCP)
and RptCrt must be 2(Inter-frequency Event
Reporting Criteria).
When InterMeasCfgNote is 8(UE Inter-frequency
Event Report Parameters for CPICH Ec/No(GSM)),
MeasQuantity must be 0(CPICH Ec/No) and
RptCrt must be 2(Inter-frequency Event Reporting
When InterMeasCfgNote is 9(UE Inter-frequency
Event Report Parameters for CPICH RSCP(GSM)),
MeasQuantity must be 1(CPICH RSCP) and
RptCrt must be 2(Inter-frequency Event Reporting
When InterMeasCfgNote is 10(UE Inter-frequency
Event Report Parameters for CPICH Ec/No(EUTRAN
FDD)), MeasQuantity must be 0(CPICH Ec/No)
and RptCrt must be 2(Inter-frequency Event
Reporting Criteria).
When InterMeasCfgNote is 11(UE Inter-frequency
Event Report Parameters for CPICH RSCP(EUTRAN
FDD)), MeasQuantity must be 1(CPICH RSCP)
and RptCrt must be 2(Inter-frequency Event
Reporting Criteria).

RptCrt UInterMea- MeasEvtNum Only when RptCrt is 2 (Inter-frequency Event Report-

sProfile MeaEvtId[] ing), the associated field is valid.

RptCrt UInterMea- PrdRptAmount Only when RptCrt is 3 (Periodical Reporting), the as-
sProfile PrdRptInterval sociated field is valid.

RptCrt UInterMea- ThreshUsed- Only when RptCrt is 2 (Inter-frequency Event Re-

MeaEvtId[] sProfile Freq[] porting) and MeaEvtId is 2b/2d/2f, the associated
MeasQuan- field is valid. Moreover, the following restrictions
tity must be met: when MeasQuantity is CPICH RSCP,
ThreshUsedFreq is ( -115 , -25 ) dBm; When
MeasQuantity is CPICH Ec/No, ThreshUsedFreq is


SJ-20120319104909-009|2011-05-31 (R1.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 1 Relationships

Original Associated Associated Pa- Association

Parameter Object rameter

RptCrt UInterMea- Wused[] Only when RptCrt is 2 (Inter-frequency Event Report-

MeaEvtId[] sProfile ing) and MeaEvtId is 2a/2b/2d/2f, the associated field
is valid.

RptCrt UInterMea- ThreshNoUsed- Only when RptCrt is 2 (Inter-frequency Event Re-

MeaEvtId[] sProfile Freq[] porting) and MeaEvtId is 2b/2c/2e, the associated
MeasQuan- field is valid. Moreover, the following restrictions
tity must be met: when MeasQuantity is CPICH RSCP,
ThreshNoUsedFreq is ( -115 , -25 ) dBm; When
MeasQuantity is CPICH Ec/No, ThreshNoUsedFreq
is (-24,0)dB.

RptCrt UInterMea- WnoUsed[] Only when RptCrt is 2 (Inter-frequency Event Report-

MeaEvtId[] sProfile ing) and MeaEvtId is 2a/2b/2c/2e, the associated field
is valid.

TrfCatInter- UUtran- TrfCatInterMIdx The values of parameters in this table must be in

MIdx CellFDD UtranCell

Evt- UInterMea- Inter- The values of parameters in this table must be in Inter
MeasEcNo sProfile MeasCfgNo

Evt- UInterMea- TrfCategory When TrfCategory is 0xff, PrdMeasEcNo and

MeasEcNo sProfile PrdMeasRSCP are valid, but EvtMeasEcNo,
Evt- EvtMeasRSCP, EvtMeasEcNo2 , EvtMeasRSCP2 ,
MeasRSCP EvtMeasEcNo3 and EvtMeasRSCP3 are invalid
Prd- When TrfCategory is not 0xff, PrdMeasEcNo and
MeasEcNo PrdMeasRSCP are invalid, but EvtMeasEcNo,
Prd- EvtMeasRSCP, EvtMeasEcNo2 , EvtMeasRSCP2
MeasRSCP EvtMeasEcNo3 and EvtMeasRSCP3 are valid


SJ-20120319104909-009|2011-05-31 (R1.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXUR 9000 UMTS Radio Parameter Constraints Reference

Original Associated Associated Pa- Association

Parameter Object rameter


Prd- UInterMea- InterMeasCfg- The associated parameters must be 0(UE Period Re-
MeasEcNo sProfile Note port Parameters for CPICH Ec/No)

Evt- UInterMea- InterMeasCfg- The associated parameters must be 3(UE Inter-Freq

MeasEcNo sProfile Note Event Report Parameters for CPICH Ec/No)

Prd- UInterMea- InterMeasCfg- The associated parameters must be 4(UE Period Re-
MeasRSCP sProfile Note port Parameters for CPICH RSCP)

Evt- UInterMea- InterMeasCfg- The associated parameters must be 7(UE Inter-Freq

MeasRSCP sProfile Note Event Report Parameters for CPICH RSCP)

EvtMeasR- UInterMea- InterMeasCfg- The InterMeasCfgNotemust be 9(UE Inter-frequency

SCP2 sProfile Note Event Report Parameters for CPICH RSCP)

EvtMeasEc- UInterMea- InterMeasCfg- The InterMeasCfgNotebe 8(UE Inter-frequency Event

No2 sProfile Note Report Parameters for CPICH Ec/No)

TrfCategory UInterMea- TrfCatInterMIdx For one TrfCatInterMIdx, records corresponding to all

sProfile values of TrfCategory must be configured in CInter

EvtMeasR- UInterMea- InterMeasCfg- InterMeasCfgNote in the associated table must be

SCP3 sProfile Note 11(UE Inter-frequency Event Report Parameters for

EvtMeasEc- UInterMea- InterMeasCfg- InterMeasCfgNote in the associated table must be

No3 sProfile Note 10 (UE Inter-frequency Event Report Parameters for

1.2.26 Inter-RAT Measurement Profile (URatMeasProfile)

This configuration set involves the associations among radio parameters in the following
l Inter-RAT Measurement Configuration associatedto Traffic Category
l UE Inter-RAT Event Measurement Configuration for CPICH Ec/No(GSM)
l UE Inter-RAT Event Measurement Configuration for CPICH RSCP(GSM)


SJ-20120319104909-009|2011-05-31 (R1.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 1 Relationships

l UE Inter-RAT Event Measurement Configuration for CPICH Ec/No(EUTRAN)

l UE Inter-RAT Event Measurement Configuration for CPICH RSCP(EUTRAN)
l Inter-RAT Measurement Configuration Unassociatedto Traffic Category
l UEInter-RAT Period Measurement Configuration for CPICH Ec/No
l UEInter-RAT Period Measurement Configuration for CPICH RSCP (URatRscpPrd-


SJ-20120319104909-009|2011-05-31 (R1.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXUR 9000 UMTS Radio Parameter Constraints Reference
SJ-20120319104909-009|2011-05-31 (R1.0)

Original Parameter Associated Object Associated Parameter Association

InterRatCfgNo URatMeasProfile EvtMeasEcNo The values of associated parameters in CRat must be in this table

InterRatCfgNo URatMeasProfile InterRatCfgNote For each value of InterRatCfgNote, there must be at least one corresponding record to
be configured

InterRatCfgNote URatMeasProfile OwOMMeasQuantity When InterRatCfgNote is 0(Period Report Parameters for Own System CPICH Ec/No),
RptCrt OwOMMeasQuantity must be 0(CPICH Ec/No) and RptCrt must be 2(Periodical
Reporting Criteria)
When InterRatCfgNote is 2(UE Event Report Parameters for Own System CPICH

Ec/No), OwOMMeasQuantity must be 0(CPICH Ec/No) and RptCrt must be 1(Inter-RAT

Event Reporting Criteria)
When InterRatCfgNote is 3(Period Report Parameters for Own System CPICH RSCP),
OwOMMeasQuantity must be 1(CPICH RSCP) and RptCrt must be 2(Periodical
Reporting Criteria)
When InterRatCfgNote is 5(UE Event Report Parameters for Own System CPICH
ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

RSCP), OwOMMeasQuantity must be 1(CPICH RSCP) and RptCrt must be 1(Inter-RAT

Event Reporting Criteria).
When InterRatCfgNote is 6 (UE Event Report Parameters for Own System CPICH
Ec/No(EUTRAN FDD)),OwnMeasQuantity must be 0 (CPICH Ec/No)and RptCrt must
be 1 (Inter-RAT Event Reporting Criteria).
When InterRatCfgNote is 7 (UE Event Report Parameters for Own System CPICH
RSCP(EUTRAN FDD)), OwnMeasQuantity must be 1 (CPICH RSCP)and RptCrt must
be 1 (Inter-RAT Event Reporting Criteria).

UtranEstQual URatMeasProfile null According to TS 25.331, UtranEstQual must be 0(False)

SJ-20120319104909-009|2011-05-31 (R1.0)

Original Parameter Associated Object Associated Parameter Association

RptCrt URatMeasProfile EventNum Only when RptCrt is 1(Inter-RAT Event Reporting Criteria), associated parameters are
EventId[] valid

RptCrt URatMeasProfile Thresh[] Only when RptCrt is 1(Inter-RAT Event Reporting Criteria) and EventId [i] (i= [1,
EventId[] EventNum]) is 0(3a), associated parameters are valid
OwOMMeasQuantity And when OwOMMeasQuantity is 1(CPICH RSCP), the value range of Thresh is [-115,
-25] dBm; when OwOMMeasQuantity is 0(CPICH Ec/No), the value range of Thresh
is [-24, 0] dB

RptCrt URatMeasProfile W[] Only when RptCrt is 1(Inter-RAT Event Reporting Criteria) and EventId [i]( i=[1,
EventId[] EventNum]) is 0(3a), associated parameters are valid

RptCrt URatMeasProfile ThreshSys[] Only when RptCrt is 1(Inter-RAT Event Reporting Criteria) and EventId [i]( i=[1,
EventId[] EventNum]) is 0(3a)/1(3b)/2(3c), associated parameters are valid

TrfCatRatMIdx UUtranCellFDD TrfCatRatMIdx The associated parameters in this table must be in UtranCell
ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

EvtMeasEcNo URatMeasProfile InterRatCfgNo The associated parameters in this table must be in UtranCell

Chapter 1 Relationships
ZXUR 9000 UMTS Radio Parameter Constraints Reference
SJ-20120319104909-009|2011-05-31 (R1.0)

Original Parameter Associated Object Associated Parameter Association

EvtMeasEcNo URatMeasProfile TrfCategory When TrfCategory is 0xff, PrdMeasEcNo and PrdMeasRSCP is valid, EvtMeasEcNo,
EvtMeasRSCP EvtMeasRSCP, EvtMeasEcNo2 and EvtMeasRSCP2 are invalid
PrdMeasEcNo When TrfCategory is not 0xff, PrdMeasEcNo and PrdMeasRSCP is invalid, EvtMeasEcNo
PrdMeasRSCP , EvtMeasRSCP, EvtMeasEcNo2 and EvtMeasRSCP are valid

PrdMeasEcNo URatMeasProfile InterRatCfgNote The associated parameters in Rat must be 0(Period Report Parameters for Own System

EvtMeasEcNo URatMeasProfile InterRatCfgNote The associated parameters in Rat must be 2(UE Event Report Parameters for Own System

PrdMeasRSCP URatMeasProfile InterRatCfgNote The associated parameters in Rat must be 3(Period Report Parameters for Own System

EvtMeasRSCP URatMeasProfile InterRatCfgNote The associated parameters in Rat must be 5(UE Event Report Parameters for Own System

TrfCategory URatMeasProfile TrfCatRatMIdx For one TrfCatRatMIdx, records corresponding to all values of TrfCategory must be con-
figured in CRat

EvtMeasEcNo2 URatMeasProfile InterRatCfgNote The associated parameters in the association table must be 6 (UE Event Report Parame-
ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ters for Own System CPICH Ec/No (EUTRAN FDD)).

EvtMeasRSCP2 URatMeasProfile InterRatCfgNote The associated parameters in the association table must be 7 (UE Event Report Parame-
ters for Own System CPICH RSCP (EUTRAN FDD)).
Chapter 1 Relationships

1.2.27 Service Basic Configuration (USubSrv)

Original Associated Associated Pa- Association
Parameter Object rameter

SrvType UTrfPc SrvType Parameters in the association table must be available

USrvDivPc to this table.

SrvType USubSrv Direction When SrvType is an even number, Direction is Uplink;

When SrvType is an odd number, Direction is Uplink.

MinBitRate USubSrv MaxBitRate MinBitRate<= MaxBitRate

SrvType USubSrv MinBitRate When SrvType is [0, 9] or [65000,65534], MinBitRate

is valid.

SrvType USubSrv EdchHar- Only when SrvType is an even number and SrvInd is
SrvInd qPOFdd 0 (non-MBMS), the associated parameter is valid.

SrvType UTrfPc QePhyBer- Only when SrvInd is 0 (non-MBMS), the associated

SrvInd TarNorm parameter is valid.

SrvType USubSrv PtmRlsPerm Only when SrvInd is 1 (MBMS), the associated param-
SrvInd eter is valid.

SrvType USubSrv Direction When SrvInd is 1 (MBMS), Direction must be 1 (Down-

SrvInd Domain link), Domain must be 1(PS Domain), TrafficClass
TrafficClass must be 1(streaming) or 3 (background).

SrvType USubSrv SrvInd When SrvType is [0, 9] or [65000,65534], SrvInd must

be 0(False).

MaxBitRate ULogical- UlLowLimNeg- UlLowLimNegGBR must have the corresponding up-

Direction Rnc GBR link matching rate in this table.

MaxBitRate ULogical- DlLowLimNeg- DlLowLimNegGBR must have the corresponding

Direction Rnc GBR downlink matching rate in this table.

MaxBitRate UDrbc UlRateAd- Valid UlRateAdjLev[] must have the corresponding

Direction jLevNum uplink matching rate in this table.

MaxBitRate UDrbc DlRateAd- Valid DlRateAdjLev[i] must have the corresponding

Direction jLevNum downlink matching rate in this table.

MaxBitRate UExter- NrtMaxDlRat- NrtMaxDlRateDch must have the corresponding

Direction nalUtran- eDchD downlink matching rate in this table.


SJ-20120319104909-009|2011-05-31 (R1.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXUR 9000 UMTS Radio Parameter Constraints Reference

Original Associated Associated Pa- Association

Parameter Object rameter

MaxBitRate UExter- NrtMaxUlRat- NrtMaxUlRateDchD must have the corresponding up-

Direction nalUtran- eDchD link matching rate in this table.

MaxBitRate UExter- RtMaxDlRateD- RtMaxDlRateDchD must have the corresponding

Direction nalUtran- chD downlink matching rate in this table.

MaxBitRate UExter- RtMaxUlRateD- RtMaxUlRateDchD must have the corresponding up-

Direction nalUtran- chD link matching rate in this table.

MaxBitRate UExter- NrtMaxRateEd- NrtMaxRateEdchD must have the corresponding up-

Direction nalUtran- chD link matching rate in this table.

MaxBitRate UExter- RtMaxRateEd- RtMaxRateEdchD must have the corresponding up-

Direction nalUtran- chD link matching rate in this table.

MaxBitRate UUtran- NrtMaxDlRat- NrtMaxDlRateDch must have the corresponding

Direction CellFDD eDch downlink matching rate in this table.

MaxBitRate UUtran- NrtMaxUlRat- NrtMaxUlRateDch must have the corresponding up-

Direction CellFDD eDch link matching rate in this table.

MaxBitRate UUtran- RtMaxDlRat- RtMaxDlRateDch must have the corresponding down-

Direction CellFDD eDch link matching rate in this table.

MaxBitRate UUtran- RtMaxUlRat- RtMaxUlRateDch must have the corresponding uplink

Direction CellFDD eDch matching rate in this table.

MaxBitRate UUtran- NrtMaxRa- NrtMaxRateEdch must have the corresponding uplink

Direction CellFDD teEdch matching rate in this table.

MaxBitRate UUtran- RtMaxRa- RtMaxRateEdch must have the corresponding uplink

Direction CellFDD teEdch matching rate in this table.

MaxBitRate rncLocRnc UlPsRateLmt- UlPsRateLmtLowC/DlPsRateLmtLowC must have the

Direction LowC corresponding uplink and downlink matching rate in
DlPsRateLmt- this table.

MaxBitRate rncLocRnc UlP- UlPsRateLmtHighC/DlPsRateLmtHighC must have

Direction sRateLmtHighC the corresponding uplink and downlink matching rate
DlP- in this table.

