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Final Location Survey for Proposed Gauge Conversion (BG) for Nagbhir ‐ Itwari NG Line (Including Proposed Rail

Connectivity from
Umrer BG Yard to Existing WCL Yard at Umrer) with Electrification
Detailed Project Report


3.1 General

The approach to Survey in the project was in accordance with the “Terms of Reference”
given in the Contract Document, understanding of the project objectives and having
discussions with the Client during the progress of the project study. In formulating the
methodology for the various activities, the guidelines by the Railway have been followed.

3.2 Objective of the Study

Based on the objectives and scope of the consultancy services, an appropriate methodology
has been developed to address the requirements, especially with regard to various
intermediate targets and completion period, manning schedule and interaction with client as
indicated in the Terms of Reference (TOR). A work plan was prepared on the basis of the
methodology developed. A competent team of suitably qualified key professionals and other
supporting staff as per the requirements of TOR was selected for carrying out the services.

The scope of services includes both independent and inter-dependent activities. Hence a TASK
APPROACH was proposed to carry out the entire work comprehensively and accurately to the
complete satisfaction of the client and fulfillment of TOR. The whole work was divided into
different tasks and the detailed methodology for each activity is given below.

3.3 Approach and Methodology

The main objective of the consultancy service is to prepare a Detailed Project Report based
on the Final Location Survey for Proposed Gauge Conversion (BG) for Nagbhir - Itwari NG
Line (Including Proposed Rail Connectivity From Brahmini BG Yard to Existing WCL Yard at
Brahmini) with Electrification.

Subsequently the connectivity to WCL siding was changed to Umrer instead of Brahmini station
after scrutinizing the detailed survey data by MRIDC official to adopt economical route to WCL

For successful and efficient rendering of services, it was proposed to take a sound engineering
approach based on a clear understanding of the Terms of Reference and the relevant planning
and systems approach.

The Methodology for Services, Surveying and Data Collection covers all the scope of work as
detailed in the TOR. The important activities of the assignment are divided into two categories.

1. Field Study

2. Desk/Office Work

Final Location Survey for Proposed Gauge Conversion (BG) for Nagbhir ‐ Itwari NG Line (Including Proposed Rail Connectivity from
Umrer BG Yard to Existing WCL Yard at Umrer) with Electrification
Detailed Project Report

3.3.1 Field Study

Need for the survey: The main purpose of the field inventory was to make a record of the
existing track layout, other rail infrastructure and design of selected alignment for new BG
track to cover all the required points of TOR.

The sequence of execution of survey work in field is as under:

i. Reconnaissance survey

ii. Inventory Survey of Bridges

iii. Fixing of Primary Control Pillars (DGPS)

iv. DGPS observations - DGPS

v. Traversing along existing railway line – Total Station

vi. Transferring nearest GTS Bench mark to project route – Auto Level

vii. Shifting of Bench Marks along existing railway line – Auto Level

viii. Topographic Survey of existing railway line – Total Station

ix. Details of utility services and other physical features

x. Taking Trial pits at Major Bridge Locations

xi. Material / Resource investigations

xii. Hydraulic Survey

xiii. Demarcation of Final Alignment on ground

A. Reconnaissance Survey

Before start of actual survey work, Reconnaissance survey was carried out by Survey teams.
During this survey entire section starting from Nagbhir to Itwari including Proposed Rail
Connectivity From Brahmini BG Yard to Existing WCL Yard at Brahmini was studied. The
relevant data required for further study was collected and survey was carried out but as per
instruction of MRIDC officials the connectivity was change to Umrer station and re-survey was
carried out. All Railway Stations falling in this section with their existing infrastructure, yard
layout and facilities available were also examined for assessing future development. Important
details like availability of land in this section were also collected which were very useful for the
Study, and include following:

 Topography, alignment details and layout plans of station areas along the Nagbhir –
Itwari NG section and connection to WCL siding to Umrer to access most feasible,
sutaible and economical alignment

 Details on land/utilities

Final Location Survey for Proposed Gauge Conversion (BG) for Nagbhir ‐ Itwari NG Line (Including Proposed Rail Connectivity from
Umrer BG Yard to Existing WCL Yard at Umrer) with Electrification
Detailed Project Report

 Foot Over Bridges and subways for Stations in Nagbhir – Itwari NG section

 Formation width in banks and cutting

 Existing facilities and infrastructure along the existing NG section

 Details of existing trees along the existing alignment which have girth dia. of 30cm or

Fig. 3.1 Site Inspection

B. Engineering Surveys
The topographic survey included picking up of all details and features as existing on ground on
either side of proposed center line of alignment. The survey was carried out using latest survey
instruments having required precision with computerized data capture facility like Total Station
and Auto Levels. All data related to topography and features of the ground were recorded using
on board data loggers.

Topographic survey along the full length of the Nagbhir – Itwari Section was carried out with
the help of Total Stations for Railway Right of Way as well as up to about 50m beyond railway
boundary on both sides of the formation. Details of existing trees of girth diameter 30cm on
either side of existing formation on both sides was taken. Details have been recorded in the field
book and summary of the same is provided in foregoing paragraphs and complete details
location wise also submitted in a separate volume along with DPR and for information and
necessary action which is to be taken at the time of construction. Base drawings were created in
electronic format in the scale of 1:500 indicating existing ground features of tracks, railway

Final Location Survey for Proposed Gauge Conversion (BG) for Nagbhir ‐ Itwari NG Line (Including Proposed Rail Connectivity from
Umrer BG Yard to Existing WCL Yard at Umrer) with Electrification
Detailed Project Report

boundary, platforms, Station buildings, signals, OHE masts, sub-stations, signalling

installations, roads, buildings, rivers, culverts, bridges, level crossings, overhead utilities,
kiosks/commercial installations, etc. Existing ground levels were also picked up.

C. Topographic Survey with Electronic Instruments

 Reconnaissance Survey along the existing NG track of South Eastern Central Railway

Before starting of Traversing, Reconnaissance Survey was carried out along existing South
Eastern Central Railway corridor from Nagbhir to Itwari including WCL siding to Umrer to
decide the locations of control points, temporary bench marks, fixing chainages, etc.

Fig. 3.2 Topographic Survey

 Running and closing of Traverse

I) Fixing of primary control points:

The general principle of surveying from ‘whole to part’ was adopted. The Primary control
stations were selected all along the existing alignment at suitable intervals of about 2 km in pair
from Nagbhir – Itwari including Proposed Rail Connectivity From Umrer BG Yard to Existing

Final Location Survey for Proposed Gauge Conversion (BG) for Nagbhir ‐ Itwari NG Line (Including Proposed Rail Connectivity from
Umrer BG Yard to Existing WCL Yard at Umrer) with Electrification
Detailed Project Report

WCL Yard at Umrer. The observations were taken for suitable time as per availability of
satellite, climate, etc. These observations (field data) were downloaded and post processed
through Spectrum Survey Office V.8.2 software. During processing, the field data was checked
in all respects. The parameters used for finalization of primary control points are as mentioned

 Linear unit : Meter

 Angular unit : Degree Minute Second (DMS)

 Datum : WGS84

 Projection : UTM North Zone_44 - 78E to 84E

 Geoid : Egm96

These control stations are established with the help of DGPS GRX-2 of Sokkia make.

II) Secondary Control Points (Traversing):

For secondary control points, Total Stations of Leica make having 1 second accuracy were used.
At the start of the traversing network, the instruments were put through a self-checking routine.
Secondary control stations were established with reference to primary control stations. Total
Station traverse was carried out by fixing control points along the alignment at about 200 m to
300 m inter-visible intervals, starting with one pair of GPS control points and closing on to the
next pair of GPS control points. The closing error in position for any line from one pair of GPS
control points to another pair was restricted to 2 cm per kilometer which was adjusted as per
Bowditch Rule. Observations for traverse lines having errors more than 2 cm per kilometer were
repeated. Z values obtained by Total Stations were replaced by leveling heights, as they are
more accurate. Thus the coordinates (Easting, Northing & Elevation) of these traverse control
points were used for further detailed topographical survey by Total Station.

Final Location Survey for Proposed Gauge Conversion (BG) for Nagbhir ‐ Itwari NG Line (Including Proposed Rail Connectivity from
Umrer BG Yard to Existing WCL Yard at Umrer) with Electrification
Detailed Project Report

Fig. 3.3 Traverse Survey

D. Topographic survey including picking up of all details

Topographic surveys between Railway Stations were carried out with Total Stations to pick up
all details within railway land boundary and additional 50 meters beyond both sides of track. At
yards, the full width of corridor is surveyed. While carrying out this survey, use of both
horizontal & vertical angle measurements and target height was made to obtain X, Y & Z
coordinates of terrain points.

E. Picking up details of existing railway line and carrying out topographic survey of the
terrain within railway land boundaries and beyond wherever necessary

Starting from one end of the Section, center line of track at 20m on straight, 10m in curves were
picked up. In addition, rail top coordinates (x, y, z) at an interval of 20m were taken. A wooden
gauge (with center line marked gauge) which can fit exactly on the BG track (rail face to rail
face) was made for this purpose.

