Elijah PP

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S6H A level Photography – The foundations interim assessment

Name: Elijah Paley Philips Teacher: TSA Date: October 23

A.O.1 Develop your ideas through sustained and focused investigations informed by contextual and
other sources, demonstrating analytical and critical understanding.
The artist investigations that you have completed are focussed on the analysis and using Mark /18
keywords which is good practise. Try to extend this, use the technical language analysis
to enhance from GCSE analysis to a Level, continue to expand and use key photo words.
Targets to improve:
 Research a wider range of artists/photographers in greater detail
 Use more specialist terms / key words/ technical camera settings language.

 State your opinion about the photograph/artwork

 Respond to others’ work by working in a similar style or technique

A.O.2 Experiment with and select appropriate resources, media, materials, techniques and processes,
reviewing and refining your ideas as your work develops.
Lots of fantastic, experimental photography exploring the foundations, Elijah.
Where are your recreation shutter speed photos?
For each shoot please present final edited photos and record the camera settings.

Targets to improve:
 Show more evidence of experimentation with ideas, techniques and processes; e.g. correct lighting,
focus, ISO, shutter speed, Aperture, exposure compensation, light painting, photograms and
darkroom processing, where relevant.

 Clear evidence and step-by-step process of any editing and post-production, such as Photoshop. 11/18
 Work with more purpose and show your ability to refine skills/techniques.

 Consideration of composition rules, lighting and background within the photograph.

 Record the process of any digital experiments taken place.

 Annotate, evaluate and review your work as it develops.

 Present all contact sheets and visual experiments on online platform, A1 boards and sketchbooks.

A.O.3 Record in visual and/or other forms ideas, observations and insights relevant to your
intentions, demonstrating an ability to reflect on your work and progress.
Comment: The photographs demonstrate your confident and enthusiasm to explore the various
Be sure to reflect and evaluate as your photograph’s before you move on.

Targets to improve:
 Record and present a range of photographs and research relating to the theme.

 Collate and present your visual research with purpose and correctly positioned pages for projects
so it is easy to navigate your website.
 Evaluate you work with meaningful information

 Present your contact sheets, development of ideas and outcomes on your Weebly website.

 Record camera settings ISO/Aperture/shutter speed/exposure where applicable to project.

A.O.4 Present a personal, informed and meaningful response demonstrating critical understanding,
making connections between visual, oral or other elements.
Present final outcomes for each part of the project. Present best outcomes for shutter speed 10/18
Targets to improve: TOTAL
 Plan and present a personal response with own style/individuality.

 Evaluate your final outcomes. 45/72

 Demonstrate proficient, refined skills

 Make clear connections to themes and others’ work.

 Display your work with purpose and clear connections to the theme.

Level: 0-3 = U 4-13 = F 14-24 = E 25-37 = D 38-49 = C 50-61 = B 62-72 = A

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