MaxBitRate UGbrRes- HsGBRLevNum Valid HsGBRLev[MAX_NUM_HS_GBR] must have

Direction Limit HsGBRLev[] the corresponding downlink matching rate in this


SJ-20120319104909-009|2011-05-31 (R1.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 1 Relationships

Original Associated Associated Pa- Association

Parameter Object rameter

MaxBitRate ULogical- InitialRateDl InitialRateDl must have the corresponding uplink and
Direction Rnc downlink matching rate in this table.

MaxBitRate ULogical- InitialRateUl InitialRateUl must have the corresponding uplink and
Direction Rnc downlink matching rate in this table.

MaxBitRate UUtran- DlCon- DlControledMBR must have the corresponding down-

Direction CellFDD troledMBR link matching rate in this table.

MaxBitRate UUtran- UlCon- UlControledMBR must have the corresponding uplink

Direction CellFDD troledMBR matching rate in this table.

DtxDrxCon- UDtxDrx DtxDrxCon- Parameters in this table must exit in the association
figIdx figIdx table.

1.2.28 UE DTX/DRX Configuration (UDtxDrx)

Original Pa- Associated Associated Pa- Association
rameter Object rameter

DtxDrxCon- USubSrv DtxDrxConfigIdx The parameter in the SrvPhy has existed in rncDtxDrx

DtxCyc2Tti10 UHspa CqiCycle DtxCyc2Tti10 and DtxCyc2Tti2 must be integral times of Cqi-
DtxCyc2Tti2 UCommEdch Cycle divided by two or quotient of CqiCycle divided by two

DtxCyc1Tti2 UDtxDrx DtxCyc2Tti2 The DtxCyc2Tti2 under the same DtxDrxConfigIdx must be
DpcchBurst1 integral times of DtxCyc1Tti2
MacDtxCycTti2 The DpcchBurst1 under the same DtxDrxConfigIdx must not
DrxCycle be larger than DtxCyc1Tti2
DtxCyc1Tti2 under the same DtxDrxConfigIdx must be
integral times of MacDtxCycTti2 or quotient of MacDtxCycTti2
DrxCycle under the same DtxDrxConfigIdx must be integral
times of DtxCyc1Tti2 or quotient of DtxCyc1Tti2

DtxCyc1Tti10 UDtxDrx DtxCyc2Tti10 The DtxCyc2Tti10 under the same DtxDrxConfigIdx must be
DpcchBurst1 integral times of DtxCyc1Tti10
MacDtxCycTti10 The DpcchBurst1 under the same DtxDrxConfigIdx must not
DrxCycle be larger than DtxCyc1DtxCyc1Tti10
DtxCyc1Tti10 under the same DtxDrxConfigIdx must
be integral times of MacDtxCycTti10 or quotient of
DrxCycle under the same DtxDrxConfigIdx must be integral
times of DtxCyc1Tti10 or quotient of DtxCyc1Tti10


SJ-20120319104909-009|2011-05-31 (R1.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXUR 9000 UMTS Radio Parameter Constraints Reference

Original Pa- Associated Associated Pa- Association

rameter Object rameter

DtxCyc2Tti2 UDtxDrx DtxCyc1Tti2 The DtxCyc2Tti2 under the same DtxDrxConfigIdx must be
DpcchBurst2 integral times of DtxCyc1Tti2
The DpcchBurst2 under the same DtxDrxConfigIdx must not
be larger than DtxCyc2Tti2

DtxCyc2Tti10 UDtxDrx DpcchBurst2 The DtxCyc2Tti10 under the same DtxDrxConfigIdx must be
DtxCyc1Tti10 integral times of DtxCyc1Tti10
The DpcchBurst2 under the same DtxDrxConfigIdx must be
not larger than DtxCyc2Tti10

DtxLong- UDtxDrx DtxCyc2InactTrd2 Under the same DtxDrxConfigIdx, when DtxLongPreLegth is

PreLegth DtxCyc2Inact- 4 or 15, the DtxCyc2InactTrd2 value must be not less than 8
Trd10 TTIs, and the DtxCyc2InactTrd10 value must be not less than
4 TTIs

1.2.29 Power Control associated to Service and Diversity Mode



SJ-20120319104909-009|2011-05-31 (R1.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

SJ-20120319104909-009|2011-05-31 (R1.0)

Original Parameter Associated Object Associated Parameter Association

DivPcIndex(Target In- UUtranCellFDD DivPcIndex(Source Index) Before the set of records with one DivPcIndex in DivPc is deleted, it must be ensured that
dex) there is no utrallCell’s record which quotes the DivPcIndex. Otherwise, this set of records
with the DivPcIndex in DivPc is not allowed to delete entirely, at least a record with the
DivPcIndex in DivPc must exist

SrvType(Source In- USubSrv SrvType(Target Index) There must be a record with corresponding SrvType in SubSrv

SrvType USrvDivPc DpchPO1 Only when the value of SrvType is odd, the associated parameters are valid

SrvType USrvDivPc MinDlDpchPwr Only when the value of SrvType is odd, the associated parameters are valid. And the
MaxDlDpchPwr following resctriction must be comply with :
MaxDlDpchPwr> MinDlDpchPwr

SrvType USrvDivPc DpcchPilotEbN0 Only when the value of SrvType is even, the associated parameters are valid

SrvType USrvDivPc ULMaxSIR Only when the value of SrvType is even, the associated parameters are valid.And the
ULInitSIR following restriction must be comply with :
ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

SrvType USrvDivPc EagchPOTti2 Only when the value of SrvType is odd, the associated parameters are valid

Chapter 1 Relationships

EagchPOTti2 USrvDivPc EagchPOTti10 When SrvType is an odd number, EagchPOTti2> EagchPOTti10

ErgchPOTti2 USrvDivPc ErgchPOTti10 When SrvType is an odd number, ErgchPOTti2> ErgchPOTti10

ZXUR 9000 UMTS Radio Parameter Constraints Reference
SJ-20120319104909-009|2011-05-31 (R1.0)

Original Parameter Associated Object Associated Parameter Association

EhichPOTti2 USrvDivPc EhichPOTti10 When SrvType is an odd number, EhichPOTti2> EhichPOTti10

PwrForSglCell USubSrv SrvType Only when SrvType is an odd number and in the association table the MbmsInd value is
PwrForHalfIsd MbmsInd 1(MBMS), then the parameter in this table is valid
ZTE Proprietary and Confidential
Chapter 1 Relationships

1.2.30 External RNC Function (UExternalRncFunctionD)

This configuration set involves the association among radio parameters in the following
l External RNC Function (UExternalRncFunction)
l External UTRAN Cell (UExternalUtranCellFDD)

Original Associated Associated Association

Parameter Object Parameter

URA UUtranRe- URA Parameters in this table must be available to the as-
AdjPhyCId gArea SelfPhyRnc- sociation table.

AdjPhyCId UUtranRe- SelfPhyRnc- If the adjacent cell in the association table is not a cell
lation CInd controlled by this RNC(SelfPhyRncCInd is False), the
PhyCId associated parameters must exist in this table.

MCC[] UExternal- MCC[] MCC+MNC+RncId+CId is unique in this table.

MNC[] RncFunc- MNC[]
RncId tionD RncId
Cid CId

MCC[] rncNeInfo MCC[] MCC+MNC+RncId in this table does not exist in the
MNC[] MNC[] MCC[i]+MNC[i]+NeId[i] record whose ANI is 0 in the
RncId NeId rncNeInfo table.

MNCBcd- UExternal- MNC[] If MNCBcdCodeLen is 2,the value range of MNC[]

CodeLen[] RncFunc- must be from 0 to 99.


Fre- RncFunc- (BandI), DUARFCN must take value of Band 1:
qBandInd tionD 10562..10838,UUARFCN=DUARFCN-950.
When FreqBandInd is 1 (BandII), DUARFCN must
take value of band 2: 9662~9938, 412, 437, 462,
487, 512, 537, 562, 587, 612, 637, 662 and 687.
When FreqBandInd is 2 (BandIII), DUARFCN
must take value of band 3: 1162~1513.
When FreqBandInd is 4 (BandV), DUARFCN must
take value of band 5: 4357~4458, 1007, 1012, 1032,
1037, 1062 and 1087. UUARFCN=DUARFCN-225.
When FreqBandInd is 5 (BandVI), DUARFCN must
take value of band 6: 4387~4413, 1037 and 1062.


SJ-20120319104909-009|2011-05-31 (R1.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXUR 9000 UMTS Radio Parameter Constraints Reference

Original Associated Associated Association

Parameter Object Parameter

When FreqBandInd is 7 (BandVIII),

DUARFCN must take value of 2937~3088.
When FreqBandInd is 3 (BandIV), DUARFCN
must take value of band 4: 1537~1738, 1887,
1912, 1937, 1962, 1987, 2012, 2037, 2062 and

PcpichPwr- UExternal- PcpichPwr Only whenPcpichPwrPre is True, PcpichPwr is valid.

Pre RncFunc-

CellDe- UExternal- PolygonPoint- Only when CellDescripType is Polygon, the associ-

scripType RncFunc- Num ated parameter is valid.
tionD PolyLatitude-

AnteType UExternal- OffsetAngle Only when AnteType is 1(Beam Antenna), the associ-
RncFunc- InnerAngle ated parameter is valid.

CellDe- UExternal- AnteType Only when CellDescripType is 2 (Arc), the AnteType

scripType RncFunc- must be 1(Beam Antenna).

QrxLevMin- UUtran- DtQrxLvMn- If the value of QrxLevMinSib11 is not -115dBm,

Sib11 CellFDD Sib11Pr DtQrxLvMnSib11Pr must be FALSE.

QrxLevMin- UUtran- DtQrxLvMn- If the value of QrxLevMinSib12 is not -115dBm,

Sib12 CellFDD Sib12Pr DtQrxLvMnSib12Pr must be FALSE.

PlmnNum- UUtran- DivCtrlFld DivCtrlFld of all externalUtranCell's records for one

+MCC[]+M- CellFDD neighboring RNC must be the same.

PlmnNum- UUtran- DIurCmbInd DIurCmbInd of all externalUtranCell's records for one

+MCC[]+M- CellFDD neighboring RNC must be the same.

DtQrxLvMn- UUtran- DtQrxLvMn- Only when DtQrxLvMnSib11Pr is True, ,DtQrxLvMn-

Sib11Pr CellFDD Sib11 Sib11 is valid.

DtQrxLvMn- UUtran- DtQrxLvMn- Only when DtQrxLvMnSib12Pr is True, ,DtQrxLvMn-

Sib12Pr CellFDD Sib12 Sib12 is valid.


SJ-20120319104909-009|2011-05-31 (R1.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 1 Relationships

Original Associated Associated Association

Parameter Object Parameter

NrtMaxDl- USubSrv MaxBitRate NrtMaxDlRateDch must have the corresponding

RateDchD Direction downlink matching rate in the associated table.

NrtMaxUl- USubSrv MaxBitRate NrtMaxUlRateDchD must have the corresponding up-

RateDchD Direction link matching rate in the associated table.

RtMaxDl- USubSrv MaxBitRate RtMaxDlRateDchD must have the corresponding

RateDchD Direction downlink matching rate in the associated table.

RtMaxUl- USubSrv MaxBitRate RtMaxUlRateDchD must have the corresponding up-

RateDchD Direction link matching rate in the associated table.

NrtMaxRa- USubSrv MaxBitRate NrtMaxRateEdchD must have the corresponding up-

teEdchD Direction link matching rate in the associated table.

RtMaxRa- USubSrv MaxBitRate RtMaxRateEdchD must have the corresponding uplink

teEdchD Direction matching rate in the associated table.

IurDcHs- UUtran- SndSvrCelID If IurDcHsdsSuptInd is Support, SndSvrCelID

dsSuptInd CellFDD must be set. If IurDcHsdsSuptInd is Not Support,
SndSvrCelID is invalid.

AdjPreCod- UExternal- SttdSuptInd If AdjPreCodeResInd is Support, SttdSuptInd in UEx-

eResInd RncFunc- ternalUtranCellFDD must be set to Not Support.

IurDbHsd- UExternal- DbSndSvrCel- If IurDbHsdSuptInd is set to 1 (support), the config-

SuptInd RncFunc- Num Db- uration for DbSndSvrCelNum and DbSndSvrCelID is
tionD SndSvrCelID[] valid.

1.2.31 External Gsm Cell (UExternalGsmCell)


SJ-20120319104909-009|2011-05-31 (R1.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXUR 9000 UMTS Radio Parameter Constraints Reference
SJ-20120319104909-009|2011-05-31 (R1.0)

Original Parameter Associated Object Associated Parameter Association

AdjPhyGsmCId UGsmRelation NPhyGsmCId Before the record of externalGsmCell is deleted, it must ensure that there is no gsmRe-
lation’s record which quotes the MCC+MNC+LAC+CI. Otherwise, the record of external-
GsmCell is not allowed to delete

Bandindicator UExternalGsmCell BCCHARFCN When Bandindicator takes value of 0(DCS 1800 Band Used), the value range of
BCCHARFCN is [512, 885]
When Bandindicator takes value of 1(PCS 1900 Band Used), the value range of
BCCHARFCN is [512, 812]
When Bandindicator takes value of 2(GSM 900 Band Used), the value range of
BCCHARFCN is [0, 124] and [955, 1023]
When Bandindicator takes value of 3(GSM 450 Band Used), the value range of
BCCHARFCN is [259, 293]
When Bandindicator takes value of 4(GSM 480 Band Used), the value range of

BCCHARFCN is [306, 340]

When Bandindicator takes value of 5(GSM 750 Band Used), the value range of
BCCHARFCN is [438, 511]
When Bandindicator takes value of 6(GSM 850 Band Used), the value range of
BCCHARFCN is [128, 251]

QrxLevMinSib11 UExternalGsmCell DtQrxLvMnSib11Pr If the value of QrxLevMinSib11 is not 0(-115dBm), DtQrxLvMnSib11Pr must be 0(False)
ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

QrxLevMinSib12 UExternalGsmCell DtQrxLvMnSib12Pr If the value of QrxLevMinSib12 is not 0(-115dBm), DtQrxLvMnSib12Pr must be 0(False)

DtQrxLvMnSib11Pr UExternalGsmCell DtQrxLvMnSib11 Only when DtQrxLvMnSib11Pr is 1(True), DtQrxLvMnSib11 is valid

DtQrxLvMnSib12Pr UExternalGsmCell DtQrxLvMnSib12 Only when DtQrxLvMnSib12Pr is 1(True), DtQrxLvMnSib12 is valid

GeranCellInd UExternalGsmCell RAC Only when GeranCellInd is 1(GERAN Cell), RAC is valid

MCC[i], MNC[i], LAC UExternalGsmCell MCC[i], MNC[i], LAC and CI MCC+MNC+LAC+CI is unique in the table
and CI

MNCBcdCodeLen[] UExternalGsmCell MNC[] When MNCBcdCodeLen is 2, the values of MNC[] must be from 0 to 99
Chapter 1 Relationships

1.2.32 EUtran Cell Configuration Information External ENodeB Function (UExternalENBFunction)
This configuration set involves the association among radio parameters in the following
l External ENodeB Function (UExternalENBFunction)
l External EUTRAN Cell FDD (UExternalEUtranCellFDD)
l External EUTRAN Cell FDD (UExternalEUtranCellFDD)
l External EUTRAN Cell TDD (UExternalEUtranCellTDD)
l External EUTRAN Cell TDD (UExternalEUtranCellTDD)

Original Pa- Associated Associated Association

rameter Object Parameter

EutranCId UEUtranRela- NEutranCId Parameters in the association table must be

tion available to this table.

ENodeBId UEUtranRela- NENodeBId Parameters in the association table must be

tion available to this table.

EutranCId UExter- ENodeBType If ENodeBType=1(Home eNodeB), EutranCId

ENodeBId nalENBFunc- must be 0. There must be only one record
tion corresponding to NodeBId.

PhyEutranCId UExter- ENodeBId When ENodeBIds are the same, PhyEutranCId

nalENBFunc- must be different.

UlEARFCN UExter- EUtranCell- When EUtranCellType=1(TDD),the value of

DlEARFCN nalENBFunc- Type UlEARFCN is consistent with that of DlEARFCN.

EutranFre- UExter- EUtranCell- When the value of EutranCellType is 0, the value

qBandInd nalENBFunc- Type range of EutranFreqBandInd can only be 0~13,
tion 16~20, and 22~24.
When the value of EutranCellType is 1, the value
range of EutranFreqBandInd can only be 32~42.

