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Sofyan Arfi Efendi1, Dyah Nugrahani2, Laily Nur Affini3

Universitas PGRI Semarang, Indonesia


This investigation is through the analysis of interpersonal meaning in Cristiano Ronaldo’s

speech at Ballon d’Or award. The motive of this inquiry is to realize the mood types used in
Cristiano Ronaldo’s speech at the Ballon d’Or award and the most dominant type of mood in
Cristiano Ronaldo speech at Ballon d’Or award. In this research, the author employ Wallen
and Hyun theory to analyzing the relational meaning. To analyze the relational meaning, the
author inspect mood type in speech, and the author divide each mood types into 3. The sequel
accrue this investigation, the author observe 72 utterances of expressive mood types. It be
compossed of 66 expression of declarative mood (91,66 %), 4 expression interrogative mood
(5,55 %), 2 expression imperative mood (2,77%). From the sequel of the investigation, the
expressive of declarative are the most dominant mood types because Cristiano Ronaldo’s the
same position or parallel to the listener's position.

Keywords: Interpersonal Meaning; Mood Types; Cristiano Ronaldo;Speech; Ballon d’Or

Humans as social beings need other people to interact with each other. This matter It is a

fact that most of the human person is formed from the result of social integration with each

other. Interpersonal relationships are very important in human life that affect the quality of

life. Interpersonal relations formed by communication. Likewise, communication is strongly

influenced by interpersonal relationships and perceptions between the source/conveyor of

information or the communicator and the recipient of the communicant.

All communication except intrapersonal communication is interpersonal communication,

and a more complete definition of interpersonal communication, namely: first, selective.

Second, systemic, and third, unique. Fourth, processual is an ongoing and continuous process,
and fifth, transaction is a transaction process between people who communicate continuously

and simultaneously.

Effective communication is communication that can change the attitudes of

Communication personnel. Or we can say i’ts fruitful connections is the switch of particulars,

plan, reliance, affection and frame of mind between the two. The result is as expected.

Effective interpersonal communication has the following indicators: (1) Openness is the

willingness to respond favorably to information received in interpersonal relationships.

Openness or open attitude has a great influence on the development of effective

communication between individuals.

(2) Empathy is feeling what other people feel or the process when someone feels someone

else's feelings and understand the meaning of that feeling and then communicates it with a

sensitive way to show it he really understands the feelings of the other person. (3) Support

(supportiveness) is a situation that is open supports efficacius communication. A sympathetic

attitude is an view point that reduces defensiveness in communication. (4) Positiveness is

positive feelings about oneself, the ability to do so encourage others to ability to generate

more active participation and communication situation conducive to efficient interaction. And

(5) Fairness is the remembrance that both parties respect each other, are useful and have

something important to contribute.

To be a good speaker, of course, we are required be able to master the basics concepts of

speaking, the purpose of speaking, the type of speaking, and the principles that underlies the

activity of speaking itself. To produce maximum performance, we can't prepare it instantly

and no concept to be given. Therefore, we need to understand the nature of speak itself, to

whom we speak and so on. With knowing these things, of course, we will be more mature in
face the interlocutor in providing various information that we have prepare and of course will

be in line with the existing theme.

Cristiano Ronaldo, the star of Real Madrid and Portugal football, was voted the winner of

the thropy at France Football and equalized Barcelona's Lionel Messi for runners-up.

after being voted FIFA Player of the Year last October, the 32-year-old won the second

Ballon d'Or in his career, having done so in 2013 and 2014. In 2017, Ronaldo contributed to

Real Madrid. won Spanish league earlier in 5 years. With the support of their captain.

Researchers tried to analyze the Interpersonal Meaning in Cristiano Ronaldo's winning

speech at the 2017 Ballon d'Or Award based on data from the speech expressed by Cristiano


Literature Review

Interpersonal Meaning

Halliday (2014: 83) found the contruction of articles as exchanges. There are speakers in
return for what they do. He is in control for the correctness of what he says. So people can get
something like the result. Holliday (2014: 30) argues that it is language, interaction, and the
individual as behaviors that define the meaning of interpersonal relationships. Halliday uses
three metafunctions to parse a language. Ideological meaning, interpersonal meaning, and
textual meaning. On the other hand, Graham Locke (1996: 8) describes three types of values
of meta-characteristics: empirical meaning, interpersonal meaning, and textual meaning. Ideal
values relate to the content or sentence of the message. Implemented in the article. It
concerns the subject or area of discourse. On the other hand, the context of the text tells us
how to get the text to characterize the consistency. in the article.