Cross sections of existing track were taken at an interval of 20m consisting center of tracks,
edge of embankment, toe of embankment, etc. Spot levels of ground within the railway
boundary plus for distance of 50m beyond the railway boundary were taken on the proposed
alignment on either side as per site requirement.

i) Gradient posts, Km posts, Fouling marks, details of curves.

ii) Details of Level crossings (LC) with nomenclature.

iii) Details of culverts, minor bridges, major bridges, flyovers across the railway corridor with
their details viz. width, number of spans, overall length, type, marking chainages, etc.,
(centre line of Bridge is marked on Auto CAD drawing), dimensions of piers, abutments,
wing walls, returns, etc.

iv) Details of FOB, ROB and RUB with span within Railway land including their landings in
Corporation limits.

Final Location Survey for Proposed Gauge Conversion (BG) for Nagbhir ‐ Itwari NG Line (Including Proposed Rail Connectivity from
Umrer BG Yard to Existing WCL Yard at Umrer) with Electrification
Detailed Project Report

v) Any overhead facilities such as telephone/telegraph lines / HT lines / signals & location
box / Traction mast, etc. (Implantation of OHE mast with respect to center line of tracks).

vi) Roads, drains, buildings, hutments.

vii) Location of trees with girth more than 300mm.

viii) Points & crossings (SRJ & Heel of crossing), LWR/SEJ.

ix) Yard details: Topographic survey of station yard enroute, including station building,
platforms & other structures.

x) Details of flyover / approach roads running parallel/across to existing corridor.

xi) Details of fixed structures including FOB columns & landing, toilet blocks, water blocks,
staircase, buildings, platform widths, etc.

F. Levelling along the rail corridor, fixing of TBM w.r.t. Survey of India GTS Bench Mark
Earlier survey agency had carried over the existing GTS bench mark to new temporary bench
marks which they have fixed at important and safe locations (where they cannot be disturbed)
such as bridge approaches, platforms, etc., at an interval of approximately 500 meters. The
Traverse stations left by Traversing teams were connected with level lines. Also, closing of
leveling on already established TBM is carried out and maintained in the field register.

Fig. 3.4 TBM Shifting

Final Location Survey for Proposed Gauge Conversion (BG) for Nagbhir ‐ Itwari NG Line (Including Proposed Rail Connectivity from
Umrer BG Yard to Existing WCL Yard at Umrer) with Electrification
Detailed Project Report

G. Equipment used for the final location survey work

A survey team with necessary equipment as under carried out the field work:

i. DGPS Survey ii. Auto Level

iii. Traversing iv. Total Station

M/s Qmax Techno Consultants Pvt. Ltd. have in-house latest computers/laptops loaded with
software for the design of Alignment, Roadway, Bridges, steel structures, geotechnical
analysis, etc.

H. Quality Control

High precision instruments were used for the topographic survey and traversing. For
establishing primary control points DGPS GRX 1 of Sokkia make, for traversing and
topographic survey, Total Stations Leica make were used. Before starting the work, it was
ensured that all the instruments were calibrated and do have a valid calibration certificate and
were in good condition. The accuracy for Leica Total Station instruments is 1 second and 5
seconds. Traversing was done by closed traverse method and for TBM Shifting and level
connection to control points Auto Levels were used. For above leveling work Auto Levels
of Sokkia make were used. Before using Auto Level it was tested at site to prevent errors.
All the benchmarks were closed with H.I. method.

I. Preparation and submission of topographical plan in AutoCAD

M/s Qmax Techno Consultants Pvt. Ltd. has prepared and submitted the Topographical plan in
Auto CAD in accordance with details collected in the survey on a scale 1:1000. The plans
indicate existing yards, track geometries, buildings, bridges, foot over bridges, tunnels, etc. In
addition to this, in order to design the proposed extension, detailed dimensions of major
bridges/minor bridges/FOBs/special structures were collected.

J. Submission of survey data in soft copy

The standard feature code was followed during the topographic survey to ensure the data is
compatible in MX rail software and the down loaded data from the Total Station in the form of
ASC II / Genio format.

K. Submission of field register

The field registers of survey work for Traversing, topographic survey and field book containing
complete details were maintained for verification by MRIDC Official. Following is the list of
documents maintained at site:

i) Traverse Register - containing the records of running Traverse line, Traverse stations with
their description, calculation of co-ordinates of Traverse stations, adjustment of closing
error, down loaded data, etc.

Final Location Survey for Proposed Gauge Conversion (BG) for Nagbhir ‐ Itwari NG Line (Including Proposed Rail Connectivity from
Umrer BG Yard to Existing WCL Yard at Umrer) with Electrification
Detailed Project Report

ii) Level Books – containing the records of connecting of GTS Bench Marks to TBMs/BMs
established along the alignment.

iii) List of trees on either side of existing formation having girth diameter 30cm or more.

iv) Registers – containing the records of connection of Bench Marks by Total Stations (already
established by Leveling).

v) Topographical Details Register – containing details of topography.

L. Preparation of topographical plan

Topographical plan showing all existing features, existing railway lines, formation, central line
of L-Xing, yards, etc., in Auto CAD was prepared. All text size and presentation of drawings,
legend, scale, etc., were as per standard proforma.

M. Supplying of Total Stations data in MX format

Data provided by the survey party were downloaded from Total Stations in the form of Measure
file and in ASCII/Genio compatible with MX or other similar software format on CD, duly
checked and verified. Standardized feature codes and level/layer information to ensure
standardization we followed. This data can be directly imported in MX for designing and

N. Details of topo survey at Level Crossings, Major and Minor Railway Bridge locations

All details of existing Level Crossings like center line km, LC No, class, width of road, etc.,
were collected.

3.3.2 Desk/Office Work

Previous reports on the project and data obtained from field surveys were reviewed during
Desk study. This activity was carried out simultaneously along with survey work. The
activities involved in the office work are listed below:

i. Collection, scanning and digitizing of Survey of India Topo-sheets

ii. Collection of details of Existing Route

iii. Collection & Superimposition of Revenue maps on alignment plan

iv. Geometric Design of alignment

v. Preparation of Index-plan, Key Plan

vi. Preparation o f Engineering Scale Plan (ESP)

vii. Preparation of Project sheets of approved alignment

viii. Hydraulic Design of Major Bridges

ix. Calculation of additional land requirement at station locations & curve

Final Location Survey for Proposed Gauge Conversion (BG) for Nagbhir ‐ Itwari NG Line (Including Proposed Rail Connectivity from
Umrer BG Yard to Existing WCL Yard at Umrer) with Electrification
Detailed Project Report

improvement locations

x. Preparation of Cost Estimate

xi. Preparation of Detailed Project Report

3.4 Utility Lines

All over/above ground utility lines, falling within the ROW were located. All overhead
crossings of such lines were located with chainages and available clearance. For
underground utility lines like water pipelines, electric cables and sewerage/drainage,
the information was obtained from the concerned authorities. Information on the location of
buried coaxial cables and OFC was obtained from concerned authorities and concerned
Departments/Service providers.

The location of all the utility lines, both over and underground, are plotted on the strip plan
along with the proposed location on the new corridor. This clearly brings out the lines which
are likely to be affected by the new alignment and may require to be relocated. Based on
this study, relocation of the utility lines, where required, is recommended along with the
proposed new track. Details of utility collected during survey are listed below:

 OFC Cable Crossings (with 250mm dia. casing)

Sr. No. Existing Chainage Proposed Chainage (m) Section

1 1194/0 59950 URR-Bamni
2 1188/3-4 54450 URR-Bamni
3 1177/2-3 43500 URR-Bamni
4 1167/3-4 33650 URR-Bamni
5 1144/12-13 10360 URR-Bamni
6 1143/4-5 9800 URR-Bamni
7 1140/3-4 6700 URR-Bamni
8 1136/9-10 3300 URR-Bamni

 Underground Electrical Cable Crossing (with 150mm Dia. casing)

Sr. No. Location (at km) Proposed Chainage (m) Section

1 1233/4-5 98850 DGY-Bhead

2 1126/35-37 - ITR Yd.

3 1175/9-1176/0 42200 BWV-URR

4 1180/9-1181/1 47200 BWV-URR

Final Location Survey for Proposed Gauge Conversion (BG) for Nagbhir ‐ Itwari NG Line (Including Proposed Rail Connectivity from
Umrer BG Yard to Existing WCL Yard at Umrer) with Electrification
Detailed Project Report

Sr. No. Location (at km) Proposed Chainage (m) Section

5 1234/8-9 100350 DGY-ITR

6 1236/1-2 101650 ITR Yd.

 Water Pipe Line Crossings (1400mm Dia.)

