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A. Y.

Lesson Plan
Subject: Science 5
Grade & Section: 5 Love
Date: October 27-28, 2022
Time Allotment: 40 minutes

I. Objectives
At the end of the session, the learners are expected to:
a. determine the classification of plants through word wall quiz
b. share ideas on how to help save the environment through class sharing
c. manipulate virtual planting through online activity

II. Enduring Understanding

In order to help the plants live and grow, we have to provide their basic needs like
sunlight, water, air, fertilizers and space to grow. It is important to take good care of them
because we rely on them for basic needs to support life like oxygen and food.
III. Essential Questions

1. How do we help plants live and grow?

2. Why do we help a plant live and grow?

IV. Subject Matter

Current Issue: Air pollution in Mongolia. The UN weather agency issued an urgent appeal on
Tuesday, October 11, 2022 for governments everywhere to switch to cleaner forms of energy,
such as solar, wind and hydro-electric power. “Time is not on our side, and our climate is
changing before our eyes”, said the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) chief,
calling for “a complete transformation of the global energy system”.
V. Reference/Materials
● Reference – Science A Closer Look 5 p. 124-127
● Materials – Silid LMS, PowerPoint presentation, online applications

VI. Teaching-Learning Activities

○ Opening Prayer Allotted time 2 minutes
○ Preliminaries Allotted time 3 minutes
● The teacher will remind the learners of the Online guidelines.
● The teacher will ask the learners of the current feeling/condition through mentimeter .
● The teacher will present the objectives and the learning targets of the students
through I can.

○ Motivation Allotted time 5 minutes
Practice Planting – Nutrients for Life
The learners and the teacher will plant crops virtually and provide the needs to help it live
and grow.
Guide Question:
Why do we help a plant live and grow? (Essential Question, Values Integration:
Service, Excellence, Love, Faith)
Page 1
○ Pre-Assessment Allotted time 5 minutes
Basic Needs of Plants – Whack-a-Mole
Learners are going to identify what are the basic needs of plants through whack-a-mole.
At the end of the activity, learners will be asked what are the basic needs of plants.
Basic needs of plants:
1. Water
2. Sunlight
3. Soil
4. Air
5. Space for growth
○ Presentation of the Lesson Allotted time 15 minutes
Picture Analysis

Guided Questions:
1. Describe the picture in one word through oral recitation.
2. What do you think is the problem they are experiencing?
3. How will you solve their problem?

The teacher will then discuss what’s the picture about (Current Issue) and continue with
the topic about plants. Plants are classified into two: Nonvascular and Vascular plants.

● Nonvascular – without transporting water, produces spores: single cell that can
develop into a new plant
● Vascular – with transporting water (tissues: xylem and phloem)
o Seedless plants
o With seed plants: contains an undeveloped plant – used as decorations,
▪ Gymnosperm – no flower

▪ Angiosperm – with flower and fruits

1. What are the two classification of plants?
2. What are two kinds of vascular plants?
3. What are the main types of seed plants?
○ Post Assessment Allotted time 5 minutes
Wordwall Quiz: Classification of Plants
Page 2
The learners will answer the quiz through wordwall.
○ Closure Allotted time 2 minutes
Thumbs up, Thumbs down
The teacher will check again the learning targets of the students if they are achieved.
○ Purposeful assignment Allotted time 1 minutes
Prepare the garlic plant and present it at the next meeting.
○ Closing prayer Allotted time 2 minutes

VII. Integration
● Values
o Love, Excellence, Responsibility, Environmental Cleanliness
● Core Values
o Service – identifying what you can offer to help save the nature
o Excellence – knowing how to help plants live and grow
o Love – sharing activities on how to take care of our environment
o Faith – having faith on the efforts made today that it will useful in the future

VIII. Assessment

Formative Assessment Summative Assessment

Virtual Planting

Wordwall: Identification

Picture Analysis

Wordwall: Quiz

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