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TESLA | VOL. 19 | NO. 1 | MARET2017 |TES

Application of the Divide and Conquer Algorithm in Population Identity System Design
Fingerprint Based

David Sinandar1 , Pono Budi Mardjoko1 and Harlianto Tanudjaja2

ABSTRACT: Identity of citizens and residents in Indonesia is currently using cards for the physical form of identity document, i.e.
identification card. A physical form is vulnerable to loss and damage, creating problems for people and government. One of the solutions
to these problems is by using fingerprint-based identification system, using a divide and conquer algorithm. The main program is set to
be ready to detect fingerprints. Once a fingerprint is scanned using a fingerprint scanner, the pattern read by the fingerprint sensor is
changed to text form that can be stored in the database. The text pattern used by the fingerprint scanner then can be compared to
fingerprint text patterns stored in the database. If a match is not found, then the program will ask the person to fill his/ her full identity and
later when the same fingerprint pattern is found, then all identity data is displayed. Identities already registered can be changed if there
is a change of identity, and can be molded into a physical form, if necessary. This system is designed using Visual Basic 6.0 software
as the main program and using MySQL Workbench 6.0 as the database builder. The system testing involved a total of 240 samples of
fingerprints, and from the test results obtained the search time is lower when compared with the sequential method.
KEYWORDS: identity, identification card, fingerprint, divide and conquer

ABSTRACT: Resident identity in Indonesia currently uses a physical form of card, namely the Population Identification Card (KTP). This
physical form is vulnerable to loss and damage which can cause problems for society and the government. One solution to this problem
is to use a fingerprint-based identification system, using a divide and conquer algorithm. The main program is set to always be ready to
detect fingerprints. After the fingerprint is scanned using a fingerprint sensor, the sensor converts the fingerprint pattern into text form so
that it can be stored in a database. The text pattern is used by the sensor to be compared with the fingerprint text pattern stored in the
database. If the same fingerprint pattern is not found, the program will ask the person to fill in a complete identity and if the same
fingerprint pattern is found, all identity data will be displayed. The identity that has been registered can be changed if there is a change
in identity, and can be printed in physical form if necessary. This system design uses Visual Basic 6.0 software as the main program and
uses MySQL Workbench 6.0 as the database builder. Testing of this system involved a total of 240 fingerprint samples, and the test
results showed that the search time was lower when compared to the sequential method.

KEYWORDS: identity, identity card (KTP), fingerprints, divide and conquer

Identity is a condition, nature or special characteristics of a person or thing [1]. Based on this definition,
I then the identity of each individual must have special characteristics that other individuals do not have. Having an identity will
provide an understanding that each individual has their own differences and characteristics.
Identity is a means used by the state to record the number of residents in the country. Indonesia uses a Resident Identity Card
(KTP) as a personal identity card. So far, the physical form of KTP in the form of a card is still considered to have shortcomings.
One of the disadvantages is that it is vulnerable to loss, can be damaged, and can be destroyed if affected by a disaster (flood, fire,
This security is considered to be lacking, and if we look further, this form of identity can be replaced by technology that has a higher
level of security, such as passwords, eye retinas, fingerprints or human DNA.
One example is fingerprints. No one has 100% exact physical similarities - both facial appearance and body shape. There are no
two fingerprints that are the same on this earth[2]. This design will use fingerprint media as a substitute for personal identity.

Based on several events that have occurred, such as the fires that have been mentioned, it can be concluded that the
physical form of Indonesian residents' identity documents currently still poses a risk that could be dangerous. The loss of personal
identity will cause problems for every Indonesian citizen, and also for the government. A way is needed to reduce the risk of losing
each citizen's identity documents and a step is needed that can overcome the time problem in searching for data. Therefore, it is
hoped that the design of this system can represent the self-identity of each individual, have a higher level of identity security, and
can shorten work time in searching for the desired self-identity. The aim of designing this system is to build a population identity
system that uses fingerprints as the main identity medium and utilizes the divide and conquer algorithm.