Sr. No. Location (at km) Proposed Chainage (m) Section

1 1187/10-11 54100 URR-Bamni

2 1186/9-10 53035 URR-Bamni

3 1219/9-10 85430 KOC-ITR

4 1220/0-1 85600 KOC-ITR

 Overhead Electricity

Existing Proposed
S.N. Chainage Chainage Voltage Height
(km) (km)
1 1134.215 0.509 11000V 7.800
2 1134.905 1.295 33000 V 9.230
3 1136.325 2.723 33000 V 11.463
4 1150.010 16.337 LT 6.780
5 1158.686 24.971 11000V 19.090
6 1159.220 25.501 33000V 8.145
7 1165.070 31.340 440V 7.052
8 1167.235 33.513 11000V 7.200
9 1174.865 41.113 33000V 8.275
10 1175.555 41.783 33000V 12.256
11 1186.525 52.618 11000V 8.576
12 1187.020 53.110 11000V 9.568
13 1187.395 53.479 11000V 6.780
14 1187.765 53.850 LT 9.780
15 1195.095 61.040 33000 V 8.573
16 1197.770 63.711 LT 7.260
17 1197.864 63.805 LT 8.120
18 1209.410 75.100 33000 V 9.683
19 1209.595 75.280 33000 V 8.987
20 1217.730 83.237 LT 7.901
21 1234.455 99.937 33000 V 15.600
22 1234.775 100.258 11000 V 8.946


Final Location Survey for Proposed Gauge Conversion (BG) for Nagbhir ‐ Itwari NG Line (Including Proposed Rail Connectivity from
Umrer BG Yard to Existing WCL Yard at Umrer) with Electrification
Detailed Project Report

Existing Proposed
S.N. Chainage Chainage Voltage Height
(km) (km)
23 1235.185 100.668 33000 V 11.413
24 1235.504 100.988 11000 V 6.885

3.4.1 Summary of trees on either side of existing formation having girth diameter 30cm or more.

Table 3.1 Summary of Trees

Sr. No Type of tree No. of Trees

A Nagbhir - Itwari Section

1 Schedule Trees 5317
2 Non Schedule Trees 19029
Sub Total (A) = 24346

B WCL Siding
1 Schedule Trees 33
2 Non Schedule Trees 138
Sub Total (B) = 171

Grand Total (A) + (B) = 24517


Final Location Survey for Proposed Gauge Conversion (BG) for Nagbhir ‐ Itwari NG Line (Including Proposed Rail Connectivity from
Umrer BG Yard to Existing WCL Yard at Umrer) with Electrification
Detailed Project Report

3.5 Survey Details

As per TOR and General Instructions for survey work, Final Location Survey has been carried
out and all the data collected are given in following tables.

 Primary Control Points

The Primary Control Points were established with the help of DGPS and are tabulated in Table 3.2.

Table 3.2: Location and Description of Primary Control Points

Chainage in Ground Ground Elevation
Sr. No. Name
m Easting (m) Northing (m) (m)
1 GPS 01- 0-MILES 300686.871 2339936.743 310.063
2 GPS 02 103530 306026.133 2340668.383 294.639
3 GPS 02A 103330 306222.827 2340634.371 293.971
4 GPS 03 101495 307776.799 2339646.613 284.733
5 GPS 03A 101405 307858.217 2339607.768 284.198
6 GPS 04 99610 309313.28 2338549.306 298.076
7 GPS 04A 99440 309456.649 2338459.143 296.955
8 GPS 05 97585 311048.207 2337529.377 288.805
9 GPS 05A 97455 311173.95 2337487.972 289.17
10 GPS 06 95410 313157.581 2336990.017 286.757
11 GPS 06A 95290 313272.351 2336953.842 285.988
12 GPS 07 93490 314964.647 2336368.215 278.97
13 GPS 07A 93375 315055.088 2336296.804 278.548
14 GPS 08 91600 316390.908 2335129.05 279.051
15 GPS 08A 91440 316506.603 2335021.391 278.488
16 GPS 09 89600 317897.136 2333822.085 272.581
17 GPS 09A 89480 318000.384 2333762.778 272.452
18 GPS 10 87590 319647.714 2332825.983 271.741
19 GPS 10A 87485 319727.268 2332760.724 270.697
20 GPS 11 85540 321428.544 2331811.682 267.844
21 GPS 11A 85390 321571.408 2331748.614 267.311
22 GPS 12 83600 322172.725 2330070.044 267.34
23 GPS 12A 83435 322197.786 2329909.254 268.959
24 GPS 13 81670 322884.216 2328288.782 274.157
25 GPS 13A 81525 323035.851 2328247.995 273.775
26 GPS 14 79760 324551.059 2327419.68 264.292
27 GPS 14A 79560 324661.548 2327253.066 264.711
28 GPS 15 77800 325588.982 2325755.348 267.412
29 GPS 15A 77665 325683.187 2325652.59 267.905
30 GPS 16 75885 327335.508 2324989.542 263.954

Final Location Survey for Proposed Gauge Conversion (BG) for Nagbhir ‐ Itwari NG Line (Including Proposed Rail Connectivity from
Umrer BG Yard to Existing WCL Yard at Umrer) with Electrification
Detailed Project Report

Chainage in Ground Ground Elevation

Sr. No. Name
m Easting (m) Northing (m) (m)
31 GPS 16A 75675 327534.629 2324929.255 264.042
32 GPS 17 74010 328575.063 2323721.057 268.845
33 GPS 17A 73710 328688.563 2323444.273 268.523
34 GPS 18 71730 329412.062 2321578.765 286.401
35 GPS 18A 71665 329422.414 2321505.752 287.016
36 GPS 19 69950 328461.987 2320078.019 290.27
37 GPS 19A 69815 328374.489 2319973.963 291.021
38 GPS 20 68025 328231.975 2318300.11 289.748
39 GPS 20A 67940 328272.167 2318224.153 289.38
40 GPS 21 65940 328874.99 2316329.164 286.313
41 GPS 21A 65800 328920.664 2316201.49 284.661
42 GPS 22 63215 330181.689 2313949.823 277.77
43 GPS 22A 62945 330252.356 2313684.775 277.061
44 GPS 23 61945 330382.822 2312693.118 273.69
45 GPS 23A 61715 330406.476 2312463.906 273.215
46 GPS 24 60160 330416.128 2310915.284 266.265
47 GPS 24A 59950 330406.95 2310701.091 267.861
48 GPS 25 58250 329238.839 2309546.629 271.929
49 GPS 25A 58035 329050.69 2309435.159 272.019
50 GPS 26 55965 327237.478 2308434.681 278.961
51 GPS 26A 55815 327103.406 2308360.764 279.345
52 GPS 27 53925 326380.287 2306640.295 289.133
53 GPS 27A 53755 326334.686 2306479.021 288.32
54 GPS 28 52275 326624.299 2305062.697 288.917
55 GPS 28A 52170 326737.227 2305046.103 289.22
56 GPS 29 50200 328604.627 2304394.041 292.783
57 GPS 29A 50090 328705.07 2304354.732 292.511
58 GPS 30 48285 330341.803 2303595.907 285.591
59 GPS 30A 48200 330406.216 2303538.297 286.796
60 GPS 31 46290 331381.452 2301895.993 273.898
61 GPS 31A 46190 331480.392 2301839.325 273.535
62 GPS 32 44290 333233.042 2301091.958 275.122
63 GPS 32A 44165 333348.311 2301041.22 275.121
64 GPS 33 42340 335071.681 2301052.271 275.256
65 GPS 33A 42195 335209.053 2301100.181 276.008
66 GPS 34 40345 337045.374 2301194.706 275.201

Final Location Survey for Proposed Gauge Conversion (BG) for Nagbhir ‐ Itwari NG Line (Including Proposed Rail Connectivity from
Umrer BG Yard to Existing WCL Yard at Umrer) with Electrification
Detailed Project Report

Chainage in Ground Ground Elevation

Sr. No. Name
m Easting (m) Northing (m) (m)
67 GPS 34A 40165 337225.416 2301191.964 274.132
68 GPS 35 38330 339059.372 2301162.151 271.622
69 GPS 35A 38190 339202.524 2301179.108 273.977
70 GPS 36 36415 340818.112 2300616.561 274.818
71 GPS 36A 36245 340938.651 2300496.166 272.859
72 GPS 37 34410 342303.116 2299282.594 263.77
73 GPS 37A 34225 342452.791 2299174.021 263.274
74 GPS 38 32415 343908.485 2298099.184 257.948
75 GPS 38A 32260 344037.304 2298016.33 256.136
76 GPS 39 30450 345616.252 2297156.043 251.654
77 GPS 39A 30210 345849.462 2297091.463 252.947
78 GPS 40 28230 347734.39 2296527.492 246.944
79 GPS 40A 28050 347881.741 2296438.501 247.772
80 GPS 41 26525 348904.921 2295323.084 253.945
81 GPS 41A 26345 349055.33 2295219.211 252.584
82 GPS 42 24380 350453.27 2293884.995 261.203
83 GPS 42A 24240 350513.597 2293760.061 261.151
84 GPS 43 22290 351498.128 2292073.846 261.363
85 GPS 43A 22090 351599.21 2291903.933 263.418
86 GPS 44 20520 352409.175 2290555.013 259.39
87 GPS 44A 20390 352463.268 2290439.72 261.064
88 GPS 45 18285 353520.092 2288615.059 265.73
89 GPS 45A 18145 353587.249 2288496.267 265.29
90 GPS 46 16335 354726.332 2287126.907 273.386
91 GPS 46A 16180 354879.31 2287088.405 272.562
92 GPS 47 14215 356790.54 2286632.141 264.723
93 GPS 47A 14085 356924.812 2286626.566 264.142
94 GPS 48 12415 358545.897 2286216.397 259.7
95 GPS 48A 12250 358695.901 2286148.494 259.838
96 GPS 49 10490 359863.321 2284862.584 253.711
97 GPS 49A 10315 359965.229 2284719.679 253.944
98 GPS 50 8325 361076.661 2283080.178 245.523
99 GPS 50A 8200 361153.245 2282967.821 246.557
100 GPS 51 6495 361909.739 2281477.241 243.591
101 GPS 51A 6325 361923.814 2281307.924 242.799
102 GPS 52 4390 362030.12 2279421.322 241.635
103 GPS 52A 4210 362108.967 2279258.815 241.943