14 Then in interpersonal relationships, Thompson explains: Interpersonal meanings such

as: We use language to communicate, create and maintain with others. To express our own
views on our relationships with them to influence their behavior It is to reveal or change
things that exist in the world. (Thompson, 2004: 30) Relational meaning is a type of
connotation that pivot on social meaning.In particular, the language and function of the
participants. Interpersonal meaning focuses on the interactions between the speaker and the
receiver expressing their own attitudes and judgments in order to influence the attitudes of

Interpersonal meaning refers to the way we interact with each other through language, the
way we provide and request information, the way we encourage let people do and encourage
them to do things for themselves, and the way people demonstrate their evaluations and point
of view about these commodity is related to essential and eligibility. Patently, the relational
meaning of the temple extent is enjoying the mood. In the relational sense, the variety of
mood allows one to explore the type of relationship between the author and the text
participant. Interpersonal semantic analysis has two components: a mood component and a
residual sentence component. (Holliday Mattissen, 2004: 111120).

Mood Types
Mood types are sentence systems as interpersonal resources. The mood system sees
conditions as exchanges. The mood system is the mood structure between the subject and the
final, and the rest is the rest. Halliday and Matissen (2004: 23)

a. Declarative Mood

A declarative statement is a statement that is made to express the point

of view of the speaker or listener. On the other hand, this can be utilized as a affirmation: I
have a role that provides details about something.

b. Interrogative Mood

Interrogative sentences are of the direct type because the structure of the atmosphere consists
of an ending and a subject. Interrogative words are questions or requests that the speaker asks
the listener, as in a conversation.

c. Imperative Mood

Imperative is a dictation in which the speaker tells the listener to do what the speaker needs,
usually yes/no. In an imperative mood, mood elements are always subjective and do not
always composed of finiteness elements, but may exist of only themes, finite elements, or no
mood elements.

Communication is a process delivering information that generates mean. Suryanto (2015)

in his book cites that Berelson and Steiner (1964) explain the meaning of communication is
the process of communicating information, ideas, feelings, skills, etc. Using symbols such as
words, pictures, and numbers. Whereas according to Ruben and Steart (1998) definition
communication includes all responses to received message then create message new because
everyone interacts with others through the process of creating and interpreting messages that
are packaged in the form of a symbol or a collection of symbols very useful meaning
(Suryanto, 2015: 50-51).

Collin Cherry defines communication as an attempt to make social unit of the individual
with use language or signs. In communicate the exchange of messages that The messages
conveyed are verbal messages that are reflected through words or expressions, as well as
messages nonverbal such as signs, symbols or symbols (Rachmat, 2001: 5 in Novianti, 2014).

Communication includes the encoding process message to be sent, and process decoding
of the message to be received, as well as synthesizing information and meaning.
Communication can occur on all levels of human experience and is the best way to
understand human behavior in behavior change between individuals, communities,
organizations, and general opinion. Therefore, communication can be studied empirically and
critical at varying degrees of interaction. These levels can be described in levels (Suryanto,
2015: 53):

Speech is a speech with a good arrangement to be conveyed to many people in the form of
one-way communication and used in official forums (Wisanggeni, 2017). Speech means
speaking in front of many people to communicate a problem in order to achieve a particular
goal. For example, advice, provisioning referrals, and so on (Slamet, 2007).

The reaction from the listeners is something that describe our quality at the time of speech,
so that communication between listeners and speakers must be good and in line in order to
relate to each other one with the other. Therefore the choice of language is very important in
terms of so that they are compatible with each other. In line with things (Istiarini, 8(1): 146)
argues that language holds important role in human life. Language is means of
communication between humans. No human communication unable to socialize. The last tip
is a topic that discussed must be resolved within the allotted time determined. A speech that
is said to be successful will definitely understand what he will say and according to the time
The speech does not start at random, there are a few things to note as a guide in starting a
speech. Tips for starting a speech so that it can be seen smooth and interesting the first is to
start as calmly as possible and think something positive. When our mind can be calm and
positive then will not feel nervous even cold sweat. Submission of ideas will looks very
beautiful and precise. besides that we also focus on the material which will be delivered. As
the opinion expressed by (Harsono, et al. 1(1): 55) if you have a high interest in reading, you
are expected to achieve high comprehension ability. To be smooth in delivery ideas, a person
must also have a high interest in reading. This is of course related to the description of the
material to be delivered. Furthermore, don't start the speech by reading and sticking to the
text, but speak freely. In essence, speech is a monologic art in skill speaking (Keraf, 1988:
314). Monologic is present in the era of modern rhetoric. In modern rhetoric, monology is the
art of speaking in a monologue. In monology only one person speaks to group of people. The
main form of monology is speech.

