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One, one, two three and then five comes next.

Each number is born with its graceful context.

The spirals of a seashell the petals of a flower, in bloom

They find their place in the embrace of Fibonacci’s room.

In natures tapestry, a design unfurls,

Where patterns and numbers shape the entire universes world.

In every leaf there lies Fibonacci’s elegant touch,

A sequence spiraling within natures clutch.

The petals of a flower bloom in multiples grand

A symphony of numbers adorning them like a band.

Golden ratios present in petals, shells, and stars.

Revealing a dance as the universe reveals its avatar.

In ripples on ponds or waves upon shores

Numbers create rhythms imbued within natures ancient lore’s.

A forest of fractals where branches interlace and fold.

Recursions tender embrace found in every tree behold.

Within the realm of mathematics numbers take flight

Igniting truths that shine through equations, with might.

Through symbols and signs, they elegantly intertwine,

Unveiling secrets that showcase the universes design.

The plus sign and minus sign play together in harmony.

Leading equations as they pave the path to clarity.

They engage in addition and subtraction unraveling the core of the joy.

That comes with solving life problems.

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