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FINAL - 04/03/2023

PHYSICS 0625/62

Paper 6 Alternative to Practical March 2023



FINAL Mark Scheme

To be used for marking candidates’ live scripts


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FINAL - 04/03/2023


Please annotate as you would normally do to explain marks.

Where items have 2 marks or more, overlays have been published. The overlay points correspond to mark scheme order. Please
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You should add ticks and crosses please, as you would normally do, for Question 3(c) (the graph) and Question 4.

In order to assist marking, if a marking frame contains more than one answer, the appropriate answer(s) has/have been overlaid
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as a guide to the response to be marked.

The overlay for Q4 marks is on page 15 but part of the response may be on page 14. Please mark page 14 as ‘SEEN’.


There are three blank pages (9, 13 & 16) on this paper which have been attached at the front. Please check them before starting
to mark the rest of the paper as answers to Question 4 may be continued here. Please mark the blank pages as ‘SEEN’ as you
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Where more answers than required have been given for a marking point:

• if an answer is shown as IGNORE in Additional Guidance, another correct answer can be accepted,
• if an answer is shown as NOT, it negates any other correct answer.

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Please mark all extra answers, not just the first in the list. Any wrong (NOT) answer negates a correct response.

E.G. 1 answer required, 2 or more given – all correct = 1/1, any wrong answer = 0/1,

2 answers required, 3 given - 3 correct = 2/2, 2 correct and 1 wrong = 1/2, 1 correct and 2 wrong = 0/2.

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Question Answer Marks Additional Guidance / Notes

1 (a) (i) D = 7.8(cm) 1 ACCEPT 7.80 (or anything rounding down to 7.8)
ACCEPT 1 or 2 dp only

d1 = 1.6(cm) 1 ACCEPT 1.56 ACCEPT ecf from D (1.58 from 7.9)

(ii) effect of uncertainties reduced/ 1 NEED to see idea of reduced effect/% of

diameters of marbles vary uncertainty/inaccuracy
NOT just ‘less uncertainty’
NOT ‘less chance of error’
NOT reference to ‘human error’
ACCEPT reference to marbles not being uniform/
not perfect spheres
ACCEPT ‘different size marbles/sizes vary’ here

(b) use marble between two blocks and measure gap 1 NOT using more than one marble
ACCEPT method which removes marble then
measures gap left
NEED to show that gap is measured (preferably in
text but could be in diagram)
NOT just a ruler shown without indication of what it
is measuring

suitable means of ensuring accuracy e.g: 1 ACCEPT detail shown in text or calculation
measure gap in at least two places and check equal to ensure MUST have accurate measurement and clear
blocks are parallel / detail for this mark (DIFFERENTIATING MARK)
rotate marble to different axis and take average of ACCEPT any other detail which clearly addresses
measurements idea of accuracy
NOT ‘measure each marble and take average’

(c) (i) M0 and M5 present and m = 6.7(g) 1 CAO (NOT 6.70)

ACCEPT just 6.7(g) shown without the other
masses present (although we ask for masses to be
recorded, this assumes masses noted and
calculation done in order to get m - which is the
point of this calculation mark)

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Question Answer Marks Additional Guidance / Notes

(ii) V2 = 38(cm3) 1 CAO

(iii) V = 2.4(cm3) 1 ALLOW ecf from V2

(NB frequent ecf answers: V = 2.8 from V2 = 40,
V = 0.96 from V2 = 30.8)

(iv) ρ = 2.8 (g/cm3) 1 CAO (QUALITY MARK)

ACCEPT 2.79 as only alternative (i.e. correct 2 or
3 sig figs only)
NB NOT 2.80

(d) suitable source of inaccuracy: 1 NOT associated with poor practice (eg water
splashes out / bench tilted)

e.g. graduations on measuring cylinder too large/ NEED reference to idea of problem with small
volume measured in large cylinder

improvement matching source of inaccuracy: 1 ALLOW for valid but uncreditable source (eg lower
marbles (carefully) with tweezers/one at a
time/close to water/surface if source is water
splashing out)
IGNORE just ‘gently/carefully’ without saying how

e.g. use smaller measuring cylinder or greater number of IF smaller size quoted, ensure that it will
marbles/ accommodate V2 (i.e. 38cm3)


