Essay of Linguistics

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Essay of linguistics

Have you ever wondered what would have happened if people do not pronounce
words correctly? Through human history communication has been one of the fundamental
pillars for society evolution, since it has given us the opportunity to express our ideas and
thoughts by means of language. Hence, according to the different cultures that exist around
the world, there are, at the same time, several spoken languages that communities use in
order to have dealings with others. Nowadays, due to the globalization, the necessity of
communicate among different nations has led human beings to learn other languages
besides their mother tongue, which has led language teachers to develop different
methodologies for teaching languages. Based on this fact, some difficulties that students
have when speaking a foreign language have been detected, being one the main problems
the pronunciation of words. Therefore, for a teacher Phonetics and Phonology are essential
fields in language teaching since they help them to recognize and interpret the words better,
to teach the correct pronunciation of a foreign language and to pronounce words in the
correct way to not change the meaning.
To start,

Have you ever wondered what would have happened if people do not pronounce
words correctly?

Hence, based on different cultures that exist around the world, there are several languages
that people speaking according to
The knowledge and production of the language, it is essential
Diferentes languages y demas se han desarrollado alrededor del mundo
the lack of knowledge about the language and production of it, causes misunderstood in
had open big gate
Have you ever wondered what would have happened if people do not pronounce
words correctly while they are transmitting a message? Through language history, sounds
have played an important role in human communication.

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