The system designed functions to identify the identity of residents using fingerprints as an identification medium, which in
the data storage and search process uses a divide and conquer algorithm. This system uses two computers which are used as data
storage (database) which are connected using a wireless local network. There is a main program on one of the database computers.
Data input is carried out from the main program and the data is then processed. Process

Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Tarumanagara University, Jakarta
Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Atmajaya University, Jakarta
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David Sinandar, Pono Budi Mardjoko and Harlianto Tanudjaja

This processing is related to the storage location in the database. After processing, the data is then stored in
a database.
In the designed system, the user must place his fingerprint on the fingerprint scanner in accordance
with the provisions. After a fingerprint is detected by a fingerprint scanner, the data from the fingerprint is
sent to the database and matched. If there is a similarity between the fingerprint and one of the stored data,
the data is displayed. However, if the data is not found, a message will be displayed that the fingerprint has
not been registered so the user is required to register their personal data. If the data is available, then after
the data is displayed, the user can choose to print it or change the data contents if necessary.
In the process of registering personal data, the user first enters input in the form of a fingerprint from
the right thumb using a fingerscan tool four times. After a notification appears that fingerprint registration is
successful, the user is asked to enter all personal identification according to the display provided. The data
that needs to be registered is Population Identification Number (NIK), name, place/date of birth, gender,
blood type, address (RT/RW, Kel/Village, District), religion, marital status, employment, nationality and photo.
Taking photos can be done in two ways, namely by using a camera (web-cam) that is available on a
computer, or photos can be taken via external data storage media. After completing data entry, all personal
data is stored in the database.
This design will use a database that is built separately. Separation of data storage is carried out based
on odd/even population identification numbers, so that the first computer has a population database that has
odd population identification numbers ( odd database ), and the other computer has a database containing
population data with even population identification numbers (database
In the data search process, input data in the form of fingerprints is processed, and the main program
sends the data to be matched with the data contained in both databases. If matching data is found in one of
the databases, all stored data is displayed. If no matching data is found in both databases, a message will
be displayed that the fingerprint has not been registered, then the user is required to register. The divide and
conquer algorithm is used in the separation process when the program stores data and when iteratively
searches for data.
This system design is equipped with a printing machine (printer) to print identity documents if needed,
after the user first registers himself and then accesses his personal data with the registered fingerprint.

This system design uses a wireless local network, so that users can access their data via other
computers as long as the computer has the main program and is connected to a network with the database.
This computer is called a client computer. The client computer requires a fingerprint detector to provide input
to the main program. The client computer can use the image capture and data printer functions, if the web-
cam and printer features are available.
The use of a wireless local network is intended so that when implemented, this system does not require
cables to connect one computer to another and allows online use in one area , and is able to reduce costs
for installing network cables.

Diagram The design of this system functions to make fingerprints a person's personal identity.
Therefore, data is needed in the form of fingerprints from that person. Fingerprints are entered using a
fingerprint scanner connected to the USB port on the computer. Meanwhile, personal identity data is entered
using a computer. The data to be stored is then processed in the main program, then the data will be
distributed to one of the odd databases or even databases according to the settings made by the main
program. In the process of taking pictures, use the web-cam feature available on the computer. Personal
identification can be printed using a printer. The block diagram of the designed system can be seen in Figure

Divide and Conquer Algorithm

The divide and conquer algorithm has 3 parts, namely the divide flow, conquer flow and combine flow .
The divide flow divides the problem into several sub-problems that are similar to the original problem but are
smaller in size (ideally almost the same size). The conquer flow , solves (solves) each sub-problem
(recursively). The combine flow combines the solutions of each sub-problem to form a solution to the original
problem [3].
Division is carried out on input objects in the form of tables (arrays), matrices, exponents and other
objects depending on the problem at hand. Each sub-problem must have problem characteristics that are
similar to the characteristics of the initial problem, so that the divide and conquer method can work well on
problems that are solved by repetition by calling itself (recursive). Algorithm

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Application of the Divide and Conquer Algorithm in Designing a Fingerprint-Based Population Identity System

This can also be applied to ordinary repetition (iterative) processes, because in principle the iterative process is almost the
same as the recursive process.

