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As the research has demonstrated, hypertension is a common problem in the elderly, and
it is linked to an increased risk of cardiovascular morbidity and mortality. The planning of
interventions for various family health problems achieved the targeted purpose, which was to use
family resources to establish and improve their health, as well as to eliminate problems and/or
diseases. The family has gained knowledge of the difficulties that have been recognized and has
participated in various management strategies that have been adopted. The family's readiness to
follow treatment regimens aided in the achievement of the aim, maintaining those managements
will assist family members in minimizing and preventing the emergence of problems or diseases
in the future. More research should be done to help learn on how to effectively treat the


Every community concern that is prominently visible and observed must be taken into
account, with a strong emphasis on the implementation of a variety of programs, with a
particular focus on their health state. Encouragement from the community is essential, as is
education and awareness for each individual household member. They must serve as role models
for the community's effective change and progress toward their own personal improvement of
quality of life. It is preferable that they be sponsored and given attention by those who are in the
position. If they do not generate money, it will be days of starvation for families who are unable
to find food and endurance for those who require quick medical assistance. They also lack access
to public transportation, and some do not have access to electricity. It is suggested that they be
provided with their basic requirements by their own efforts, with the help of barangay members
and local officials.

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