Final Location Survey for Proposed Gauge Conversion (BG) for Nagbhir ‐ Itwari NG Line (Including Proposed Rail Connectivity from
Umrer BG Yard to Existing WCL Yard at Umrer) with Electrification
Detailed Project Report

Chainage in Ground Ground Elevation

Sr. No. Name
m Easting (m) Northing (m) (m)
104 GPS 53 2560 362863.101 2277790.911 248.486
105 GPS 53A 2390 362964.014 2277652.164 246.239
106 GPS 54 355 364162.783 2276155.039 245.787
107 GPS 54A 250 364263.629 2276193.944 245.441

 Traverse Points
The secondary traverse points were established by running closed traverse with the help of Total
Station and are tabulated in Table 3.3.

Table 3.3: Location and Description of Traverse Points

Chainage in Corrected Corrected Corrected

Sr. No. STN No.
m Easting Northing Elevation
1 GPS-3A 101405 307858.217 2339607.768 285.137
2 GPS-3 101495 307776.799 2339646.613 285.687
3 Q144 101555 307714.966 2339661.339 288.278
4 Q145 101835 307481.41 2339818.816 288.446
5 Q146 102140 307228.701 2339988.969 -
6 Q147 102430 306987.285 2340150.752 290.781
7 Q148 102740 306733.716 2340320.86 292.283
8 Q149 103025 306494.443 2340487.322 294.185
9 Q150 103210 306338.564 2340581.09 294.719
10 GPS2A 103330 306222.827 2340634.371 294.951
11 GPS2 103530 306026.135 2340668.384 295.612
12 GPS-4A 99440 309456.649 2338459.143 -
13 GPS-4 99610 309313.28 2338549.306 299.057
14 Q138 99780 309182.639 2338663.701 -
15 Q139 100170 308864.005 2338893.164 294.557
16 Q140 100490 308600.228 2339064.771 291.886
17 Q141 100790 308348.225 2339234.867 289.665
18 Q142 101090 308105.083 2339403.611 288.399
19 Q143 101405 307841.272 2339582.301 287.897
20 GPS-5A 97455 311173.95 2337487.972 290.135
21 GPS-5 97585 311048.207 2337529.377 289.769
22 Q133 97950 310705.375 2337651.71 292.968
23 Q134 98280 310433.914 2337830.424 294.910
24 Q135 98580 310182.272 2338000.108 296.745
25 Q136 98890 309927.457 2338172.1 298.342

Final Location Survey for Proposed Gauge Conversion (BG) for Nagbhir ‐ Itwari NG Line (Including Proposed Rail Connectivity from
Umrer BG Yard to Existing WCL Yard at Umrer) with Electrification
Detailed Project Report

Chainage in Corrected Corrected Corrected

Sr. No. STN No.
m Easting Northing Elevation
26 Q137 99190 309677.155 2338340.303 297.646
27 GPS-6A 95290 313272.351 2336953.842 286.953
28 GPS-6 95410 313157.581 2336990.017 287.724
29 Q126 95510 313050.278 2336989.278 288.496
30 Q127 95860 312714.486 2337074.748 288.314
31 Q128 96175 312404.702 2337153.573 288.570
32 Q129 96475 312115.187 2337228.298 288.879
33 Q130 96800 311806.188 2337307.174 289.455
34 Q131 97025 311536.258 2337376.12 290.517
35 Q132 97365 311258.039 2337451.479 291.100
36 GPS-7A 93375 315055.088 2336296.804 279.491
37 GPS-7 93490 314964.647 2336368.215 279.909
38 Q120 93500 314941.929 2336362.339 280.710
39 Q121 93800 314696.609 2336526.458 282.307
40 Q122 94120 314399.881 2336648.381 283.590
41 Q123 94430 314097.313 2336722.946 284.952
42 Q124 94730 313806.338 2336796.674 286.390
43 Q125 95110 313439.769 2336889.661 287.680
44 GPS-8A 91440 316506.603 2335021.391 279.434
45 GPS-8 91600 316390.908 2335129.05 279.998
46 Q113 91700 316299.996 2335174.642 280.467
47 Q114 91985 316085.759 2335362.841 280.489
48 Q115 92285 315858.471 2335563 -
49 Q116 92590 315632.045 2335761.892 279.758
50 Q117 92890 315405.246 2335961.515 279.726
51 Q118 93200 315174.861 2336163.875 280.257
52 Q119 93340 315070.688 2336261.28 280.613
53 GPS-9A 89480 318000.384 2333762.778 273.383
54 GPS-9 89600 317897.136 2333822.085 273.509
55 Q107 89825 317709.358 2333937.029 274.925
56 Q108 90170 317446.723 2334166.544 275.958
57 Q109 90470 317222.97 2334363.348 277.230
58 Q110 90785 316987.408 2334570.837 278.345
59 Q111 91020 316763.759 2334767.867 279.500
60 Q112 91405 316521.365 2334980.149 279.816
61 GPS-10A 87485 319727.268 2332760.724 271.623
62 GPS-10 87590 319647.714 2332825.983 272.668

Final Location Survey for Proposed Gauge Conversion (BG) for Nagbhir ‐ Itwari NG Line (Including Proposed Rail Connectivity from
Umrer BG Yard to Existing WCL Yard at Umrer) with Electrification
Detailed Project Report

Chainage in Corrected Corrected Corrected

Sr. No. STN No.
m Easting Northing Elevation
63 Q101 87735 319512.618 2332890.305 272.564
64 Q102 88085 319208.152 2333061.153 272.472
65 Q103 88390 318939.851 2333211.766 272.727
66 Q104 88710 318665.868 2333365.391 272.779
67 Q105 89005 318408.071 2333510.514 272.907
68 Q106 89435 318031.741 2333720.264 273.858
69 GPS-11A 85390 321571.408 2331748.614 268.215
70 GPS-11 85540 321428.544 2331811.682 268.743
71 Q94 85590 321392.541 2331841.864 269.635
72 Q95 85890 321125.681 2331986.204 269.999
73 Q96 86210 320846.556 2332143.077 270.087
74 Q97 86520 320573.857 2332295.415 270.405
75 Q98 86785 320341.792 2332425.891 271.026
76 Q99 87110 320057.778 2332585.389 271.728
77 Q100 87450 319765.246 2332754.7 272.154
78 GPS-12A 83435 322197.786 2329909.254 269.862
79 GPS-12 83600 322172.725 2330070.044 268.247
80 Q89 83945 322088.195 2330409.663 268.443
81 Q90 84245 322023.408 2330699.984 267.686
82 Q91 84570 321952.131 2331020.254 268.031
83 Q92 84860 321885.227 2331300.184 268.017
84 Q93 85125 321758.616 2331544.126 269.123
85 GPS-13A 81525 323035.851 2328247.995 274.699
86 GPS-13 81670 322884.216 2328288.782 275.065
87 Q82 81875 322671.702 2328367.54 273.057
88 Q83 82060 322527.606 2328523.477 270.179
89 Q84 82320 322448.142 2328810.868 268.322
90 Q85 82640 322376.027 2329131.713 268.781
91 Q86 82925 322312.878 2329413.652 269.633
92 Q87 83180 322261.346 2329665.438 270.734
93 Q88 83415 322209.135 2329893.645 269.961
94 GPS-14A 79560 324661.548 2327253.066 265.598
95 GPS-14 79760 324551.059 2327419.68 265.787
96 Q77 80055 324396.38 2327678.098 265.400
97 Q78 80340 324184.564 2327878.341 266.707
98 Q79 80650 323883.293 2327984.327 268.280
99 Q80 80950 323592.266 2328074.185 270.103