EutranFre- UExter- UlEarfcn、 When the value of EutranFreqBandInd is 0(Band

qBandInd nalENBFunc- DlEarfcn 1), the value of DlEARFCN must be Band
tion 1:0-599, and the value of UlEARFCN must be
Band 1:18000-18599.
When the value of EutranFreqBandInd is 1(Band
2), the value of DlEARFCN must be Band
2:600-1199, and the value of UlEARFCN must be
Band 2:18600-19199.
When the value of EutranFreqBandInd is 2
(Band 3), the value of DlEARFCN must be Band


SJ-20120319104909-009|2011-05-31 (R1.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXUR 9000 UMTS Radio Parameter Constraints Reference

Original Pa- Associated Associated Association

rameter Object Parameter

3:1200-1949, and the value of UlEARFCN must

be Band 3:19200-19949.
When the value of EutranFreqBandInd is 3
(Band 4), the value of DlEARFCN must be Band
4:1950-2399, and the value of UlEARFCN must
be Band 4:19950-20399.
When the value of EutranFreqBandInd is 4
(Band 5), the value of DlEARFCN must be Band
5:2400-2649, and the value of UlEARFCN must
be Band 5:20400-20649.
When the value of EutranFreqBandInd is 5(Band
6), the value of DlEARFCN must be Band
6:2650-2749, and the value of UlEARFCN must
be Band 6:20650-20749.
When the value of EutranFreqBandInd is 6
(Band 7), the value of DlEARFCN must be Band
7:2750-3449, and the value of UlEARFCN must
be Band 7:20750-21449.
When the value of EutranFreqBandInd is 7
(Band 8), the value of DlEARFCN must be Band
8:3450-3799, and the value of UlEARFCN must
be Band 8:21450-21799.
When the value of EutranFreqBandInd is 8
(Band 9), the value of DlEARFCN must be Band
9:3800-4149, and the value of UlEARFCN must
be Band 9:21800-22149.
When the value of EutranFreqBandInd is 9 (Band
10), the value of DlEARFCN must be Band
10:4150-4749, and the value of UlEARFCN must
be Band 10:22150-22749.
When the value of EutranFreqBandInd is 10
(Band 11), the value of DlEARFCN must be Band
11:4750-4999, and the value of UlEARFCN must
be Band 11:22750-22999.
When the value of EutranFreqBandInd is 11
(Band 12), the value of DlEARFCN must be Band
12:5000-5179,and the value of UlEARFCN
must be Band 12:23000-23179.
When the value of EutranFreqBandInd is 12
(Band 13), the value of DlEARFCN must be Band
13:5180-5279, and the value of UlEARFCN must
be Band 13:23180-23279.


SJ-20120319104909-009|2011-05-31 (R1.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 1 Relationships

Original Pa- Associated Associated Association

rameter Object Parameter

When the value of EutranFreqBandInd is 13

(Band 14), the value of DlEARFCN must be Band
14:5280-5379, and the value of UlEARFCN must
be Band 14:23280-23379.
When the value of EutranFreqBandInd is 16
(Band 17), the value of DlEARFCN must be Band
17:5730-5849, and the value of UlEARFCN must
be Band 17:23730-23849.
When the value of EutranFreqBandInd is 17
(Band 18), the value of DlEARFCN must be Band
18:5850-5999, and the value of UlEARFCN
must be Band 18:23850-23999.
When the value of EutranFreqBandInd is 18
(Band 19), the value of DlEARFCN must be Band
19:6000-6149, and the value of UlEARFCN
must be Band 19:24000-24149.
When the value of EutranFreqBandInd is 19
(Band 20), the value of DlEARFCN must be Band
20:6150-6449, and the value of UlEARFCN
must be Band 20:24150-24449.
When the value of EutranFreqBandInd is 20
(Band 21), the value of DlEARFCN must be Band
21:6450-6599, and the value of UlEARFCN must
be Band 21:24450-24599
When the value of EutranFreqBandInd is 22
(Band 23), the value of DlEARFCN must be Band
23:7500-7699, and the value of UlEARFCN must
be Band 23:25500-25699.
When the value of EutranFreqBandInd is 23
(Band 24), the value of DlEARFCN must be Band
24:7700-8039, and the value of UlEARFCN must
be Band 24:25700-26039
When the value of EutranFreqBandInd is 24
(Band 25), the value of DlEARFCN must be Band
25:8040-8689, and the value of UlEARFCN must
be Band 25:26040-26689.
When the value of EutranFreqBandInd is 32
(Band 33), the value of DlEARFCN must be Band
33:36000-36199, and the value of UlEARFCN
must be Band 33:36000-36199.
When the value of EutranFreqBandInd is 33
(Band 34), the value of DlEARFCN must be Band


SJ-20120319104909-009|2011-05-31 (R1.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXUR 9000 UMTS Radio Parameter Constraints Reference

Original Pa- Associated Associated Association

rameter Object Parameter

34:36200-36349, and the value of UlEARFCN

must be Band 34:36200-36349.
When the value of EutranFreqBandInd is 34
(Band 35), the value of DlEARFCN must be Band
35:36350-36949, and the value of UlEARFCN
must be Band 35:36350-36949.
When the value of EutranFreqBandInd is 35
(Band 36), the value of DlEARFCN must be Band
36:36950-37549, and the value of UlEARFCN
must be Band 36:36950-37549.
When the value of EutranFreqBandInd is 36
(Band 37), the value of DlEARFCN must be Band
37:37550-37749, and the value of UlEARFCN
must be Band 37:37550-37749.
When the value of EutranFreqBandInd is 37
(Band 38, the value of DlEARFCN must be Band
38:37750-38249, and the value of UlEARFCN
must be Band 38:37750-38249.
When the value of EutranFreqBandInd is 38
(Band 39), the value of DlEARFCN must be Band
39:38250-38649, and the value of UlEARFCN
must be Band 39:38250-38649.
When the value of EutranFreqBandInd is 39
(Band 40), the value of DlEARFCN must be Band
40:38650-39649, and the value of UlEARFCN
must be Band 40:38650-39649.
When the value of EutranFreqBandInd is 40
(Band 41), the value of DlEARFCN must be Band
41:39650-41589, and the value of UlEARFCN
must be Band 41:39650-41589.
When the value of EutranFreqBandInd is 41
(Band 42), the value of DlEARFCN must be Band
42:41590-43589, and the value of UlEARFCN
must be Band 42:41590-43589.
When the value of EutranFreqBandInd is 42
(Band 43), the value of DlEARFCN must be Band
43:43590-45589, and the value of UlEARFCN
must be Band 43:43590-45589.


SJ-20120319104909-009|2011-05-31 (R1.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 1 Relationships EUTRAN Neighbouring Cell (UEUtranRelation)

Original Pa- Associated Associated Association
rameter Object Parameter

NEutranCId UExter- EutranCId The ID of the corresponding cell must exist in the
nalENBFunc- corresponding parameter of the association table.

CId UUtran- CId The ID of the corresponding cell must exist in the
CellFDD corresponding parameter of the association table.

NENodeBId UExter- ENodeBId The corresponding eNodeB indication must exist

nalENBFunc- in the corresponding parameter of the association
tion table.

1.2.33 Utran Cell Utran Cell (UUtranCellFDD)
This configuration set involves the association among radio parameters of the following
l UTRAN Cell (UUtranCellFDD)
l Extended Info of UTRAN Cell (UCelInfoFDD)
l Location Area Configuration (ULocationArea)
l Routing Area Configuration (URoutingArea)
l Service Area Configuration (UServiceArea)
l Service Area Configuration in BC Domain (UServiceAreaBc)
l Logic Cell Configuration (ULogicalCell)
l Cell MR Configuration (UCMR)

Original Associ- Associated Association

Parameter ated Ob- Parameter

URA and UUtranRe- URA Parameters in this table must exist in the association
Cid gArea SelfPhyRnc- table. Q and SelfPhyRncCInd are TRUE.

NodebNo UIubLink NodebNo Parameters in this table must exit in the association

NodebNo+ NdbAlc NodebNo+Mo- The relationship between NodebNo and Module in this
Module dule table must be consistent with that in the association


SJ-20120319104909-009|2011-05-31 (R1.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXUR 9000 UMTS Radio Parameter Constraints Reference

Original Associ- Associated Association

Parameter ated Ob- Parameter

UseOfHCS UCelSel HcsSrvCelInfo- If UseOfHCS is Not Used, the value of associated pa-
Pre rameters in the association table must be FALSE.

SIB12Ind SysMC Sib11orSib12 When SIB12Ind of the corresponding cell in this table
is TRUE, the record related to SIB12 must exist in the
association table.

TrfPcIndex UTrfPc TrfPcIndex Parameters in this table must exit in the association

DivPcIndex USrvDivPc DivPcIndex Parameters in this table must exit in the association

TrfCatIn- UIntraMea- TrfCatIntraMIdx Parameters in this table must exit in the association
traMIdx sProfile table.

TrfCatInter- UInterMea- TrfCatInterMIdx Parameters in this table must exit in the association
MIdx sProfile table.

TrfCatRat- URatMea- TrfCatRatMIdx Parameters in this table must exit in the association
MIdx sProfile table.

SchPriIndex USch- SchPriIndex Parameters in this table must exit in the association
MCC[] PriMapping MCC table.

LdCtlPriIn- UApp- AppPriIndex Parameters in this table must exit in the association
dex PriMapping MCC table.

CgtCtlPriIn- UApp- AppPriIndex Parameters in this table must exit in the association
dex PriMapping MCC table.

BPriAcIn- UBPriAc BPriAcIndex Parameters in this table must exit in the association
dex MCC table.


SJ-20120319104909-009|2011-05-31 (R1.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 1 Relationships

Original Associ- Associated Association

Parameter ated Ob- Parameter

Cid UUtranRe- CId Parameters in the association table must exit in this
lation table.


Fre- CellFDD are valid (is not 0xffff), DUARFCN>UUARFCN,
qBandInd and FreqBandInd is 0 (BandI) , DUARFCN must
take the value of band 1: 10562~10838 and
When FreqBandInd is 1 (BandII), DUARFCN must
take value of band 2: 9662~9938, 412, 437, 462,
487, 512, 537, 562, 587, 612, 637, 662 and 687.
When FreqBandInd is 2 (BandIII), DUARFCN
must take value of band 3: 1162~1513 and


SJ-20120319104909-009|2011-05-31 (R1.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXUR 9000 UMTS Radio Parameter Constraints Reference

Original Associ- Associated Association

Parameter ated Ob- Parameter

When FreqBandInd is 4 (Band V), DUARFCN must

take value of band 5: 4357~4458, 1007, 1012, 1032,
1037, 1062 and 1087. UUARFCN=DUARFCN-225.
When FreqBandInd is 5 (BandVI), DUARFCN must
take value of band 6: 4387~4413, 1037 and 1062.
When FreqBandInd is 7 (BandVIII), DUARFCN
must take value of band 8: 2937~3088 and
When FreqBandInd is 3 (BandIV), DUARFCN
must take value of band 4: 1537~1738, 1887,
1912, 1937, 1962, 1987, 2012, 2037, 2062 and

CellDescrip- UUtran- PolygonPoint- Only when CellDescripType is Polygon, the associated

Type CellFDD Num parameter is valid.

AnteType UUtran- OffsetAngle Only when AnteType is 1(Beam Antenna), the associ-
CellFDD InnerAngle ated parameter is valid.

CellDescrip- UUtran- AnteType Only when CellDescripType is 2 (Arc), the AnteType

Type CellFDD must be 1(Beam Antenna).

SACB UUtran- SACBPre The associated parameter is valid only when SACBPre
CellFDD LAC is 1(True). The following restriction must be satis-
externalU- SACBPre fied: In the same PLMN, one LAC+SACB in PLMN
tranCell LAC SAC can only correspond to one cell. That is to say, in the
same PLMN, there is only one record corresponding
to LAC+ SACBPre+ SACB in this table. Moreover, in
the same PLMN, there is no record corresponding to
LAC+ SACBPre +SACB in the externalUtranCell table.

SIB6Ind UUtran- PccpchInf- The associated parameters are valid only when
CellFDD Sib6Pre SIB6Ind is True. When SIB6Ind is False, Prach-
PrachSib6Pre Sib6Pre must be FALSE.

Cid RcAsData CId When the record in this table is deleted, the cor-
responding record in the RcAsData table must be
deleted. This restriction takes effect on RCP.


SJ-20120319104909-009|2011-05-31 (R1.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 1 Relationships

Original Associ- Associated Association

Parameter ated Ob- Parameter

HspaSpt- UUtran- hsdStat The associated parameters are valid only when
Meth CellFDD HspaSptMeth is 1 (Support HSDPA and DCH), 2(Sup-
port HSDPA only), 3(Support HSUPA, HSDPA and
DCH) or 4(Support HSUPA and HSDPA).

HspaSpt- UUtran- hsuStat The parameters in the association table are valid only
Meth CellFDD when HspaSptMeth is 3(Support HSUPA, HSDPA and
DCH) or 4 (Support HSUPA and HSDPA).

GARptType UUtran- CellDescrip- When CellDescripType is 0 (Center Point with Altitude

CellFDD Type and Cell Radius), the value of GARptType is as
0(Ellipsoid point)
1 (Ellipsoid point with uncertainty circle)
2 (Ellipsoid point with uncertainty Ellipse)
3 (Ellipsoid point with altitude)
4 (Ellipsoid point with altitude and uncertainty
When CellDescripType is 1 (Polygon), GARptType
could be 5(List of Ellipsoid points).
When CellDescripType is 2 (Arc), GARptType could
be 6 (Ellipsoid Arc).

MAXDlTx- UIubLink NodeBType If, in the nodeB table, the NodeBType is PicoNodeB,
Pwr the MAXDlTxPwr background value can not be larger
than 24dBm in this table.

Cid UUtran- NodeBNo The maximum number of cells in a NODEB cannot

CellFDD be more than DBS_RR_MAX_NUM_CELL_PER_NO-

MbmsSupt- UUtran- mbmsStat Only when MbmsSuptInd is 1 (Support MBMS and not
Ind CellFDD MBMS) or 2 (Only Support MBMS), mbmsStat is valid.

MbmsSupt- UCMbms All parameters Only when MbmsSuptInd in this table is 1 (Support
Ind of the associa- MBMS and not MBMS) or 2 (Only Support MBMS),
tion table the associated parameters in the association table is

CId UIubLink NodebNo If NodebType of the NodeB in the R8Nodeb table cor-
NodebNo NodebType responding to this cell is 2(Home NodeB), this NodeB
has this cell only. That is to say, one Home NodeB
supports one cell only.


SJ-20120319104909-009|2011-05-31 (R1.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXUR 9000 UMTS Radio Parameter Constraints Reference

Original Associ- Associated Association

Parameter ated Ob- Parameter

PlmnNum rncNeInfo PlmnNum The parameters in this table must exist in the
MCC[] MCC[] Plmn+MCC[]+MNC+RncId[] array corresponding to
MNC[] MNC[] the record (ANI=0) in the R5NeInfo table.
RncId[] NeId[]

NrtMaxDl- USubSrv- MaxBitRate NrtMaxDlRateDch must have the corresponding

RateDch SubSrv Direction downlink matching rate in the association table.

NrtMaxUl- USubSrv- MaxBitRate NrtMaxUlRateDch must have the corresponding uplink

RateDch SubSrv Direction matching rate in the association table.

Common- UUtran- CId For one physical cell (one piece of local table record),
PlmnInd[] CellFDD there is only one PLMN whose CommonPlmnInd is
True, and this PLMN is located as the first element in
the PLMN arrays.

Common- URncFunc- SharedNet- When SharedNetMode is Oxff, CommonPlmnInd is in-

PlmnInd[] tion Mode valid.

MbmsSupt- UUtran- Sc- If MbmsSuptInd of UutranCellFDD is 1 (support

Ind CellFDD cpchCfgScene MBMS and non-MBMS) or 2 (support MBMS), Sc-
cpchCfgScene must be "two pieces of SCCPCH
configuration, support MBMS, does not support CBS",
" two pieces of SCCPCH configuation, support MBMS
and CBS", "three pieces of SCCPCH configuration,
support MBMS and does not support CBS" or "three
pieces of SCCPCH configuration, support MBMS and

PagingLo- UUtran- CSDsarSwh[] When not all parameters corresponding to the PLMN
caBarSwh[] CellFDD PSDsarSwh[] are 0, PagingLocaBarSwh is valid.

