TQMmodule 1

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Total Quality Management

What is the first Brand/ Product that comes into

your Mind when your hear the word ‘Quality’
➔ Requirements determine Quality
➔ Manufacturing Companies - conforms to certain physical dimensional
➔ Hospitals - Professionalism
➔ Quality then is simply meeting the customer requirements
➔ ‘Fitness for purpose or use’ – Juran, an early doyen of quality management.

➔ ‘The totality of features and characteristics of a product or service that bear on its
ability to satisfy stated or implied needs’ – BS 4778: 1987 (ISO 8402, 1986) Quality
Vocabulary: Part 1, International Terms. ‘

➔ Quality should be aimed at the needs of the consumer, present and future’ – Deming,
another early doyen of quality management. ‘

➔ The total composite product and service characteristics of marketing, engineering,

manufacture and maintenance through which the product and service in use will
meet the expectation by the customer’ – Feigenbaum, the first man to write a book
with ‘Total Quality’ in the title.
➔ Conformance to requirements’ – Crosby, an American consultant famous in the
➔ ‘Degree to which a set of inherent characteristics fulfils requirements’ – ISO (EN)
9000:2000 Quality Management Systems – fundamentals and vocabulary.
● Understanding and Building the Quality Chain

● Meeting the requirements

● Quality of Design
● Quality of conformance to design
➔ Managing Quality

● Prevention instead of detection

● Quality Assurance
➔ Quality Starts with Understanding Needs
➔ Quality in all functions
Total Quality Management

“Total Quality Management (TQM) is an approach to improving the

effectiveness and flexibility of business as a whole. It is essentially a way of
organising and involving the whole organisation, every department every
activity, every single person at every level.” —Oakland.
Evolution of TQM

➔ Guild System -medieval times

➔ Industrial revolution - Factory Inspection(removing defect goods )
➔ Taylor - 1911 (The principles of Scientific Management)
➔ 1924 -Walter Shewart -Statistical Quality Control
➔ Edward Deming- applied Walter Principle (used in World war II)
The Post -War Quality Revolution

➔ Leaders in Japan decided to focus on Quality

➔ Bringing American Experts like Deming and Joseph Juaran
➔ 50s and 60s -Japan produced high Quality goods for lower Price
➔ Toyota -minimise inventory and Waste
➔ 1970 - Japan was outcompeting US Automobiles and electronics
➔ US leaders finally stepped up
➔ TQM was born
➔ 1987 -First official version of ISO 9000 was published
Philosophy of Deming, Juran ,
Philip Crosby and Genich Taguchi
W Edwards Deming (1900-1993)

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