Anatomy Lec-2

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Ministry of high education and scientific research

Erbil polytechnic university

Shaqlawa technical college
Medical laboratory technology

Anatomy & physiology

1st stage

By: M.Sc. Ali Zainal

Tissue of the body
• Tissue is a group of similar cell and their
intercellular substance that have a similar
embryological origin and function together to
perform a specialized activity.
• A science that deals with the study of a tissue
is Histology.
Types of the tissue
• There are several major types of tissues. The
most common types are:
• 1-Epithelial tissue
• 2-Connective tissue
• 3-Muscle tissue
• 4-Nervous tissues
Epithelial tissue
• Epithelial tissue is tissue that covers surfaces,
lines cavities and form glands. Epithelial tissue
covers the outer surface of the body. It lines
the intestines, the lungs, and other hollow
• -Covering & lining epithelium
• - Glandular epithelium
Types of epithelial cell
• According to the arrangement of layers covering
and lining epithelium is grouped in to:
• a) Simple epithelium: it is specialized for
absorption, and filtration with minimal wear &
tear. It is a single layered
• b) Stratified epithelium, it is many layered and
found in an area with high degree of wear & tear.
• c) Pseudo-stratified, is a single layered but seem
to have many layer.
• Based on the cell shape covering and lining
epithelium is grouped in to:
• a) Squamous: - flattened & scale like
• b) Cuboidal: - cube shaped
• c) Columnar: - tall & cylindrical
• d) Transitional: - combination of cell shape
found where there is a great degree of
distention or expansion, these may be
cuboidal to columnar, cuboidal to polyhydral
and cuboidal to Squamous
Glandular Epithelium
• Their main function is secretion. A gland may
consist of one cell or a group of highly specialized
epithelial cell. Glands can be classified into
exocrine and endocrine according to where they
release their secretion.
• Exocrine: Those glands that empties their
secretion in to ducts/tubes that empty at the
surface of covering. Sweat & salivary glands are
exocrine glands.
• Endocrine: They ultimately secret their products
into the blood system, such as pancreas
Connective tissue
• Connective tissue is tissue that supports other
tissues, holds tissues together, or fills spaces.
Types of connective tissue
• There are several major types of connective
tissue (CT). These include
• 1-Connective tissue proper
• 2-Cartilage connective tissue
• 3- Osseous connective tissue (bone)
• 4-Vascular (Blood) is sometimes considered
an additional type of connective tissue
Connective tissue proper
1. -Loose (areolar) Connective tissue: It supports tissues,
organ blood vessels & nerves. It also forms
subcutaneous layer/superficial fascia/hypodermis
2. - Adipose connective tissue: around the kidney, at the
base and on the surface of the heart
3. - Dense (Collagenous) connective tissue: tendons and
4. - Elastic connective tissue: They are components of wall
of arteries, trachea, bronchial tubes & lungs
5. - Reticular connective tissue (It helps to form a delicate
supporting storma for many organs including liver,
spleen and lymph nodes. It also helps to bind together
the fibers (cells) of smooth muscle tissue.)
Cartilage connective tissue
Cartilages are classified in to hyaline, fibro & elastic

1. Hyaline cartilage found at joints over long bones

2. Fibro cartilage found inter-vertebral discs and
3. Elastic cartilage epiglottis, larynx, external part
of the ear
Osseous connective tissue (bone)

Divided in to compact and spongy bone

Muscle tissue
• There are muscle tissues and there are organs
called muscles. Muscles are made up of
muscle tissues. Muscle tissues and the
muscles they make up are specialized to
contract. Because of their ability to shorten
(contract), muscles are able to produce
Types of muscle tissue
• a. Skeletal Muscle Tissue. The cells (muscle
fibers) of skeletal muscle tissue
• are long and cylindrical and have numerous
nuclei. The arrangement of the cellular
contents is very specific and results in a
striated appearance when viewed with the
microscope. This type of muscle tissue is
found mainly in the skeletal muscles
b. Cardiac Muscle Tissue
• The cells (muscle fibers) of cardiac muscle
• are short, branched, contain one nucleus, and
are striated. This tissue makes up the
myocardium (wall) of the heart.
c. Smooth Muscle Tissue
• The cells (muscle fibers) of smooth muscle
• are spindle-shaped, contain one nucleus, and
are not striated. Smooth muscle tissue is
generally found in the walls of hollow organs
such as the organs of the digestive and
respiratory systems, the blood vessels, the
ureters, urinary bladder, urethra, and
reproductive ducts.
Nervous tissue
• Nervous tissue is a collection of cells that respond to
stimuli and transmit information.
• a. A neuron (figure 2-4), or nerve cell, is the cell of the
nervous tissue that actually picks up and transmits a
signal from one part of the body to another.
• b synapse (figure 2-5) is the point at which a signal
passes from one neuron to the next.
• c. The neuroglia (also known as glia) is made up of the
supporting cells of the nervous system (glial cells).
• d. The nervous tissues

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