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NO. MATRIKULASI : 030704011056001

NO. KAD PENGENALAN : 030704011056

NO. TELEFON : 0162479810



Task 1 Answer
Osteoporosis from my personal understanding is a bone-related disease that usually affects the
elderly. Upon further reading on Osteoporosis, I have discovered that it is a disease that causes
bones to become weak which would then lead to breakage. It mostly affects bones within the hip,
spine and wrists. Apart from that, Osteoporosis can remain undetected because it does not show
any symptoms and only after a bone breaks is when diagnosis can be done to analyse the changes
towards the bone affected by Osteoporosis.

Osteoporosis can be classified into two specific type which are Primary Osteoporosis and
Secondary Osteoporosis. Primary Osteoporosis occurs naturally as a person gradually becomes
older which results in changes to the bone mass and its strength. On the other hand, Secondary
Osteoporosis occurs when there is a separate medical condition that affects the bone integrity
such as malnutrition, endocrine disorders and autoimmune disorders as well as other medical
conditions. Apart from the two primary types of Osteoporosis, there are also some rare types of
Osteoporosis named Osteogenesis imperfecta which is a genetic disorder present during birth and
alters the collagen levels in bones of new-borns making them much prone to breaking. Idiopathic
juvenile osteoporosis happens during growth of children around ages 8 to 14.

Osteoporosis risk factors can be grouped as modifiable and non-modifiable. Modifiable risk
factors means that the factor can be controlled of changed to prevent Osteoporosis whilst non-
modifiable risk factors means that the factor is permanent and cannot be altered in any way. For
the modifiable risk factors, I have chosen to elaborate on three risk factors which are lack of
physical exercise, cigarette smoking and alcohol consumption.

Firstly, not having enough physical exercise can lead to Osteoporosis as the muscles become less
active and dormant which causes wear to the bones whenever someone engages in a physical
activity. The sudden activeness could exert a lot of pressure on the bones and could make the
break. Overcoming this particular risk factor is pretty straightforward. Regular exercise can help
reduce this particular risk factor as frequent exercises help strengthen the bones and muscles
within the body.

Secondly, cigarette smoking is a big risk factor of Osteoporosis which affects mostly males.
Cigarettes contain substances that contribute to bone mass loss. A frequent smoker would often
develop Osteoporosis due to inhaling all the substances when smoking a cigarette. To overcome
this risk factor, one can try quitting or reduce their average smoking which significantly reduces
chances of having Osteoporosis during the latter part of life.

Lastly is alcohol consumption. A study shows that light alcohol consumption is connected to hip
fractures and heavy alcohol consumption associated with elevated hip fracture risks. The
conclusion of the particular study concluded that avoiding alcohol would be beneficial to sustain
a healthy life. Therefore, cutting alcohol maybe key to preventing Osteoporosis.

In conclusion, we all might encounter Osteoporosis once we get older in life. However that does
not mean we cannot take the precautions necessary to avoid further complications that may arise
with Osteoporosis. We need remember to always do some exercise, stay away from alcohol as
well as stop smoking if possible to help deter Osteoporosis.
Task 2

Based on my learning experience, I can conclude that the factors that currently affect me from
having a healthy lifestyle are lack of physical exercise, unbalanced diets and also not getting
enough sleep/sleep deprivation. These factors are what I hope to change in order to not only live
a better lifestyle but to also avoid chronic diseases because I am well aware that the factors that I
have stated can be a trigger towards chronic diseases. Therefore I am writing this self reflective
journey to help me on my journey to a better and healthier life.

