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Chapter 6: Organisation culture and

Topic list
6.1. Organisational departments and functions
6.2. What is culture ?
6.3. Organisation culture
6.4. Culture and structure
6.1. Organisational departments and functions

operations Purchasing

Finance ORGANISATION Production

Human Marketing

6.1.1. Research and development

ØResearch may be:

ü Pure: to obtain new scientific or technical knowledge
ü Applied: specific practical aim or application
ü Development: to use existing scientific and technical knowledge to
produce new products or systems
ØProduct research: to create new product to the market
ØProcess research: to improve the way in which those products/services are
made or delivered
ØR&D should be closely co-ordinated with marketing
6.1.2. Purchasing
• Purchasing: is the acquisition of material resources and business services
for use by the organisation
• Importance of purchasing
• Cost to the firm
• Quality of inputs will impact quality of outputs
• Strategy: what to purchase and what to resale
Position of purchasing within the organisation
• Board of directors are responsible for strategic purchasing
• Purchasing officer is responsible for raw materials and must liaise
(connect) with the finance department
6.1.2. Purchasing
• The purchasing mix:
Quantity: impact the inventory level and cost of inventory holding
Quality: quality of inputs should be meet the production requirements
Price: best value in consideration of quality, delivery, urgency of order
Delivery: impact the inventory control and production planning
• Purchasing and profits
Obtains the best value for money
Meet quality targets
Minimise inventory holding costs
6.1.3. Production
ØProduction functions:
- Obtain inputs to production system
- Adding of value including:
Scheduling jobs on machines
Assigning labor to jobs
Control quality of production
Improving methods of works
Managing materials and equipment to avoid waste
Create outputs
ØProduction management decisions
Long term: setting up the production system
Short term: Running and controlling the system
ØRelationships with other functions:
Product design – R&D
Job design – H&R
Quantity needs – Sale/purchase
Capital expenditures - Finance
6.1.4. Service operations
vThe nature of services:
ü Intangibility: No substantial material or physical aspects to a service
ü Inseparability: Many services are created at the same time as they are
ü Variability: Quality of service depend on who (or what) delivers the service
and exactly when it takes place
ü Ownership: Not result in the transfer of property

vImplications of service provision:

ü Poor service quality on one occasion lead to widespread distrust of
everything the organisation does
ü Complexity
ü Pricing - might be complicated if there are several providers
ü Human resources management
6.1.5. Marketing
+ Function – to manage an organisation relationships with its customers
+ Models of marketing
• Sales support: Support direct sales such as telesales, response to client’s
• Marketing communications: promote the business image and its products at a
tactical level
• Operational marketing: to support the organisation with a co-ordinated range of
marketing activities including market research, brand management, corporate
communication etc.
• Strategic marketing: to contribute to the creation of competitive strategy
6.1.5. Marketing
• Marketing strategy and corporate strategy: closely linked
- Corporate strategy plan: aim to guide the overall development of
- Marketing plan:
-> subordinate to the corporate planning
• Marketing orientation
üProduction orientation: customer will buy whatever we produce
üProduct orientation, a variant of production orientation:
Add more features to the product – demand will pick up
üSales orientation – customer orientation
=> Marketing orientation: analyse the market to provide the desired
6.1.5. Marketing
Satisfying customer needs: the marketing mix
A set of controllable variables and their levels to influence the target
market, including 4Ps (product, price, place and promotion)
- Product: what is being sold
Design, features, quality and quantity, packaging, safety, etc.
- Place: outlets and logistics
- Promotion (marketing communication)
Objectives: Awareness of products, interest in products, desire to
buy and action to buy
Types: Advertising, sale promotion, direct selling, public relations
- Price: set price to cover costs, retain image, and against the competitors
6.1.5. Marketing
• Service marketing (additional 3 Ps)
People: Who deliver the services
Processes: How is the service delivered
Physical evidence: to be consistent with the desired image
• The ideal marketing mix – proper balance between each of these
elements (4Ps)
• Marketing segmentation:
When market can be broken up into different segments
Mass marketing – ignore marketing segment
6.1.6. Administration
+ Administration function is normally centralised at head office as much as
+ Advantages:
- Consistency
- Give better security and control
- Head office is better to know what is going on
- Economies of scale
+ Disadvantages
- Local office might have to wait for HQ instruction
- Reliance on head office – Difficult to encounter local issues
- System fault will impact across the organisation
6.1.7. Finance
+ Finance function
Raise money
Recording and controlling
Providing information to managers
+ Importance of finance
Financial management
- Investment decision
- Financial decision (e.g how to pay for investments)
- Dividend decision
- Operating decision
Management of finance – handling cash, invoice and other finance
documents for recording (book keeping)
6.1.7. Finance
• Financial accounting:
- Recording financial transactions – book keeping
- Reporting to shareholders
• Treasury management
+ Plan and control the sources and uses of funds
- Cash budgeting
- Bank overdraft facility
- Repayment of borrowings
- Cash flow monitoring
- Cashier’s duties
- Deal with foreign currency issues
• Working capital and other matters
Consist of: cash, account receivable, account payable and inventory
Matters: irrecoverable debts, overdraft finance, suppliers payments, inventory
turnover etc.
6.1.7. Finance
+ Management accounting information
- Planning: budget & forecasts
- Decision making:
- Control – actual vs budget / actual vs cost norms
+ Strategic planning
- Ensure that finance is available
- Integrate the strategy into budgets
- Establish the performance measures
- Establish priorities
- Assist the modelling process
6.1.8. Human resources
+ Human resource management – deal with organisation, staffing levels,
motivation, employee relations and services
+ Objectives
- To develop an effective human component
- To develop human resources as required by organisation and motivate
- To create and maintain co-operative relationships
- To meet organisation’s social and legal responsibilities
+ Why is HRM important
- To increase productivity
- To enhance group learning
- To reduce staff turnover
- To encourage initiatives
6.1.8. Human resources
+ The HR plan:

v Recruitment

v Retention

v Downsizing

v Training and retaining to enhance the skills base

6.2. Culture
+ What is culture? Culture is collective programming of the mind which
distinguishes the members of one category of people from another (ways of
behaving, understanding) - Hofstede
Category (“group”)
- Nation, region or ethnic group
- Women vs men
- A social class
- A profession of occupation
+ Elements of culture (Edgar Henry Schein)
- Observable behaviour
- Underlying values and beliefs of observable elements
- Hidden assumptions
6.2. Culture
Elements of culture – by Schein – Iceberg
+ Behaviour and attitudes:
- Behaviour:
- Artefacts: eg, design of office
- Attitudes:
+ Professed culture:
- values and beliefs: eg, slogan/ mission statement
+ Assumptions (inbuilt and shared beliefs and values)
- Foundation ideas: ways of thinking and behaving
6.3. Organizational culture
- The collection of traditions, policies, beliefs and attitudes that constitute
a pervasive context for everything we do and think in an organisation – by
- A pattern of beliefs and expectations shared by the organisation’s
members, and which produce norms which powerfully shape the behaviour of
individuals and groups in the organisation – by Schwartz & Davies
- The way we do thinks around here
6.4. Culture and structure
Four types of culture (by Harrison) (Charles Handy)
+ Power (Zeus) is shaped by one individual (owner, founder)
- Capable of adapting quickly to meet change
- Power decrease if the organisation is bigger
+ Role (Apollo) is a bureaucratic culture shaped by rules, procedures
- Formal structure, well-established rules and procedures
- People are required to perform in line with rules
+ Task (Athena) is shaped by a focus on outputs/results
- Applicable in project teams
- Performance is judged by results
+ Existential or person culture (Dionysus) is shaped by the interests of
- Organisation culture is to serve the interests of individual within it
6.4. Culture and structure
+ The impact of national culture (Hofstede model)
- Four main dimension of difference between national cultures
- Power distance – unequal distribution of power is accepted
High - accept greater centralisation, top-down chain
Low - expect less centralisation and flatter structure
- Uncertainty avoidance
High – respect control, certainty and ritual
Low – respect flexibility and creativity
- Individualism
High – emphasise autonomy and individual choice and responsibility
Low – emphasise interdependence, reciprocal obligation and social
- Masculinity – social gender roles are distinct
High – clearly differentiate gender roles
Low – minimise gender roles

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