CSDsar- UUtran- CSDsar- When CSDsarSwh of the corresponding PLMN is not

Swh[] CellFDD PollingSwh[] 0, the associated parameters are valid.

PSDsar- UUtran- PSDsar- When PSDsarSwh of the corresponding PLMN is not

Swh[] CellFDD PollingSwh[] 0, the associated parameters are valid.

CSDsarPol- UUtran- CSBarAcNum[] When CSDsarPollingSwh of the corresponding PLMN

lingSwh[] CellFDD is 1 (poll), the associated parameters are valid.

PSDsarPoll- UUtran- PSBarAcNum[] When PSDsarPollingSwh of the corresponding PLMN

ingSwh[] CellFDD is 1 (poll), the associated parameters are valid.


SJ-20120319104909-009|2011-05-31 (R1.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 1 Relationships

Original Associ- Associated Association

Parameter ated Ob- Parameter

CloseFre- UUtran- StartTimeto- Only when CloseFreFunSwit is 1, StartTimetoClsF

FunSwit CellFDD ClsF , EndTimetoClsF , UeNumThreshCls ,
EndTimetoClsF FreClsOpnTrigTm and OpenFreAlg are valid.

Cs64Switch UUtranRe- CId If the same cell has multiple adjacent cells that
lation NCToSelf- are the intra-cells (NCToSelfPhyRnc is 1) of the
PhyRnc RNC and ShareCover is 1, Cs64Switch of the cell
NPhyCId corresponding to NPhyCId must be the same. This
restrictions are guaranteed by the configuration

StartTimeto- UUtran- EndTimetoClsF StartTimetoClsF and EndTimetoClsF should be

ClsF CellFDD different.

RtMaxDl- USubSrv MaxBitRate RtMaxDlRateDch must have the corresponding

RateDch Direction downlink matching rate in the association table.

RtMaxUl- USubSrv MaxBitRate The corresponding uplink matching rate must exist in
RateDch Direction the association table of RtMaxUlRateDch.

RtMaxUl- USubSrv MaxBitRate The corresponding uplink matching rate must exist in
RateDch Direction the association table of RtMaxUlRateDch.

NrtMaxRa- USubSrv MaxBitRate The corresponding uplink matching rate must exist in
teEdch Direction the association table of NrtMaxRateEdch.

MimoPilot- UScpich CId When MimoPilotMode of this cell to be configured

Mode CId is P-CPICH + S-CPICH, R6Scpich must have the
records of this cell.

DlCon- USubSrv MaxBitRate The corresponding downlink matching rate must exist
troledMBR Direction in the association table of DlControledMBR.

UlCon- USubSrv MaxBitRate The corresponding uplink matching rate must exist in
troledMBR Direction the association table of UlControledMBR.

VamSupInd UUtran- SttdSuptInd If VamSupInd is set to "Support", SttdSuptInd in the

CellFDD UtranCell table must be set to "Unsupport".

MimoPilot- UUtran- CId When MimoSuptInd of this cell is set to Support and
Mode CId CellFDD SchTstdInd MimoPilotMode is "P-CPICH + S-CPICH", SchTstdInd
in the UutranCellFDD table is set to "Un-activated".


SJ-20120319104909-009|2011-05-31 (R1.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXUR 9000 UMTS Radio Parameter Constraints Reference

Original Associ- Associated Association

Parameter ated Ob- Parameter

MimoPilot- UUtran- CId When MimoSuptInd of this cell is set to Support

Mode CId CellFDD PcpichTxDi- and MimoPilotMode is "P-CPICH + S-CPICH",
vInd PcpichTxDivInd in the UutranCellFDD table is set to

MimoPilot- UUtran- CId When MimoSuptInd of this cell is set to Support

Mode CId CellFDD PccpchSttdInd and MimoPilotMode is "P-CPICH + S-CPICH",
PccpchSttdInd in the UutranCellFDD table is set to

PriRedirec- UUtran- Twait When PriRedirectRat is set to 1, 2, 3 or 4, Twait

tRat CellFDD cannot be set to 0.

PriRedirec- UUtran- RrcRdtSwch When PriRedirectRat is set to 1, 2, 3 or 4, RrcRdtSwch

tRat CellFDD can be set to 1.

EFACH- UUtran- ULEFACHSup- Only when EFACHSpptInd and ImpUlL2SuptInd in the

SpptInd CellFDD port CelInfo table are set to 1, ULEFACHSupport is valid.

Scpich- UScpich CId When ScpichSupInd this cell to set to Support,

SupInd CId R6Scpich must have the records of this cell.

MimoPilot- UUtran- ScpichSupInd When MimoSuptInd is 1 (support) and MimoPilotMode

Mode CellFDD of this cell is "P-CPICH + S-CPICH", ScpichSupInd
must be "Support". When ScpichSupInd in this cell
is Non-support, MimoPilotMode of this cell could
only be set to "P-CPICH + P-CPICH"; Otherwise,
if MimoPilotMode of this cell is set to "P-CPICH +
P-CPICH", ScpichSupInd of this cell must be set to

ULEFACH- UCHspa Dedi- The key parameters are valid only when
Support ComEAGCH- ULEFACHSupport is "1: Yes".

CellBarAc- UUtran- CellBar- The key parameters are valid only when
Swh CellFDD PollingSwh CellBarAcSwh is not 0.

CellBar- UUtran- CellBarAcNum The key parameters are valid only when
PollingSwh CellFDD CellBarPollingSwh is 1 (poll).


SJ-20120319104909-009|2011-05-31 (R1.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 1 Relationships

Original Associ- Associated Association

Parameter ated Ob- Parameter

SccpchCfg- UUtran- MbmsSuptInd If MbmsSuptInd of R6SrvCel is 1 (support MBMS and

Scene CellFDD non-MBMS) or 2 (support MBMS), SccpchCfgScene
must be "two pieces of SCCPCH configuration,
support MBMS, does not support CBS", " two pieces
of SCCPCH configuation, support MBMS and CBS",
"three pieces of SCCPCH configuration, support
MBMS and does not support CBS" or "three pieces of
SCCPCH configuration, support MBMS and CBS". Neighbouring Cell (UUtranRelation)

Original Associated Associated Pa- Association
Parameter Object rameter

Cid UUtran- Cid Parameters in this table must exit in the association
CellFDD table.

NCToSelf- UUtran- CId If NCToSelfPhyRnc in this table is True, that is to say,

PhyRnc+ CellFDD the adjacent cell is controlled by this RNC, it must ex-
NPhyCId ist in the association table and the corresponding cell
should not be HCELL (PrimScraCode in the R6SrvCel
table should not be 0xffff).

NCToSelf- UExter- AdjPhyCId When NCToSelfPhyRnc of this table is False, that is to

PhyRnc nalUtran- say, the adjacent office is not controlled by this RNC,
NPhyCId CellFDD NPhyCId must exist in the association table.

Penalty- UUtranRe- TempOff- If PenaltyTimeSib11 is Not used, TempOffset1Sib11

TimeSib11 lation set1Sib11 and TempOffset2Sib11 need not to be configured.

Penalty- UUtranRe- TempOff- If PenaltyTimeSib12 is Not used, TempOffset1Sib12

TimeSib12 lation set1Sib12 and TempOffset2Sib12 need not to be configured.

Cid UUtranRe- NCToSelf- The number of intra-system adjacent cells is not

lation PhyRnc+ NPhy- more than 63.
CId The number of intra-frequency adjacent cells is not
more than 31.
The number of inter-frequency adjacent cells is not
more than 32.


SJ-20120319104909-009|2011-05-31 (R1.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXUR 9000 UMTS Radio Parameter Constraints Reference

Original Associated Associated Pa- Association

Parameter Object rameter

CId and UUtran- PrimScraCode For all intra-frequency adjacent cells of a service cell,
NCToSelf- CellFDD DUARFCN the PrimScraCode (including service cell) must be
PhyRnc+ UUARFCN different.For the adjacent cells of a service cell, if
NPhyCId the PrimScraCodes are the same, the DUARFCN of
UExter- PrimScraCode
these neighbouring cells (including the serving cell)
nalUtran- DUARFCN
must be different.

Sib11orSib1 UUtranRe- StateMode If StateMode is 1 (Handover only), Sib11orSib11bis

1bis lation must be invalid.

CId and UUtran- DUARFCN When DUARFCN of one service cell in the association
NCToSelf- CellFDD table is modified, check the table to see the restriction
PhyRnc+ on the number of the inter-frequency, intra-frequency
NPhyCId and inter-system neighbouring cells.
For the corresponding restriction check, refer to the
following note information.

In SIB11Bis, the method of computing SIB11bisIntraFreqNbrCellNum,
SIB11bisInterFreqNbrCellNum and SIB11bisInterRatNbrCellNum are as follows:
l Locate the record in the UUtranCellFDD table according to CId to get SIB12Ind and
DUARFCN of the corresponding record.
l Locate the record in the UUtranRelation table according to the CId so as to get the
records of all UTRAN adjacent cells corresponding to this service cell. Locate the
records in the UutranCellFDD table and the externalUtranCell table according to the
ID of the adjacent cell so as to get DUARFCN of the adjacent cell.
l If SIB12Ind in the UUtranCellFDD table is 1 ( True) , SIB11bisIntraFreqNbrCellNum
is the total number of the adjacent cells whose Sib11orSib11bis in the R6NbrCel
table is 1 ( SIB11bis) and StateMode is 0(Idle State only), 3(Idle State + Cell_DCH
State), 4(Idle State + Connected State, Non-Cell_DCH) and 6(Idle State + Cell_DCH
State+ Connected State, Non-Cell_DCH). Moreover, the DUARFCN parameter of
this cell is the same as that of the service cell. SIB11bisInterFreq is the total number
of the adjacent cells whose Sib11orSib11bis in the R6NbrCel table is 1 ( SIB11bis)
and StateMode is 0(Idle State only), 3(Idle State + Cell_DCH State), 4(Idle State +
Connected State, Non-Cell_DCH) and 6(Idle State + Cell_DCH State+ Connected
State, Non-Cell_DCH). Moreover, the DUARFCN parameter of this cell is the same
as that of the service cell.
l If SIB12Ind in the UUtranCellFDD table is 0 ( False) , SIB11bisIntraFreqNbrCellNum
is the total number of the adjacent cells whose Sib11orSib11bis in the R6NbrCel
table is 1 ( SIB11bis) and StateMode is 0(Idle State only), 2(Connected State,
Non-Cell_DCH),3(Idle State + Cell_DCH State), 4(Idle State + Connected State,


SJ-20120319104909-009|2011-05-31 (R1.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 1 Relationships

Non-Cell_DCH), 5(Cell_DCH State + Connected State, Non-Cell_DCH) and

6:(Idle State + Cell_DCH State+ Connected State, Non-Cell_DCH). Moreover,
the DUARFCN parameter of this cell is the same as that of the service cell.
SIB11bisIntraFreqNbrCellNum is the total number of the adjacent cells whose
Sib11orSib11bis in the R6NbrCel table is 1 ( SIB11bis) and StateMode is 0(Idle
State only), 2(Connected State, Non-Cell_DCH),3(Idle State + Cell_DCH State),
4(Idle State + Connected State, Non-Cell_DCH), 5(Cell_DCH State + Connected
State, Non-Cell_DCH) and 6:(Idle State + Cell_DCH State+ Connected State,
Non-Cell_DCH). Moreover, the DUARFCN parameter of this cell is the same as that
of the service cell.
l Locate the record in the UGsmRelation table according to the CId so as to get the
records of all GSM adjacent cells next to this service cell.
l If SIB12Ind in the UUtranCellFDD table is 1 ( True) , SIB11bisInterRatNbrCellNum
is the total number of the adjacent cells whose Sib11orSib11bis in the gsmRelation
table is 1 ( SIB11bis) and GsmStateMode is 0(Idle State only), 3(Idle State + Cell_DCH
State), 4(Idle State + Connected State, Non-Cell_DCH) and 6(Idle State + Cell_DCH
State+ Connected State, Non-Cell_DCH).
l If SIB12Ind in the UUtranCellFDD table is 0 ( False) , SIB11bisInterRatNbrCellNum
is the total number of the adjacent cells whose Sib11orSib11bis in the utranRelation
table is 1 ( SIB11bis) and GsmStateMode is 0(Idle State only), 2(Connected State,
Non-Cell_DCH),3(Idle State + Cell_DCH State), 4(Idle State + Connected State,
Non-Cell_DCH), 5(Cell_DCH State + Connected State, Non-Cell_DCH) and 6:(Idle
State + Cell_DCH State+ Connected State, Non-Cell_DCH). GSM Neighbouring Cell (UGsmRelation)

Original Associated Associated Pa- Association
Parameter Object rameter

CId UUtran- CId Parameters in this table must exit in the association
CellFDD table.

NPhyGsm- UExternal- AdjPhyGsmCId Parameters in this table must exit in the association
CId GsmCell table.

Penalty- UGsmRela- TempOff- If PenaltyTimeSib11 is Not used, TempOffset1Sib11

TimeSib11 tion set1Sib11 need not to be configured.

Penalty- UGsmRela- TempOff- If PenaltyTimeSib12 is Not used, TempOffset1Sib12

TimeSib12 tion set1Sib12 need not to be configured.


SJ-20120319104909-009|2011-05-31 (R1.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXUR 9000 UMTS Radio Parameter Constraints Reference

Original Associated Associated Pa- Association

Parameter Object rameter

CId UGsmRela- NPhyGsmCId Each cell has up to 96 adjacent GSM cells towards
tion GsmStateMode which handover can be performed. These 96
adjacent GSM cells are:
l GsmStateMode is 1: handover only.
l GsmStateMode is 2: cell selection/reselection
and handover.
Each cell has up 32 adjacent GSM cells towards
which handover can be performed. These 32
adjacent GSM cells are:
l GsmStateMode is 1: cell selection/reselection
l GsmStateMode is 1: cell selection/reselection
and handover.

Sib11orSib1 UGsmRela- GsmStateMode If GsmStateMode is 1 (handover only),

1bis tion Sib11orSib11bis must be invalid. Cell Frequency Reselection and Priority (UPriSel)


SJ-20120319104909-009|2011-05-31 (R1.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

SJ-20120319104909-009|2011-05-31 (R1.0)

Original Parameter Associated Object Associated Parameter Association

CId UUtranCellFDD CId The parameter should also be created in another association table

EutranPriority[] UPriSel ThreshRsrqInd[] If ThreshRsrqInd[X] is False or ThreshRsrqInd[Y] is True and the EutranPriority[X]!=
ThreshRsrqInd switch could be open or closed, the priority of the corresponding
configuration could be different.

