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1" {h**s* *nd e iral*.

1. We've got'i*,: / εnι:ι;*l-l much homework to go out todαy. 4. We've 9ot tΟ* / *r'lluqi: flour to mαke α pie.

2. Frοn studies hοrd ιn* / *l:iοι:qh to pοss her exoms. 5. Τhis teα is too sweet for i/ iι:* to drink.
3. Groce eοts well t,:ι_: / *n,;ι.lgil to Stαy heοIthy. 5. lt's i*ι: / e i:ι:ι-lι';i,: cold outside. Let's stαy οt home

2" bξεrιt* th* b,v'*Γ*$ iι: hr**k"*ts ι:sεr:μ tοο *r enouEh'

1. This coοt is *** *xp***iν*'''' ' . (ex;en:l'',g). l cοn't buy it.

2. lt is (wοln) todοy. We cοn go swimming !

3. Ηοve you got |ιine) to help me, Liο?

4. l've got . (i_..lιlιi)work. l cοn't finish it.

5. Sαm is . ' (c eγe ι) to get good grοdes.

5. AIex is (';οllq)to drive o motorbike. He's only 14 yeαrs old

Ξ' ft**d s**t*:]il*s fu'ιliξh tοο *r

#$]d \oJ$"iξΦ Φ" ft**d ε:r# ιrγrit* s*i:ξ*r_rζ*s ψJitθ_c too *r
enΦι.}gh tο do sΟrnething *f]* ξfus enΟξjgh for sοιnebοdy to eje sΦmething
αdl**tiγ*s ffiv-trft" tri:flj ξh* ε:**j**tiv*s ffi\j*ξ]'
1. The wαiter con't Serve US novv. (bus,γ) . 1. Nick cοn't leοrn Germαn. l;i'; ι.11)

l ne νvΟlτer
" 1'
|S 1....J. tru' :} ]:i:.f!,_l .il1iμl. Germαn is
")5 'tl.$,,.ι,:: τ-a' Ιjl"., 1&
2. Nick won't shore his toys. ': 2. l cοn solve this ρroblem. ,. C.

Νick is This problem is

3. Liso will win the competition. ιιιjl€lιei]) 3. Tommy con't wοtch this film. (:cοly)

Lisο is ... This film is

4. Ben cαn drive my motorbike. (cοleΙι; ; 4. Τhe kids will eαt this cοke. I r.r,,'

Ben is I
This cοke is ... ... .. . .. ... .

5. Mike cοn come first Ιn the rαce. itο:ι) : s. We cοn't heοr our teαcher's voice ι]ΟW)

Mike is -: our teοcher's voice is

5. Jude won't do this job. ( czγ) i 6. She won't go to the beοch todoy.
Jude is It is

S" L**k *t ξh* μi*tur*x *r:* "'"rεrit* s**ξ*Γ:{-*S ιηJitLi toο *r enough to dο sΟmethiΓlg,
ilsil"}# th* *dj**tiγ*s *n* th* pi:r*:*ι*s ψiv*rt'



lΠ ]i

j*: Ιr***,γ-r:* ,: γr:*,i*i"

1. l11q i5 9q;i: **α,:gi: 4. Nicole rs

2. Philip is 5. Dylοn is

3. Fionο is 6. Michοel is
Pαssive Voice: Present & Pαst Simple iΠαθnιικl"l Φι;:vn. Γγεατιlιcs & Αορlclιοs ΑnΠ*s)
ο Xρnolμoπorof με τnv παΘnτlκh φωv6 γlο vο διbooυμε €μφαon oε αυτ6 noυ nοθαivεl κdnolos h κ6τl.
Δnf,αδfl μοs εvδlαφ€ρεl περloo6τερo n iδtο n nρdξn κοl 6xl nolos ιnv κdvεl.
SeverαΙ lαnguαges αr€ t*υght in this schooΙ. ('= Αρκετis γfiιi:οαεs {jιδisrο'lταl αε αι'lτ6 το oxοflεiο')
1Λlαs thαt church built 100 yeαrs aQo? {= χγ671lrε εl:ε/yn n εκκ'fiιιυiα l g* xρι3vιο nριι';1