Lack of physical exercise

I am aware of my current non-active lifestyle. I often spend my days indoors from the comfort of
home and rarely attend to any physical activities. Only once in a while do I exercise or do any
physical activities. Based on some of my reading, not having enough physical exercise can lead
to many health problems such as low stamina, low body metabolism and also even shortness of
breath. At first, these symptoms may seem minor and non life threatening. However, these
problems could escalated or develop into something much more serious if they are not dealt with
at an earlier stage. For example, a simple case where someone has shortness of breath can turn
into something worse such as Asthma or even Pneumonia. Therefore, these minor symptoms are
not to be taken lightly and must be a matter of concern for health. Reflecting upon myself, I can
say that I do in fact show these symptoms due to lack of physical exercise. To overcome this, I
have now set a schedule for routine workouts throughout the week. The workouts are not very
demanding but enough for someone to stay active during the week. With this measures, I hope to
vastly improve on my health life so that I can live a better lifestyle. To conclude, my problem of
lacking physical exercise is solved my doing some light exercises weekly.
Unbalanced diet

Another factor that could possibly make me prone to chronic diseases is my unbalanced diet.
Alongside my unbalanced diet, I also happen to eat not according to time. For example, I would
often have dinner late at night and sometimes skip breakfast all together. My diet on the other
hand consists mostly of fried foods, instant noodles and snacks. One thing that I do keep track of
is my consumption of sweet beverages. I rarely have them and prefer plain water. A study that I
read online showed how unhealthy are instant noodles which make up my main diet. Instant
noodles contain artificial flavouring, preservatives and also monosodium glutamate also known
as MSG. These ingredients are bad for health as they can contribute to some chronic illnesses
such as hair loss, colon cancer and even intestinal problems. The main problem that avid instant
noodles consumers have are concurrently stomach problems. This is because of how hard the
stomach works to digest instant noodles which can stay in the stomach for up to 3 days before
finally being digested. Next, the oily foods that I eat can also cause heart problems such as heart
attacks, high cholesterol levels and also stroke. This is because oily can contains large amounts
of fat which can clog the heart valves and also blood arteries causing major chronic diseases. I
realize now that my unbalanced diet can be a major factor when in comes to chronic diseases and
therefore I will try to fix my diet and try to eat healthier. For example, I can use an air fryer to fry
food so that it will be less oily. I would also restrain myself from having instant noodles on a
regular basis. With these precautions, I hope to avoid the scary diseases that may occur and also
live healthier.

Sleep deprivation

Lastly, another factor that I can say could contribute to possible health problems is my lack of
sleep. I often stay up nights as I prefer to do work when everyone else is asleep. Therefore, I
would work at night and during the day become less responsive due to the lack of sleep. This
make it important that I address this issue quickly because it currently affects me right now and it
has already caused problems for myself such as fatigue and at times headaches. Based on my
reading of an article published online, sleep deprivation can cause many issues regarding to the
human health. It can cause lack of focus, because impaired judgement, eye problems and also
mental health problems such as depression and lack of motivation. In order to deal with my sleep
deprivation problem, I have devised a plan that I hope will if not cure my sleep deprivation, at
least it would lessen the effects of it. I currently plan to cease any activity at 10pm so that I can
get enough sleep by sleeping early. I will try to settle any work that I have during the daytime so
that I do not have to stay up nights. I also plan on getting a new mattress so that I feel more
comfortable sleeping making me less likely to not sleep. Overall, I hope the plan works so that I
can eliminate problems caused by lack of sleeping.

With all problems and ways to overcome them in order to avoid chronic diseases discussed
above, I hope that my self reflective journal can be of use to the readers of this journal. It must be
noted that not everyone share the same problems as me so it is important to address these
problems accordingly to each individual. I have found this self reflective journal to be very
helpful because it made me realize how much of an unhealthy lifestyle I have been living and
that I was making myself vulnerable to various chronic diseases with how I choose to live my
life. The discussion among other individuals with different opinions on health also widens my
knowledge to a point where I feel that if I do not have the necessary information, I am sure that
someone else has it and we can share these information among us. Therefore, with all the facts
and examples that I have read and had a discussion with, I am now willing to take the necessary
precautions and steps in living a better, happier and healthier lifestyle.

In conclusion, I believe that everyone has a choice to live a much healthier lifestyle and that
everyone deserves to live a healthy life. Diseases have been with us since the dawn of time but
yet we always overcome it one way or another. We can cure diseases. We can prevent diseases
with the correct steps. In the end, it is up to us to choose what is best for ourselves and live the
best life we can.

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