UtranPriority[i] UPriSel UtranPriority[i] Among the three systems, the priorities are mutually exclusive. If a priority level in the
EutranPriority[i] EutranPriority[i] interval [0,7] has been applied to a node of UTRAN/EUTRAN system frequency or of cell
GeranPriority [i] GeranPriority [i] group priority array, the level cannot be applied in any other system. Systems cannot share
a priority level, but different frequency points or cell groups can have the same level
ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 1 Relationships
ZXUR 9000 UMTS Radio Parameter Constraints Reference Cell Selection and Reselection (UCelSel)


SJ-20120319104909-009|2011-05-31 (R1.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

SJ-20120319104909-009|2011-05-31 (R1.0)

Original Parameter Associated Object Associated Parameter Association

CId UUtranCellFDD CId Before the record of CelSel with the cell is created, It must be ensured that there exists the
corresponding cell record in utranCell

HcsSrvCelInfoPre UUtranCellFDD UseOfHCS When UseOfHCS is 1(Not Used), HcsSrvCelInfoPre must be set to 0(False)

SIntraSearchPre UCelSel SIntraSearch Only when the value of SintraSearchPre is 1(True), SintraSearch is valid

SInterSearchPre UCelSel SInterSearch Only when the value of SinterSearchPre is 1(True), SinterSearch is valid

SSearchHCSPre UCelSel SSearchHCS Only when the value of SSearchHCSPre is 1(True), SSearchHCS is valid

OtherRATInfoPre UCelSel SSearchRat Only when the value of OtherRATInfoPre is 1(True), associated parameters are valid

OtherRATInfoPre UCelSel SHCSRat Only when OtherRATInfoPre and SHCSRatPre are 1(True), SHCSRat is valid

HcsSrvCelInfoPre UCelSel TCrMax Only when the value of HcsSrvCelInfoPre is 1(True), TCrMax is valid

HcsSrvCelInfoPre UCelSel NCr Only when HcsSrvCelInfoPre is 1(True) and TcrMax is not 1(not used), associated param-
TCrMax TCrMaxHyst eters are valid

QualMeas UCelSel QHyst2S Only when QualMeas is 1(CPICH Ec/No), QHyst2S is valid
ZTE Proprietary and Confidential


NoHcsTCrMax UCelSel NoHcsNCr Only when NoHcsTcrMax is not 1(Not Used), associated parameter are valid

Chapter 1 Relationships

SpSfPre UCelSel SpSf Only when SpSfPre is 1(True), SpSf is valid

InterFreqSfPre UCelSel InterFreqSf Only when InterFreqSfPre is 1(True), InterFreqSf is valid

InterRatSfPre UCelSel InterRatSfPre Only when InterRatSfPre is 1(True), InterRatSf is valid

QRxLevMin UCelSel DltaQRxLevMinPr When QRxLevMin is not 0(-115dBm), DltaQRxLevMinPrmust be 0(False)

ZXUR 9000 UMTS Radio Parameter Constraints Reference
SJ-20120319104909-009|2011-05-31 (R1.0)

Original Parameter Associated Object Associated Parameter Association

DltaQRxLevMinPr UCelSel DeltaQrxlevmin Only when DltaQRxLevMinPr is 1(True), DeltaQrxlevmin is valid

QqulmnOffstPre UCelSel QqualminOffset Only when QqulmnOffstPre is True, QqualminOffset is valid

QrxlvmnOffstPre UCelSel QrxlevminOffset Only when QrxlvmnOffstPre is True, QrxlevminOffset is valid

ZTE Proprietary and Confidential
Chapter 1 Relationships HSPA Configuration in a Cell (UCHspa)

Original Associ- Associated Pa- Association
Parameter ated Ob- rameter

CId UUtran- CId Parameters in this table must exit in the association
CellFDD table.

NumofH- UUtran- HspaSptMeth The parameter is valid only when HspaSptMeth in the
spdsch CellFDD association table is 1 (Support HSDPA and DCH), 2
MinNu- (Support HSDPA only), 3 (Support HSUPA, HSDPA
mofH- and DCH) or 4 (Support HSUPA and HSDPA).

HspaPwr- UCHspa MinHspaPwr- MinHspaPwrRto<= HspaPwrRatio <=MaxHspaPwr-

Ratio Rto Rto

NumofH- UCHspa MinNumofH- MinNumofHspdsch<= NumofHspdsch<= MaxNu-

spdsch spdsch mofHspdsch

Dpch- UCHspa CodeUptHyA DpchCodeHy >= CodeUpHyA >= 0


CHsGBR- UGbrRes- HsGBRResLim- Parameters in this table must exit in the association
ResLmtIdx Limit itIdx table.

DediComE- UUtran- ULEFACHSup- DediComEAGCHSwi is valid only when the key pa-
AGCHSwi CellFDD port rameter is 1.

EAgchUp- UCHspa EAgchDnThr The value of EAgchUpThr is greater than that of

Thr EAgchDnThr in the same cell.

ERgHichU- UCHspa ERgHichDnThr The value of ERgHichUpThr is greater than that of

pThr ERgHichDnThr in the same cell.

EAgchUp- UCHspa User- The value of EAgchUpThr and EAgchDnThr must be

Thr NumPerEagch smaller than or equal to that of UserNumPerEagch in
EAgchD- the same cell.

MaxEagch- UCHspa NumofEagch MaxEagchNum>=NumofEagch



SJ-20120319104909-009|2011-05-31 (R1.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXUR 9000 UMTS Radio Parameter Constraints Reference

Original Associ- Associated Pa- Association

Parameter ated Ob- rameter

Max- UCHspa NumofErgHich MaxErghichNum>=NumofErgHich

Num MBMS Configuration in a Cell (UCMbms)

Original Pa- Associated Associated Pa- Association
rameter Object rameter

CId UUtran- CId All parameters in this table must exist in utranCell
CellFDD MBMS Service Area Configuration (UMbmsSa)

This configuration set involves the association among radio parameters in the following

l MBMS Preferred Frequency Layer Configuration (UMbmsPLFreq)

l MBMS Non Preferred Frequency Layer Configuration (UMbmsNPLFreq)

Original Associated Associated Association

Parameter Object Parameter

MCC UUtran- MCC Parameters MCC+MNC+CId in this table must exit in

MNC CellFDD MNC the association table.

MCC UUtran- MCC One cell can belong to different MBMS service areas.
MNC CellFDD MNC For the cells belonging to the same frequency
MbmsSac CId under the same MBMS service area, the values
DUARFCN DUARFCN of DUARFCN and FreqBandInd in the utranCell
Fre- FreqBandInd table must be the same and are equal to that in this
qBandInd MbmsSuptInd table. Moreover, MbmsSuptInd in the record of the
corresponding cell must be 1 (support MBMS and
non-MBMS) or 2 (support MBMS).

MbmsSac UMbmsSa None The maximum number of frequency lay-

Fre- ers of the same MBMS service area is


SJ-20120319104909-009|2011-05-31 (R1.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 1 Relationships

Original Associated Associated Association

Parameter Object Parameter

Fre- UMbmsSa DUARFCN When FreqBandInd is 0 (BandI), DUARFCN must

qBandInd take value of Band 1:[10562, 10838].
When FreqBandInd is 1 (BandII), DUARFCN must
take value of band 2: [9662, 9938], 412, 437, 462,
487, 512, 537, 562, 587, 612, 637, 662 and 687.
When FreqBandInd is 2 (III), DUARFCN must take
value of Band 3:[1162, 1513].
When FreqBandInd is 4 (BandV), DUARFCN must
take value of band 5: [4357, 4458], 1007, 1012, 1032,
1037, 1062 and 1087.
When FreqBandInd is 5 (Band VI), DUARFCN must
take value of Band 6:[4387, 4413], 1037 and 1062.
When FreqBandInd is 7 (Band VIII), DUARFCN must
take value of [2937, 3088].
When FreqBandInd is 3 (BandIV), DUARFCN must
take value of [1537, 1738], 1887, 1912, 1937, 1962,
1987, 2012, 2037, 2062 and 2087.

FreqPLInd UMbmsSa None One MBMS SAC can contain only one or none pre-
ferred frequency layer.

FreqPLInd UMbmsSa None The preferred frequency can cover the whole MBMS
SA district. EFACH Configuration (UEFach)

Original Associated Associated Association
Parameter Object Parameter

CID UUtran- CID The parameter in this table must exist in utranCell

MACehsQI- UUtran- EFACHSpptInd When the associated parameter is 1, the parameter in

D[] CellFDD this table is valid


SJ-20120319104909-009|2011-05-31 (R1.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXUR 9000 UMTS Radio Parameter Constraints Reference

Original Associated Associated Association

Parameter Object Parameter


DTCfgInd[] UEFach DiscardTimer[] When the corresponding DTCfgInd is 1(yes), Discard-

Timer is valid

MACehsQI- UEFach MACehsQID[] The different value of the nodes in MACehsQID[] must
D[] be different

SPI [] UEFach SPI [] The different value of the nodes in SPI[] must be differ-
ent HS-PDSCH Measurement Power Offset(UCelMPO)

Original Associ- Associated Pa- Association
Parameter ated Ob- rameter

CID UUtran- CID The parameter in this table must exist in utranCell

MeasP- UUtran- HspaSptMeth Only when HspaSptMeth in UutranCellFDD take the

wrOffset CellFDD value 1 (Support HSDPA and DCH) or 2 (Support HS-
DPA only) or 3 (Support HSUPA , HSDPA and DCH)
or 4 (Support HSUPA and HSDPA), MeasPwrOffset in
UCelMPO is valid Physical Channel SCPICH Configuration (UScpich)

Original Associated Associated Association

Parameter Object Parameter

Cid UUtran- Cid Associated parameters in this table must exist in the
CellFDD association table.


SJ-20120319104909-009|2011-05-31 (R1.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 1 Relationships

Original Associated Associated Association

Parameter Object Parameter

TxDivInd UUtran- SchTstdInd The value of TxDivInd is active only when the values
CellFDD PcpichTxDivInd of SchTstdInd, PcpichTxDivInd and PccpchSttdInd are
PccpchSttdInd active.

CID UUtran- CID If no cell record exist in the cell, ScpichSupInd of the
CellFDD ScpichSupInd corresponding cell in the UutranCellFDD table cannot
be TRUE.

CID UScpich CPCId The same cell has one Scpich channel at most. SCCPCH Configuration (USccpch)

Original Associated Associated Association

Parameter Object Parameter

Cid UUtran- CId Parameters in this table must exit in the association
CellFDD table.

Sc- USccpch — Each cell must have the corresponding SccpchUsage

cpchUsage is as follows:
0:Carrying PCH
1:Carrying R99 FACH, not Supporting CBS
2:Carrying R99 FACH, Supporting CBS
3:Carrying R99 FACH & PCH, not Supporting CBS
4:Carrying R99 FACH & PCH, Supporting CBS
5:Carrying MCCH FACH & R99 FACH, not Supporting
6:Carrying MCCH FACH & R99 FACH, Supporting

SttdInd UUtran- SchTstdInd The value of SttdInd is active only when the values
CellFDD PcpichTxDivInd of SchTstdInd, PcpichTxDivInd and PccpchSttdInd are
PccpchSttdInd active.

Sc- USccpch None For one cell, there is only one SCCPCH for bearing
cpchUsage MCCH.That is to say, the maximum number of the SC-
CPCH channel is one when the value of SccpchUsage
is 5: Carrying MCCH FACH & R99 FACH, not Sup-
porting CBS, 6: Carrying MCCH FACH & R99 FACH,
Supporting CBS or 7:Carrying MCCH FACH.


SJ-20120319104909-009|2011-05-31 (R1.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXUR 9000 UMTS Radio Parameter Constraints Reference

Original Associated Associated Association

Parameter Object Parameter

Sc- USccpch SccpchUsage For each cell, there is one corresponding SCCPCH
cpchUsage record at most when the value of SccpchUsage is
as follows:
5: Carrying MCCH FACH & R99 FACH, not
Supporting CBS
6: Carrying MCCH FACH & R99 FACH, Supporting
7: Carrying MCCH FACH

CPCId USccpch SccpchUsage In the same cell, only one SCCPCH supports CBS.
This restriction is determined by the value of Sc-
cpchUsage in the Sccpch table. That is to say, in the
same cell, SccpchUsage of only one SCCPCH is 2, 4
or 6. SccpchUsage of other SCCPCH could be 0, 1,
3, 5 or 7.

Sc- USccpch SccpchUsage One SccpchUsage of the same cell only has one cor-
cpchUsage responding record at most.

CId USccpch CPCId The same cell has four Sccpch channels at most. PICH Configuration (UPich)

Original Associ- Associated Association

Parameter ated Ob- Parameter

Cid UUtran- CId Parameters in this table must exit in the association
CellFDD table.

SttdInd UUtran- SchTstdInd The value of SttdInd is active only when the values
CellFDD PcpichTxDivInd of SchTstdInd, PcpichTxDivInd and PccpchSttdInd are
PccpchSttdInd active.

SccpchCP- USccpch CPCId Parameters in this table must exist in the association
CId SccpchUsage table. Moreover, SccpchUsage in the corresponding
associated records must be 0 (Carrying PCH), 3 (Car-
rying R99 FACH & PCH, not Supporting CBS) or 4(
Carrying R99 FACH & PCH, Supporting CBS) .

CId UPich CPCId The same cell has two Pich channels at most.

CId UPich SccpchCPCId Cid + SccpchCPCId is unique in this table.


SJ-20120319104909-009|2011-05-31 (R1.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 1 Relationships PRACH Configuration (UPrach)

Original Associated Associated Association

Parameter Object Parameter

CId UUtran- CId Parameters in this table must exit in the association
CellFDD table.

Signature UPrach AsigStIdx Value of AsigStIdx or AsigEndIdx should be equal to

or less than (the number of Signature bit that equals
to 1) - 1.

AsigStIdx UPrach AsigEndIdx AsigStIdx<= AsigEndIdx

PermitMax- UPrach PsfNum PsfNum<= PermitMaxASC-2; If the value of Permit-

ASC MaxASC-2 is a negative, PsfNum must be 0.

AvailSub- UPrach PreamScra- The sub-channels among multiple PRACHs of differ-

ChanNum Code ent scrabbling codes (PRachType=0) in the same cell
PrachType must be staggered. That is to say, each BIT of Bit-
string(12) corresponding to AvailSubChanNum must
be different.

PreamScra- None Signature If PreamScraCode of multiple PRACHs in the same

Code AvailSubChan- cell is the same, Signature or AvailSubChanNum can-
Num not be overlapped.

ConstVal UPrach RachTti For all PRACH channels of the same cell, if TTI of
TFS corresponding to RACH carrying on PRACH is
the same, ConstVal of these PRACH channels must
be the same.

AvailSub- UPrach PrachType This parameter is set to 4095 when PrachType is 1.


CId UPrach CPCId The same cell has five PRach channels at most.

AichCPCId UAich CPCId AichCPCId in this table must exist in CPCId (config-
ured under the same cell) in the UAich table. AICH Configuration (UAich)

Original Associated Associated Association

Parameter Object Parameter

Cid UUtran- CId Parameters in this table must exit in the association
CellFDD table.

PrachCP- UPrach CPCId Parameters in this table must exit in the association
CId table.

SttdInd UUtran- SchTstdInd The value of SttdInd is active only when the values
CellFDD of SchTstdInd, PcpichTxDivInd and PccpchSttdInd are


SJ-20120319104909-009|2011-05-31 (R1.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXUR 9000 UMTS Radio Parameter Constraints Reference

Original Associated Associated Association

Parameter Object Parameter

CId UAich CPCId The same cell has four Aich channels at most. MICH Configuration (UMich)

Original Associ- Associated Association

Parameter ated Ob- Parameter

Cid UUtran- CId Parameters in this table must exit in the association
CellFDD table.

SttdInd UUtran- SchTstdInd The value of SttdInd is active only when the values
CellFDD of SchTstdInd, PcpichTxDivInd and PccpchSttdInd are
PccpchSttdInd Load Control Information (ULdCtrl)

Original Associated Associated Association
Parameter Object Parameter

CId UUtran- CId Parameters in this table must exit in the association
CellFDD table.

UlOverLd ULdCtrl UlSeri- UlSeriousOverLd> UlOverLd> UlAlrmLd


The relationship of these parameters are integrated.

The size relationship check must be performed on
each parameter.

DlOverLd ULdCtrl UlSeri- DlSeriousOverLd> DlOverLd> DlAlrmLd


The relationship of these parameters are integrated.

The size relationship check must be performed on
each parameter.

UlOverLd UUtran- BPriAcIndex UlSeriousOverLd> UlOverLd> DchUlAcThresh; The

UlSeri- CellFDD BPriAcIndex in UutranCellFDD corresponds to the
ousOverLd DchUlAcThresh of all records in the BPriAc table.
UBPriAc DchUlAcThresh


SJ-20120319104909-009|2011-05-31 (R1.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 1 Relationships

Original Associated Associated Association

Parameter Object Parameter

DlOverLd UUtran- BPriAcIndex DlSeriousOverLd> DlOverLd> DchDlAcThresh; The

DlSeri- CellFDD BPriAcIndex in UutranCellFDD corresponds to.the
ousOverLd DchDlAcThresh of all records in the BPriAc table.
UBPriAc DchDlAcThresh

DlOverLd UUtran- BPriAcIndex DlSeriousOverLd> DlOverLd> MbmsAcThresh; The

DlSeri- CellFDD BPriAcIndex in UutranCellFDD corresponds to the
ousOverLd MbmsAcThresh of all records in the BPriAc table .
UBPriAc MbmsAcThresh

HsdsOverL- ULdCtrl HsdsOverLdThr> HsdsRecoverThr

dThr HsdsRecover-

DlOverLd ULdCtrl Hs- HsdsOverLdThr> HsdsRecoverThr> DlOverLd> DlAl-

DlAlrmLd dsOverLdThr rmLd


DecGbrSw ULdCtrl MaxGbrDec- The key parameters are valid only when DecGbrSw is
Num 1 (On).