l αm cαlled Αm l cοlled? Ι'm n*t cα|led Ι wαs cοlled Wοs l cαlled? l wοsn't cοlled
You αre cαΙled Α;'ε: yοu cαlled? You αr*n't cαlled You were cαlled Were you cαlΙed? You weren't cαlled
Ηe is cαlled ls he cοlled? Ηe isn't cαlled He wαs cαlled Wοs he cαlled? Ηe wαsn't cαlled
She is cαlled lE she cοlled? She isn't colled She wαs cαlled \.Λ/αs she cαlΙed? She wαsn't cοlled
lt is cαΙled ls lt cαlled7 lt isn't cοlled lt νvαs cοlled Was it cοlled? lt wαsn't cαΙled
We αr* cαlled Αre we cαlled? We aren't cαlled We were cαlled Were we colled? We weren't cαlled
You *r* cοlled Αre yοu cα|led? You αren't cαlled You were cαl|ed Were you cαlΙed? You weren't cαlled
They *re cαlled Αr* they cοlled? They αr*n't cαlled Τhey were cαlled Were they cοlled? Τhey weren't cαlled

Παραιfrρnoε oιl γlο vο oxnμoτEoouμε τnV παΘnτlκh φωvn τωv Present καl Pοst Simple
{ :
κflΙvoυμε ιo ρΛμα be oτov αvιioιolxo xρovο (αι'rτ/isl#r* Kαl wαs/were) κοl
\ βdzoυμε ιo κυρlo
ρhμο oε nαΘntlκh μετoxti (pαst pαrticiple).
ο ΓlO vο μειοιρ€ψoυμε μlο εvερYnτlκh (Active) nρ6τοon oε YΡA
nοΘnτtκΛ (Pαssive), ακodoυΘo0με oυγκεκρlμ€vα Active: 2o6 s*lls clothes.
't. ιo αvιlκεiμεvο (Α) ιnS εVεργnιIKns nρoτοons γivειαl ----

υnoκεiμεvo oτnv nοθnιlκft nρ6τοon. Pαssive: C|οthes αre sold by Ζod.

2. τo ρnμ* {Ρ} ιns πρ6ιοons γ[vεταt nοθnτlκ6

με ιo ρnμο
be oτov αvτloτotxo xρovo κοl τnv pαst pαrti{iplθ. YPA
Active: Dαvid οrgαnised the pοrιy
3. αv Θ6ioυμε vο αvοφ€ρoUμε αn6 nolov γivετοl n
πρoξn, τoιε βdzoυμε ιo nolnτlκ6 α1τlo, δniοδfr by +
Ρossive: Τhe pαrty wαs οrgαnised by Dαvid.
υnoκεiμεvo (Y) τns εvεργnιlκtis nρ6τoons.

oταv το υnoκεΙμεvα τωV εVεργnΙlκιbv nρoιdoεωv δεv εivοl oυγκεκρlμεvο, n.x. peοple, somebody, they
κιfl, δεv τo οvoφ€ρouμε ωS ΠolnτlKd οiτlο.
Τhey plαnt flowers in the gαrden in sρring. *-*. FΙowers αre ρΙαnted Ιn the gαrden in spring bγhem.

_ -'-:i -7Λ
1l) x &xKe κw&x-xgeg x

Γ'-r..t,]ι .j.:_: { " ]" α b" C

'l. George the winners of the cοmpetition.


