L5 Microbiology Lecture

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L5 Microbiology Lecture


Some of the ways of how the environment
influence microorganism growth *zinc

Classification of nutrients according to
*energy sources
function/ size
*gas content
- relatively large or high molecular
*pH weight that principally have a role in
cell structure and cell metabolism
*radiation - ex. carbohydrates, lipids or fats,
protein, nucleid acid

- also known as your trace elements,
- term used kapag the microorganism
relatively smaller and lower molecular
have survived all of the above
- the degree to which an organism is able
- normally needed only in small
to live and reproduce in a given set of
- involved in certain processes such as
enzyme function and maintenance in
Essential nutrients; bioelements that we protein structure
need to survive - ex. Manganese, nickel, copper, zinc, etc.

Classification of nutrients according to
*hydrogen carbon content

*oxygen *organic

*phosphorus *inorganic

*nitrogen - contains carbon chains or carbon
bonded to hydrogen , these are natural
molecules that are always the products
of living organisms
Inorganic a. phototrophs - are reliant in light and
- not consisting or deriving from living carbon dioxide as their nutrients, they
matter are photosynthetic, ex. Algae
- some areas of the earth are reservoirs
of this b. chemotrophs - are reliant in inorganic
- ex. ammonia, hydrogen sulfide, all chemicals that also uses carbon dioxide
metals, basta walang carbon except to produce carbon molecules sa cell,
carbon dioxide since it doesnt contain ancient bacteria or ur uses them
both carbon and hydrogen archaebacteria

Terminologies depending on the nutritional Prefixes & suffixes meaning

types or usage of such elements or organic
macromolecules of microorganisms hetero- Other food nutrients

*carbon-based nutritional microorganisms auto- itself

(carbon source)
photo- light
*energy-based nutritional microorganisms
(energy source) chemo- chemical

sapro- rotten
Carbon-based nutritional microorganisms
- they need a carbon source in order for halo- salt

them to survive thermo- heat

- they are further divided into two
groups: heterotrophs and autotrophs psychro- cold

aero- Oxygen or air

a. Heterotrophs - are reliant in carbon in
the organic form, which are your -phile loving
macromolecules such as carbohydrates,
dependent sila on life form -troph food/ nourishment

b. autotrophs - are reliant in carbon but

in inorganic form, which are elements
2 types of carbon-based nutrional
such as carbon dioxide to produce microorganisms
organic compounds for themselves,
they aren’t nutritionally dependent on *heterotrophs
other organisms

Energy-source nutritional microorganisms

- they need an energy source in order for
them to survive
- they are further divided into two
groups: phototrophs and chemotrophs
2 types of energy-based nutritional
microorganisms - are the most radical of all existents
because they are the ones that live in
*phototrophs the hardest parts of the planets,
- they are synthetical in such a way that
they can produce methane

*There are also some na combinations of 2 of

them, they are both reliant in carbon and
energy source: *photoautotrophs

Photoautotrophs *photoheterotrophs
- are capable of using light energy and
have carbon dioxide as the sole source
of carbon. *chemoautotrophs

- make use of light as energy source and
- most successful way of living daw is as
organic compounds as electron and
parasites, specifically, sa loob ng cell
carbon source.
which are intracellular parasites
- there are two types depending on their
dependency: obligate and facultative
- are the most important, they use
organic compounds to satisfy their
a. obligate parasites - cannot complete
needs of energy; they have two types:
its life-cycle without exploiting a
suitable host.
A. Saphrobes - uses rotten
organic material, they
b. facultative parasite - is able to
metabolize organic material
complete and continue its life cycle
from dead organisms, ex.
even in the absence of the host
decomposers/ fungi, some
protozoans, and bacteria
2 types of amino acids (these r naligaw lang
pero knowing doc kase baka itanong pa rin)
B. Symbions - uses living organic
material, they are symbiotic, *essential
some lives in your body. They
can be parasites, commensals, *non-essential
or mutuals that use u for
- There are 3 cardinal temperatures:
Transport mechanisms on how nutrients
enter cells minimum (lowest possible), optimum
(best and offers the fastest growth),
*passive maximum (highest possible)
- Pag sumobra sa maximum, it becomes
detrimental kasi it destroys ur proteins,
specifically enzymes, and when that
Passive transport happens ay mamamatay yung cell kasi
- always goes along the concentration fail sa metabolic processes
gradient, high to low, no energy needed - ex. Cold virus na kumakapit lang sa
- can either be diffusion, osmosis, or 36-37 degrees kung kelan may sakit ka
facilitated na
- 3 types of organisms based on
Active transport temperature: psychrophile, mesophile,
- against the gradient, low to high, needs and thermophile
energy a. Psychrophile - 15 degrees as far
- can be carrier-mediated, group as 0, pero there are facultative
transportation, or endocytosis ones that could grow kahit 20
- under endocytosis meron pang dalawa degrees na, these are ur
since it compasses eating and drinking, Staphylococcus aureus that
(1) eating is phagocytosis, and (2) causes food poisoning
drinking is pinocytosis b. Mesophile - 10 to 50 degrees,
they are the ones na magiging
Other environmental factors that influence pathogens pag pumapasok sa
the growth of microorganisms (yung sa una body, nagcocontaminate din
pa rin pero expounded na) sila ng fud
c. Thermophile - they can survive
for up to 120 degrees

*acids and bases 3 cardinal temperatures

*osmotic environment *minimum

*hydrostatic pressure *optimum

*radiation *maximum

- Microorganisms cannot control their
temperature, sumusunod lang sila sa
f. Obligate anaerobes - lacks the process
Classification of microorganisms based on
temperature of processing oxygen and cannot
tolerate the presence of oxygen,
*psychrophile (cold) example is putik wherein mababa talaga
oxygen levels