UlHighLd UBPriAc TrafficClass UlHighLd is fewer than DchUlAcThresh which is in the

BasicPrio BPriAc table and corresponds to BasicPrio. The Ba-
sicPrio corresponds to TrafficClass=0 in the BasPri ta-
UBPriAc BasicPrio

DlHighLd UBPriAc TrafficClass DlHighLd s fewer than DchDlAcThresh which is in the

BasicPrio BPriAc table and corresponds to BasicPrio. The Ba-
sicPrio corresponds to TrafficClass=0 in the BasPri ta-
UBPriAc BasicPrio
DchDlAcThresh Power Load Balance Information (UPlBal)

Original Associated Associated Association
Parameter Object Parameter

CId UUtran- CId Parameters in this table must exit in the association
CellFDD table.

UlLdBalP- UPlBal ExtraCDeltaTru If UlLdBalPwrSwch is off, the key parameters are in-
wrSwch UlLdThdCs valid.

DlLdBalP- UPlBal ExtraCDeltaTrd If DlLdBalPwrSwch is off, the key parameters are in-
wrSwch DlPwrThdCs4G valid.


SJ-20120319104909-009|2011-05-31 (R1.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXUR 9000 UMTS Radio Parameter Constraints Reference

Original Associated Associated Association

Parameter Object Parameter

LdBal- UPlBal LdBalCdWeight If LdBalCdSwch is off, the key parameters are invalid.
CdSwch Ex-

LdBalHsS- UPlBal ExtraDeltaHs- If LdBalHsdSwch is off, the associated parameters are

wch dTrd invalid.

LdBalH- UPlBal ExtraDeltaH- If LdBalHsuSwch is off, the associated parameters are

suSwch suTrd invalid.

HspaPlus- UPlBal HspaPlus- The value of HspaPlusCapInd [x] is unique. That is,
CapInd CapInd the capability coordinate of the nodes corresponding
to different arrays should be different.

LdBalHsd- UPlBal - Three-Bit values of LdBalHsdFacCho should not be all

FacCho 0.

LdBalHsd- UPlBal DeltaHsdUsr- if LdBalHsNumSwch is off (0), DeltaHsdUsrNumTd is

NumSwch NumTd invalid.

1.2.34 Power Control Related to Service (USrvPc)

Original Associ- Associated Pa- Association
Parameter ated Ob- rameter

TrfPcInde UUtran- TrfPcIndex Parameters in the association table must exit in this
CellFDD table.

SrvType USubSrv SrvType Parameters in this table must exit in the association


SJ-20120319104909-009|2011-05-31 (R1.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 1 Relationships

Original Associ- Associated Pa- Association

Parameter ated Ob- rameter

SrvType USrvPc UlIlPcAlg Only when SrvType is an even number, the associated
UlSirTargUp- parameter is valid.

SrvType USrvPc TpcDlStep Only when SrvType is an odd number, the associated
parameter is valid.

SrvType USrvPc TpcStepSize Only when SrvType is an even number, the associated
UlIlPcAlg parameters are valid. When UlIlPcAlg is algorithm 1,
the value of associated parameter is (1, 2)dB. When
UlIlPcAlg is algorithm 2, the value of associated pa-
rameter is only 1dB.

ErrorThres- USrvPc SrvType Only when SrvType is 10 or 28, ErrorThreshHLd is

hHLd valid.


SJ-20120319104909-009|2011-05-31 (R1.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXUR 9000 UMTS Radio Parameter Constraints Reference

Original Associ- Associated Pa- Association

Parameter ated Ob- rameter

BLERAccp- USrvPc SrvType Only when SrvType is 10 or 28, ErrorThreshHLd is

PerHLd valid.

BLERtar- USrvPc SrvType Only when SrvType is 11 or 29, BLERtargetHLd is

getHLd valid.

ThrHarq- USrvPc SrvType Only when SrvType is an even number,

FailTti2[] ThrHarqFailTti2[3] and ThrHarqFailTti10[3] are valid.
ThrHarq- That is to say, these parameters only take effect on
FailTti10[] uplink service.

MaxSir- USrvPc UlSir- When SrvType is the uplink service subtype (an even
TargDnStep TargDnStep number), UlSirTargDnStep<= MaxSirTargDnStep

NhrThrUpT- USrvPc NhrThrUpTti2[] When SrvType is the uplink service subtype (an
ti2[] NhrThrDownTti- even number), NhrThrUpTti2 [0]<= NhrThrUpTti2
NhrThrDo- 2[] [1]<= NhrThrUpTti2 [2] NhrThrDownTti2 [0]<=
wnTti2[] NhrThrDownTti2 [1]<= NhrThrDownTti2 [2]

NhrThrUpT- USrvPc NhrThrUpTti10[ When SrvType is the uplink service subtype (an even
ti10[] ] number), NhrThrUpTti10[0]<= NhrThrUpTti10[1]<=
NhrThrDo- NhrThrDownTt- NhrThrUpTti10[2] NhrThrDownTti10 [0]<=
wnTti10[] i10[] NhrThrDownTti10 [1]<= NhrThrDownTti10 [2]

MaxBerTar- USrvPc MinBerTarget MaxBerTarget >= MinBerTarget


NhrThrUpT- USrvPc NhrThrDownTti- When SrvType is the uplink service subtype (an
ti10[] 10[] even number), three array nodes (from 0 to 2) of
NhrThrUpTti10 and NhrThrDownTti10 must satisfy:
NhrThrUpTti10[i] >= NhrThrDownTti10[i].

NhrThrUpT- USrvPc NhrThrDownTti- When SrvType is the uplink service subtype (an
ti2[] 2[] even number), three array nodes (from 0 to 2) of
NhrThrUpTti2 and NhrThrDownTti2 must satisfy:
NhrThrUpTti2[i] >= NhrThrDownTti2[i].

MaxSirTar- USrvPc UlSirTargUp- MaxSirTargUpStep>=UlSirTargUpStep

gUpStep Step


SJ-20120319104909-009|2011-05-31 (R1.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 1 Relationships

1.2.35 NodeB Common Measurement Configuration (UNbComMeas)

Original Associ- Associated Association
Parameter ated Ob- Parameter

NbCM- UNbCom- NbCMCfgNote There is at least one record corresponding to every

CfgNo Meas value of the associated parameter

NbCMCfg- UNbCom- ComMeasType When NbCMCfgNote is 0(Period Report Parameters

Note Meas RptType for RTWP), ComMeasType must be 0(Received total
wide band power), and RptType must be 2( Periodic)
When NbCMCfgNote is 1( Period Report Parameters
for TCP), ComMeasType must be 1(Transmitted
Carrier Power), and RptType must be 2( Periodic)
When NbCMCfgNote is 2(Period NodeB
Common Measurement Report Parameters For
TUTRAN-GPS), ComMeasType must be 6(UTRAN
GPS Timing of Cell Frames for UE Positioning), and
RptType must be 2( Periodic)
When NbCMCfgNote is 3(On Modification NodeB
Common Measurement Report Parameters For
TUTRAN-GPS), ComMeasType must be 6(UTRAN
GPS Timing of Cell Frames for UE Positioning), and
RptType must be 9(On Modification)
When NbCMCfgNote is 4 (Period Report Parameters
for HS-DSCH Required Power), , ComMeasType
must be 9 (HS-DSCH Required Power) and RptType
must be 2 (Periodic).
When NbCMCfgNote is 5 (Period Report
Parameters in State I for NotusedHS-DSCH_TCP),
ComMeasType must be 8 (Transmitted carrier power
of all codes not used for HS-PDSCH or HS-SCCH
transmission) and RptType must be 2 (Periodic).
When NbCMCfgNote is 6 (Period NodeB Common
Measurement Report Parameters for Received
Scheduled E-DCH Power Share), ComMeasType
must be 20 (Received Scheduled E-DCH Power
Share) and RptType must be 2 (Periodic).

Com- UNbCom- MeasObjType When ComMeasType is RTWP or TCP or

MeasType Meas TUTRAN-GPS or HRP, the associated parameter
must be cell
When ComMeasType is APP, the associated
parameter must be RACH


SJ-20120319104909-009|2011-05-31 (R1.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXUR 9000 UMTS Radio Parameter Constraints Reference

Original Associ- Associated Association

Parameter ated Ob- Parameter

RptType UNbCom- RptPrdUnit Only when it is Periodic, the associated parameter is

Meas RptPrd valid

RptType UNbCom- OnModChang- When ComMeasType is UTRAN GPS Timing of Cell

Com- Meas Time Frames for UE Positioning and RptType is On Modifi-
MeasType OnMod- cation, the associated parameter is valid

Com- UNbCom- GpsMeasAcc- When ComMeasType is UTRAN GPS Timing of Cell

MeasType Meas Class Frames for UE Positioning, the associated parameter
is valid

1.2.36 NodeB Dedicated Measurement Configuration

Original Associated Associated Association
Parameter Object Parameter

NbDMCfg- UNbDed- DedMeasType When NbDMCfgNote is 0(Period Report Parameters

Note Meas RptType for TCP in Power Balance ), DedMeasType must be
2(TCP), and RptType must be 2(Periodic)
When NbDMCfgNote is 1(Period Report Parameters
for TCP in AMR or DASF-PS), DedMeasType must
be 2(TCP), and RptType must be 2(Periodic)
When NbDMCfgNote is 2(Event A Report Parameters
for TCP in DASF-PS ), DedMeasType must be
2(TCP), and RptType must be 3(Event A)
When NbDMCfgNote is 3(Event B Report Parameters
for TCP in DASF-PS ), DedMeasType must be
2(TCP), and RptType must be 4(Event B)
When NbDMCfgNote is 4(Period Report Parameters
for RTT in LCS), DedMeasType must be 5(RTT), and
RptType must be 2(Periodic)
When NbDMCfgNote is 5(Event E Report Parameters
for SIR Error in Threshold Power Control),
DedMeasType must be 1(SIR Error), and RptType
must be 7(Event E)
When NbDMCfgNote is 6(Event F Report Parameters
for SIR Error in Threshold Power Control),
DedMeasType must be 1(SIR Error), and RptType
must be 8(Event F)


SJ-20120319104909-009|2011-05-31 (R1.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 1 Relationships

Original Associated Associated Association

Parameter Object Parameter

When NbDMCfgNote is 7(Event A Report Parameters

for TCP in AMR), DedMeasType must be 2(TCP),
and RptType must be 3(Event A)
When NbDMCfgNote is 8(Event B Report Parameters
for TCP in AMR), DedMeasType must be 2(TCP),
and RptType must be 4(Event B)
When NbDMCfgNote is 9(Event A Report Parameters
for TCP in Handover Control), DedMeasType must
be 2(TCP), and RptType must be 3(Event A)
When NbDMCfgNote is 10(Event B Report
Parameters for TCP in Handover Control),
DedMeasType must be 2(TCP), and RptType must
be 4(Event B)

RptType UNbDed- EvtEfSirEThrd1 When RptType is E/F, and DedMeasType is SIR ER-
DedMeasT- Meas ROR, the associated parameter is valid

RptType UNbDed- EvtAbTcpThrd[] When RptType is A/B, and DedMeasType is TCP, the
DedMeasT- Meas associated parameter is valid

RptType UNbDed- EvtEfSirEThrd2 When RptType is E/F, and DedMeasType is SIR ER-
DedMeasT- Meas ROR, the associated parameter is valid

RptType UNbDed- EvtAbcdefTime When RptType is A/B/C/D/E/F, the associated param-

Meas eter is valid

RptType UNbDed- RptPrdUnit When RptType is Periodic or E/F, the associated pa-
Meas RptPrd rameter is valid

Dl- NULL NULL DlRateLevel [0]< DlRateLevel [1]

RateLevel []

NbDMCfg- UNbDed- DlRateLevel[] When NbDMCfgNote is 2 or 3, DlRateLevel[2] is valid

Note Meas

1.2.37 Traffic Volume Measurement Profile (UTrvMeasProfile)

This configuration set involves the association among radio parameters in the following
l UE Traffic Volume Event Measurement Configuration for RACH (URachEvtUeTrv)
l UE Traffic Volume Period Measurement Configuration for RACH (URachPrdUeTrv)
l UP Traffic Volume Event Measurement Configuration for FACH (UFachEvUpTrv)
l UE Traffic Volume Event Measurement Configuration for DCH (UDchEvUeTrv)


SJ-20120319104909-009|2011-05-31 (R1.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXUR 9000 UMTS Radio Parameter Constraints Reference

l UP Traffic Volume Event Measurement Configuration for DCH (UDchEvUpTrv)

l UE Traffic Volume Period Measurement Configuration for DCH (UDchPrdUeTrv)
l UP Traffic Volume Measurement Configuration Number for Streaming Class on
HS-DSCH (UDedSHsdschEvUpTrv)
l UP Traffic Volume Measurement Configuration for Interactive and Background Class
on HS-DSCH (UDedIBHsdschEvUpTrv)
l UP Traffic Volume Measurement Configuration for HS-DSCH in CELL_FACH
l UP Throughput Event Measurement Configuration for E-TTI Switching (UETTIEdchE-
l UP Traffic Volume Measurement Configuration for E-DCH UDedEdchEvUpTrv)
l UP Traffic Volume Measurement Configuration for E-DCH in CELL_FACH

Original Associ- Associated Association

Parameter ated Ob- Parameter

UeTrvM- UTrvMea- DrbcDchUeEvt Before the record of UeTrv is deleted, it must be

CfgNo (Tar- sProfile DrbcDchUp ensured that there is no CUeTrv’s record which
get Index) Dr- quotes the UeTrvMCfgNo. Otherwise, this record with
bcRachUeEvt the UeTrvMCfgNo in UeTrv is not allowed to delete
(Source Index)

UeTrvM- UTrvMea- UeTrvMCfg- It has at least one matching record for any value of
CfgNo sProfile Note the associated parameter.

UeTrvMCfg- UTrvMea- Measobj The following limits apply to the UeTrvMCfgNote and
Note sProfile RptCrt Measobj, RptCrt values:
When the UeTrvMCfgNote value is 0(UE Traffic
volume Period Measurement Configuration Number
for DCH), the Measobj value must be 1(DCH), and the
RptCrt value must be 2(Periodical reporting criteria)
When the UeTrvMCfgNote value is 1(UE Traffic
volume Event Measurement Configuration Number
for DCH), the Measobj value must be 1(DCH), RptCrt
value must be 1(UE traffic volume measurement
reporting criteria)
When the UeTrvMCfgNote value is 2(UP Traffic
volume Measurement Configuration Number for
DCH), the Measobj value must be 1(DCH), and


SJ-20120319104909-009|2011-05-31 (R1.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 1 Relationships

Original Associ- Associated Association

Parameter ated Ob- Parameter

the RptCrt value must be 1(UE traffic volume

measurement reporting criteria)
When the UeTrvMCfgNote value is 3( UE Traffic
volume Period Measurement Configuration Number
for RACH), the Measobj value must be 2(RACH),
and the RptCrt value must be 2(Periodical reporting
When the UeTrvMCfgNote value is 4(UE Traffic
volume Event Measurement Configuration Number
for RACH), the Measobj value must be 2(RACH),
and the RptCrt value must be 1(UE traffic volume
measurement reporting criteria)
When the UeTrvMCfgNote value is 5(UP Traffic
volume Measurement Configuration Number for
FACH), the Measobj value must be 51(FACH), RptCrt
value must be 1(UE traffic volume measurement
reporting criteria)
When the UeTrvMCfgNote value is 6(UP Traffic
volume Measurement Configuration Number for
Streaming Class on HS-DSCH), 7(UP Traffic volume
Measurement Configuration Number for Interactive
and Background Class on HS-DSCH), the Measobj
value must be 52(HS-DSCH), RptCrt value must be
1(UE traffic volume measurement reporting criteria)
When the UeTrvMCfgNote value is 9(UP Thruput
Event Measurement Configuration Number for
E-DCH), Measobj value must be 53(E-DCH), and
the RptCrt value must be 1(UE traffic volume
measurement reporting criteria)
When the UeTrvMCfgNote value is 10(E-DCH UP
Throughput Measurement Configuration Number for
E-TTI Switching), Measobj value must be 53(E-DCH),
and the RptCrt value must be 1(Event Reporting
When UeTrvMCfgNote is 11(UP Traffic Volume
Measurement Configuration Number for HS-DSCH in
CELL_FACH ), Measobj must be 52(HS-DSCH) and
RptCrt must be 1 (Event Reporting Criteria).
When UeTrvMCfgNote is 12 (UP Traffic Volume
Measurement Configuration Number for E-DCH in
CELL _FACH), Measobj must be 53(E-DCH) and
RptCrt must be 1 (Event Reporting Criteria).


