Total Score of Athleticism Holistic Athlete Profiling To Enhance Decision-Making

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Total Score of

Athleticism: Holistic
Athlete Profiling to
Enhance Decision-
Anthony N. Turner, PhD,1 Ben Jones, PhD,2 Perry Stewart, MSc,3 Chris Bishop, MSc,1 Nimai Parmar, PhD,1
Shyam Chavda, MSc,1 and Paul Read, PhD4
London Sports Institute, Middlesex University, Allianz Park, London, United Kingdom; 2Carnegie Applied Rugby
Research (CARR) Centre, Institute for Sport, Physical Activity and Leisure, Leeds Beckett University, Leeds, United
Kingdom; 3Arsenal Performance and Research Team, Arsenal Football Club, United Kingdom; and 4Aspetar
Orthopaedic and Sports Medicine Hospital, Doha, Qatar

ABSTRACT physical fitness, rather than separately

discussing each individual test result.
OFTENTIMES, THE VARIOUS INTRODUCTION Such an approach can streamline col-
COACHING STAFF, SPORT SCI- s strength and conditioning

laborative communication, maximizing
ENCE, AND MEDICAL PRACTI- coaches, we routinely put our the time available for planning and
TIONERS OF A SPORTS CLUB athletes through a variety of fit- practical delivery.
REQUIRE A SINGLE, HOLISTIC ness assessments to determine their
INDICATION OF AN ATHLETE’S physical capability, so that we can tai- Furthermore, coaches may not be as
ATHLETICISM. CURRENTLY, THERE lor the design of their training program concerned in the raw score of each
IS NO CONSENSUS ON HOW THIS and adapt accordingly. Similarly, the athlete, as much as where the score
IS BEST DEFINED, AND THUS, A psychologist, physiotherapist, and ranked among their teammates, espe-
TOTAL SCORE OF ATHLETICISM technical coaches also assess the ath- cially when there is competition for
(TSA) MAY PROVIDE ONE SUCH lete, with the results equally used to places. For example, a coach may have
METHOD. THE TSA IS DERIVED inform future interventions and team no concept as to what is deemed
FROM THE AVERAGE OF Z- selection. But, with so much data col- a good jump height or back squat, with
SCORES (OR T-SCORES IN THE lected and thus available for discus- this information only becoming appar-
CASE OF SMALL SAMPLES) FROM sion, athlete review meetings, for ent through some analysis that reveals
A SPORT-SPECIFIC TESTING BAT- example, where all staff attend, can the score is among the highest or low-
TERY, ENSURING ATHLETES ARE often see each practitioner providing est in the squad. Also, it can be rare to
JUDGED ACROSS ALL THE RELE- more discrete detail than is necessary. have the athlete who scored highest
For example, although jump height on the bench press, also score the
may be informative to the strength highest on a change of direction speed
and conditioning coach, this score, in test or Yo-Yo score, for example, sug-
this context, may not prove overly gesting that there is some compromise
helpful to discussions fed in to by the among the different components of
coaches and other members of the
COMPUTED IN EXCEL. sport science disciplines. These situa- KEY WORDS:
tions, therefore, lend themselves to the statistics; z-scores; Excel; data analysis;
Address correspondence to Dr. Anthony N. strength and conditioning coach pro- testing; feedback
Turner, viding a single score for the athlete’s

Copyright Ó National Strength and Conditioning Association 1

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The Total Score of Athleticism

Figure 1. The z-score profile of an athlete represented here as a histogram. CMJ 5 countermovement jump; RSI 5 reactive strength
index; SJ 5 squat jump.

fitness that collectively define an ath- The aim of this article is to describe undertaken by an athlete (9). A stan-
lete’s athleticism. So, although we want a method which provides a single score dardized score (of a single test), and
to rank how each athlete compared of holistic fitness, referred to as a total therefore the TSA (of a series of
with their teammates across each test score of athleticism (TSA). tests), allows coaches to examine
(to highlight test-specific strengths and contextualized data of individual ath-
weaknesses), we also want to be able to USING STANDARDIZED SCORES letes relative to their teammates and
judge how they did holistically, that is, AND DEFINING WINDOWS OF thus set benchmarks and training
have some measure of general athleti- OPPORTUNITY goals that are realistic to the demands
cism, where moderate scores across all A TSA is derived by averaging a set placed on players by the club. For
tests may in fact be more beneficial to of standardized scores (here, either z- example, each player’s physical
performance, than scoring really high scores for large groups or t-scores for capacity will to some extent be a con-
in some, while doing terrible in others. small groups) from a series of tests sequence of the coach’s training phi-
losophy, which determines
competition tactics (or style of play)
and their attitude toward strength
and conditioning practices (11). Fur-
thermore, results may also be a con-
sequence of general time allocated to
training (e.g., semiprofessional ath-
letes vs. professional athletes) and
naturally, the age and maturation of
the players (5,7). So, although com-
parative data may be available outside
of the club, enabling comparisons
with professional athletes, for exam-
ple, it may create unrealistic targets.
This is because using comparative
data may establish benchmarks or
test goals, which require a time allow-
ance to fitness training that is at odds
with that which is allotted, and re-
Figure 2. The mean 6 the SD. The mean 6 1 SD contains ;68% of all scores, 62 SD
quires financial and logistical input
;95%, and 6 3SD ;99%. m 5 mean and s 5 SD.