Communication in speeches is more one-way, because only one person who speak, while
others listen (Hendrikus, 1990: 48). Other This is the case with the opinion of Rakhmat
(2009: 78) which states that the speech is face-to-face communication, which is two-way, i.e.
the speaker must pay attention to the interlocutor, even though the speaker dominates the
conversation, he must "listen to the messages conveyed".

A good speech cannot be separated from various conditions that must be achieved by
everyone who does the talking. Speech has a purpose to invite others according to our ideas.
However, not everyone able to convey it coherently and well. Good terms contain about the
main problem or content to be described. It should be we are mastered and proficient in
conveying the issues raised (Sulistyowati, 1(1):71) states that “To be in touch fruitfully, we
have to set the message we want to fetch through the talk clear".

Besides, in a speech, what we should convey knowledge and can be equipped. There is a
purpose that to be achieved together and the relationship between the speaker, the topic, and
the listener harmonious relationship exists. If this is fulfilled, the speech will the terrace is
very easy and can amaze others. As expressed (Romadlon, 5(1):7) “It means that the strategy
in convey places the bit part to achieve the grail of interchange or communication”.

The types of speech according to Tarigan (2008: 30-38) are divided into interests, intent
and purpose. Types of speech are categorized into four types, namely: speak to report, speak
in a family manner, speak for convince, and speak to negotiate. listeners” (whether verbal or

According to Aristotle, the composition of speech good contains three things namely;
Unity, Cohesion, Emphasis (emphasis). Unity means only content. Don't go off the beaten
path defined or predefined themes, goals and properties, then linkages between content and
ideas. The ideas we put forward must be in line with the content speech we deliver.

A constructive invitation must also be related with themes, content, and ideas. After that
some ideas should be highlighted, some are laid back, some are emphasized, some are
elaborated. According to Aristotle, the message must be divided into several related parts
logically arranged according to the structure of human thinking (Marsefio., Luhuka, 2(1): 51).

The researcher uses a descriptive qualitative method and an analysis of the subject of this
study. It’s purpose is to describe the types of moods in Cristiano Ronaldo's speech. Based on
Wallen and Hyun (2012: 426), qualitative research often refers to research that examines the
quality of relationships, behaviors, situations, or data. Descriptive qualitative study design
data can be words, phrases, sentences, discourses. This study is currently analyzing the form
of the clause in Cristiano Ronaldo's speech. Using descriptive methods, data from this study
will be analyzed by identifying mood types in Cristiano Ronaldo's speeches and identifying
the main mood types used.

Findings and Discussion

The analysis focused on analyzing the mood types of Cristiano Ronaldo's speech.

Contingent on an analysis of the mood system, Cristiano Ronaldo's utterances indicate mood

factors such as mood types.

In a speech by Cristiano Ronaldo, researcher found 72 data. The table below can explain

Cristiano Ronaldo's speech based on mood types.

No. Mood Types Number Percentage

1. Declarative Mood 66 91,66 %

2. Interrogative Mood 4 5,55 %

3. Imperative Mood 2 2,77 %

In the table overhead, the predominant in the temper organization is declarative.

Cristiano Ronaldo used declarative sentences for the reason that Cristiano Ronaldo's spot is

equal to or side by side to the hearer's position. Therefore, the decision used is a declarative

sentence. This means that in Cristiano Ronaldo's speech, the correlation in the middle of the

orator (Cristiano Ronaldo) and the hearer (audience) is that the speaker (Cristiano Ronaldo)

is the informant and the hearer (the audience) is the receiver of the particulars.

The denotation of Cristiano Ronaldo's speech reached from relational meaning is noticeable

from the way Cristiano Ronaldo constructs his reporting model with his hearers.

Three forms of mood types shown in the table based on Cristiano Ronaldo speeches which

is presented as follows:

1. Declarative Mood

From the mood contruction overhead, you can see that there is only one clause per

sentence. Items are statements. The declarative mood is a cognitive mood that signals that

the speaker's verbal proposition is made as an factual statement.