SJ-20120319104909-009|2011-05-31 (R1.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXUR 9000 UMTS Radio Parameter Constraints Reference

Original Associ- Associated Association

Parameter ated Ob- Parameter

MeasQuan- UTrvMea- AverageTime If the value is 1(RLC buffer payload), then the
tity sProfile associated parameter is invalid

RptCrt UTrvMea- PrdRptAmount RptCrt value is 2 (periodical report), then the

sProfile PrdRptInterval associated parameter is valid

RptCrt UTrvMea- MeasEvtNum RptCrt value is 1 (event report), then the associated
sProfile MeaEvtId[i] parameter is valid

RptCrt UTrvMea- RptThres[i] Only when RptCrt value is 1(event report), then the
sProfile associated parameter is valid

RptRl- UTrvMea- MeasQuantity MeasQuantity value is 1(RLC buffer payload), then

cBufInd sProfile RptRlcBufInd must be True; When it is 2(Average
RptRl- RLC buffer payload), RptRlcAveInd must be True;
cAveInd When it is 3(Variance of RLC buffer payload),
RptRl- RptRlcVarInd must be True

RptCrt UTrvMea- TxInterruption[i] Only when RptCrt value is 1(event report) and the
TxInterCfg- sProfile TxInterCfgPre value is TRUE, then the associated
Pre[i] parameter is valid

RptCrt UTrvMea- RptThres0 Only when RptCrt value is 1(event report), then the
sProfile RptThres1 associated parameter is valid

Measobj UTrvMea- RptThres0 Only when Measobj is 1(DCH), the associated

sProfile RptThres1 parameter is an valid parameter; when Measobj is
RptThres2 other value, the associated parameter is an invalid
RptThres3 field

Measobj UTrvMea- RptThres Measobj is 1(DCH), the associated parameter is an

sProfile invalid parameter; Only when Measobj is other value,
the associated parameter is an valid field


SJ-20120319104909-009|2011-05-31 (R1.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 1 Relationships

Original Associ- Associated Association

Parameter ated Ob- Parameter

Measobj UTrvMea- ThoughThres Only when Measobj is 53(E-DCH), then the

sProfile associated parameter is valid; when Measobj is
other value, the associated parameter is an invalid

CId UUtran- CId The parameterin this table must exist in UUtran-

DrbcD- UTrvMea- UeTrvMCfgNo The parameterin this table must exist in UeTrv
chUePrd sProfile

DrbcD- UTrvMea- UeTrvMCfg- the associated parameter value in the association ta-
chUePrd sProfile Note ble must be 0(UE Traffic volume Period Measurement
Configuration Number for DCH )

DrbcD- UTrvMea- UeTrvMCfgNo There must be a record in the UeTrv corresponding

chUeEvt sProfile (Target Index) to DrbcDchUeEvt

DrbcDchUp UTrvMea- UeTrvMCfgNo There must be a record in the UeTrv corresponding

(Source sProfile (Target Index) to DrbcDchUp

DrbcRach- UTrvMea- UeTrvMCfg- UE Traffic volume Period Measurement Cofiguration

UePrd sProfile Note Number for RACH


SJ-20120319104909-009|2011-05-31 (R1.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXUR 9000 UMTS Radio Parameter Constraints Reference

Original Associ- Associated Association

Parameter ated Ob- Parameter

DrbcRach- UTrvMea- UeTrvMCfgNo There must be a record in the UeTrv corresponding

UeEvt sProfile (Target Index) to DrbcRachUeEvt

Drbc- UTrvMea- UeTrvMCfgNo There must be a record in the UeTrv corresponding

FachUp sProfile (Target Index) to DrbcFachUp

DrbcSHsUp UTrvMea- UeTrvMCfgNo There must be a record in the UeTrv corresponding

(Source sProfile (Target Index) to DrbcSHsUp

DrbcIBH- UTrvMea- UeTrvMCfgNo There must be a record in the UeTrv corresponding

sUp sProfile (Target Index) to DrbcIBHsUp

DrbcED- UTrvMea- UeTrvMCfgNo There must be a record in the UeTrv corresponding

chUpThpt sProfile (Target Index) to DrbcEDchUpThpt

ETtiUpThpt UTrvMea- UeTrvMCfg- The associated parameter in the association table

sProfile Note value must be 10(UP Throughput Event Measurement
Configuration Number for E-TTI Switching)

DrbcC- UTrvMea- UeTrvMCfg- The value of related parameters in the association ta-
FachHsUp sProfile Note ble must be 11(UP Traffic Volume Measurement Con-
figuration Number for HS-DSCH in CELL_FACH)

DrbcC- UTrvMea- UeTrvMCfg- The value of related parameters in the association ta-
FachED- sProfile Note ble 12( UP Traffic Volume Measurement Configuration
chUp Number for E-DCH in CELL_FACH)

1.2.38 UE Internal Measurement Profile (UUeIntMeasProfile)

This configuration set involves the association among radio parameters in the following

l UE Transmitted Power Event Measurement Configuration for AMR (UAmrEvtTPUeInt)

l UE Transmitted Power Event Measurement Configuration for PS (UPsEvtTPUeInt)
l UE Rx-Tx Time Difference Period Measurement Configuration for Location


SJ-20120319104909-009|2011-05-31 (R1.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 1 Relationships

l UE Rx-Tx Time Difference Event Measurement Configuration for UTRAN

l UE Rx-Tx Time Difference Event Measurement Configuration for RL Timing
Adjustment (UEvtRttUeInt)
l UE Transmitted Power Event Measurement Configuration for Handover

Original Pa- Associated Associated Association

rameter Object Parameter

UeIntMCfgNo UUeIntMea- UeIntMCfg- Each value of the associated parameter must

sProfile Note correspond to each record.

UeIntMCfg- UUeIntMea- MeasQuantity The value of UeIntMCfgNote, MeasQuantity and

Note sProfile RptCrt RptCrt has the following restrictions:
When UeIntMCfgNote is 0 (UE Transmitted Power
Event Report Parameters 1 for AMR), 1(UE
Transmitted Power Event Report Parameters 1 for
PS)or 5(UE Transmitted Power Event Report
Parameters for Handover),MeasQuantity
must be 0(UE Transmitted Power) and RptCrt
must be 1(UE internal measurement reporting
When UeIntMCfgNote is 2(UE Rx-Tx Time
Difference Period Report Parameters for
Location),MeasQuantity must be 2(UE
Rx-Tx Time Difference)and RptCrt must be 2
(Periodical Reporting Criteria).
If UeIntMCfgNote is 3(UE Rx-Tx Time Difference
Event Report Parameters for UTRAN)or 4(UE
Rx-Tx Time Difference Event Report Parameters
for RL Timing Adjustment), MeasQuantity must
be 2(UE Rx-Tx Time Difference)and RptCrt
must be 1(Event Reporting Criteria).

FilterCoeff UUeIntMea- MeasQuantity This parameter is invalid when the value of related
sProfile parameter is 2 (UE Rx-Tx Time Difference).

MeasQuantity UUeIntMea- RptTxPwrInd When the value of MeasQuantity is 0(UE

sProfile RptTxRxTmD- Transmitted Power), the value of the
iffInd corresponding related parameter of RptTxPwrInd
must be TRUE.
When the value of MeasQuantity is 2(UE Rx-Tx
time difference), the value of the corresponding
related parameter of RptTxRxTmDiffInd must be


SJ-20120319104909-009|2011-05-31 (R1.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXUR 9000 UMTS Radio Parameter Constraints Reference

Original Pa- Associated Associated Association

rameter Object Parameter

RptCrt UUeIntMea- MeasEvtNum Only when RptCrt is 1 (event report), the

sProfile MeaEvtId[] associated parameter is valid.

RptCrt UUeIntMea- PrdRptA- Only when RptCrt is 2 (periodic report), the

sProfile mount associated parameter is valid.

1.2.39 User Authorized PLMN+SNAC Information (UImsiSnacFilter)

Original Pa- Associated Associated Pa- Association
rameter Object rameter

ImsiMatched- UImsiSnacFil- SMCC There are at most 10 SMCC+ SMNC+SNAC for these
DgtNum ter SMNC records that have same MCC+MNC+ ExtInfoDgtNum+
ImsiMatched- SNAC ExtInfo[i].(i=[1, ExtInfoDgtNum])

1.2.40 LAC and SNAC Information (USnac)

Original Pa- Associated Associated Pa- Association
rameter Object rameter

MCC+MNC+ USnac SNAC There are at most 4 SNAC that same MCC+ MNC+ LAC can
LAC belong to

MCC+MNC+ USnac LAC There are at most 10 LAC that same MCC+ MNC+ SNAC
SNAC can belong to


SJ-20120319104909-009|2011-05-31 (R1.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2
Operation in Planning Radio
Table of Contents
Overview ....................................................................................................................2-2
URncFunction ............................................................................................................2-3
UUeCnst ....................................................................................................................2-3
UcnInfo ......................................................................................................................2-3
UIuCnst ......................................................................................................................2-3
UGloAc ......................................................................................................................2-4
GbrRes ......................................................................................................................2-4
UMbms ......................................................................................................................2-5
UCfnOffset .................................................................................................................2-5
UBasPriMapping ........................................................................................................2-6
USchPriMapping ........................................................................................................2-6
UAppPriMapping ........................................................................................................2-7
UBPriAc .....................................................................................................................2-7
UIntraMeasProfile ......................................................................................................2-7
UInterMeasProfile ......................................................................................................2-8
URatMeasProfile ........................................................................................................2-9
USubSrv ....................................................................................................................2-9
UrncDtxDrx ..............................................................................................................2-10
UExternalRncFunction .............................................................................................2-10
UUtranCellFDD ........................................................................................................2-11
UutranRelation .........................................................................................................2-12
UGmRelation ...........................................................................................................2-12
UCHspa ...................................................................................................................2-13
UCMbms ..................................................................................................................2-14
UMbmsSa ................................................................................................................2-14
UEFach ....................................................................................................................2-14


SJ-20120319104909-009|2011-05-31 (R1.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXUR 9000 UMTS Radio Parameter Constraints Reference

CelMPO ...................................................................................................................2-15
UScpich ...................................................................................................................2-15
USccpch ..................................................................................................................2-15
UPich .......................................................................................................................2-15
UAich .......................................................................................................................2-16
USnac ......................................................................................................................2-19
UUeIntMeasProfile ...................................................................................................2-19
UEUtranRelation ......................................................................................................2-20
ULogicalIurQos ........................................................................................................2-20
UDedSrvTb ..............................................................................................................2-20
UIDNNSRouting .......................................................................................................2-21
WhiteList ..................................................................................................................2-21

2.1 Overview
This section describes operations of MOC that need a special treatment.

The primary key and the alternative key are not allowed to be modified in the planned data
of all objects.

For the description of MOC operation is Null, fill in the data according to the restriction
relationship described in the Associations chapter.


In all operations of MOC, all primary key and alternative key must exsit.


SJ-20120319104909-009|2011-05-31 (R1.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Operation in Planning Radio Parameters

2.2 URncFunction
Name Description

Delete The operation is not allowed. Reason: There is only one record in the table

Add The operation is not allowed. Reason: There is only one record in the table

Modify NULL

2.3 UIubLink
Name Description

Delete If the Node B is not quoted by the UutranCellFDD, delete the Node B directly
If the Node B is quoted by the UutranCellFDD, delete both the record of the
Node B and records of all cells that have quoted the Node B

Add Null

Modify Null

2.4 UUeCnst
Name Description

Delete The operation is not allowed. Reason: There is only one record in the table

Add The operation is not allowed. Reason: There is only one record in the table

Modify Null

2.5 UcnInfo
Name Description

Delete Null

Add Null

Modify Null

2.6 UIuCnst
Name Description

Delete Allowed and related to PLMN.

At most four PLMN records can be configured.


SJ-20120319104909-009|2011-05-31 (R1.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXUR 9000 UMTS Radio Parameter Constraints Reference

Name Description

Add Allowed and related to PLMN.

At most four PLMN records can be configured.

Modify Null

2.7 UDrbc
Name Description

Delete Allowed and related to PLMN.

At most four PLMN records can be configured.

Add Allowed and related to PLMN.

At most four PLMN records can be configured.

Modify Null

2.8 UGloAc
Name Description

Delete The operation is not allowed. Reason: There is only one record in the table

Add The operation is not allowed. Reason: There is only one record in the table

Modify Null

2.9 UHspa
Name Description

Delete The operation is not allowed. Reason: There is only one record in the table

Add The operation is not allowed. Reason: There is only one record in the table

Modify Null

2.10 GbrRes
Name Description

Delete Refer to the restriction relationship

Add If this entry is quoted by the HsGBRResLimitIdx property of UCHspa, it can not
be deleted before deleting the quoting relation


SJ-20120319104909-009|2011-05-31 (R1.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Operation in Planning Radio Parameters

Name Description

Modify Refer to the restriction relationship

2.11 UMbms
Name Description

Delete The operation is not allowed. Reason: There is only one record in the table

Add The operation is not allowed. Reason: There is only one record in the table

Modify Null

2.12 UCfnOffset
Name Description

Delete Records cannot be deleted, otherwise, the system may be affected.

Add Records cannot be added, otherwise, the system may be affected.

Modify Null

2.13 UBasPri
Name Description

Delete Allowed and related to PLMN.

At most four PLMN records can to be configured.

Add Allowed and related to PLMN.

At most four PLMN records can to be configured.

Modify The ARPThresh and ARPSegNum should be modified at the same time. Make
sure that the number of ARPThresharray elements in the planning data is equal
to ARPSegNum-1.
The THPThresh and THPSegNum should be modified at the same time. Make
sure that the number of the THPThresh array elements in the planning data is
equal to THPSegNum-1
The BPThresh and BPSegNum should be modified at the same time. Make
sure that the number of the BPThresh array elements in the planning data is
equal to BPSegNum -1
If reduce the value of ARPSegNum, corresponding records of BasPri should
be delete at the same time
If increase the value of ARPSegNum, corresponding records of BasPri should
be add at the same time


SJ-20120319104909-009|2011-05-31 (R1.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXUR 9000 UMTS Radio Parameter Constraints Reference

Name Description

If reduce the value of THPSegNum, corresponding records of BasPri should

be delete at the same time
If increase the value of THPSegNum, corresponding records of BasPri should
be add at the same time
If reduce the value of BPSegNum, corresponding records of Apppri should
be delete at the same time
If increase the value of BPSegNum, corresponding records of Apppri should be
add at the same time
If reduce the value of DlRateAdjLevNum, corresponding records of Apppri
should be delete at the same time
If increase the value of DlRateAdjLevNum, corresponding records of Apppri
should be delete at the same time

2.14 UBasPriMapping
Name Description

Delete Null

Add Null

Modify Null

2.15 USchPriMapping
Name Description

Delete If the SchPri is not quoted by the utranCell, delete the SchPri directly
If the SchPri is quoted by the utranCell, follow the following steps:
1. Modify the SchPriIndex of UutranCellFDD in “planned data” setting,
2. Release the quotation relationship
3. Generate the script according to the data planned in Step 1
4. Import the script into NetNumen for execution
5. Delete the record of the SchPri in “planned data” setting
6. Generate the script according to the data planned in Step 3 and import the
script into NetNumen for execution

Add Null

Modify Null


SJ-20120319104909-009|2011-05-31 (R1.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Operation in Planning Radio Parameters

2.16 UAppPriMapping
Name Description

Delete If the AppPri is not quoted by the utranCell,delete the record of AppPri
If the AppPri is quoted by the utranCell, follow the following steps:
1. Modify the LdCtrlPriIndex and CgtCtlPriIndex of utranCell
2. Release quotation relationship
3. Generate the script according to the data planned in Step 1
4. Import the NetNumen for execution
5. Delete the record of AppPri
6. Generate the script according to the data planned in Step 3 and import
the NetNumen for execution

Add Null

Modify Null

2.17 UBPriAc
Name Description

Delete If the local object is not quoted by the UutranCellFDD, delete the UBPriAc
If the local object is quoted by the UutranCellFDD, follow the following steps:
1. Modify the BPriAcIndex data of UutranCellFDD in “planned data” setting
2. Release the quotation relationship
3. Generate the script according to the data planned in Step 1
4. Import the script into NetNumen for execution
5. Delete the record of UBpriAc in “planned data” setting
6. Generate the script according to the data planned in Step 3 and import the
script into NetNumen for execution

Add Null

Modify Null

2.18 UIntraMeasProfile
Name Description

Delete If the UIntraMeasProfile is not quoted by UInterMeasProfile objects, delete

the record of the Intra directly
If the UIntraMeasProfile is quoted by UInterMeasProfile objects, follow the
following steps:


SJ-20120319104909-009|2011-05-31 (R1.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXUR 9000 UMTS Radio Parameter Constraints Reference

Name Description

1. Modify the data of the UInterMeasProfile that has quoted the

UIntraMeasProfile in “planned data”setting
2. Release the quotation relationship
3. Generate the script according to the data planned in Step 1
4. Import the script into NetNumen, and execute successfully
5. Delete the record of the UIntraMeasProfile in “planned data”setting
6. Generate the script according to the data planned in Step 3 and import the
script into NetNumen for execution

Add Null

Modify If quoted by the UInterMeasProfile objects, the attribute of the

IntraMeasCfgNote, MeasQuantity and RptCrt can not be modified directly.
1. Modify the data of the UInterMeasProfile in “planned data”setting
2. Release the quotation relationship
3. Generate the script according to the data planned in Step 1 and
4. Import the script into NetNumen for execution
5. Modify the data of UIntraMeasProfile in “planned data”setting
6. Generate the script according to the data planned in Step 3 and import the
script into NetNumen for execution

2.19 UInterMeasProfile
Name Description

Delete If the Inter is not quoted by the CInter object, delete the record of the Inter
If the Inter is quoted by the CInter object, follow the following steps:
1. Modify the data of the CInter in “planned data”setting.
2. Release the quotation relationship
3. Generate the script according to the data planned in Step 1
4. Import the script into OMM, and execute successfully
5. Delete the record of the Inter in “planned data”setting
6. Generate the script according to the data planned in Step 3 and import the
script into NetNumen for execution

Add Null.