2 VOLUME 00 | NUMBER 00 | MONTH 2019

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Table most beneficial use of fitness test- accordingly. Therefore, the final
Z-scores and the percentage of ing data. piece of information used is a measure
test scores they contain of how well someone did relative to
The usefulness of z-scores (the stan- all who took those tests. A z-score
0 50% dardized score we will initially dis- contains all of this information, and
cuss) can be noted when we because it is unit-less, it enables com-
20.3 38% 0.3 62% consider the following question. Dur- parisons between other tests which
20.6 27% 0.6 73% ing a fitness testing battery, if an ath- otherwise would not be possi-
lete squats 140 kg and has a beep ble (3,9).
20.9 18% 0.9 82% (aerobic shuttle) test score corre-
By plotting athlete data as z-scores,
21.2 12% 1.2 88% sponding to level 15, how well did
they do, and on which did they do coaches, athletes, and sport scientists
21.5 7% 1.5 93% can get a quick and easy to read data
best? The first stage of answering this
21.8 4% 1.8 96% is to establish the maximum values point and graph, indicating how well
attained from each athlete, within each athlete did on each test relative
22.1 2% 2.1 98% to their teammates, and which areas
the tested squad. For squats, the
22.4 1% 2.4 99% highest recorded score may have are strengths, and which are weak-
been 220 kg and for the beep test, nesses. For example, looking at Fig-
23.0 0% 3.0 100% ure 1, where zero represents the team
level 17. Therefore, the athlete at-
This can be directly computed in Excel tained a score of 64% and 88%, average, anything above the zero-line
by using the NORMDIST function. respectively, relative to the maxi- means that the athlete is better than
mum. So, on a percentage basis, the average, and anything below means,
athlete performed better on the beep they are worse. Practically, this
that is not supported. Equally, com- test. However, the 88% on the beep means that anything below the line
parative data drawn from other test may have been one of the lowest represents a clear window of oppor-
teams may represent a trend toward scores among all those tested. By tunity that should be targeted when
a particular set of fitness character- contrast, the 64% may have been individualizing the athletes’ next
istics that maps back to a style of play one of the highest; so, arguably, the training program.
that is not universally adopted. athlete scored best on the squats. The next question involves the inter-
Finally, given it is likely that within- Such information enables strength pretation of how good or bad they
club comparisons will be used for and conditioning coaches to more are at each test (relative to their
team selection purposes, between- precisely highlight athlete strengths teammates). For this, we must be
player comparisons are likely the and weaknesses and program able to interpret the z-score value

Figure 3. Using the z-score test profile to compare 2 athletes along with the total score of athleticism (TSA), which indicates who is
the most “rounded” athlete relative to the chosen test battery.

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The Total Score of Athleticism

Figure 4. Plotting each athlete’s TSA score to determine who is most athletically prepared for the demands of competition. To ease
interpretation, the TSA has been ranked from highest to lowest. Clearly all players should strive to be above the average
line; however, in this example, the top third (green), middle third (amber), and bottom third (red) have also been
identified to conform with the common traffic light–based system often used. TSA, total score of athleticism.

(on the y axis), which corresponds to 34% up to +1 SD and another 13% would be achieved for athletes who
the height of each bar. To fully under- up to +2 SD). A score of +1 informs were better than average. When this
stand these values, the mean and SD us that they scored better than 84% of occurs, the final value can simply be
need to be examined, whereby the others who were tested, while 21 multiplied by 21. This reversing of
former provides the average score suggests 84% did better than them. positive values to negative values and
and the latter the dispersion of data So, when we analyze Figure 1 again, vice versa enables all scores above the
(a smaller SD means that the data set we must make note of the values on line to be seen as an athlete’s strength
contains values that are, on average, the y axis to determine their test and all scores below the line to be seen
close to the mean, while a larger SD scores. For this reason, when produc- as an athlete’s weakness (relative to
suggests the opposite). Together, the ing charts for each athlete, it can be those who took the test); again, this
mean 6 1 SD will contain ;68% of all useful to fix the y axis values (i.e., use adjustment simply makes for easier
test scores, the mean 6 2 SD ;95%, Excel’s chart formatting function to interpretation.
and the mean 6 3 SD ;99% (Figure 2 manually set max and min values)
and Table). Z-scores rescale values to to make interpretation easier and
show how many SDs away from the more accessible to coaches and ath- ATHLETICISM
mean they are and therefore have letes, by allowing them to simply Coaches are often interested in 1
a mean of zero and an SD of 1 (6). gauge performance through the score that represents how “fit” a given
We can interpret values by using height of each bar (if y axis values athlete is. For this we can use the TSA,
a normal distribution (refer to Fig- are not fixed, the histogram is plotted calculated by averaging the z-scores
ure 2). So, if an athlete scores +2, it based on the largest y values). from each test (9). For example, using
indicates that the athlete scored 2 SD Finally, in sport, smaller values can of the average mitigates scenarios
above the mean, meaning that they course indicate superior performances, whereby an athlete is missing a partic-
performed better than 97% of all for example, 30-m sprint time. For ular test due to an injury. Leaving the
scores (50% up to the mean plus these tests, negative values for z-scores cells blank ensures this is picked up

