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Esha Chamdal BSBA-III Oct 29,2023


Exercise 1. In-text Referencing. Do the proper in-text citations for the following:

Traditionally, the functions of a university are research, teaching, and extension.

Of these trifocal functions, it is research that drives the innovations that transform

instruction and service and respond to global pressures and local realities (Alvarez & SOURCE A
Gomez, 2004). Coll (2004) places research at the “heart of the modern university” (p.21 SOURCE E, p. 21

). Bawa and Mouton as cited in Bernardo, Muñoz, and Valencia (2004) argue that “the
SOURCE D, p. 11
sources of productivity and competitiveness in the knowledge society and global economy

are increasingly dependent on quality knowledge and information being applied to

productivity” (p.11).

The accumulation of “knowledge capital” (Salkind, 2014, p.23) is increasingly SOURCE K, p. 23

Alvarez, B., & Gomez, H. (2004). Laying the foundation: The institutions of knowledge in SOURCE A
being viewed as the new growth factor that drives the engine of economic and social
developing countries. International Development Research Centre.
development. Hence, research ushers “the creation of practical knowledge or through
Arañador, L. C., Bilbao, P. P., Morano, L. N., Tippins, D. J., & Nichols, S. E. (2004, August 19).
which new knowledge is discovered” (Kaniki,2004, p.12). Research is seen as “critical for SOURCE F, p. 12
Building a community of researchers through collaboration. The West Visayas State
wealth creation in the context of globalization” (Kitagawa, 2004, p. 6). SOURCE H, p. 6
University experience [Conference paper]. Asia Pacific Conference on Higher Education
In line with this, Lee (2004) stated that the role of higher education institutions in
Research, Manila, Philippines. SOURCE I
pushing the frontiers of research deserves a re-examination considering the massification
Bernardo, A. B. I. (2003, Sept, 18-19). Towards a typology of Philippine higher education
of higher education. Evaluation of higher education institutions in the Philippines initiated
institutions [Conference proceedings]. CHED Symposium on the Rationalization of the
by the Commission on Higher Education notes that barely one percent of HEIs in the
Philippine Higher Education System, Manila Hotel, Philippines.
country are genuinely engaged in research because the academic staff was either loaded
Bernardo, A. B. I., Muñoz, M. P., & Valencia, M. N. (2004, August 18). Higher education research
with teaching or was not trained to do research (Bernardo, 2003). Moreover, Kao (2004) SOURCE C
development: Perspectives from Australia [Conference paper]. Asia Pacific Conference SOURCE C
posits that
on since
Higherresearch is Research,
Education perceived Manila,
not to have a direct influence on students, funding
Philippines. SOURCE G
is relatively
Coll, difficult
J. C. (2004, to acquire.
August Alvarez
18). Higher and Gomez
education research development: Perspectives from

(2004) attribute this

Australia. as a limiting factor for higher education institutions’ capacity to recruit
Macmillan. SOURCE A
and retain
Kaniki, topnotch
A. M. research staff.
(2004). Institutional research culture: A precondition for research capability building SOURCE D
as CHED’s
mandate is unequivocally enunciated, both the process of

Kao, C. (2004,
producing August
quality 19). Financing
research of national
and sustaining universities
a research in Taiwan
culture [Conference
does not happen inpaper]. Asia
a3vacuum Conference
(McDougall on ,Higher
& Fried 2005; Education Research,
Salkind, 2014 ). Manila, Philippines.

F. (2004, August SOURCE E
Bilbao, 19). Whither
Morano, Japanese
Tippins, and ‘research’ universities?
Nichols (2004, [Conference
pp. 21-22) paper].
suggest that SOURCE B, pp.
Asia Pacific Conference on Higher Education Research; Manila, Philippines. 21-22
research strategies must be undertaken to germinate research culture.
Lee, M. N. N. (2004, August 18). Research in/on higher education: Malaysia [Conference paper]. SOURCE F
Asia Pacific Conference on Higher Education Research, Manila, Philippines.

McDougall, P. R., & Fried, J. (2005). Models for conducting institutional research. Jossey-Bass.

Salkind, N. (2014). Exploring research (2nd. ed.). Macmillan.

Esha Chamdal BSBA-III Oct 29,2023

Exercise 2. Referencing. Use the APA format in writing the reference list for the following
sources. Make sure you alphabetize the reference list.


Crispin C. Maslog Communication and Society National Book Store
Quezon City, 2019
Robert G. Nisbet, James Z. Introduction to Law Macmillan
Randal, Thomas P. Prest New York, no date of
Claudia Schiffer “How to Look Sexy” March 2018
Vogue pp. 34-36
Kyle S. Roberts (Editor) “Salt: A New Villain” doi: 10.1108/030905607108
The National Geographic
Sandy C. Jaballa Gendering Communication MSEUF
Patterns of Male and Female Text Unpublished thesis
Messages March 2020

L. B. Magsanoc, Rina “RP Economy Soars High” 8 June 2018

Jimenez David Manila Bulletin p. A-4
Not Given “Cybernetics” Volume 15, Number 10
Media Summit March 2019, pp. 12-15
Edgar G. Tejero Jr. Thesis and Dissertation Writing: Mandaluyong City
A Modular Approach (3rd National Book Store, 2020
Carlos Joaquin J. Ayala “Gender Differences in June 3, 2018
Czakariah J. Ayala Personality Characteristics of
Counselors in Selected Philippine aern/genderev .hmt
James Collins “Cultural Diversity” Volume 3
Encyclopedia Americana 2016 ed.
pp. 134-138
Esha Chamdal BSBA-III Oct 29,2023

Ayala, C. J. J., & Ayala C. J. (2018, June 3). Gender Difference in Personality Characteristics of

Counselors in Selected Philippine Universities. Retrieved from aern/genderev .hmt

Collins, J. ( 2016 ed.). Cultural Diversity. In Encyclopedia Americana ( Vol. 3, pp. 134-138).

Encyclopedia Americana

Jaballa, S. C. (2020, March). Gendering communication patterns of male and female text



Magsanoc, L. B., & David, R. J. (2018, June 8). RP Economy soars high. Manila Bulletin, p.4A

Maslog, C. C. (2019). Communication and society. Quezon City: National Book Store.

Media summit (2019, March). Cybemetics, 15(10), pp. 12-15

Nisbert, R. G., Randal, J. Z., & Prest, T. P. (n. d.). Introduction yo law. New York: Macmillan.

Roberts, K. S. (Ed), (n.d.). Salt: A new villain. The National Geographic.

dio; 10.1108/ 030905607108

Schiffer, C. (2018, March) How to look sexy, vogue, pp.34-36

Tejero, E. Jr. G. (2020) Thesis and dissertation writing: A modular approach (3rded.).

Mandaluyong City: National Book Store.

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