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WebAsha Technologies:

It is like security machenism to prevent and allow the users and group for
accessing the file & directories and any command.

Attributes or properties of Permission:

Read: To read the file

Write:To write, modify and delete in F&D

Execute:To execute the F&D


Method of Identification of Permission:

Attribute Symbolic Numeric

Read r 4

Write w 2

Execute x 1


Permission always used in pair value:

Pair value No. value

rwx 7

rw- 6

r-x 5

r-- 4

-wx 3

-w- 2
--x 1

--- 0


Pair value permission are used for Three member in file & directories

1- User (U)= The owner of F&D

2- Group (G)= The group owner of F&D

3- Other (O)= The other user except the owner

Check the field of permission of any File :

syntax: # ls -l filename

-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 0 Apr 7 16:34 file

Type of Permission:
It divided into two type.

1- Default Permission

2- Customized Permission


Default Permission: It is used on basis for user profile. Till RHEL-8

For root User:

File: 644= rw-,r--,r-- | Directory: 755= rwx,r-x,r-x

For Normal User:

File: 664= rw-,rw-,r-- | Directory: 775= rwx,rwx,r-x


Bydefault All permission defined via Umask ==>

Umask : it defined the permission value of command

Umask value for Super user: 022

Umask value for Normal user: 002

Bydefault, Maximum Permission for any File: 666

any Directory: 777

Note: When Root create any file or dir, then root default Umask value will
automatically decrease from maximam value of F&D


How to check Umask value for the user:

syntax: # umask

If you change umask value, it will apply only for upcoming F&D

means that previous F&D permission will remain same

There are two method of umask change:

1- Temporary:

# umask Value
e.g. # umask 002

2- Permanent:

# Vim .bashrc

now add the value umask 002


save the file

before use the value , use the this cmd : # bash


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