Taking pictures (web-


Fingerprint input
Fingerprint input

Fingerprint reader
Fingerprint reader
Taking pictures (web- Usb port
Computer 2
Usb port Database Genap

Computer 1
Computer Wireless local (comes with the main program) Wireless local
Client area network area network

Odd Database

Usb port


v Figure 1. Designed System Block Diagram

Fingerprint Scanner (Fingerprint Scanner)

A fingerprint scanner is a tool that is capable of reading fingerprint patterns. It is known that the fingerprint pattern of
each individual is different. There is a branch of science that studies fingerprint patterns, called Dermatoglyphics.
Dermatoglyphics comes from the Greek Derma meaning skin and Glyph meaning carving. This science is based on the
epidermal theory or lines on the surface of the skin. Dermatoglyphics has a strong scientific basis because it is supported
by research, this science is convincingL EDKZD VLGLNMDUL DGDODK FHWDN ELUX¥ VHVHRUDQJ>4]. Experts are
interested in fingerprints because; 1. Everyone's fingerprints are different. No one has the same fingerprints and no

can be faked.
2. Fingerprints are permanent. Fingerprint patterns will not change from birth to death.
3. Fingerprints are easy to classify and measure. It is easy to see with the naked eye and can be integrated with
technology and stored in a database[4].
Fingerprint pattern reading is done using a fingerprint scanner. According to the Henry Classification System,
fingerprint patterns can be divided into 3 types, namely loop patterns, whorl patterns, and arch patterns. The appearance
of the fingerprint pattern can be seen in Figure 2 [5].

v Figure 2. Fingerprint Pattern Shape [5]

Based on these patterns, types of fingerprints can be generally distinguished. However, there is a fingerprint
scanner, this pattern is not enough to distinguish every existing fingerprint. There is one method used by fingerprint
scanners when reading fingerprints. The fingerprint scanner will form a unique pattern called minutiae. This pattern is what
the fingerprint scanner will use when matching fingerprints.

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David Sinandar, Pono Budi Mardjoko and Harlianto Tanudjaja

Fingerprint Reading Technique

There are 4 methods that can be used to read fingerprints, including; Optical Method Optical method is a
1. method that
uses light to record fingerprint patterns. The fingerprint recording tool used is a digital camera. There is a place
to place fingerprints called the scan area. Right below the scan area, there is a light emitter that illuminates the surface
of the scan area. The results of the light reflection are captured by a receiver which then stores the fingerprint image
into memory.

The weakness of the optical method is that the scanning results really depend on the quality of the fingerprint. If
the quality of the fingerprint is not perfect, damaged or injured, then the quality of the reading results will not be optimal.
Another drawback to this method is that it can be hacked using a fake finger. The advantage of this method is that it is
easy to do and does not require expensive costs.
2. Ultrasonic Method
This is a method that uses very high frequency sounds to penetrate the epidermal layer of the skin. The sound
is created using a piezoelectric transducer.
After the sound, it will reflect energy which will be responded to with a similar device. The resulting reflection pattern is
used to construct an image of the fingerprint that is read. The advantage of this method is that the fingerprint reading
process is not influenced by dirty hands or the surface of the scanner .
Similar methods are also used in the medical world.
3. Capacitance Method
The capacitance method is a method that uses capacitance in forming a fingerprint image. The scan area
functions as a capacitor plate, and the skin of the fingertip functions as another capacitor plate. There are ridges and
valleys in the fingerprint, so the capacity of each person's capacitor will be different. The weakness of the capacitance
method is the presence of static electricity on the finger after the measurement. Hands must be grounded to eliminate
this static electricity.

4. Metode Thermal
In the thermal method, the temperature difference between the ridge and valley in the fingerprint is used to
determine the fingerprint pattern. The method used is by rubbing your fingertip on the scan area. If you just place your
fingertips, within a short time, the temperature will be the same because of the balance process.

Database and Network Program Module In

designing this system, two separate databases will be built which will be used as data storage. The database in this
system was built separately as an implementation of the divide and conquer algorithm. This database separation is a manifestation
of the divide and conquer algorithm, namely the divide step , where the working principle of this step is to divide the problem into
several sub-problems which have similar characteristics to the main problem but are smaller in size.

The main problem that arises is that by using one database, data search time takes more time. Database separation is
carried out to reduce the main problem, where the sub-problem (one database) has the same characteristics as the main
problem (the entire database) but is smaller in size because it has been divided into two. The results of this database separation
can shorten data search time, because if data is found in the first database , the program will not search the second database .

Data separation is carried out by the main program by identifying the odd/even value of the population identification
number that has been saved by the user when he has finished registering himself. Then the data is stored in an odd database or
an even database according to the results of the processing carried out by the main program. These two databases will be
connected to a wireless local network. Connecting a wireless local network uses settings for the Internet Protocol (IP) address.
The main program reads the IP address settings in the config.ini text file which is stored in the same directory as the main
This is done so that operators can adjust the IP address of the network used without having to access the main program line. In
the config.ini text file there are two commands which respectively set the odd server and the even server . The settings stored in
the config.ini file include the type of database used, the IP address, user ID and password for the database, and the name of the
database used.
The main program cannot be run when one of the databases is disrupted, inactive or inaccessible. Table 1 contains the name
and data type of the database used.