α. nοticed b. αnnounced c. suggested

1. colou rfu I
(uΠous weird
2. Bob is studying in London οnd he his fomily. 2. pte dessert symbol
α. αppeοrs b. connects c. misses
3. meοt cοrnlVore stuff
3. There is no milk in the cοrton. lt's
4. butterfly insect victim
α. Strong b. empty c. live
5. Γeel surprise SENSE
4. I couldn't mum to Ιend me her cοr.
α. persuαde b. explore c. describe

5. You shouldn't drink! ' ' '. when you οre going to
drive !

α. lnsteοd b. Τowοrds c. Εspeciοlly

6. l've been working οll dοy. l feei

1. cαlling Rob. He's
α. Secret b. exhοusted c. nαtionοl
αwοy until next week.
Αnimοls thοt only eοt pΙαnts οre cοlled
α. reptiΙes b. herbivores c. cοrnivores
2. We won't forget you ! You'll

8. Ask thοt policemοn for if you're lost
α. directions b. symbols c. οttrοctions 3. λ/y grondfοther once

9. Τo οvoid book your tickets for the concert οs with o huge beοr in the forest
eοrly αs possible.
- Hurry up! We're lοte!
α. nOture b. οttrοctΙon c. disορρointment
- Don't worry, this
'l0. Τhere Were two in the οccident outslde town
lαst night. 5. Whοt's ? Why did he
α. wishes b. victims c. settlers shout αt you?

E- iliiθ iε: ξjΨi'tt] ξh* qil*stiΦ,1
{:{:Γη{*ζt LuuJ. ιi.-


1. Your dοd is ο doctor, 1,

2. Τhe Smiths hαven't left, f

3. Briοn likes ice creαm, ?
4. Liz met Mοggie yesterdοy, ?;
5. Let's tαke the dog for ο wοlk, ?t4.


6. Your cor hοd o flοt tyre, ''..''

7. Rito must go to bed, ?,

8. |'m ο good student, ?'
: 7.
9. Close the door, ?'
10. Betty cοn't speοk French )t8.
E" ζh**s* ι:rc* *irr$*' #
Fill ir: \,fu,ith the relαtiv* FΓ*ffi*L*ft5 ιqyhΦ"
1. Τhe kids Ιoved the gifts ι"",i::ιl:/,.'γi].'l../ ιγi :ι:sι'their which, whose ΟΓ \Δ/here'
porents gοve them. 1. Thοt's the lοdy found my dog.
2. Do you know the lody ι..,:i:iι_ill ij1,.1i / ι.1] ;il>ι:: lives here?
2. GΙοsgow is the plοce ....'' my sister wαs born.
3. Thαt ls the cοf6 illι:i/ i'n',ii1.iι'l ili',ilι., Liα met her friend.
3. Ηοrry is the bοy mum tαught me to donce
4. Τhere's the boy ιγjlιi/ ιηli:ι.::lι:/ +i:lιj lbroke his leg.
5. l didn't like the skirt ιl'li:ι:/ r.τi :i,_ill ltitι-,!. Sondro 4. This is the pοrk we stopped for ο picnic.
bought yesterdαy.
5. Τhοt is the restourαnt SerVeS tοsty pizzαs.
6. Τhοt isn't the girl i,i,i:i, i:/ |l:ιrι / ιγi:ιl:ι,: dod ρiαys in ο
6. Τhere is the cοt belongs to my neighbour.

7. Phil is the 9UY l,liillι:: / ,,iιtιι /i,1lj:i1.,1, fixed my mUm,S cαr 7. Mr Grump ls the mοn kids αre very noisy.
8. Here comes the mαn ιiii;i/ ιγi'lιl/,'.ιilι:.,,. son won the 8. Τhis is the girl will ploy "Juliet".

s " ft ε:ιι, t* \*Ji t l] * * fi ι-'ι lτ *3 ε: Γ 9t * * *fl * ι ε: q

ri i -{-* i #- rιεg iγ"t μ;ith ξh* full *Γ bαr'e infir"ritive ε:f
Γ*i*ξiv* ιiι.:ιcs*s ιj$ii-j* ιn-rhο, ιruhich, ti:* ψ*rfu:s ψiv*ε:-
t}ταt, wh*se {-}Γ whcre.
1. Sοm didn't mοnοge (geτ) thοt job
1. l bought o cοr. lt is very fοst. 2. Rαy Seems ιοe) α very good
l bought ο cοr ....''' '' .....'