Final Location Survey for Proposed Gauge Conversion (BG) for Nagbhir ‐ Itwari NG Line (Including Proposed Rail Connectivity from
Umrer BG Yard to Existing WCL Yard at Umrer) with Electrification
Detailed Project Report

Chainage in Corrected Corrected Corrected

Sr. No. STN No.
m Easting Northing Elevation
100 Q81 81265 323293.9 2328166.657 272.659
101 GPS-15A 77665 325683.187 2325652.59 268.816
102 GPS-15 77800 325588.982 2325755.348 -
103 Q72 78060 325448.751 2325978.735 269.264
104 Q73 78355 325299.907 2326231.003 270.792
105 Q74 78615 325156.689 2326447.955 272.985
106 Q75 78980 324968.529 2326758.325 269.812
107 Q76 79325 324780.296 2327051.784 265.729
108 GPS-16A 75675 327534.629 2324929.255 264.943
109 GPS-16 75885 327335.508 2324989.542 264.856
110 Q66 76065 327162.106 2325048.691 264.846
111 Q67 76365 326880.874 2325143.641 264.205
112 Q68 76675 326587.082 2325250.151 265.171
113 Q69 76965 326311.906 2325342.147 267.153
114 Q70 77320 325972.282 2325453.059 271.148
115 Q71 77520 325792.859 2325551.991 270.006
116 GPS-17A 73710 328688.563 2323444.273 269.422
117 GPS-17 74010 328575.063 2323721.057 269.724
118 Q61 74310 328473.278 2324005.5 269.262
119 Q62 74610 328359.287 2324286.395 267.706
120 Q63 74870 328241.124 2324522.917 265.745
121 Q64 75125 328052.193 2324711.76 264.764
122 Q65 75325 327822.401 2324831.882 265.630
123 GPS-18A 71665 329422.414 2321505.752 287.948
124 GPS-18 71730 329412.062 2321578.765 287.332
125 Q52 71890 329341.308 2321738.715 -
126 Q53 72105 329260.526 2321947.445 282.658
127 Q54 72325 329181.057 2322152.831 280.456
128 Q55 72500 329118.365 2322315.111 278.807
129 Q56 72710 329047.692 2322510.497 276.199
130 Q57 72920 328972.029 2322707.064 273.981
131 Q58 73190 328869.555 2322960.274 271.779
132 Q59 73385 328800.56 2323139.335 270.308
133 Q60 73610 328719.835 2323348.848 269.343
134 GPS-19A 69815 328374.489 2319973.963 291.948
135 GPS-19 69950 328461.987 2320078.019 291.202
136 Q44 70240 328656.817 2320290.761 291.192

Final Location Survey for Proposed Gauge Conversion (BG) for Nagbhir ‐ Itwari NG Line (Including Proposed Rail Connectivity from
Umrer BG Yard to Existing WCL Yard at Umrer) with Electrification
Detailed Project Report

Chainage in Corrected Corrected Corrected

Sr. No. STN No.
m Easting Northing Elevation
137 Q45 70465 328810.863 2320458.393 291.971
138 Q46 70740 328998.077 2320655.258 291.111
139 Q47 70980 329158.981 2320837.545 289.476
140 Q48 71215 329337.288 2321030.263 287.820
141 Q49 71365 329412.722 2321175.661 287.325
142 Q50 71530 329445.164 2321356.375 287.917
143 Q51 71635 329435.974 2321475.173 287.866
144 GPS-20A 67940 328272.167 2318224.153 290.291
145 GPS-20 68025 328231.975 2318300.11 290.664
146 Q38 68240 328143.986 2318497.302 290.773
147 Q39 68495 328044.635 2318733.015 290.438
148 Q40 68800 327907.342 2319040.902 289.528
149 Q41 69025 327890.544 2319288.86 289.164
150 Q42 69310 328015.731 2319580.857 291.412
151 Q43 69605 328228.292 2319814.292 291.895
152 GPS-21A 65800 328920.664 2316201.49 285.580
153 GPS-21 65940 328874.99 2316329.164 287.235
154 Q32 66270 328814.96 2316655.818 286.623
155 Q33 66590 328752.109 2316967.546 287.031
156 Q34 66885 328685.168 2317256.657 287.758
157 Q35 67115 328608.285 2317470.269 288.351
158 Q36 67440 328474.248 2317767.697 288.339
159 Q37 67645 328344.906 2318045.236 289.403
160 GPS-22A 62945 330252.356 2313684.775 277.976
161 GPS-22 63215 330181.689 2313949.823 278.687
162 Q24 63585 330007.189 2314271.488 278.296
163 Q25 63935 329827.211 2314575.711 278.850
164 Q26 64190 329695.386 2314788.751 278.141
165 Q27 64470 329550.497 2315031.491 278.681
166 Q28 64850 329357.239 2315358.512 281.076
167 Q29 65165 329199.88 2315633.789 281.665
168 Q30 65565 328992.552 2315974.156 284.202
169 Q31 65725 328927.115 2316120.875 285.302
170 GPS-23A 61715 330406.476 2312463.906 274.124
171 GPS-23 61945 330382.822 2312693.118 274.599
172 Q21 62255 330341.998 2313000.286 275.637
173 Q22 62545 330298.82 2313289.086 276.299

Final Location Survey for Proposed Gauge Conversion (BG) for Nagbhir ‐ Itwari NG Line (Including Proposed Rail Connectivity from
Umrer BG Yard to Existing WCL Yard at Umrer) with Electrification
Detailed Project Report

Chainage in Corrected Corrected Corrected

Sr. No. STN No.
m Easting Northing Elevation
174 Q23 62870 330256.688 2313609.594 277.250
175 GPS-24A 59950 330406.95 2310701.091 268.767
176 GPS-24 60160 330416.128 2310915.284 267.168
177 Q18 60505 330439.746 2311259.538 266.084
178 Q19 60945 330475.578 2311698.822 267.501
179 Q20 61295 330466.743 2312050.551 269.605
180 GPS-25A 58035 329050.69 2309435.159 272.924
181 GPS-25 58250 329238.839 2309546.629 272.839
182 Q13 58610 329550.511 2309719.616 275.917
183 Q14 58955 329856.667 2309882.232 276.931
184 Q15 59240 330118.875 2310034.323 273.971
185 Q16 59520 330335.161 2310244.547 271.519
186 Q17 59720 330384.688 2310461.43 269.873
187 GPS-26A 55815 327103.406 2308360.764 280.256
188 GPS-26 55965 327237.478 2308434.681 279.869
189 Q7 56215 327462.076 2308553.246 277.501
190 Q8 56540 327743.647 2308709.487 274.498
191 Q9 56830 327998.936 2308851.44 271.751
192 Q10 57135 328264.14 2308998.828 270.945
193 Q11 57445 328535.393 2309149.165 270.780
194 Q12 57730 328784.328 2309294.366 270.796
195 GPS-27A 53755 326334.686 2306479.021 289.235
196 GPS-27 53925 326380.287 2306640.295 290.063
197 Q1 54085 326429.559 2306794.17 289.114
198 Q2 54455 326510.241 2307156.416 288.469
199 Q3 55005 326642.073 2307690.669 285.951
200 Q4 55280 326717.791 2307965.935 284.301
201 Q5 55490 326819.131 2308158.686 282.376
202 Q6 55720 327018.755 2308308.311 280.594
203 GPS-27 53925 326380.287 2306640.295
204 GPS-27A 53755 326334.686 2306479.021 289.235
205 Q151 57310 326342.13 2306430.863 288.781
206 Q152 53480 326281.705 2306206.532 288.947
207 Q153 53240 326227.233 2305971.887 289.927
208 Q154 53040 326237.47 2305740.2 290.362
209 Q155 52720 326315.222 2305450.03 290.580
210 Q156 52550 326381.47 2305270.104 291.300

Final Location Survey for Proposed Gauge Conversion (BG) for Nagbhir ‐ Itwari NG Line (Including Proposed Rail Connectivity from
Umrer BG Yard to Existing WCL Yard at Umrer) with Electrification
Detailed Project Report