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Application of the Divide and Conquer Algorithm in Designing a Fingerprint-Based Population Identity System

Fingerprint and Identity Program

Module The fingerprint and identity program was prepared using Visual Basic 6.0 software . The main
program is set to always be ready to match fingerprints, which are in the main window. The display of the
program's main window can be seen in Figure 3.

v Table 1. Database Table Design

Data name Bigint data
Id (Primary Key) types (20)
ID number Bigint (40)
No Varchar (255)
Place of birth Varchar (255)
Date of birth Varchar
Gender Date (64)
Blood type Varchar (2)
Marital status Varchar (64)
Religion Varchar (16)
Work Varchar (255)
Address Varchar (1024)
RT Varchar (8)
RW Varchar (8)
District/village Varchar (255)
Subdistrict Varchar (255)
Citizenship Varchar (4)
Photo Long Blob
Fingerprint image Long Blob
Template sidik jari Varchar (4096)
Time Timestamp

v Figure 3. Main Program Window Display

Fingerprint Matching
If a fingerprint is detected by a fingerprint scanner, the fingerprint will be converted into a template in text
format. Then all the templates in both databases
loaded by the Flexcode SDK and matched against the detected fingerprint template .
There are two conditions after fingerprints are scanned, namely fingerprints are found and fingerprints are
not found. If a matching fingerprint is found, the Flexcode SDK will return a value to the main program that a
fingerprint that matches the stored data is found. The value returned in the main program is the value of the
population identification number. This population identification number is then used by the main program as a
reference for searching for identity in both databases. Searching both databases is a manifestation of the
conquer method, namely solving all sub-problems. Process

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David Sinandar, Pono Budi Mardjoko and Harlianto Tanudjaja

matching is done iteratively (ordinary repetition without calling itself). If there is a matching NIK in the first database , the
search will be stopped and the matching data will be returned to be combined in the main program ( combine process). If
the same NIK is not found in the first database , a match will be carried out in the second database . After the identity is
found, the identity is combined with the main program to be displayed ( combine process).

After the data is found, the main program displays a message that the data was found, then moves the main
window to the personal identity window and displays the contents of the personal data. The personal data displayed is the
result of collecting data from iterative search results in the database. The main window display of the detected fingerprint
program can be seen in Figure 4.

v Figure 4. Display of Fingerprints Found

If during the fingerprint matching process no fingerprint is found, Flexcode SDK will return a value that there is no
matching fingerprint, and the main program will display a message that the fingerprint is not registered and a notification
that fingerprint reading has begun. The program will move the main screen to the identity registration screen. The display
of the fingerprint not found condition can be seen in Figure 5.

v Figure 5. Fingerprint Not Found Display

Fingerprint and Identity Registration

In the fingerprint and identity registration process, after all identification has been filled in completely, fingerprint
registration will be carried out. In the fingerprint registration process, users can only register one fingerprint, and four
samples of the fingerprint they wish to register are required. The fingerprint will be converted by the Flexcode SDK into
long text form.
In the process of taking fingerprint samples four times, the fingerprint used must be the same fingerprint. After
completing providing the sample, the program displays a message that fingerprint registration was successful. Fingerprint

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Application of the Divide and Conquer Algorithm in Designing a Fingerprint-Based Population Identity System

successful if a message appears that the save was successful. This indicates that the data has been stored
in the database. Before being stored in the database, the program will compare the value of the NIK, if the
NIK value is odd, the data will be stored in an odd database , and if the NIK value is even then storage will
be carried out in an even database . Figure 6. is a display of the identity window where in this window the
user can fill in his/her personal data completely.

v Figure 6. Identity Window Display

Timer Program Module (Timer)

The timer program module is used to find out how long it takes the system to detect fingerprints, and
how long it takes the system to find a matching identity. This timer program module works if the scanned
fingerprint template is detected or the data has been registered in the database.

