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Cloud application development

using third party APIs

• API (Application Programming Interface) is valuable for every software
project. In our routine life, we use different mobile apps to meet our daily
needs. Have you ever wondered what helps us connect with those apps? The
answer is API. It enables product X to talk to product Y.
• In simple words, in computer programming, an API is like a door installed
with robust security. To pass through, you need to follow the rules.
• Today, APIs are everywhere. They control how we navigate our GPS, get
information from our social media sites, how we book our tickets online,
and much more.
• Suppose you have released your app MVP and next want to enrich it with
extra functionality, like social login, geolocation, etc. So, should you create
all those features from scratch? Well, not exactly. You can achieve your
target just by using various readymade APIs offered by varied services.
• Doesn’t it sound interesting? Well, to find out more about API, keep reading
this post. This article will get almost every detail relevant to third-party API,
3rd-party API integration, and more.
What’s A Third-Party API?
• Application Programming Interface (API) is a defined method that allows communication
between many software components with a set of tools, subroutine definitions, and
protocols that permit your app to borrow data and functionality from other services or

• Let’s take an example to understand better. When you go to a restaurant, you need a waiter
to place your order. Next, he takes your order and comes back with your order on your
• Similarly, in this case, API acts as a waiter. It takes the requests from your app and sends
them to a third-party system. Next, it delivers the result back to your mobile app.

A Third-Party API Includes Two Chief Components:

1. Clients
You may call it a system that sends the request to the server.
2. Server
It may be a database or computer that responds to the request.
How Does Mobile API Work?
• The API is a tool that is optimized for sharing. Its natural state is to
• If you permit developers to access and use API, they will bring their
functionality and data into the equation, which, in return, strengthens
your app
What’s Third-Party API Integration?
• When a business uses an API of a third party to strengthen integration
with another business app or web service is known as third-party API
• For example, your business may use Google’s API to power up a
Google Ads integration with your website. It is a 3rd-party API
• On the contrary, a first-party API integration will use your in-house
API to strengthen your business’s in-app functionality.
Why Use Mobile API Integration?
Despite developing a required functionality from scratch, most use mobile API integration
because of the below reasons:
1. More Value
By offering app users the advanced features, 3rd-party API integration may become
your app USP (unique selling proposition) and assist your app ideas to stand uniquely in the
2. Business Standards
APIs help making better data-driven decisions for your app functionality through
analytics components, like device types, usage patterns, and geographical locations. Such
insights are specifically helpful for businesses that have launched app MVP and looking for
better ideas on app usability.
3. Fewer Costs
As your app can use the functions of other apps, your development team will need less
time to develop unique app ideas that lower the cost of app development and time to market.
4. Convenient App
APIs make your app accessible easily via channels with which your app users interact.
Using Google Maps API for determining geolocation, Facebook APIs for social login or Paypal
API for online shopping can make your app more convenient for the users and increase their
How To Integrate API To Your Mobile App?
• Every API has its integration methods as different APIs are responsible for various functions, actions, and information.\

Step 1. Hire An API Integration Expert

If you are not from a technical background, for integrating an API with your app, you will need the assistance of a mobile app developer.
He will use an SDK (Software Development Kit) that includes a cluster of software development tools in a single installable package. This way, the
developer integrates the chosen API correctly.

Step 2. Build The Project Within The API Provider System

An app developer registers in the API provider system as every call to the API endpoint demands authentication.
Step 3. Gets API Key & Authorization Token
After registration, the developer receives an API key that helps the API provider system identify the authentication token
and calling project to verify that the calling user holds access to fulfill this request.

Step 4. Integrate API Framework For The App

Next, the developer installs the chosen SDK with APIs to an application build environment using the dependency
managers, like Maven for Android apps and CocoaPods for iOS.
Step 5. Use API Request Instances & Methods
The app developer implements new functionality using the dependencies appended during the last step to allow the app
to use new features integrated through API.

Pros & Cons Of Third-Party APIs
1. Can’t Tailor
An API that a third party develops will hold requirements and regulations. So, it’s not a
perfect solution when you want to alter an API for a specific client or business needs. Although,
primarily, a 3rd-party API will fulfill your requirements and be a more effective and safer solution.

2. No Need To Build Feature From Scratch

Let’s take an example to understand it better. Suppose you want a map feature in your app,
so instead of designing, developing, and implementing a new map platform with your in-house API,
you can just use Google Maps. There’s no need to reinvent the wheel unnecessarily. Third-party
APIs are reliable and offer you the required data you need to run your business.

3. No Need To Maintain
As you don’t own a 3rd-party API, it’s not your responsibility to take care of its maintenance.
4. Help Approach An Issue
A 3rd-party API allows you to reach an issue that even your in-house developers can’t.
Top API Use Cases
The integrated API holds the caliber to perform the below actions:
1. Using Features Of Other Services
For example, apps that use PayPal’s Braintree API as their payment
2. Getting Other’s Service Information
For example, by integrating the API of New York’s subway system, you
can offer your app users real-time travel data, such as the schedule of trains,
departure, and arrival.
3. Getting Access To Other Services Data Or Mobile Device Features
For instance, Instagram and Snapchat use the phone’s camera API to
click pictures.
In brief, by using API, you can append new features to your app, get access to
other mobile device features and other services data without even
developing those features from scratch.
Examples Of 3rd-Party API
• Facebook API, the social network API integration, is usually used to authorize new
apps users through their existing Facebook profile; thus, users are not required to
fill long registry forms.
• Booking API helps in appending hotel booking information to your app like prices,
amenities, accommodation queries, and more.
• Movie Database API will perform perfectly if you want to develop an on-demand
video streaming platform like Netflix. Such an API offers access to IMDB rating,
movie titles, release date, etc.
• Skyscanner API would be helpful if you want to build a travel app and offer your
users ticket prices, flight search options, etc., from ticketing agencies.
• Spoonacular API is essential for diet and fitness apps as it includes over 86,000
food products and 365,000 recipes. Moreover, your app users can calculate the
number of calories your meal contains, find recipes suiting your diet, etc.
• So, by integrating third-party APIs with your app, you can enhance its
functionality without even wasting your time developing the needed
feature from scratch. This way, you can save the cost and time of
your app development, make your app stand uniquely ahead of the
curve, and increase user engagement.

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