*thermophile (hott hott!!) g. Aerotolerant anaerobes - do not

neutralize oxygen but can survive and
grow on its presence
- oxygen is 20% of atmosphere, and it can
h. Capnophiles - they need carbon
exist in four toxic forms: singlet
dioxide to survive
oxygen, superoxide radicals, peroxide
anion, and hydroxyl radicals
- there are 8 categories of Toxic forms of oxygen
microorganisms based on their oxygen
*singlet oxygen
*superoxide radicals
a. Aerobe - can use oxygen for
metabolism and has the enzyme to *peroxide anion
detoxify it
*hydroxyl radicals

b. Obligate aerobe - needs oxygen to

survive, need nya at obligado siya !!
Classification of microorganisms based on
c. Facultative anaerobe - does not require oxygen requirement
oxygen, but its presence would not kill
it kasi they have the enzymes to
metabolize it which are the superoxide *Obligate aerobe
dismutase and/or catalase
*Facultative anaerobe
d. Microaerophile - does not grow under
high concentrations of oxygen, micro
lang need nyang amount *True anaerobe

*Obligate anaerobe
e. True anaerobes - really lacks the
enzyme to use oxygen for their *Aerotolerant anaerobe
respiration according to doc, pero pag
sinearch sa google wala lumalabas *Capnophile
Acids and bases
Symbiotic relationships
- There are three types of
microorganisms based on their pH *mutualism
requirements: acidophiles,
alkalinophiles, and neutrophils
a. Acidophiles - can survive as much as
below 2 or 3 pH (<5 kay google) *ammensalism

b. Alkalinophiles - found in rotten foods
because of the presence of produced
ammonia which is basic (above 9 kay
- Intimate relationship which is
interdeveloped, both benefits
- Dependent relationship of symbiosis
c. Neutrophils - pH of 5.5, neutral only
pero meron ding independent one
(5-9pH kay google)
which is the cooperation

Classification of microorganisms based on Commensalism

pH requirement
- Only one benefits, but neither is
*Acidophile harmed
- ex. Is bacteria sa skin natin
- Only one benefits, and other is harmed
- In our cells, it’s the obligate
Osmotic environment
intracellular parasites which are the
- There are halophiles that love high
viruses, they are the most dangerous
osmosis in red seas, oceans, lakes and
kasi asa cell
they are known as halobacterias or
halococcus, they are normally very red
and ancient
- One produces something that gives an
- There are osmophils that love high
adverse effect sa other, these are very
levels of salts and sugar na nasa
common on antibiotics
bagoong and preserves
- Fungi loves high levels of sugar
- Most common and prolific, they attach
Hydrostatic pressure
sa substrate outside body then form a
- Barophiles can live in more than 1
symbiotic cooperative relationships
atmospheric pressure, they can be
- ex. Is sa rocks and on ur teeth
found in the deepest part of oceans,
they’re archaebacterias
temperature. It can last from a few
2 things that’ll happen when
microorganisms start to grow (i searched minutes to several hours.
this somewhere lang since di nabanggit ni sir
yung pangalawa) Exponential phase
- Once the bacteria have adapted to their
*Population increase
environment and have acquired
*Metabolic activity sufficient nutrients, they enter a phase
of rapid growth and reproduction.
During this phase, the population of
Binary fission
bacteria doubles at regular intervals.
- Method of cell division ng bacterias,
- Generation time is the term for when
- They become sensitive to antibiotics,
nakatapos na ng isang binary fission
display high metabolic activity and
and naging dalawa na yung cells, after
maximum growth rate
that and padami na sila nang padami is
exponential growth na
- The length of the log phase can vary
- Example of a bacteria na matagal
widely depending on factors like the
maggrow if TB, or mycobacterium in
species of bacteria, temperature, and
nutrient availability. In optimal
conditions, it can last from a few hours
Four phases of bacterial growth to several days.

*lag phase
Stationary phase
*exponential phase - In this phase, the growth rate of the
population levels off. The number of
*stationary growth phase
new cells being produced is roughly
*death phase balanced by the number of cells dying.
This equilibrium is typically due to a
depletion of nutrients, accumulation of
Lag phase
waste products, and sometimes the
- In this phase, bacteria are adjusting to
activation of regulatory mechanisms
their environment. They are
within the bacteria.
metabolically active but not actively
dividing. Instead, they're synthesizing
- Here, metabolic activity slows down,
enzymes and other molecules needed
growth rate levels are off, and
for replication.
formation of spores or other survival
structures may occur
- The length of the lag phase can vary
depending on factors like the initial
condition of the bacterial culture,
availability of nutrients, and
- The stationary phase can last for an
extended period, which may range from
a few hours to many days, depending on
the conditions and the bacterial

Death Phase:
- As the name suggests, this phase is
characterized by a decline in the
number of viable bacteria. Conditions
in the environment become less and
less favorable. Nutrients become
depleted, waste products accumulate,
and the population starts to die off. The
rate of cell death exceeds the rate of cell

- Metabolic activity declines further, cell

death rate exceeds cell division rate,
formation of survival structures (like
endospores) may become prominent

- The death phase can vary widely

depending on the conditions. In some
cases, it can be relatively rapid, while in
others, it may be a prolonged process.

*pag gusto mo igrow ang bacteria, dapat nasa

exponential or stationary phase

*turbid - qualitative description of a culture

media with growth of microorganisms,
particularly a liquid one

*u can use a spectrometer or counter

pangcount kung gano kadami na yung alaga
mong kadire

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