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Class: Grammar

Miss: Larissa Santos

Mónica Daniela Lobo Flores
Nohelia Monserrath Alcerro Zepeda
Andrés Eduardo Martinez Hernandez
Carlos Mario Cárdenas Gonzales
Ethan Alexander Juarez Lopez
Oscar Fernando Sierra Durón

Date: October 30, 2023


Drug is any chemical substance pharmacologically active in the central nervous system that is
used because it produces certain pleasurable effects , which are the so-called “intended

Use of illicit drugs or use of prescription or over-the-counter medications for purposes other
than those for which they are intended, or for consumption in excessive quantities . Drug abuse
sometimes leads to social, physical, emotional, and occupational problems.
drug abuse

Drugs are substances that, when introduced into the body, act on the central nervous system.
This causes changes that can affect behavior, mood or perception. Furthermore, its
consumption can lead to psychological dependence.

Drug abuse is the inappropriate and continuous use of drugs, even when there are work, legal,
health or family difficulties .
Drug addiction is the compulsive use of drugs.
It is considered abuse when people continue using them even after behavioral problems occur.
People who abuse substances are at higher risk for long-term problems.

How does drug use affect society?

Drugs impact multiple spheres, affect economic and social development, increase health care
costs by being associated with injuries and with more than 60 infectious diseases (HIV,
hepatitis B and C) and chronic diseases (cirrhosis, cardiovascular, cancer, mental illnesses, etc.).
How does drug use affect school?

Memory loss and difficulty in learning, which affect school performance. Increased appetite,
anxiety and decreased immune system. Problems thinking clearly and solving problems,
Respiratory and cardiovascular disorders and cancerous processes similar to those caused by

How can we help young people get off drugs?

Spend more time with your teenager. Find out where he goes and ask him questions about his
outings when he returns home. Seek professional help. If you think your teen is using addictive
substances, contact a health care provider or counselor for help.

The purpose of addiction prevention is: Prevent consumption or addictive behavior from
occurring. Delay the age of onset. Prevent it from becoming a problem for the person or their
social environment.

What types of substances cause addiction?

Most substances of abuse can alter a person's reasoning and judgment, which can lead to health
risks such as addiction, drugged driving, and infectious diseases.
Substances of habitual abuse
 Alcohol
 Ayahuasca
 Cannabis (marijuana/pot/weed)
 Central nervous system depressants (benzos)
 Cocaine (coke/crack)
 Fentanyl
 Hallucinogens
 Heroin
 Inhalants
 Ketamine
 Khat
 Kratom
 LSD (acid)
 MDMA (ecstasy, Molly)
 Mescaline (peyote)
 Methamphetamine (crystal/meth)
 Over-the-counter medications—Dextromethorphan (DXM)
 Over-the-counter medications—Loperamide
 PCP (angel dust)
 Prescription opioids (oxy/percs)
 Prescription stimulants (speed)
 Psilocybin (magic mushrooms/shrooms)
 Rohypnol® (flunitrazepam/roofies)
 Sage
 Steroids (anabolic)
 Synthetic cannabinoids (K2/spice)
 Synthetic cathinones (flakka/bath salts)
 Tobacco/Nicotine
At what age do they consume the most drugs?
Considering age, young people between 20 and 24 years old are those with the highest
percentages in all parameters, including the diary.

The first and most important of the most common addictions is alcohol. Despite being legal, it is
one of the most dangerous substances that exist. It can cause serious health damage in both
the short and long term.

Men consume more illegal substances such as marijuana, cocaine, crack, hallucinogens and heroin
while women consume more inhalants, amphetamines and tranquilizers.

types of additions

 Behavioral addictions: to gambling, sex, work, Internet, cults, religion, relationships

 Ingestion (chemical) addictions: alcohol, nicotine, cocaine, marijuana, opium, sedatives and
hypnotics, amphetamines, ecstasy and heroin.
 Eating (food) addictions: anorexia, bulimia, compulsive eating.

 Bad mood, excitement, anger, hostility, depression

 Constantly lying and stealing
 Refusing to recognize the harmful effects of drugs
 Avoid old friends or people who might confront you face to face with the issue of behavior
 Keep secrets about phone calls
 Having friends they don't want you to meet or talk about.
 Respond evasive when asked where they have been.
 Loss of motivation.
 Lack of interest in everyday life.
 Skip classes.

physical signs

 Drowsiness
 Shaking
 Red eyes, dilated pupils
 Lack of interest in personal hygiene and unkempt appearance
 Drawl
 Loss or increase in appetite
 Uncoordinated movements
 Baggy eyes
 Irregular sleeping schedules
 Frequent colds and cough
 Weightloss.
Although there are certain emotional and physical symptoms of drug use, do not immediately
assume that the person is using. You could see other reasons why he or she behaves unusual.

Measures to prevent addictions

1. Communication. It is very important that there is communication so that any topic can be
discussed and spoken without censorship. ...
2. Address the issue of addictions. ...
3. Promote positive aspects of the person. ...
4. Avoid certain harmful companies and environments.

Fundamental points for the prevention of consumption in adolescents

1. Promote self-esteem. ...

2. Maintain good communication. ...
3. Encourage them to have responsible behavior. ...
4. Know the activities your child does and encourage leisure activities. ...
5. Talk about drugs .

Drug abuse is very dangerous for the health of every human being since its use can cause
severe emotional and physical damage to people, since it is one of the factors that
generate problems in families and society.

It is the main trigger of crime in society in general, it has no status, color or race.

Drug abuse is also the cause of many diseases, and sexual abuse.

Drug abuse can lead to death.

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