Chainage in Corrected Corrected Corrected

Sr. No. STN No.
m Easting Northing Elevation
211 Q157 52320 326595.719 2305098.019 290.182
212 GPS-28 52275 326624.299 2305062.697 289.848
213 GPS-28A 52170 326737.227 2305046.103 290.152
214 Q158 52110 326811.957 2305057.273 290.530
215 Q159 51900 327018.33 2305016.725 290.804
216 Q160 51585 327307.931 2304893.609 292.601
217 Q161 51300 327573.235 2304793.184 292.951
218 Q162 50970 327876.706 2304664.212 294.214
219 Q163 50660 328166.332 2304554.244 292.726
220 Q164 50380 328431.255 2304447.83 293.643
221 Q165 50235 328563.643 2304394.454 293.640
222 GPS-29 50200 328604.627 2304394.041 293.723
223 GPS-29A 50090 328705.07 2304354.732 293.450
224 Q166 50000 328779.975 2304301.957 292.846
225 Q167 49710 329047.154 2304194.815 291.349
226 Q168 49410 329326.773 2304082.02 288.818
227 Q169 49085 329625.136 2303962.044 287.345
228 Q170 48780 329910.547 2303847.881 289.726
229 Q171 48815 330170.119 2303743.909 288.966
230 Q172 48320 330336.478 2303629.845 288.546
231 GPS30 48285 330341.803 2303595.907 286.496
232 GPS30A 48200 330406.219 2303538.294 287.704
233 Q173 48180 330428.531 2303529.038 288.837
234 Q174 48020 330524.76 2303397.306 288.837
235 Q175 47700 330674.135 2303113.982 286.080
236 Q176 47400 330811.997 2302853.865 284.251
237 Q177 47040 330981.756 2302533.376 281.515
238 Q178 46665 331154.359 2302198.699 278.605
239 Q179 46455 331268.773 2302009.896 276.659
240 GPS31 46290 331381.452 2301895.993 274.741
241 GPS31A 46190 331480.392 2301839.325 274.378
242 Q180 46140 331534.033 2301834.167 275.944
243 Q181 45805 331842.974 2301696.933 275.877
244 Q182 45435 332178.42 2301542.473 276.133
245 Q183 45120 332464.841 2301415.432 277.053
246 Q184 44755 332800.178 2301264.371 276.728
247 Q185 44400 333122.878 2301124.853 276.974

Final Location Survey for Proposed Gauge Conversion (BG) for Nagbhir ‐ Itwari NG Line (Including Proposed Rail Connectivity from
Umrer BG Yard to Existing WCL Yard at Umrer) with Electrification
Detailed Project Report

Chainage in Corrected Corrected Corrected

Sr. No. STN No.
m Easting Northing Elevation
248 GPS32 44290 333233.042 2301091.958 275.981
249 GPS32A 44165 333348.311 2301041.22 275.979
250 Q186 44050 333444.893 2300976.175 276.967
251 Q187 43690 333775.802 2300827.973 276.146
252 Q188 43480 333979.539 2300755.714 276.338
253 Q189 43275 334186.641 2300735.499 276.754
254 Q190 43070 334395.953 2300765.786 278.311
255 Q191 42810 334647.275 2300855.715 279.754
256 Q192 42520 334911.167 2300963.155 279.724
257 Q193 42350 335075.103 2301026.227 279.082
258 GPS33 42340 335071.681 2301052.271 276.122
259 GPS33A 42195 335209.053 2301100.181 276.873
260 Q194 42150 335256.966 2301096.433 278.744
261 Q195 41850 335542.165 2301204.498 282.767
262 Q196 41540 335849.931 2301237.079 285.520
263 Q197 42245 336145.08 2301228.36 282.413
264 Q198 40935 336457.654 2301218.592 280.543
265 Q199 40650 336743.546 2301213.413 278.959
266 Q200 40445 336948.676 2301209.864 277.806
267 GPS34 40345 337045.374 2301194.706 276.078
268 GPS34A 40165 337225.416 2301191.964 275.015
269 Q-201 39990 337403.209 2301206.263 274.327
270 Q-202 39690 337703.666 2301196.348 272.922
271 Q-203 39370 338019.141 2301190.393 272.946
272 Q-204 39105 338284.611 2301185.409 272.859
273 Q-205 38815 338574.675 2301180.707 272.768
274 Q-206 38480 338912.452 2301174.073 272.700
275 Q-207 38350 339038.869 2301171.616 272.871
276 GPS35 38330 339059.372 2301162.151 272.511
277 GPS35A 38190 339202.524 2301179.108 274.867
278 Q208 38060 339329.775 2301166.258 274.456
279 Q209 37820 339571.362 2301166.695 275.282
280 Q210 37500 339890.367 2301157.97 276.290
281 Q211 37325 340074.726 2301142.864 277.057
282 Q212 37115 340282.528 2301068.871 276.750
283 Q213 36915 340453.773 2300957.547 275.827
284 Q214 36570 340698.267 2300715.283 275.864

Final Location Survey for Proposed Gauge Conversion (BG) for Nagbhir ‐ Itwari NG Line (Including Proposed Rail Connectivity from
Umrer BG Yard to Existing WCL Yard at Umrer) with Electrification
Detailed Project Report

Chainage in Corrected Corrected Corrected

Sr. No. STN No.
m Easting Northing Elevation
285 GPS36 36415 340818.112 2300616.561 275.707
286 GPS36A 36245 340938.657 2300496.162 273.747
287 Q215 36155 340986.545 2300416.424 273.789
288 Q216 35805 341232.207 2300166.319 270.203
289 Q217 35480 341461.473 2299934.256 269.190
290 Q218 35125 341709.758 2299684.813 268.540
291 Q219 34800 341973.285 2299493.034 268.285
292 Q220 34445 342263.524 2299287.195 266.668
293 GPS37 34410 342303.116 2299282.594 264.634
294 GPS37A 34225 342452.795 2299174.02 264.140
295 Q221 34155 342497.85 2299120.479 265.813
296 Q222 33825 342768.675 2298928.593 265.366
297 Q223 33480 343053.667 2298733.266 264.843
298 Q224 33165 343308.292 2298552.392 264.738
299 Q225 32820 343590.707 2298346.78 264.859
300 Q226 32485 343863.452 2298159.265 261.259
301 GPS38 32415 343908.485 2298099.184 258.803
302 GPS38A 32260 344037.301 2298016.332 256.982
303 Q227 32185 344110.017 2297984.981 257.900
304 Q228 31840 344392.813 2297784.879 257.316
305 Q229 31525 344646.664 2297604.121 256.872
306 Q230 31290 344843.12 2297465.913 257.041
307 Q231 30900 345197.736 2297302.423 257.715
308 Q232 30600 345471.17 2297177.631 256.985
309 Q233 30525 345537.733 2297148.653 -
310 GPS39 30450 345616.252 2297156.043 252.495
311 GPS39A 30210 345849.461 2297091.464 253.779
312 Q234 30130 345923.157 2297058.291 254.311
313 Q235 29790 346254.194 2296984.869 253.921
314 Q236 29450 346584.804 2296917.033 253.801
315 Q237 29055 346973.307 2296838.47 252.788
316 Q238 28770 347254.738 2296776.092 252.868
317 Q239 28585 347436.297 2296707.373 254.750
318 Q240 28280 347715.707 2296596.012 252.998
319 GPS40 28230 347734.39 2296527.492 247.758
320 GPS40A 28050 347881.741 2296438.501 248.597
321 Q241 27980 347947.275 2296406.211 252.468

Final Location Survey for Proposed Gauge Conversion (BG) for Nagbhir ‐ Itwari NG Line (Including Proposed Rail Connectivity from
Umrer BG Yard to Existing WCL Yard at Umrer) with Electrification
Detailed Project Report

Chainage in Corrected Corrected Corrected

Sr. No. STN No.
m Easting Northing Elevation
322 Q242 27690 348127.406 2296179.865 252.777
323 Q243 27280 348381.165 2295858.579 253.312
324 Q244 26985 348565.56 2295623.36 252.826
325 Q245 26765 348709.089 2295460.218 253.313
326 Q246 26580 348849.819 2295340.476 254.518
327 GPS41 26525 348904.921 2295323.084 254.778
328 GPS41A 26345 349055.33 2295219.211 253.418
329 Q247 26315 349068.583 2295188.983 255.249
330 Q248 26005 349319.5 2295005.197 256.443
331 Q249 25685 349583.648 2294823.172 258.132
332 Q250 25280 349910.686 2294590.704 258.853
333 Q251 24995 350144.774 2294414.005 262.286
334 Q252 24715 350305.317 2294184.446 261.173
335 Q253 24430 350447.514 2293936.966 262.181
336 GPS42 24380 350453.27 2293884.995 262.038
337 GPS42A 24240 350513.6 2293760.06 261.979
338 Q-254 24155 350582.207 2293702.186 262.145
339 Q-255 23850 350734.754 2293435.458 263.547
340 Q-256 23530 350895.059 2293156.395 264.495
341 Q-257 23245 351030.898 2292908.943 263.765
342 Q-258 22855 351226.718 2292568.417 263.072
343 Q-259 22440 351433.512 2292207.861 262.791
344 GPS-43 22290 351498.128 2292073.846 262.029
345 GPS-43A 22090 351599.21 2291903.933 264.092
346 Q-260 21920 351694.029 2291763.457 263.337
347 Q-261 21600 351850.558 2291478.294 262.190
348 Q-262 21285 352010.933 2291212.323 261.176
349 Q-263 21010 352148.644 2290972.042 260.942
350 Q-264 20680 352313.563 2290684.661 260.397
351 GPS-44 20520 352409.175 2290555.013 260.051
352 GPS-44A 20390 352463.268 2290439.72 261.729
353 Q-265 20190 352551.778 2290259.385 264.112
354 Q-266 19825 352738.137 2289945.146 263.357
355 Q-267 19500 352896.029 2289660.887 263.721
356 Q-268 19125 353083.111 2289333.356 263.930
357 Q-269 18830 353230.355 2289077.43 264.642
358 Q-270 18535 353376.138 2288823.028 266.002