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Question Answer Marks Additional Guidance / Notes

2 (a) (i) θR = 21(.0)(°C) 1 CAO

(ii) view (scale reading) perpendicularly/owtte 1 ACCEPT this precaution only (room temp
NOT wait until stops rising/stir (i.e. negate correct
ALLOW ‘at eye level / at right angle’
IGNORE ’avoid parallax error’

(b) θB = 85.0 seen in table at t = 0s 1 CAO but ACCEPT 85 (sig fig tested later)

(c) statement matching readings in table 1 EXPECT ‘lower initial temperature produces
slower cooling rate’ or reverse argument but
ALLOW ecf if (b) incorrect
MUST reference start temperature

comparison of temperature changes over 180s, matching 1 CAN’T AWARD if statement is incorrect (as can’t
statement justify)
IGNORE analysis of smaller intervals
ACCEPT comparison of cooling rates
MUST see correct temp change or cooling rate
values (i.e. 12 & 10 or 0.067 & 0.056) or ecf
Don’t penalise rounding for these cooling rate
ACCEPT 2 pairs of start and end temps (for MP2
but not MP1)

(d) (i) x1 = 0.056 and x2 present 1 ACCEPT any sig figs but PENALISE incorrect
rounding for x1
ACCEPT 0.06 for x1
ACCEPT use of ‘recurring’ symbol (no sf penalty)
NOT if x1 shown negative
EXPECT x2 = 0.061 but accept any value including

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Question Answer Marks Additional Guidance / Notes

(ii) unit °C/s 1 CAO (units given separately in question)
UNITS seen once in (d) and not contradicted

(iii) statement matching results. 1 Expect ‘Yes’ for 0.056 & 0.061
ALLOW ‘No’ if ecf matching results and >10%
SPECIAL CASE 0.055 and 0.061 can be
considered ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ (as very close to limit)

justification referencing ‘limits of experimental accuracy’ with 1 CAN’T AWARD if statement is wrong
values quoted IF ‘No’ must justify by ‘outside limits’
ACCEPT ‘close (enough)’/’almost’/’near’ etc
IF expressed to 1 sf, ACCEPT x1 = x2 or ‘x1 & x2
the same’ with value(s) seen
ACCEPT difference <0.01 /within 10% to show
values used
ACCEPT ‘both round to same value of 0.06’

(e) two suitable controls e.g: 2 NOT same initial temperature

same volume of water, ACCEPT ‘quantity’ of water
same material/thickness/surface area/shape of beaker, ACCEPT ‘same beaker’
same room temp/named appropriate environmental condition ACCEPT ‘humidity’
NOT ‘air pressure’
ACCEPT ‘same duration of experiment/owtte’
IGNORE just ‘time’/’time interval’
ACCEPT ‘time period’ unless clearly referring to
ACCEPT answers which omit the word ‘same’
IGNORE ‘same thermometer’
IGNORE ‘type of beaker’
IGNORE ‘size of beaker’ (too vague)


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Question Answer Marks Additional Guidance / Notes

3 (a) voltmeter in correct parallel connection and symbol correct 1 NOT connected to resistance wire but
ACCEPT a connection coinciding with the
crocodile clip/resistance wire junction either side of
clip (e.g. coinciding with dotted line) (N.B. NOT if a
clear gap between connection to resistance wire
and crocodile clip)
ACCEPT clearly connected to crocodile clip
ACCEPT connected above or below ammeter
ACCEPT only connections to voltmeter from sides,
NOT on corner or with wire at a tangent

(b) (i) V = 1.3(V) 1 CAO

I = 0.86(A) 1 CAO

(ii) R = 1.5(Ω) 1 ALLOW ecf from V and/or I

2 sig figs only

(c) graph:
• axes labelled with quantity and unit 1 NOT if axes reversed BUT ecf for other marks
ACCEPT capital L as can’t always tell easily