In the timer program module , there are 3 times that will be displayed, namely the load time is the time
needed by the Flexcode SDK tool to detect fingerprint patterns, create fingerprint templates , and display
fingerprint images. Search time is the time required for the main program to match the NIK on the scanned
fingerprint with the NIK registered in the database. Total time is the total time required for the system to take
fingerprint patterns until it finds the desired data. The display of the timer program module can be seen in
Figure 7.

v Figure 7. Timer Program Module Display

Image Capture Program Module

The image capture program works when the user wants to take or insert a photo. There are 2
WRPERO DPELO IRWR ¥ GLJXQDNDQ The display of the image capture program module can be seen in
Figure 8.

v Figure 8. Image Capture Program Module Display

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David Sinandar, Pono Budi Mardjoko and Harlianto Tanudjaja

by web-cam. When this page is displayed, the web-cam will automatically work. There are 3
used to set the size of the image captured by the camera, the type of color options desired, and display the size of the file
The image corresponds to that displayed on the web-cam. When user PHQHNDQ WRPERO DPELO JDPEDU¥ PDND
The display on the screen will be immediately saved and the window will appear ODSHQ\LPSDQDQ7RPERONHOXDU¥
used to return to the registration page. The web-cam window display can be seen in Figure 9.

v Figure 9. Web-Cam Window Display

The saved Identity Data Printer

Program Module can be printed using the print data option. Identity can be printed if the user is
Then the print resident identity sheet window will appear showing the data ready to be printed. The printing machine (printer) must
be connected to the system to be able to print data. The display window for printing resident identity sheets can be seen in Figure

v Figure 10. Display of the Population Identity Sheet Printing Window

Identity Changing Program Module

If the user wants to change data, the user must access his own data first by placing his fingerprint on the fingerprint scanner.
After a notification appears that the fingerprint is recognized and data is found, the program then displays the user's identity. Then
the user can change the data he wants to replace. All types of data can be changed, except for the Population Identification Number
and fingerprint pattern. Once modified, GDWDKDUXVGLVLPSDQGHQJDQFDUDPHPLOLKWRPEROUpdate GDWD¥

Assistance Program Module

The assistance program module functions if identity data is needed from a person, but the person cannot be present to
access his or her data, or if the person dies. Program module
can be seen in Figure 11.


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Application of the Divide and Conquer Algorithm in Designing a Fingerprint-Based Population Identity System

This assistance program module can only be used by operators. Therefore, this program module is equipped with a password security
function that is only known to the operator. After the button
(password) search help window can be seen in Figure 12.

v Figure 12. Display of the Identity (Password) Search Help Window


After the password is entered, an info window will appear indicating the password
true or false. The assistance program can continue if the password entered by the operator is correct. Then the identity search help (NIK) window
appears. Operators are required to request the population identification number of the data of the person they wish to access. The population
registration number window display can be seen in Figure 13.

v Figure 13. Display of the Identity Search Assistance (NIK) Window


There is a population identification number in the database. If the person's identification number matches, then the identity can be accessed and can
be printed. However, if the population identification number is not found, no data will be displayed.


Database Connection Operation Testing
Database operation testing is carried out by connecting the two databases to the same network, by registering the IP address in the config.ini
file located in the main program directory. If the IP address registered in the file is incorrect, or the database connection is interrupted, then when
the main program is run a message appears indicating that the database connection is not connected. Network disruptions that cause connection
errors can be caused by several factors, including;

1. Writing the IP address, database name, ID and database password in the config.ini text file is incorrect.
2. The network connection is broken or unstable.
3. The database has not been activated.

Fingerprint and Identity Program Operational Testing

Testing is carried out by running the main program which is connected to the database.
Then a fingerprint scan is carried out on the fingerprint scanner tool provided. The test results show that if the fingerprint is recognized, it displays a
message that the data was found and displays the length of the search process, the population registration number, and moves the identity window
which displays all personal identification. If the fingerprint is not recognized, the test results show that a message appears that the fingerprint is not
recognized or has not been registered, which is then continued with the fingerprint registration and personal identity process.

The next test is carried out with identity registration. Users are required to fill in all the requested identification. If there are sections that have
not been filled in, a message will appear that there are still sections that have not been filled in. In the population identification number section, users
are required to fill in this section with numerical data. If there are letters in that section, a message appears that the population identification number
must be filled in with numbers, and the user cannot continue to fill in the next section.