Final Location Survey for Proposed Gauge Conversion (BG) for Nagbhir ‐ Itwari NG Line (Including Proposed Rail Connectivity from
Umrer BG Yard to Existing WCL Yard at Umrer) with Electrification
Detailed Project Report

Chainage in Corrected Corrected Corrected

Sr. No. STN No.
m Easting Northing Elevation
359 Q-271 18335 353477.274 2288647.707 267.096
360 GPS-45 18285 353520.092 2288615.059 266.376
361 GPS-45A 18145 353587.249 2288496.267 265.938
362 Q-272 18055 353618.363 2288411.472 267.081
363 Q-273 17670 353806.271 2288074.352 267.135
364 Q-274 17325 353978.969 2287773.828 268.456
365 Q-275 17000 354150.522 2287486.163 271.049
366 Q-276 16780 354311.188 2287311.777 273.580
367 Q-277 16530 354552.696 2287218.504 274.454
368 Q-278 16390 354687.946 2287182.897 274.696
369 GPS-46 16335 354726.332 2287126.907 274.043
370 GPS-46A 16180 354879.314 2287088.404 273.211
371 Q-279 16025 355041.028 2287093.946 274.253
372 Q-280 15660 355393.612 2286999.94 273.045
373 Q-281 15325 355720.461 2286922.074 270.267
374 Q-282 14970 356061.311 2286830.114 266.752
375 Q-283 14725 356299.313 2286769.836 266.262
376 Q-284 14375 356639.161 2286683.124 266.267
377 Q-285 14285 356730.027 2286666.272 265.580
378 GPS-47 14215 356790.54 2286632.141 265.363
379 GPS-47A 14085 356924.812 2286626.566 264.767
380 Q-286 13990 357013.754 2286584.642 263.199
381 Q-287 13715 357280.777 2286524.414 260.503
382 Q-288 13325 357659.184 2286428.693 259.283
383 Q-289 13090 357883.499 2286367.18 259.786
384 Q-290 12770 358196.315 2286287.429 260.561
385 Q-291 12480 358474.271 2286215.163 260.817
386 GPS-48 12415 358545.897 2286216.397 260.312
387 GPS-48A 12250 358695.901 2286148.494 260.468
388 Q-292 12040 358915.756 2286089.639 259.628
389 Q-293 11750 359131.751 2285883.824 259.640
390 Q-294 11405 359326.999 2285603.457 257.218
391 Q-295 11050 359523.121 2285314.982 255.415
392 Q-296 10805 359672.446 2285111.911 255.242
393 Q-297 10515 359836.402 2284871.971 255.461
394 GPS-49 10490 359863.321 2284862.584 254.330
395 GPS-49A 10315 359965.229 2284719.679 254.561

Final Location Survey for Proposed Gauge Conversion (BG) for Nagbhir ‐ Itwari NG Line (Including Proposed Rail Connectivity from
Umrer BG Yard to Existing WCL Yard at Umrer) with Electrification
Detailed Project Report

Chainage in Corrected Corrected Corrected

Sr. No. STN No.
m Easting Northing Elevation
396 Q-298 10185 360027.598 2284601.005 255.602
397 Q-299 9865 360213.753 2284340.548 255.372
398 Q-300 9610 360357.66 2284130.427 255.499
399 Q-301 9350 360508.478 2283921.451 253.649
400 Q-302 9020 360697.883 2283651.458 250.863
401 Q-303 8745 360852.128 2283423.779 249.396
402 Q-304 8455 361018.436 2283187.954 248.864
403 GPS-50 8325 361076.661 2283080.178 246.117
404 GPS-50A 8200 361153.245 2282967.821 247.158
405 Q-305 8100 361227.339 2282897.577 249.385
406 Q-306 7800 361402.203 2282648.517 249.538
407 Q-307 7430 361613.391 2282347.187 249.502
408 Q-308 7165 361763.679 2282132.921 248.295
409 Q-309 6900 361903.817 2281888.937 246.348
410 Q-310 6635 361939.496 2281621.756 245.276
411 GPS-51 6495 361909.739 2281477.241 244.172
412 GPS-51A 6325 361923.814 2281307.924 243.384
413 Q-311 6075 361875.715 2281062.611 243.504
414 Q-312 5715 361835.412 2280703.678 244.176
415 Q-313 5380 361802.111 2280370.093 243.855
416 Q-314 5090 361782.53 2280074.893 242.265
417 Q-315 4760 361870.922 2279754.032 242.538
418 Q-316 4590 361948.195 2279603.928 242.654
419 GPS-52 4390 362030.12 2279421.322 242.205
420 GPS-52A 4210 362108.967 2279258.815 242.518
421 Q-317 4000 362216.286 2279083.324 243.589
422 Q-318 3670 362365.005 2278784.639 244.128
423 Q-319 3390 362497.075 2278537.309 244.516
424 Q-320 3100 362625.549 2278276.727 246.200
425 Q-321 2835 362743.858 2278044.71 247.562
426 GPS-53 2560 362863.101 2277790.911 249.073
427 GPS-53A 2390 362964.019 2277652.16 246.822
428 Q-322 2100 363087.054 2277388.595 245.200
429 Q-323 1810 363213.339 2277133.006 245.222
430 Q-324 1410 363399.444 2276779.771 247.690
431 Q-325 1050 363562.605 2276453.616 249.319
432 Q-326 780 363747.628 2276253.547 247.788

Final Location Survey for Proposed Gauge Conversion (BG) for Nagbhir ‐ Itwari NG Line (Including Proposed Rail Connectivity from
Umrer BG Yard to Existing WCL Yard at Umrer) with Electrification
Detailed Project Report

Chainage in Corrected Corrected Corrected

Sr. No. STN No.
m Easting Northing Elevation
433 Q-327 575 363938.275 2276174.279 246.839
434 Q-328 400 364114.284 2276155.153 246.453
435 GPS-54 355 364162.783 2276155.039 246.366
436 GPS-54A 250 364263.632 2276193.945 246.025

 Temporary Bench Marks

List of benchmarks taken during the survey are tabulated in Table 3.4 which shall be provided with
RCC post with km reference and Chainage reference

Table 3.4: List of Temporary Bench Marks

Sr. No. TBM Details

1 289.520 TBM Q41 on divider top LC -NI 71 LHS Ch. 1236/180
2 288.955 TBM Q42 LHS front cabin LC- NI 72 Ch. between 1236/6 & 1236/7
3 290.695 TBM Q43 RHS on BR Ch. between 1236/8 & 1236/9
4 292.541 TBM Q44 on signal pole LHS Ch. between 1237/2 & 1237/3
5 294.514 TBM Q45 LHS G Post Ch. between 1237/5 & 1237/6
6 295.883 TBM Q37 LHS on drain top Ch. 1234/5
7 292.766 TBM Q38 RHS on BR 55 Ch. between 1234/8 & 1234/9
8 292.004 TBM Q39 RHS on KM stone 1235
9 289.226 TBM Q40 on G post Ch. between 1235/4 & 1235/5
10 293.044 TBM Q33 LHS on BR 53 Ch. between1232/4 & 1232/5
11 296.119 TBM Q34 RHS on KM stone on 1233
12 298.851 TBM Q 35 LHS on BR 53A Ch. between 1233/3 & 1233/4
13 298.548 TBM Q36 RHS on BR 54 Ch. between 1233/4 & 1233/5
14 289.022 TBM Q30 RHS on KM stone 1231
15 289.948 TBM Q31 LHS on G Post Ch. between 1231/4 & Ch. 1231/5
16 291.019 TBM Q32 LHS on BR 52 Ch. between 1231/6 & 1231/7
17 284.424 TBM Q27 RHS on BR 34 Ch. between 1128/7 & 1128/5
18 285.403 TBM Q28 RHS on KM stone 1229
19 287.796 TBM Q29 LHS on G post Ch. between 1229/5 & 122976
20 281.416 TBM Q23 LHS on LP Ch. 1226/4
21 280.034 TBM Q24 RHS on KM stone 1227
22 279.997 TBM Q25 LHS on BR 51A Nagbhir end Ch. between 1227/2 & 1227/3
23 280.621 TBM Q26 LHS on G post Ch. between 1227/8 &1227/9
24 277.982 TBM Q22 LHS on BR 51 Nagbhir end Ch. between 1225/2 &1225/3
25 268.978 TBM Q21 LHS on BR 50 Itwari end Ch. between 1218/4 &1218/5

Final Location Survey for Proposed Gauge Conversion (BG) for Nagbhir ‐ Itwari NG Line (Including Proposed Rail Connectivity from
Umrer BG Yard to Existing WCL Yard at Umrer) with Electrification
Detailed Project Report