2. We got to the ρlοce. Ken wοs there. 3. We don't know who (αsk) obout
We got to the plοce our problem.

4. Cοn we αfford il:uy) new furniture

3. Τhοt's Pοul. He is o pilot.
next yeοr?
Τhοt's Pοul,
5. Pleose don't moke me (cο) ony
Αnnα lives in Αthens. She wοs born there. more work!
Annα lives in Athens, 6. You should (ηοt driγι:) fοst in the

Τhοt's the song. Ron sοng it for me. city centre.

Τhot's the song 7. Dοd won't Iet us (ιry)bungee

We visited Liz. Her mum wos sick.
8. WouΙd you like '.....'' {cοn-e) with us to
We visited Liz,
the Ιαke?

β" 9;i€l iι'l νvith ths fuΙ|/hαre infiιτitive ι:r ih* gerι;nd +f ih* v-:.i-:Ξ gi:;*ι':.
1. Νed might ιqeι) lost on his trip. 5. My mum doesn't οllow me ''..' . (sιr,v) home
2. (piοy)tennis is eοSy you know! οlone.

3. I regret (iie)to my best fnend. 6. Gory αdmitted .1eOι) in the exοm.

4. We'd like )c something 7. Jessico is too tired .cο) her homework.

obout this. 8. You should j., your teeth every dοy

:--- 98 xe.xef€xx€x"xsssx

]uDlsrssD doqs aqΙ pa)sD LUr) 's 0])θqaΣ pa)SD DlIaιr.]V '?

tr i. x^"1

J'. ;t 1,
lt ';':1+iJ

laJluUθΓ pa)sD a)lIV 'ε Λq1olo6 ρa)SΟ /ιlΟΗ 'z ]a}q6nop ]aq pa)SΟ Du0lC'L

'' *ti} *},}'β τ!**'*s}..


_Fι{l fiJj*ι,*j rsfi 't:


'q3Φsd5 }3sjlpul Φ}ιli Lξ.tst€1 ttjll} E*}L$* ι+η} Li]igξ,& 5La{.}E}S*E':b i}Ll] ι:}iΞ:}'ξl's
']o6ns οιUos ωlq θΛl6
|llΛΛ rqs }l ujnω pa)SO lnoqq6lau ln9 '9

lll6 Θq} pa)Sο ΛOj 's

's}lods ΞωΘl}Xa Λuo pau1soq θqS lal{}aqM

aω06 ooplΛ }oι]} Λο1d ann p!p ΛΛoq Sn pθ)SO s}UOlοd ]no ',
'}so) }a))οl. slι]} q]nul ΛΛoq pΘ)So OjO|) 'ε

'ωlι] d|οι] UO) |Jl Θul pa)so UOι]] p|o oqΙ 'z
I l.a
alΛoω ΛD)S o UΞΘS laΛΘ | pDq Jl aul pa)so uoal 'L

p*i}le.{}j# *}**5 Ξη} Li! 5ξ-ΙΦi}}*l",E*} "jllΦ,ξ;}3t"l,η,ξ FLiE} ΞΞΞε}Ξ5lLιl iiιΞΞ.}LlltlΞδ}tll]'&l

'}tjir!tr i,}i jj ]ιji]iιΙιi] Sn

/ ι.]}!ΛΛ Λo1s p1no: oq }l pa)So Uo| '8 ωΛ6 οq1 o} ]ι1,j/ι.1 ,;r;7ι;i; ']ι] i]:] uΘ}Jo Moq u]lΓ po)SΟ | 'ε

11llιι / !i]ilt !']. ΞqS Jl ι]]nu.] p3)so aM 's

'a)UOul]o}lad ο:l,,l1oaq} 'Λauoω au.ιos Sn ΘΛl6

θι.,|} lo} osooι]] l)|!]ι}l'"/l Λ.}ii] / l\,i1ii !]]|lι:lu oqΛΛ pΞ)SO UDc 'L'sιΙ]nlp aq}Λo|d ιlΙ]) /l)l]lrl l I jl ΞL1.l pΞ)SD opuojiΛ',
Λοp snoιnοld 'ΘloJΘq
)aΘΛΛ Θq} 11.),}{l i]i)ιil',l'', ' aM Θ,θ,/"\ pa)SD a}ad 'Z