2. Interrogative Mood

From the above mood contruction, it can be seen that in a sentence there is only one

clause. The interrogative mood is a form of the verb used to ask questions.
3. Imperative Mood

The above mood contruction is imperative. It can be determined that there is only subject.
The imperative mood is the verb form used to make an order or request.


Researcher provide a detailed description of the analyzed data for ease of understanding.

Based on the data, researchers discovered that there was a 72 data of mood types. It

consisted of 66 declarative mood (91,66 %), 4 interogative mood (5,55 %), 2 imperative

mood (2,77%). The researcher found that the declarative mood appeared more than another

mood types. His declarative mood appears many times because Cristianon Ronaldo declare

his successful career and his new throphy. This survey was compared to other surveys

posted at the Internet. The studies compared to this study have the same theory and method,

but different subjects and analytical methods.

1. Declarative Mood

From the mood contruction overhead, you can see that there is only one clause per

sentence. Items are statements. This assertion can be determined by its locality before the

subject (I) or predicate (feel), the complement (very) and (happy) as a circumstantial

adjunct. The word (I) in this sentence is the subject. The word (I) stands for Cristiano

Ronaldo. The relationship between the speaker (Cristiano Ronaldo) and the audience

(Cristiano Ronaldo) is the source of information (Cristiano Ronaldo) and the listener


- “I feel very happy.”

- “It was a great moment in my career.”

- “I've been waiting for this for a long time.”

- “This year has been great.”

- “We won the Champions League and La Liga and, on a personal level.”

- “I was a top scorer in the Champions League.”

- “Trophies help win these awards.”

- “We have to thank my colleagues from Madrid and Portugal.”

- “It was very important for me.”

- “I hope to play at this level for a few more years.”

- “I hope the battle with Messi continues.”

- “things happen for a reason.”

- “I feel good this season.”

- “we'll see what we win at the end of the year.”

- “Neymar has a lot of talent.”

- “a lot of potential.”

- “I'm sure he'll have some chance to win in the future.”

- “Another baby ... no, it's a joke.”

- “we're going to enjoy the four of us.”

- “I want seven Gold Balls and seven children.”

- “You need to eat, sleep and fight for this club.”

2. Interrogative Mood

From the above mood contruction, it can be seen that in a sentence there is only one

clause. A proposition is a interrogation. It can be determined by the position of the subject

(I) as after (do) and (happy?) as a complement. In this question is Cristiano Ronaldo

himself as a speaker. Relationship between the speaker (Cristiano Ronaldo) and the listener

(audience) is the speaker (Cristano Ronaldo) as information recipients and listener

(audience) as the informant. Cristiano Ronaldo asked the public to respond to his comments.

- “I want to be happy, do you?”

- “Are you ready to fight?”

- “Are you ready to leave everything on the pitch?”

- “Am I going to be worried about the people who say bad things about me?”

3. Imperative Mood

The above mood contruction is crucial. It can be determined that there is only subject. In

this clause, Cristiano Ronaldo showed his frame of mind to the public by giving an opening

speech in public. Contingent on the details that the researcher inspect, the researcher found 2

required data. In Cristiano Ronaldo's speech, Cristiano Ronaldo mainly uses commands to

give instructions to the audience. Cristiano Ronaldo does not use imperatives much in his

oration because Cristiano Ronaldo's stance is the same or side by side to that of the listener.

Thus, the sentence used is imperative.

- “You need to eat, sleep and fight.”

- “We have to deliver every time.”

Every mood types Created a particular denotation that the orator have a fancy for convey.
Mastery the context and type of mood helps the orator master the speech. In addition, it helps
to minimize misunderstandings between the speaker and audience. This research contains
three mood types. They are declarative mood, interrogative mood, and imperative mood.
Contingent on the details, the researcher found that there are 72 utterances of expressive
mood types. It be compossed of 66 expression of declarative mood (91,66 %), 4 expression
interrogative mood (5,55 %), 2 expression imperative mood (2,77). The expressive of
declarative are the most dominant mod types because Cristiano Ronaldo’s the same position
or parallel to the listener's position. From the data above, we know that Cristiano Ronaldo a
good speech because the statement creates, he can realize other. He fabricate a correct
statement in an exact time. Contingent on the outcome and discussion, the importance of
Cristiano Ronaldo's oration contingent on relational meaning can be seen from the way
Cristiano Ronaldo fabricate communication models with the audience through course of
action Cristiano Ronaldo position himself in the same way as the listener's level.

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