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Here’s an example of how you can introduce your topic when reporting:

Good day, everyone. Today, I will be discussing the Management of Performance Appraisal
System and my part will focus on Performance Appraisal. Performance appraisal is a process that
evaluates an employee’s job performance and provides feedback on how to improve. In this report,
I will discuss the purposes of performance appraisal, which include identifying areas for
improvement, setting goals, and providing feedback to employees. I will also cover the criteria in
the development of a measuring instrument, which involves selecting the appropriate
performance standards and rating scales. Finally, I will discuss developing and administering an
appraisal plan, which includes setting objectives, selecting raters, and providing training.

Good day, everyone. Today, I will be discussing the Management of Performance Appraisal
System and my part will focus on Performance Appraisal. Performance appraisal is a process that
evaluates an employee’s job performance and provides feedback on how to improve. In this report,
I will discuss the purposes of performance appraisal, which include the strategic purpose,
administrative purpose, and developmental purpose. I will also cover the criteria in the
development of a measuring instrument, which involves validity, reliability, acceptability and
specificity. Finally, I will discuss developing and administering an appraisal plan, which
includes the 9 steps:

1. Secure full agreement of line managers about the need for a formal performance appraisal
plan and for the purpose in which it will be used. A choice has to be made among several
types of appraisal plans.
2. Secure plans of their companies and existing literature on the subject to develop a plan best
suited for the needs of the particular organization. The HRD should study all other plans and
make a careful analysis as to their suitability into the organization. Complicated plans should
be avoided.
3. Enlist the cooperation of the supervisor in drawing up the appraisal plan. Discuss the factors
to be used and the uniform descriptions or instructions to be followed.
4. Make sure that the purposes and nature of the performance appraisal plan are explained to
those who will make the appraisal. These are the first level supervisors and department heads
and those who will be affected by the appraisal.
5. Provide training to those who will use the instruments. Training will provide enough
knowledge on how the rating scale will be used to avoid biases and provide uniform
appraisal of the employees.
6. Develop and achieve line and staff coordination. There should exist a mutual checking of
employees’ performance appraisal in order to be consistent and to provide uniform within
and between departments.
7. Arrange for periodic discussion of the performance appraisal. Supervisors and their
subordinates should discuss the good points, difficulties, and lapses.
Performance appraisal management in HRM is the process of planning, designing, implementing, and monitoring a
performance appraisal system1. The system is designed to evaluate and document an employee’s performance,
contributions, and skills against his/her job requirements. This helps to enhance work quality, output, and efficiency, and
to inform financial rewards, promotions, or assignments123.

The management of a performance appraisal system involves several steps. Firstly, the organization must define the
objectives of the performance appraisal system. Secondly, it must develop a performance appraisal process that aligns
with the organization’s objectives. Thirdly, it must implement the performance appraisal process by training employees
and managers on how to use it effectively. Fourthly, it must monitor the performance appraisal process to ensure that it
is working as intended1.

There are several methods for managing a performance appraisal system in HRM. Some of these methods
include behaviorally anchored rating scales (BARS), management by objectives (MBO), and 360-degree feedback2.
These methods help to ensure that the performance appraisal system is accurate, reliable, and effective.

why is there is performance appraisal system in a company?

A performance appraisal system is a method to evaluate an employee’s work performance and

contribution to a company over a period of time. It uses a set of criteria to assess factors such as
work quality, productivity, completion of tasks, attitude, work ethic, and mastery of role. It also
communicates performance standards and expectations to employees and helps them to improve
their strengths and weaknesses. A performance appraisal system is usually conducted by managers
or superiors and may be done annually or more frequently 1.

A performance appraisal system is a method to evaluate an employee’s work performance and

contribution to a company over a period of time. It uses a set of criteria to assess factors such as
work quality, productivity, completion of tasks, attitude, work ethic, and mastery of role. It also
communicates performance standards and expectations to employees and helps them to improve
their strengths and weaknesses 12.

The primary purpose of a performance appraisal system is to improve the performance of

employees and the organization as a whole. It helps to identify areas where employees need
improvement and provides feedback on how they can improve. It also helps managers to identify
high-performing employees who can be rewarded with promotions or financial incentives 132.

Performance appraisal systems also help organizations to retain their best employees. By providing
feedback on their performance, employees feel valued and are more likely to stay with the
company. Additionally, by identifying areas where employees need improvement, organizations
can provide training and development opportunities that help employees grow in their roles 14.

is performance appraisal important?

Yes, performance appraisal is important for several reasons. It helps to evaluate how well
employees perform their job duties and where they can improve to align with the company’s
overall mission. It allows for open dialogue about expectations and work goals, leading to a more
motivated and dedicated workforce. Performance appraisals help to identify an individual’s
strengths and weaknesses, providing an opportunity for self-assessment and self-development
through open communication and feedback sessions. They establish a merit-based system that
motivates employees to put their best foot forward and promote employees based on their
performances. Performance appraisals also help supervisors evaluate their subordinates’ work
performance and evaluate staff training and development needs. They provide a basis for correcting
mistakes and proper guidance and criticism for employee development. Performance appraisals are
a critical information basis for further talent management decisions, such as compensation or
succession planning 1.

What should I expect during a performance appraisal?

During a performance appraisal, you can expect to:

1. Evaluate your performance: You will be assessed on your overall strengths as an employee,
areas where you could still improve, and your specific accomplishments 1.
2. Get feedback: You will receive feedback about your work, productivity, behavior,
accomplishments, challenges, etc1.
3. Discuss your strengths and weaknesses: You will discuss your strengths and weaknesses
with your manager or supervisor 1.
4. Set forward-looking goals: You will set forward-looking goals for the next appraisal period
5. Review your salary: You may review your salary and discuss areas of responsibility and
training needs 1.

Performance appraisals are designed to help you improve your work and align with the company’s
goals. They provide an opportunity for open dialogue about expectations and work goals, leading to
a more motivated and dedicated workforce. They also help to identify an individual’s strengths and
weaknesses, providing an opportunity for self-assessment and self-development through open
communication and feedback sessions. Performance appraisals establish a merit-based system that
motivates employees to put their best foot forward and promote employees based on their
performances. They also help supervisors evaluate their subordinates’ work performance and
evaluate staff training and development needs. Performance appraisals are a critical information
basis for further talent management decisions, such as compensation or succession planning 1.

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