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1. The main land of India extents between...........and.............
80 4’ and 3706’N
2. What is the longitude in which India is located? 68°7’ and 97°25’ E
3. What is the latitude that divides India into two equal parts?
23030’E – Tropic of cancer
4. What is the southernmost point of Indian union?
Indira point.
5. What is the rank of India according to its size and area? 7th
6. What is the standard meridian of India and from where does it passes.
82030’E. Uttar Pradesh- Mirzapur.
7. What separates Srilanka and India?
Palk Strait and Gulf of Mannar.
8. How has the opening of Suez Canal helped India?
The distance of 7000km between Europe and India has been reduced.
9. From Gujarat to Arunachal Pradesh the time lag is................
10. India’s total area is approximately .......percent of total geographical area of the world.
11. When did Suez Canal opened?
12. The standard meridian of India passes which particular place?
13. Which are the oldest route of India and other countries of the world?
Land route.
14. What is the length of the Indian coastline?
7516.6 kms
15. India has land boundary of about........
16. A narrow channel of sea that connects two layer body of water.....
17. Match the following.
a. smallest state- Goa
b. Largest state – Rajasthan
c. Standard meridian of India – Mirzapur
d. Southern most point of Indian mainland – Kanyakumari
18. Name the islands group in the Arabian Sea.
1. Which is the highest peak in India?
2. The highest peak in Eastern Ghats is............
3. The highest peak in Western Ghats is.............
4. The northernmost range of Himalaya..........
5. The Kangra and kulu valley is in...................
Himachal range
6. What lesser Himalaya is known as...............?
7. One the example of young fold mountains.
8. The soil containing calcareous deposits..................
Bhangar – kankar
9. Jaisalmer is in................
10. Barchans are found in...................
11. The northern part of the western coast is the..............
Konkan coast.
12. Lake Chilka lies in the state of............
13. The western coastal strip south of Goa is referred to as............
Kannad coast.
14. The narrow gap mountain range provides access to the other side..............
15. Name the island of India is called coral islands.
16. Majuli riverine islands are located in the river............
17. A landmass bounded by sea on three sides..........
18. Northern plain is composed of.........
Alluvial soil.
19. The average width of himadri is.............
1. What does the word monsoon literally mean?
2. Which is the coldest place in India?
3. What causes rainfall in west Bengal during hot weather season.......
Thunderstorms (kaalbaisakhi)
4. Most part of India receives rainfall during which of the following months?
June- September
5. Which is the place receives highest rainfall in the world?
6. The wind blowing in the northern plain in summer......... Loo
7. Around the time of its arrival the normal rainfall increases suddenly and continues constantly for several
days. This is called...............
Burst of the monsoon.
8. Which of the states suffers from loo...........?
Bihar, UP, Rajasthan, Punjab, Haryana
9. Which of the following places of India experiences highest summer temperature?
10. In which places in India, the houses are built in silt.
11. What do you mean the word weather refers to.........?
Short- term atmospheric changes (day to day atmospheric changes)
12. Which place in India receives very less rain fall?
Western Rajasthan and Ladakh.
13. The term continentality refers to............
Very hot during summer and very cold during winter.
14. Mango showers occur in..............state.
Southern states of India (Kerala and Karnataka)
15. In which month transition of season take place from hot rainy to cold winter season?
16. Mango showers help in ripening of...........
17. Mawsynram is located in .................hill.
Kashi hills.
18. In which division of Himalaya are the famous valley of Kashmir, Kangra, Kullu located.
19.Mahawat refers to..........
Small - Winter rainfall in north India.
20. North – east monsoon rainfall starts from the month.
Oct- Nov
1. Which age group of children does Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan aim to promote education?
6-14 years.
2. Disguised unemployment could be traced in........
3. In which sector should India increase maximum employment opportunities?
Tertiary sector
4. Which is not an economic activity?
Farming for self consumption.
5. Plan outlay of education in the eleventh plan is.........
99,300 crore.
6. Why are rural women employed in low paid job?
They lack education or necessary skill.
7. The two determinants of earning by an individual in the market.
Education and Skill
8. Literacy rate in India in 2010-2011 increased to.............
9. Which activity is not included in tertiary activity?
10. The quality of population depends on?
Literacy, health, skill..Etc
11. The infant mortality rate comes down to 2020
12. Which states have very poor medical facilities and less number of medical collages?
Bihar and UP
13. ................ is the most labour absorbing sector
14. Match the following.
a. Infant mortality rate- Number of deaths of infant per thousand
b. Birth rate- Number of live birth in a year per 1000 of midyear population.
c. Sex ratio- Number of females per 1000 males.
d. Life expectancy- Average length of life that a new born baby is expected to live.
16. Reduction in infant mortality involves.
protection of children from infections .ensuring care for mother and child.
17. match the following
a. Infrastructure- Physical frame work required to provide different type of service.
b. Seasonal employment- people are not employed in gainful employment during some part of the year.
c. Disguised unemployment- More people engaged in work than the required number.
d. census- official counting of the population taken after every ten years.
18. Which factor is said to be superior to other resources?
Human capital.
19. Which of the following are factors of production?
Land, labour, capital and human resource.
20. Number of universities in India in 2012- 13 is?
21. Population becomes human capital when there is investment is made in the form of ...........,......,............
Education, training, medical care.
22............... resources are capable of bringing about an improvement in them by their own effort.
Human resource.
23. Increases in longevity of life is an indicator of.................
Good quality of life
Improvement in health sector
Better HDI
24. A large population need not be a liability it can be turned into productive asset by investment
Human capital
25. Literacy among male is nearly.............higher than females.
26. The schemes for establishing residential schools to impart education to talented children from rural
Navodaya schools.
27. The Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan is an initiative of..............
Both central and state govt.
28. When the number of persons employed in a work more than what it is required is called...........
Disguised unemployment.
29............what is the death of the children under one year age?
Infant mortality
30. Trade ,transport , communication ,tourism, health and insuarance are activities included in..............
tertiary activities.
31.Which of the following countries has poor natural resource but rich in human resource.
32. Services of housewife are not included in.........
national income ,domestic income ,household income.
33. Which of the following is considered important to create a virtuous cycle by the parent.
To take care of health and education of their children.
34. Decrease in IMR of a country signifies............
Increase in life expectancy.
35. Type of unemployment when people are not able to find job during some parts of the year..............
seasonal unemployment.
40. To encourage attendance and improve nutritional status Govt has introduced a scheme called................
Mid day meal.
41. Birth rate means the number of live birth per..........
1000 person
42. Govt has set schools in each district is called............
Navodaya schools

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