After all the data is filled in, then proceed with data storage testing. Testing
save successful. The next test is carried out by looking at the contents of the database to see if there are additional
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David Sinandar, Pono Budi Mardjoko and Harlianto Tanudjaja

Image Capture Program Operation Testing

There are 2 options on testing the gambaU\DLWXSHQJXMLDQWRPERODPELOIRWR¥ program
The next test is carried out by pressing each available button in the retrieval window IRWR$SDELODWRPERO IRUPDW NDPHUD¥
photo, color type and size of the file to be saved. In the video format window, in the Resolution section, there are several resolution options
available, including 160 x 120 pixels, 176 x 144 pixels, 320 x 240 pixels, 352 x 288 pixels, 640 x 480 pixels, and in the Pixel Depth (bits) section
and Compression, there are 3 choices, namely RGB 24, I424, and YUY2. The combination of the resolution and pixel depth type selected results
in the file size
which varies. The resulting file size can be seen in Table 2.

v Table 2. Resulting Photo File Size According to Image Resolution and Pixel Depth (bytes)
Resolution (pixels)
Pixel Type 160 x 120 176 x 144 320 x 240 352 x 288 640 x 480
RGB 24 57600 76032 230400 304128 921600
The 420 28800 38016 115200 152064 460800
YUY2 38400 50688 153600 202752 460800

used to save captured images. There are two options, namely Save to save the image and Cancel to cancel saving the image. Image saving
can be done by searching for the directory and writing the file name VHVXDL NHLQJLQDQ GDQ PHQHNDQ WRPERO 6DYH¥. There are two
types of image formats that can be used, namely JPEG and bitmap format.


WRPERO NHOXDU¥ GLWHNDQ SURJUDP PHQXWXS IXQJVL web-cam, and displays the resident identity registration window again.

inserting a photo that has been taken or inserting a photo using external storage media ODLQQ\D 6HWHODK WRPERO PDVXNNDQ IRWR¥
GLWHNDQ SURJUDP will display the Open window, which is used to select the photo to be used. There are two options in the Open window,
button is pressed, the Open window closes and displays a message that no photos are selected.

Data Modification Program Operation Testing

Data change operation testing is carried out by accessing fingerprint data first. Then the entire data is replaced, except for fingerprint
data and population identification numbers which are not GDSDWGLXEDK.HPXGLDQ GDWDGLVLPSDQ GHQJDQPHQHNDQWRPEROUpdate
A message appears that the data update was successful. Then the test is carried out by closing the resident identity window and then accessing
the identity that has been changed to see whether the changes made are saved in the database.

Data Printer Program Operation Test Data printer

program operation test is carried out by accessing the data first, and pressing WRPEROFHWDNGDWD¥
The new window prints the resident's identity sheet. In the print population identity sheet window, there is an option to print the data, after
connecting the printing machine (printer) first.

Assistance Program Operations Testing

main window of the program. This button is used to reveal a person's identity if the person has an accident with registered fingerprints or if the
person dies.
user to enter the password. If the password entered is correct, a new window will appear asking the user to enter the main number of the identity
of the person they want to access, and if

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Application of the Divide and Conquer Algorithm in Designing a Fingerprint-Based Population Identity System

the password is incorrect then a message appears that the password is incorrect and cannot access the desired
identity then the help window closes and returns to the main program window.
Testing is carried out by entering the population registration number six times, with each number having a
difference. The first three master numbers to be tested are registered, and the three master numbers to be tested
have not yet been registered. The test results show that if the master number entered is registered, a message
appears that the data was found. Then the search time is displayed, and the identity window and all its contents. The
results of operational testing of the aid program can be seen in Table 3.

Testing the Effect of Amount of Data on Search Time Testing was

carried out by measuring the total search time against the amount of data stored in both databases. The time
used to take measurements in this test is the search time in the timer module.

v Table 3. Test Results Based on Population Identification Number in the Results Assistance Program
ID number
15710421109400010 Data found, identity displayed
31730250105400035 Data found, identity displayed
31730211103900033 Data found, identity displayed
3603120907940004 Data not found, assistance program closed
317302461292000510 Data not found, assistance program closed
3171056907950003 Data not found, assistance program closed

The measurement time is taken using 6 different fingerprints, where the first 3 fingerprints are in the odd
database , and the next 3 fingerprints are in the even database . Each fingerprint was sampled 5 times. The times
obtained from these 5 sampling times were then averaged. The results of measuring fingerprint search time on even
databases can be seen in Table 4, Table 5, and Table 6 and the results of measuring fingerprint search time on odd
databases can be seen in Table 7, Table 8, Table 9. From the measurement results it can be seen that if The more
data stored, the more data search time required will increase.