Θq} ]i,r,,],]ιil ji,]ι,Λ{ιi paΛ pOq l+l aιU pa)SD uaΓ '9 Λοp loqr )]oM lrj iii]t] / i''iliii Θq ]] Ucs S - ca)SΟ aΛo6 'L
'Ξl-j ti-r
lJι]l-_r ΞSΟΟti} "ff

po)SO ΛoΓ s- ca)SO ).]OΛ

,,aa)o] Jo a]Θld O aΛoq I UD),, :ΛοΓ '9 ,,a)ooΛΛ }ΧoU ol noΙ ",' :,3- 'l,\,, .)lOΛ

-- - oLU po)so ssoE 3a>So ΘoZ

,,aΞ}ο| dn Λo1s noΛ }rl pοp ]noΛ ||ιM,, :SSoυ 's ,,a}SΘq a)ιl ι']|Ι SΞop il',C-S '- -] - QoΖ 's
_ - .'_ "''''
au] pa)So Uθl ::>)a SllqJ
,,aqnl) Θι.l} }O Sn Ulof o} }UOΛΛ noΛ oC,, :Ual ,,apoo] Slq] }oΞ !: ), -:] '.']_ 'S -]q)

pa)sD ons ::)s3 alo)

,,Ζ}ι.]6luo1)]oM ΛΘq} }SnΛ,, :anS 'ε ,,aSC) Λω q}lnn auo. '-_ * j: _ -: -'.' .a}Ο> 'ε
pa)SD Θ]l|V Ξ--. ::>s3 |nod

,,aΛop]a}SaΛ aωoq ΘιΙ.lo) Uοl pιC,, .a]l|V 'z ,,aspualJ] ]ΠoΛ ]Ξ:-- -:' : : :-Ξ- ' |nod 'z
"*ir":'eι'*}}*];li:_i:*x x'J;τt;'l*:'l+i aLU po)so lnq}lV ::>SD UoΣ
::^ - ::- _ ' ,' 'l .L
,,aolpUl o} UΘaq ]oΛa noΛ δΛoΗ,, :lnq}]V 'L
j nΞll' :: r]\,J

'laι"{}aL{Λ&lj.ι *5Γ} "suΦ,}sanΟ }3al l pul Suo.iSΞ'o )a.rlpUI

Li:}.lΛΛ μ}*ηsξ} Φld*a* *$*η} }ftη*& Ucdc* "€ Ll3Ξf"ιξ $}*ξΞil aidΟΞC] ΞS. _,_ _:- _" ',', _., ]CJΞE
lndirect Commαnds & Requests (ΠΠ*γlεs Προαταγεs & ΠαρακΩnαειs)
Xρnolμoπolo0με πl6γrεs πρooταγ€s κot ποροκltioεts 6ιαv μειoφ€ρoυμε
μlα πρoτoon σε ΠρoσιαKτtκft αno
ιov εu*υ oιov nf,δγlο fr6γο.
"#jrr* *lε r-fo** g*;:*il &c:*j" sill η*:d i"ir. > BilΙ tτld Liz tο give him thαt penei! bαck.
"(ιτjl l::* *rrec'5;s#, ffj**. " $,,fε5 cτs*e# :πe. > tfreg αskecl me tο ca!! her αfter 5:0a'

Γlο vο μειοιρ€ψoυμε μlα πρ6ιοon σε ΠρoσιαKιlκh oπ6 ιov ευΘΟ oτov πf,dγlo f,6γo. xρnolμoπolo0με:
1. ιo εlooγωγlκ6 ρΛμo t*ils$: (γlo πρooιογfr)h *sk :h (γlο nαρ6κf,non)
2. ιo κυρrο ρriμα oε μoρφR ful| infinitive"

"Get out of the cΙαssroom!'' the teαcher told me.

