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This week we are going to begin with the new theme “Television” Lesson 4, We are going to use the new
topic words, you should copy the information on your worksheets, will be delivered when requested by the
Instructions: Do the following activities.
Activity 1: Find out the meaning of the following words.
 Amazing  container  experimental
 Beard  corporation  Forecast
 broadcasting  electrician  Insect
 completely  engineering

Activity 2: Copy the next lesson.


An important thing can have a small beginning. The first television picture that was ever seen was not exciting. It was only a
picture of face, and the picture only traveled a few meters. But to the inventor, John Logie Baird, it was wonderful.

Baird had always been interested in science. But no all of his experiments had been successful in 1900, when he was twelve
years old, he and some friends built a private telephone systems. It worked well, but one night a storm pulled down the wires
that the boys had stretched across the street. A man how was standing in the street was hurt by the falling wires, and the
boy´s telephone system had to be closed down.

A few years later, Baird and a classmate built a plane, which they launched (whit John in it) from a roof. Luckily, when the
plane crushed, it fell on some grass, so John wasn´t badly hurt.

After studying electrical engineering at the Royal Technical College in Glasgow, Scotland, John Baird went to the University
of Glasgow. When he finished school, he got a job in a power station that supplied electricity to the Clyde Valle in Scotland.
When he used the power supply at the station for one of his experiments, all of the electricity in the Clyde Valley was cut off!
That was the end of his job.

At this time, one of Baird´s friends lived in Trinidad, Godfrey Harris had often written to Baird about the wonderful climate
there. Now John decides to go to live in Trinidad. When he arrived, Harris told him about a business idea that he had thought
of. He said that he wanted to start a jam factory. Baird agreed, said they started the factory together. But, because they didn
´t know anything about making jam, all kinds of terrible thing happened. Mosquitoes and other kinds of insects fell into the
jam. Also when they put the jam into jars, it spoiled. Finally Baird became ill and decided to leave Trinidad.

When returned to England in 1922, he had no job and very little money. Since he hadn´t completely recovered from his
illness, his doctor said he had to leave London and go to the seashore. Baird went to Hastings. He thought about some
inventions that he was interested in. One of his ideas was transmitting pictures by wireless. He worked with an old motor that
he had found in the junk behind in electrician´s shop a metal cookie container, an old wireless telegraph, some needles,
flashlights batteries, and pieces of wood. He almost killed himself several times by touching the wrong wires. For three
years, he worked alone.

Finally, on October 2, 1925, Baird transmitted a picture of a human face- the face of a fifteen-year-old boy. In January 1926,
member of the Royal Institution come in see his invention. Baird´s demonstration was a success (of course, something had
always gone wrong at important times in John Baird´s life. This time, a member of the Institution went too close a Baird´s
machine, and his beard became tangled in it)

By 1929, the public had become interested in television. In September of that year, the BBC (British Broadcasting
Corporation), which controlled all broadcasting in England, started experimental transmission with Baird´s equipment.
However, other companies and inventors in England and the United States had discovered better transmission methods. In
1937, when the BBC examined all of the existing television systems. Baird´s was not chosen. John Baird was not
discouraged, however, and continued to work on other inventions.

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