v Table 4. Effect of Amount of Data on Search Time (First Fingerprint on an Even Database )
Fingerprints stored in both databases 0th search time (seconds) 2 3 4 0.39 Average search time
(pieces) 40 80 120 0.28 0.39 0.36 0.25 0.45 0.35 0.42 0.46 (seconds) 0.36 0.37
1 0.43 0.51 0.46 0.97 0 .51 0.35 1.27 0.76 1.81 5 0.41
0,37 0,39 0.53
0,42 0,38 0.66
160 0,44 0,34 1.27
200 0,51 0,74
240 1,16 1,37 0,33 1,13

v Table 5. Effect of Amount of Data on Search Time (Second Fingerprint on Even Database )
Fingerprints stored in both databases (pieces) Search time (seconds) 3 Average search time
40 1 2 4 5 (seconds) 0.3 0.34
0,13 0,33 0,34 0,32 0,4
80 0,42 0,3 0,35 0,34 0,29 0.36
120 0,3 0,46 0,35 0,29 0,38 0.45
160 0,6 0,49 0,35 0,35 0,48 0.52
200 0,32 1,09 0,38 0,43 0,39 0.83
240 1,14 0,77 0,69 0,85 0,71

v Table 6. Effect of Amount of Data on Search Time (Third Fingerprint on Even Database )
Fingerprints stored in both databases (pieces) Search time (seconds) Average search time

1 2 3 4 5 (seconds)

40 0,38 0,34 0,28 0,35 0,22 0,31

80 0,32 0,19 0,41 0,37 0,37 0,33
120 0,42 0,34 0,34 0,3 0,31 0,34
160 0,37 0,33 0,42 0,42 0,48 0,4
200 0,53 0,4 0,41 0,59 0,63 0,51
240 1,27 0,99 0,77 0,69 0,78 0,9

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David Sinandar, Pono Budi Mardjoko and Harlianto Tanudjaja

v Table 7. Effect of Amount of Data on Search Time (First Fingerprint on Odd Database )
Fingerprints stored in Average time of both databases (pieces) of searching time (seconds)
3 4 40 0.27 0.36 0.29 0.44 0.31 0.29 0.29 0.32 0.36 0 .42 0.34
0.43 0.56 0.46 0.58 0.5 0.67 0.78 2
1 0,28 5
80 0,13 0,16
120 0,37 0,56 0,25
160 0,3 0,6 0,31
200 0,315 0,9 0,33
240 0,47 0.52 1,34 0,43 0,4 0,94

v Table 8. Effect of Amount of Data on Search Time (Second Fingerprint on Odd Database )
Fingerprints stored in both databases (pieces) Search time (seconds) 2 3 4 Average search time
40 80 120 160 200 240 1 5 (seconds) 0.28 0.34
0,36 0,32 0,11 0,3 0,31 0.37
0,33 0,39 0,37 0,32 0,29 0.47
0,34 0,33 0,35 0,45 0,36 0.56
0,79 0,37 0,34 0,42 0,41 0.76
0,91 0,51 0,44 0,59 0,35
0,65 0,63 1,05 0,311 1,14

v Table 9. Effect of Amount of Data on Search Time (Third Fingerprint on Odd Database )
Fingerprints stored in both databases (pieces) Search time (seconds) Average search time
1 2 3 4 5 (seconds) 0.3 0.31
40 0,33 0,22 0,32 0,32 0,3
80 0,12 0,39 0,39 0,31 0,35 0.32
120 0,31 0,25 0,37 0,36 0,33 0.37
160 0,39 0,34 0,38 0,43 0,3 0.52
200 0,45 0,57 0,38 0,62 0,56 0.95
240 0,71 1,40 0,61 1,35 0,7

Testing the Effect of Data Search Techniques on Search Time

The test was carried out to compare whether there was a difference in data search time when the
search was carried out using the divide and conquer algorithm and when the search was carried out using
the sequential method. In tests carried out using two divide and conquer algorithms, the average search time
for 3 different fingerprint samples was obtained. Similar measurements were carried out on a database that
used a sequential method and the database stored the same amount of overall data as the previous test. The
measurement results can be seen in Table 10, Table 11, and Table 12.

