Casim 01

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Explain the two types of earth movements 2mks

Explains the evidences supporting continental drift theory


Diferentiate between foldings and faultings 2mks

Name 5 types of faults 5mks

Breafly explain the continental drift theory 5mks

Explain the boundaries associated with plate tectonic movements 3mks

Use a well labeled diagrams to distiguish between a recumbent fold and
isoclinal fold. 6mks

Describe 4 positive significance of folding to human activities. 4mks

The diagram below represent a fauting feature of the floor of rift valley, use it
to answer the queations that follows

i) Name the forces reponsible for the above process 1mks

ii) Name the parts of the diagrame marked with letters , YVWPX 4mks

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