Sr. No. TBM Details

26 268.767 TBM Q20 LHS on BR 49 Nagbhir end Ch. between 1216/7 &1216/8
27 269.526 TBM Q18 LHS on BR 47 Nagbhir end Ch. between 1215/2 &1215/3
28 271.939 TBM Q19 LHA on BR 48 Nagbhir end Ch. between 1215/5&1215/6
29 266.034 TBM Q17 LHS on BR 43 Nagbhir end Ch. between 1209/2 &1209/3
30 264.426 TBM Q16 LHS on BR 42 Nagbhir end Ch. between 1209/0 &1209/1
31 289.342 TBM Q15 RHS on BR 41 Nagbhir end Ch. between 1204/3 &1204/4
32 290.74 TBM Q12 LHS on BR 39 Nagbhir end Ch. between 1202/3 &1202/4
33 289.579 TBM Q13 LHS on BR 39A Nagbhir end Ch. between 1202/6 & 1202/7
34 288.85 TBM Q14 LHS on BR 40 Nagbhir end Ch. between1203/1 & 1203/2
35 286.695 TBM Q10 LHS on BR 37 Nagbhir end Ch. between 1200/6 & 1200/7
36 287.53 TBM Q11 LHS on BR 38 Nagbhir end Ch. between 1201/5 & 1201/6
37 278.508 TBM Q8 LHS on BR 35 Nagbhir end Ch. between 1197/6 & 1197/7
38 278.127 TBM Q9 LHS on BR 36 Nagbhir end Ch. between 1198/5 & 1198/6
39 276.575 TBM Q7 LHS on BR 34A Nagbhir end Ch. between 1196/5 & 1196/6
TTBM Q6 LHS on BR no.33, Nagbhir end, Ch. between 1194/8
40 267.401
41 267.584 TMB Q4 LHS on BR 32 Nagbhir end Ch. between 1193/8 & 1193/9
42 268.37 TBM Q5
43 271.939 TBM Q2 LHS on BR 29K Naghbir end Ch. between 1190/9 & 1191/0
44 271.505 TBM Q3 LHS on BR 30 Naghbir end Ch. between1191/5 & 1191/6
45 281.273 TBM-Q1 LHS on BR 29H Naghbir end
46 287.355 TBM A1 RHS on BR 29F Itwari end Ch. between 1187/6 & 1187/7
47 290.401 TBM A2 RHS on KM stone 1187
48 289.106 TBM A3 LHS on BR 29D Itwari end 1186/6 &1186/7
49 290.835 TBM A4 LHS BR NO 29C Itwari end Ch. between 1186/3 &1186/2
50 290.735 TBM A5 LHS BR 29 B Itawari (n) Ch. 1185/7-1185/6
51 291.17 TBM A6 LHS BR NO. 29 A Ch. 1185/3- 1185/2
52 293.369 TBM A7 RHS on KM stone 1185
53 292.138 TBM A8 LHS BR 29 Itawari (n) Ch. 1184/6-1184/5
54 290.671 TBM A9 LHS on G Post Ch. between 1183/5 & 1183/4
55 286.75 TBM A10 RHS on BR 28 Ch. between 1183/0 & 1182/9
56 289.867 TBM A11 LHS on Gpost Ch. between 1182/5 & 1182/4
57 282.925 TBM A12 on KM stone 1181
58 277.052 TBM A13 LHS on BR 24 Nagbhir end Ch. between 1179/0 & 1178/1
59 276.984 TBM A14 LHS on G post Ch. between 1178/5 & 1178/4
60 276.667 TBM A15 LHS on BR 23 Itwari end Ch. between 1177/6 & 1177/5
61 277.217 TBM A16 RHS on KM stone 1177
62 280.437 TBM A17 RHS on syphon bridge Ch. between 1176/6 & 1176/5

Final Location Survey for Proposed Gauge Conversion (BG) for Nagbhir ‐ Itwari NG Line (Including Proposed Rail Connectivity from
Umrer BG Yard to Existing WCL Yard at Umrer) with Electrification
Detailed Project Report

Sr. No. TBM Details

63 279.819 TBM A18 LHS on G post Ch. between 1176/2 &1176/1
64 276.475 TBM A19 LHS on BR 21 Ch. between 1175/8 & 1175/7
65 282.418 TBM A20 LHS on BR 20A Itwari end Ch. between 1175/2 & 1175/1
66 273.463 TBM-A21
67 273.375 TBM-A22
68 273.086 TBM-A23
69 270.746 TBM-A24
70 275.31 TBM-A25 (On gradient post- 1171/650)
71 275.103 TBM-A26 (On gradient post- 1171/430)
72 276.92 TBM -A27 (On gradient post-1171/090)
73 276.991 TBM -A 28 (On gradient post- 1170/900)
74 273.85 TBM -A 29 (On cd Br -17B )
75 275.607 TBM -A 30 (Br- 17 A- 1 On CD )
76 270.485 TBM-A31
77 267.778 TBM-A32
78 269.081 TBM-A33
79 268.457 TBM-A34
80 265.177 TBM B1 RHS on BR 16A Ch. between 1167/5 & 1167/4
81 264.938 TBM B2 RHS on KM stone 1167
82 255.791 TBM B3 RHS on BR 16 Ch. between 1165/9 & 1165/8
83 257.211 TBM B4 RHS on KM Stone 1165
84 258.535 TBM B5 LHS on step Ch. between 1144/8 & 1144/7
85 257.499 TBM B6 LHS Ch. 1164/4 near LC 23
86 251.689 TBM B7 RHS on BR 15A Ch. between 1163/6 & 1163/5
87 252.21 TBM B8 RHS on canal chamber Ch. between 1163// & 1163/0
88 252.915 TBM B9 LHS on G post Ch. between 1162/6 & 1162/5
89 254.75 TBM B10 RHS on BR 15 Ch. between 1162/3 & 1162/2
90 253.312 TBM B-11 RHS on KM Stone
TBM B-12 RHS near Fore Road stn board Nagbhir end between 1159/2
91 258.288
92 257.539 TBM B-13 RHS on BR 13A Ch. between Ch. 1159/2 & 1159/1
93 261.5 TBM B-14 LHS on BR 13A Ch. Between 1158/4 & 1158/3
94 261.247 TBM-B15
95 265.326 TBM-B16
96 264.068 TBM-B17
97 261.703 TBM-B18
98 262.19 TBM B-19 LHS on side Ch. between 1155/4 & 1155/3
99 261.148 TBM B20 near BR 11 Ch. between 1155/1 & 1155/0

Final Location Survey for Proposed Gauge Conversion (BG) for Nagbhir ‐ Itwari NG Line (Including Proposed Rail Connectivity from
Umrer BG Yard to Existing WCL Yard at Umrer) with Electrification
Detailed Project Report

Sr. No. TBM Details

100 260.397 TBM B-21 RHS near BR 10 Ch. between 1154/4 & 1154/3
101 261.129 TBM B-22
102 264.404 TBM B-23
103 263.703 TBM B-24
104 266.308 TBM B-25 LHS on BR 9 Ch. between 1151/4 & 1151/3
105 268.463 TBM B-26 RHS on KM Stone 1151
106 274.162 TBM B-27 LHS on BR 86 Ch. between 1150/4 & 1150/3
107 273.648 TBM B28 1149/5-1 1149/4
108 270.267 TBM B 29
109 267.373 TBM B30
110 265.257 TBM B31 LHS on BR 8F Ch. between 1148/5 & 1148/4)
111 260.941 TBM-B-32 LHS on G post Ch. between 1147/4 & 1147/3
112 258.03 TBM-B-33 LHS on G post Ch. between 1147/1 & 1147/2
113 259.786 TBM-B-34 LHS on G post Ch. between 1146/8 & 1146/7
114 259.937 TBM B-35
115 257.101 TBM B-36
116 255.119 TBM B-37
117 255.58 TBM-B-38 RHS 1143/4-1143/5
118 253.453 TBM B-39 RHS on BR-7
119 249.396 TBM-B-40 LHS on G post Ch. between 1142/4 & 1142/3
120 249.448 TBM-B-41 RHS on BR 6 Ch. between 1142/1 & 1142/0
121 250.046 TBM-B-42 LHS 1141/5-1141/4
122 249.681 TBM-B-43 RHS 1141
123 246.761 TBM-B-44 LHS 1140/6-1140/5
124 245.498 TBM-B-45 LHS on Cross Road 1140/3-1140/2
125 244.855 TBM-B-46 RHS on BR 4 Ch. between 1139/3 & 1139/2
126 243.855 TBM-B-47 RHS on KM Stone 1139
127 242.538 TBM-B-48 RHS on 1138/4-1138/3
128 244.033 TBM - B49 LHS on G post Ch. between 1137/5 & 1137/4
129 245.085 TBM - 50 LHS on BRS - 3 Ch. between 1137/1 & 1137/0
130 246.2 TBM - B51 LHS on G post Ch. between 1136/8 & 1137/7
131 243.651 TBM - B52
132 245.799 TBM - B53
133 247.79 TBM - B54
134 248.981 TBM - B55
135 246.778 TBM B56


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