v Table 10. Effect of Amount of Data on Search Time (First Fingerprint in Combined Database )
Fingerprints stored in one database Search time (seconds) Average search time
(pieces) 40 80 120 160 200 240 1 2 4 (seconds) 3 0.44 0.48
0.47 0.49 0.55 0.61 0.36 0.51 0.66 0,57
0.56 0.47 0.56
5 0.49 0, 63 0.54 0.51
1.04 0.6 0.76 0.77 1.2 3.3 1.9 1.69 0,41 0,49
0,62 0,63
0,42 0,51
0,77 0,49
1,24 0,68 0,81

The measurement results in the main program that accesses one database are then compared with
the measurement results in the main program that uses two databases. The measurement results can be
seen in Table 13. Based on the measurement results, it can be seen that there is a difference in search time,
where using the divide and conquer algorithm has a faster search time than the sequential method.
Using the divide and conquer algorithm has a faster data search time. However, several external
factors were found that could influence the data search time when testing this system was carried out. These
factors include; 1. Unstable network connection.

2. The processor on the database computer is working on something else, so the work is not optimal.
3. The computer and fingerprint sensor experience overheating , which slows down the processor and affects
search time.
Machine Translated by Google
Application of the Divide and Conquer Algorithm in Designing a Fingerprint-Based Population Identity System

4. The location of the accessing computer and database computer is far from the router so that the signal weakens
and hampers the data flow rate.

v Table 11. Effect of Amount of Data on Search Time (Second Fingerprint on Combined Database )
Fingerprints stored in one database Search time (seconds) Average search
(pieces) 40 80 120 160 200 240 1 2 3 4 5 time (seconds) 0.47
0,47 0,36 0,52 0,44 0,57 0.49
0,45 0,52 0,44 0,56 0,49 0.56
0,51 0,57 0,6 0,49 0,63 0.53
0,66 0,54 0,43 0,49 0,51 0.65
0,74 0,63 0,54 0,81 0,52 1.44
1,75 1,83 1,68 1,02 0,92

v Table 12. Effect of Amount of Data on Search Time (Third Fingerprint in Combined Database )
Fingerprints stored in one database Search time (seconds) 3 Average search
(pieces) 40 80 120 160 200 240 time (seconds) 0.48
1 2 0,56 0,42 0,49 4 5 0.48
0,47 0,41 0,52 0,55 0,43 0,5 0.53
0,51 0,61 0,42 0,67 0,58 0,42 0.54
0,64 0,62 1,63 1,33 0,48 0,44 0.86
0,66 0,55 1.39
0,71 1,78 0,81 1,01 0,47 1,5 1,22

v Table 13. Search Time Comparison Results

Average time of sequential
Average time of parallel computing search method (seconds)
Fingerprints stored search method (seconds)
in the database Data stored on Data stored in the database
(pieces) 40 80 120 even database odd person 1 person 2 people 3 people 1 person 1 person 2 person 3
160 200 person 2 people 3 0.3 0.28 0.34 0.34 0.36 0.37 0.45 0.47 0.52 0.56 0.83 0.76
240 0,36 0,31 0,29 0,3 0,49 0,47 0,48
0,37 0,33 0,29 0,31 0,51 0,49 0,48
0,41 0,34 0,36 0,32 0,56 0,56 0,53
0,53 0,4 0,43 0,37 0,51 0,53 0,54
0,66 0,51 0,58 0,52 0,77 0,65 0,86
1,27 0,9 0,78 0,95 1,69 1,44 1,39

The conclusion that can be drawn from the results of testing and analysis of the design of a fingerprint -based
population identification card system is that all the features contained in the Visual Basic program which include
database operations , fingerprints and identity, image capture, data printing, and support operations can run as
intended. planned. Based on the test results, it was found that the search time in programs that use the divide and
conquer algorithm is shorter when compared to search times carried out sequentially, however there are several
external factors that need to be considered. The system built can use fingerprints as the main identity medium and
the system can work by utilizing the divide and conquer algorithm.

[1] Wojowasito, Indonesian Dictionary. Malang: Author's CV, 1999. pp. 125.
[2] IH Misbach, The Power of Fingerprints. Jakarta: Visimedia, 2010. Page 11.
[3] A. Pinandito, ST, M.MT, Design and Analysis of Algorithm, Divide and Conquer Algorithm, PTIIK Brawijaya
[4] BrainEvo. June 17 2015, Wednesday at 10.25 WIB
[5] SC Dass, Classification of Fingerprints.pdf, 31 May 2015, Sunday at 09.15 WIB


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