SJ-20120319104909-009|2011-05-31 (R1.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Operation in Planning Radio Parameters

Name Description

Modify If quoted by the CInter object, the attribute of the InterMeasCfgNote,

MeasQuantity and RptCrt can not be modified directly, follow the following
1. Modify the data of CInter that has quoted Inter in “planned data”setting
2. Release the quotation relationship
3. Generate the script according to the data planned in Step 1
4. Import the script into NetNumen for execution
5. Modify the data of Inter in “planned data”setting
6. Generate the script according to the data planned in Step 3 and import the
script into NetNumen for execution

2.20 URatMeasProfile
Name Description

Delete If the Rat is not quoted by the CRat object, delete the record of the Rat
If the Rat is quoted by the CRat object, follow the following steps:
1. Modify the data of the CRat in “planned data”setting
2. Release the quotation relationship
3. Generate the script according to the data planned in Step 1
4. Import the script into OMM, and execute successfully
5. Delete the record of Rat in “planned data”setting
6. Generate the script according to the data planned in Step 3 and import the
script into NetNumen for execution

Add Null.

Modify If quoted by the CRat, InterRatCfgNotecan, OwOMMeasQuantity and RptCrt

can not be modified directly, follow the following steps:
1. Modify the data of CRat that has quoted Rat in “planned data”setting
2. Release the quotation relationship
3. Generate the script according to the data planned in Step 1 and
4. Import the script into NetNumen for execution
5. Modify the data of Rat in “planned data”setting
6. Generate the script according to the data planned in Step 3 and import the
script into NetNumen for execution

2.21 USubSrv
Name Description

Delete The operation is not allowed. Reason: Only default service records are
supported in RNC


SJ-20120319104909-009|2011-05-31 (R1.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXUR 9000 UMTS Radio Parameter Constraints Reference

Name Description

Add The operation is not allowed. Reason: Only default service records are
supported in RNC

Modify Direction, Domain, MaxBitRate and TrafficClass can not be modified. Reason:
They are character parameters of SrvType and must be matched to SrvType

2.22 UrncDtxDrx
Name Description

Delete If this record is cited by DtxDrxConfigIdx of USubSrv, users need to delete the
cite relationship before deleting this record.

Add Refer to the restriction relationship.

Modify Refer to the restriction relationship.

2.23 USrvDivPc
Name Description

Delete If the USrvDivPc is not quoted by the utranCell, delete the record of USrvDivPc
If the USrvDivPc is quoted by the utranCell, follow the following steps:
1. Modify the data of the UutranCellFDD in “planned data” setting
2. Release the quotation relationship
3. Generate the script according to the data planned in Step 1
4. Import the script into OMM, and execute successfully
5. Delete the record of the USrvDivPc in “planned data”setting
6. Generate the script according to the data planned in Step 3 and import the
script into NetNumen for execution

Add Null

Modify Null

2.24 UExternalRncFunction
For the restriction relationship, refer to External Utran Cell (externalUtranCell).


SJ-20120319104909-009|2011-05-31 (R1.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Operation in Planning Radio Parameters

Name Description

Delete If the externalUtranCell is not quoted by the utranRelation, delete the record
of externalUtranCell directly
If the externalUtranCell is quoted by utranRelation, both the record of the
externalUtranCell and records of the utranRelation that have quoted the
externalUtranCell should be deleted

Add Null

Modify When modify DivCtrlFld or DiurCmbInd of a certain externalUtranCell, DivCtrlFld

or DiurCmbInd of all externalUtranCell that belong to same neighbouring RNC
must be modified to the same value

2.25 UExternalGsmCell
Name Description

Delete If the UExternalGsmCell is not quoted by the UGsmRelation, delete the record
of the UExternalGsmCell directly
If the UExternalGsmCell is quoted by the UGsmRelation, both the record of
the UExternalGsmCell and records of UGsmRelation that have quoted the
UExternalGsmCell should be deleted

Add Null

Modify Null

2.26 UUtranCellFDD
Name Description

Delete The cell can be deleted if UUtranCellFDD is not quoted by UutranRelation,

UEUtranRelation or UMbmsSa.
If UUtranCellFDD is quoted by UutranRelation, UEUtranRelation or UMbmsSa,
users need to delete the quotation relationship before deleting the cell.

Create Null


SJ-20120319104909-009|2011-05-31 (R1.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXUR 9000 UMTS Radio Parameter Constraints Reference

Name Description

Modify When modifying FreqBandInd, duarfcn, and MbmsSuptInd, if UUtranCellFDD is

quoted by the UMbmssa, follow the following steps:
1. Modify the data of the UMbmssa in “planned data” setting.
2. Release the quotation relationship.
3. Generate the script file according to the planned data in Step 1.
4. Import the script into NetNumen successfully.
5. Modify the data of the UUtranCellFDD in “planned data” setting.
6. Generate the script file according to the planned data in Step 3 and then
import it to the NetNumen software.
When USEOFHCS of UUtranCellFDD is modified from 2 (used) to 1 (not used),
HCSSRVCELINFOPRE of the UCelSel needs be modified into 0 (False).

2.27 UutranRelation
Name Description

Delete Null

Add If (NPhyCId) of the UutranRelation to be added has existed in UUtranCellFDD

or UExternalUtranCellFDD, add the record of UutranRelation directly
If (NPhyCId) of the UutranRelation to be added has not existed in the
UUtranCellFDD or UExternalUtranCellFDD, add the record of UutranRelation
and UUtranCellFDD (or UExternalUtranCellFDD)
If CId of the UutranRelation to be added has existed in UUtranCellFDD, add
the record of utranRelation directly
If CId of the UutranRelation to be added has not existed in UUtranCellFDD,
add the record of UutranRelation and uranCell

Modify Null

2.28 UGmRelation
Name Description

Delete Null


SJ-20120319104909-009|2011-05-31 (R1.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Operation in Planning Radio Parameters

Name Description

Add If (NPhyGsmCId) of the UGsmRelation to be added has existed in

UExternalGsmCellFDD, add the record of UGsmRelation directly
If (NPhyGsmCId) of the UGsmRelation to be added has not existed
in UExternalGsmCellFDD, add the record of UGsmRelation and
If CID of the UGsmRelation to be added has existed in UranCellFDD, add
the record of UGsmRelation directly
If CID of the UGsmRelation to be added has not existed in UranCellFDD, add
the record of UGamRelation and UranCellFDD

Modify Null

2.29 UPriSel
Name Description

Delete Null

Add Null

Modify Null

2.30 UCelSel
Name Description

Delete The record of SIB3ORSIB4=0(SIB3) is not allowed to be deleted

Add If CID of the UCelSel to be added has existed in UranCellFDD, add the record
of UCelSel directly
If CID of the UCelSel to be added has not existed in UranCellFDD, add the
record of UCelSel and UranCellFDD

Modify Null

2.31 UCHspa
Name Description

Delete Null


SJ-20120319104909-009|2011-05-31 (R1.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXUR 9000 UMTS Radio Parameter Constraints Reference

Name Description

Add If CID of the UCHspa to be added has existed in UranCellFDD, add the record
of UCHspa directly
If CID of the UCHspa to be added has not existed in UranCellFDD, add the
record of UCHspa and uranCell

Modify Null

2.32 UCMbms
Name Description

Delete Null

Add If CID of the UCMbms to be added has existed in UranCellFDD, add the record
of UCMbms directly.
If CID of the UCMbms to be added has not existed in UranCellFDD, add the
record of UCMbms and UranCellFDD.

Modify Null

2.33 UMbmsSa
Name Description

Delete Null

Add Null

Modify Null

2.34 UEFach
Name Description

Delete The UUtranCellFDD object must be deleted when this object is deleted

Add If UUtranCellFDD corresponding to cid already exists, then add this object. Oth-
erwise, UUtranCellFDD must be added first.

Modify Null


SJ-20120319104909-009|2011-05-31 (R1.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Operation in Planning Radio Parameters

2.35 CelMPO
Name Description

Delete Null

Add If UUtranCellFDD corresponding to cid already exists, then add this object. Oth-
erwise, UUtranCellFDD must be added first.

Modify Null

2.36 UScpich
Name Description

Delete Allowed when UScpich is supported, which is determined by the parameter


Add Allowed when UScpich is supported, which is determined by the parameter


Modify Allowed when UScpich is supported, which is determined by the parameter


2.37 USccpch
Name Description

Delete Null

Create If CID of the Sccpch to be added has existed in UranCellFDD, add the record of
Sccpch directly.
If CID of the Sccpch to be added does not exist in UranCellFDD, add the record
of Sccpch and UranCellFDD directly.

Modify Null

2.38 UPich
Name Description

Delete When deleting the Pich, follow the following steps:

1. Delete the record of Pich.
2. Modify PichCpcId to 255 and PCHInd to 0 in the record of Sccpch that
quotes this Pich.


SJ-20120319104909-009|2011-05-31 (R1.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXUR 9000 UMTS Radio Parameter Constraints Reference

Name Description

Add Corresponding records exist in SCCPCH.

The addition of this common channel will trigger the deletion and re-setup of
the serving cell.

Modify When modifying the PCHCTCID of Pich( It means to transfer the Pich from one
Sccpch to another Sccpch), modify the data below:
1. Modify the data of the Pich
2. Modify the value of PichCPCId to 255 in the record of Sccpch that quotes
this Pich

2.39 UPrach
Name Description

Delete If the Prach is quoted by Aich, follow the following steps:

1. Delete the record of Aich that quotes this Prach
2. Delete the record of Prach that quotes this Prach
3. Delete the record of Prach
If the Prach is not quoted by Aich, follow the following steps:
1. Delete the record of Rach that quotes ths Prach
2. Delete the record of Prach

Add If CID of the Prach to be added has existed in uranCell, add the record of
Prach directly
If CID of the Prach to be added has not existed in uranCell, add the record
of Prach and uranCell

Modify Null

2.40 UAich
Name Description

Delete Null

Add If the Prach that is quoted by CID+PrachCPCId of the UAich has existed, add
the record of Aich directly.
If the Prach that is quoted by CID+PrachCPCId of the UAich has not existed,
add the record of Aich and Prach.
The addition of this common channel will trigger the deletion and re-setup of
the serving cell.

Modify Null


SJ-20120319104909-009|2011-05-31 (R1.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Operation in Planning Radio Parameters

2.41 UMich
Name Description

Delete Delete the record of Mich, and delete the record of the Sccpch whose CPCID is
35 at the same time.

Add If the USccpch that is quoted by CID+SccpchCPCId of the Mich has existed,
add the record of Mich directly.
If the USccpch that is quoted by CID+SccpchCPCId of the Mich has not existed,
add the record of Aich and Sccpch.
Add Mich channel if SCCPCH channels with SccpchUsage as 5/6/7 exist in
the cells listed in the Sccpch table.
Add SCCPCH and Mich channels if SCCPCH channels with SccpchUsage as
5/6/7 do no exist in the cells listed in the USccpch table.
The addition of this common channel will trigger the deletion and re-setup of the
serving cel.

Modify Null

2.42 ULdCtrl
Name Description

Delete Null

Add If CID of the LdCtrl to be added has existed in UUtranCellFDD, add the record
of LdCtrl.
If CID of the LdCtrl to be added has not existed in UUtranCellFDD add the
record of LdCtrl and UUtranCellFDD.

Modify Null

2.43 UPlBal
Name Description

Delete Null

Add If CID of the UPplBal to be added has existed in UutranCell, add the record
of UPlBal
If CID of the UPlBal to be added has not existed in UutranCell, add the record
of UPlBal and UutranCell

Modify Null


SJ-20120319104909-009|2011-05-31 (R1.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXUR 9000 UMTS Radio Parameter Constraints Reference

2.44 USrvPc
Name Description

Delete If the USrvPc is not quoted by the UutranCell, delete the record of USrvPc
If the USrvPc is quoted by the UutranCell, follow the following steps:
1. Modify the data of UutranCell that has quoted the USrvPc in “planned data”
2. Release the quote relationship.
3. Generate the script according to the data planned in Step 1.
4. Import the script into OMM, and execute successfully.
5. Delete the record of the TrfPc in “planned data” settings.
6. Generate the script according to the data planned in Step 3 and import the
script into NetNumen for execution.

Add Null

Modify Null

2.45 UNbComMeas
Name Description

Delete If this object is quoted by CNbom, then it only can be deleted after the quotation
relationship is moved
If this object is not quoted by CNbom, it can be deleted directly

Add Null

Modify Null

2.46 UNbDedMeas
Name Description

Delete Null

Add Null

Modify Null

2.47 UTrvMeasProfile
Name Description

Delete Null


SJ-20120319104909-009|2011-05-31 (R1.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Operation in Planning Radio Parameters

Name Description

Add Null

Modify Null

2.48 UImsiSnacFilter
Name Description

Delete Null

Add Null

Modify The operation is not allowed. Reason: Every parameter is an integral part
of the complete primary keys

2.49 USnac
Name Description

Delete Null

Add Null

Modify The operation is not allowed. Reason: Every parameter is an integral part
of the complete primary keys

2.50 UUeIntMeasProfile
Name Description

Delete If this object is quoted, users need to delete the quotation relationship before
deleting the object.

Add Null

Modify Null

2.51 UCommEdch
Name Description

Delete Null

Add Null

Modify Null


SJ-20120319104909-009|2011-05-31 (R1.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXUR 9000 UMTS Radio Parameter Constraints Reference

2.52 UExternalENBFunction
Name Description

Delete Null

Add Null

Modify Null

2.53 UEUtranRelation
Name Description

Delete Null

Add Null

Modify Null

2.54 ULogicalRnc
Name Description

Delete Null

Add Null

Modify Null

2.55 ULogicalIurQos
Name Description

Delete Null

Add Null

Modify Null

2.56 UDedSrvTb
Name Description

Delete If this object is quoted by the ProfileIndex parameter of the UDedSrvTb object,
users need to delete the quotation relationship before deleting this object.


SJ-20120319104909-009|2011-05-31 (R1.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Operation in Planning Radio Parameters

Name Description

Add Null

Modify Null

2.57 UIDNNSRouting
Name Description

Delete Null.

Add Null

Modify Null

2.58 UIMSIRouting
Name Description

Delete Null.

Add Null

Modify Null

2.59 UWhiteSrvPc
Name Description

Delete Null.

Add Null

Modify Null

2.60 WhiteList
Name Description

Delete Null.

Add Null

Modify Null


SJ-20120319104909-009|2011-05-31 (R1.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXUR 9000 UMTS Radio Parameter Constraints Reference

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SJ-20120319104909-009|2011-05-31 (R1.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Table 1-1 Primary Keys and Alternative Key of MOC ................................................ 1-1

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SJ-20120319104909-009|2011-05-31 (R1.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

- Communication Network Optimization
- Managed Object Class


SJ-20120319104909-009|2011-05-31 (R1.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

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