ACCT412-Individual Assignment Description Due Monday 13th November

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ACCT412-Management of Information Systems & Internal Controls Individual Activity

 Weight: 40%
 Due Date: Monday 13th of November 2023 9:00 AM
 Submission will be through Moodle course page; the submission will pass through
Turnitin and the maximum plagiarism rate is 20%. Any paper exceeding this percentage
will be subject to failure (Refer to NGU’s academic integrity document on Moodle)
 Students must adhere to the School of Business and Finance (SOBF) guidelines on the use
of Artificial Intelligence (AI), including Generative Models, in academic work. Responsible
use of AI is encouraged for idea brainstorming, initial draft creation, and language
enhancement. However, any content generated or assisted by AI must be properly cited. Misuse
of AI for assessments will result in strict penalties. Turnitin AI will be used to monitor
 Writing style and format: APA format (Times New Roman, 12pt, 1.5 line
spacing)(APA guidelines are posted on Moodle)

 Outline:
1. Introduction
2. Literature Review
3. Interview Analysis
4. Reflection and Recommendations
5. Conclusion
6. References

 Details:
This is an individual activity, so each student must work on their own on this assignment. Each
student may choose one topic of the following to work on in addition all students must work on
Control with transfer prices in addition to the use of generative models (regarding control with
transfer pricing) for brainstorming, initial draft creation, and language enhancement as a
general topic for all. (Each student must send me over the email their preferred two topics and
the selection will be first come-first served basis)

Common Topic:
 Control with transfer prices and shared service centres
Specific Topics:
1. Functions of management control systems and types of control practices
2. Mission, goals, strategies and Management Control
3. Managers, Human Behavior and Organizations
4. Responsibility Centres
5. Organizational structure and cross-functional integration
6. Management control and inter-organizational relationships

- Literature Review: In this section, each student must cover the literature about the
chosen topic along with literature about Control with transfer prices. The below link and details
will help you write the literature review:

How to do it?
Writing a literature review is related to appropriate publications (covering books and journal
articles), critically analyzing them, and reporting the findings. To draft your literature review
document, follow these steps:

1. Use Generative Models as conversational engines for finding and evaluating references,
for brainstorming, initial draft creation, and language enhancement.
2. Do an online cross check of the validity of the generated output of the Generative
Models used
3. Go to Google Scholar or Egyptian Knowledge Bank to search for and locate journals.
Search for relevant literature (at least 10 articles at academic journals)
4. Find articles, read the abstracts and skim the articles to determine if they correspond well
to your topic AND inquiry question.
5. Evaluate sources (concerning: recency, availability of empirical study, deployed in an
emerging market)
6. Read your articles and begin to sort and classify them according to their findings.
Identify themes and debates
7. Identify Gaps (look for future research areas)
8. Outline the structure
9. Write your literature review
10. Define your research problem & research questions
11. Compile your reference list

If you have more inquiries, visit this links:

▪ How To Write A Literature Review - A Step By Step Guide (
▪ How to Define a Research Problem | Ideas and Examples (

Outline for writing your small-scale literature review

1. Introduction

The introduction is used to establish the context of your review to the reader. To establish the
context, it is important to do the following in this opening paragraph:
a. Define the topic of your study and provide any background information that
helps your reader to understand the topic.
b. Explain your reason (perspective) for reviewing the literature on this topic.
c. State your inquiry question for this review.

2. Body

This section of your paper begins with an explanation of how you have organized your small-
scale literature review and describes findings from articles that provide answers to your inquiry
question. Before you begin this section, be sure that you have sorted your articles into

different themes based on the articles' findings (sometimes called results). After you sort your
articles, it is important to give your sorted groups a descriptive name. The names of the sorted
articles will become your headings for each of the paragraphs that you write in the body of your
review. To write the body of your small-scale literature review, it is important to include the

a. Write an introduction paragraph for the body of your review. This paragraph
tells the reader specific information on how many articles you reviewed and how you sorted the
articles into common themes based on the findings (results).
b. This will be a paragraph that describes the first theme that you identified and
compare, contrast and/or connect the articles you've selected.
c. This will be a paragraph that describes the second theme that you identified
and compare, contrast and/or connect the articles you've selected.
d. This will be a paragraph that describes the third theme that you identified and
compare, contrast and/or connect the articles you've selected.

3. Summary

This is the last paragraph of your small-scale literature review. In this paragraph, it is important to
summarize the main findings from the articles that you reviewed and to point out the information
that you found particularly important to know that answered the inquiry question that you
established in the first paragraph of your review. Try to conclude your paper by connecting your
inquiry question back to the context of the general topic of study.

Identify the research problems and research questions

4. References

This is the last page of your review. It serves as a listing of all references that you mentioned in
your paper.

- Interview: Each student may conduct an interview with anyone working in a corporate.
The interview questions must cover the specific topic, Control with transfer prices. Each student
must provide the business card (scanned) at the end of the document as a proof of meeting that

- Reflection and recommendations: In this section, you need to reflect on the interview
outcome (benefits and reflection on the topic) and provide recommendations as solutions for the
problems faced by that person

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