Τhe teαcher ξ*lr! ιnt' {o qet aut of the cΙαssroom.
''Do your homework, pleαse,'' dαd αsked Simon.
Dad , ιιι''ι i '
,]:'η.,! , to cJο his homework.
"Don't move!" Alice told me. Alice i],' nΟι
l',t. t, to move'
''Don't mαke so much noise, pleαse,'' Lucy αsked the kids.
Lucy ιιsk+'r} ιhe kirls nOt tg make So much noise.

Παρατnρnoε 6ιl οv n πρooιαγh oιov ευΘ0 f,6γo εivοl αρvnτlκh, εtodγεταt δnflαδfr
με ιo don,t, ιoτε ιo
αnαρεμφατo εfvοl επfons αρvnιlκ6.
Κατdφαon: get out > to get out
Aρvnon: don'tmove > nottomove
Mnv μπερδεOεls ιnv προιτtι:κιlκπ με ιov Present Simple τωv
ρnμ6τωv 6ιov μειαιρ6πεls πρoιοoεls απ6
ευΘ0 oε nfldγlo 16γo. Θυμfrooυ 6ιl n nρooτoκτlκn ΔEΝ ΕXEl υnoκε1μεvo.

"Ρtυy tennis with me!'' Βilltold Liz. > ΒΙΙl told Liz τ* tslαν tennis with him.
''l plαytennis on Fridαys,'' ΒiΙltold Liz' > Bill told Liz thοt he plαyed tennis on Fridαys.


Note: ^t
oιov μετατρ€πoυμε μrα πρoαιαγfr fl
ri nορdκflnon οπ6 τov ευΘ0 αιov nf,oγlo 16γo,
loxυoυv ol lδtεs οfliαγ€s oιls οvιωvυμ[εs, ιls

xρovtκ€s fl€ξεls κιf,, 6πωs oκρlβιbs €μοΘεs
oτo nρonγoιiμεvα μoΘhμoια.

,::...lι Σιts πfl6γlεs παρακf,noεls παραdεiπoυμε ιo pΙeαse

''Pleαse don't leαve,'Pαtty αsked Εric. > Pαtty asked Εric notto Ιeαve


1]O xιrxgεX€x.rgxr? -*

'9 laq}DJ Slq pιo} ol.lDιΛ 's
"|j'*1";* qou pa)SD ΟΙΛιΛS
i.Φ"*". "ξ
iti;;*: ;φ'.
,,;qs19 ιφ-$* t**j* i
' '*sa?i*-'ξ*iξξnr--

-';;ti;*, *i }δri
"ii' Λoq aqr pa)So .lo}]op aι]Ι 'z ualpιlq] laq pιo} lιlH s]Λ 'ι
-- Φξ-_ Spl) Θι]} pιo} uοω aqΙ'ε

t*; ;,*Φ$}ε***]"'ξ
**--- -,,'tr}Φur-


s}sanb8Jj'.spupι.ιJιΙ|Φ3 ι}ιξ}
ι{}}'jL"*d &
*}Lit *Ξ*ti]" Lj-ii]} *ilι_} Ξi}j ξ: }'}ι{]l ;}i"l } ι}]1Αξ
L{}aads })Θlιpu!

ωιι ρa)SD aqS

)aaM ιoq} puoqsnq laq 1}] iiiι}l / ι)']\l''j

DuDl ,,'asoa1d 'lsο} os oΛΙlp },uoC,,
Sιlοd o}.'_ 'auoqd allqoul MaU Sιq

sn ΛΛoι.{S o}t;,}ιii /ι-\':ιii 1jl pa)SD

aM '9
Λop 6utnno11o1oqt 'ιu!ι-{

lo} }loΛΛ ]ι\|] i;: / ':1 ;ι'ι; SΠ p1o1 Λ:lo1
'Xoq }οql 'ulnur laq o1 6urι1/uo

Λos o1 }ou :'!]\ /::

l :l.. :'] plo} ο)ιSSΘ[ 'ε
'doq dtq r..:.,,;,: laUUlp
o} }no loq a)O} o} aΛΘ}S pa>1sο erqdo5
'Λr-lοd aι..ll
'1a1lοιuadns aq} }ο .lo6ns
,, asοa1d 'ξlοd aq} U!oΓ,, 'L
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