• appropriate scales (plots occupying at least ½ grid) 1 PLOTS OCCUPY 4 large squares on each axis
ACCEPT lack of origin
IGNORE any indication of false origin (e.g. zig zag
NOT scales of 3, 7, 9 or other difficult intervals
DATA POINTS – only MP1 available

• plots all correct to ½ small square and precise plots 1 plots≤1/2square

NOT plots shown on line if they should be between
MARK plots for difficult intervals

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Question Answer Marks Additional Guidance / Notes

• well-judged line and thin line 1 ACCEPT only a straight line (NB best through
20,80,100) but ACCEPT any attempt at best fit
with points split evenly (not if skewed or a plot too
far away from line)
NO NEED to go through origin but ACCEPT if a
good fit
MUST involve all points (or have outliers identified)
NOT dotted/part dotted
NO NEED to reach axis

(d) (i) G present and triangle method seen on graph 1 ACCEPT any size of triangle (to line, not plots)
ACCEPT clear correct marks on each axis
ACCEPT vertical line to axis and missing
horizontal line ONLY IF line goes through origin
ACCEPT any value for G

(ii) R0 in range 0.073 to 0.093(Ω/cm) 1 CORRECT RANGE ONLY – QUALITY MARK

ACCEPT any sig figs ≥ 0.073 and ≤ 0.093
MUST reflect gradient value (i.e. allowing for
NOT if no G value given in (d)(i)

(e) any one inherent source of inaccuracy eg: 1 NOT reasons of poor experimental technique
difficult to position crocodile clip accurately/ ACCEPT ‘connection imprecise because of width
inconsistent connection with crocodile clip/ of crocodile clip’
resistance wire not uniform IGNORE any reference to heating of wire
IGNORE R varying because of change in room
IGNORE just ‘croc clip not positioned correctly’
(must see why)
IGNORE reference to emf of source


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Question Answer Marks Additional Guidance / Notes

MARK ‘SEEN’ on Page 14 to indicate that it has

been looked at

IF candidate CLEARLY plans the wrong

experiment (e.g. measuring the range for balls of
different masses rather than different launch
angles) MP1, MP2 and MP3 are NOT available as
they are Planning Marks for the intended
However MP4 to MP7 ARE available as they
relate to experimental method generally and
ACCEPT valid answers relating to the experiment

4 MP1 apparatus: ACCEPT in diagram or mentioned in method.

metre ruler, 1 ACCEPT tape measure/ruler
protractor IF measuring height of end, no need for protractor

MP2 method: 1 ALL needed for this mark

set initial launch angle ACCEPT ‘measure angle’ or a value given
ACCEPT said later
ACCEPT height of lower end of channel as
independent variable
roll ball ‘roll ball’ can be implied

measure range

MP3 repeat for different angle 1 ACCEPT different heights of LH end of channel
NEED a specific reference to repeating for new
value – not just implied
ACCEPT at least one repeat
ACCEPT ‘bend at different angles’ at start of
method if clear that experiment is being done for

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MP4 control variable (one from): 1 ACCEPT ‘same ball used’

diameter of ball, ACCEPT start position of ball
mass of ball. IGNORE ‘material of ball’
angle/height of (upper end of) channel IGNORE ‘size of ball’ (too vague as we do give
mass and diameter as variables)
IGNORE ‘length of channel’ (could start
IGNORE ‘force on ball’

MP5 table: 1 IGNORE variables not measured or mentioned in

with columns for independent variable and dependent variable (at method
least) and both with units ACCEPT θ for angle
ACCEPT units in columns if not contradicted
ACCEPT units in words (e.g. ‘degrees’)
ACCEPT just a column header
IGNORE values/range of any data given

MP6 analysis: 1
compare readings in a table to see if change in independent variable IGNORE prediction or conclusion
produces change in dependent variable,
plot (line) graph (with axes specified) NOT a bar chart

MP7 additional point (one from): 1 IGNORE a second control variable

at least 5 sets of data taken, ACCEPT implied in table (by list of values)
repeat each measurement and take average, IGNORE just ‘repeat experiment’
means of accurate indication of point at which ball hits floor, ACCEPT just mention/diagram of sand tray
clear indication of where to measure range from MUST be on floor (e.g. ‘vertically from left hand
end of channel’)


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