4 VOLUME 00 | NUMBER 00 | MONTH 2019

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Figure 5. Formula to calculate z-scores, in which the squad’s average test score (cell A18) is subtracted from the athlete’s test score
(cell A2), then this value is divided by the squad’s SD (cell A19). This formula can then be dragged down and across to
compute z-scores for all athletes across all tests, the row number for the mean and SD must be fixed using the “$.” Of
note, the z-score can also be computed by using the “STANDARDIZE” formula in Excel.

when interpreting the graphs (Fig- thus, athletes cannot just focus on 1 by several physical competencies, work-
ure 3). Another reason to average facet of physical performance at the ing in concert with one another, and
scores is to ensure the athlete is “well expense of others. Similarly, research- thus, this represents a potentially fruitful
rounded.” For example, while an ath- ers are also starting to use an averaging addition to the traditional relationships
lete may have a very high score for the of z-scores to better understand in- identified between key performance in-
bench press, their score for some test competition metrics, by correlating dicators and single components of fit-
of aerobic capacity could be low, and this 1 measure of holistic fitness with ness (such as 30-m speed or 1 repetition
in this case, the low score will neutral- key performance indicators such as maximum back squat).
ize the high score. The TSA is there- tackles, shots, and passes (1,4,12).
fore indicative of the fact that sport Again, this seems logical because on- Finally, after the completion of
often requires several athletic abilities; field metrics are simultaneously driven a comprehensive needs analysis,

Figure 6. For purposes of drawing graphs and to ensure scores above the line are seen as strengths, and those below the line are
seen as weaknesses (and “windows of opportunity”), multiple speed-based tests by 21.

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The Total Score of Athleticism

Figure 7. The total score of athleticism (TSA) is calculated by averaging all z-scores.

a quick reference assessment of who tests that represent the athletic com- that this particular combination bet-
is the most athletic (relative to the ponents required of the sport in ter suits the specific positional de-
demands of the sport) can be plotted question. For example, choosing 1 mands. Whatever tests and
by graphing all athlete TSA scores test for strength, 1 for power, speed, weighting of tests are decided on,
(Figure 4). Interpretation can then aerobic capacity, and so forth, en- the validity of the TSA is governed
be made easier still by sorting them sures a rounded approach to athlet- by the tests used to make up its
in Excel (highest to lowest) or rank- icism. Having more tests geared score. Using several tests that favor
ing athletes as described elsewhere toward strength and power assess- 1 attribute of athleticism (or giving 1
(10) and below. ment relative to aerobic capacity, test a higher weighting), such as
for example, is indicative of strength, will bias scores in its favor
DETERMINING THE FITNESS a requirement in athleticism center- (8). Practitioners therefore should
TESTING BATTERY ing on those qualities, perhaps also consider splitting squad assess-
Given z-scores from each test are because the sport event is highly ments by positional groups (e.g.
averaged, it is important to choose intensive and of short duration, or judging soccer goalkeepers by

Figure 8. To ease interpretation for coaches and athletes, the TSA and each test’s z-score, for that matter, can then be ranked, and
a “traffic light” system can be used to highlight how each athlete’s fitness compares with their teammates. TSA, total
score of athleticism.

6 VOLUME 00 | NUMBER 00 | MONTH 2019

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(cell E2 in the example given in Fig-
ure 5) can then be dragged down and
then across to compute z-scores for all
athletes across all tests. However,
before doing so, the test mean and
SD must first be fixed using the “$” sign
as per the formula highlighted in Fig-
ure 5. Furthermore, for purposes of
drawing graphs and to ensure scores
above the line are seen as strengths,
and those below the line are seen as
weaknesses (as per Figure 1), multiply
speed-based time tests by 21 (Fig-
ure 6). Finally, the TSA is calculated
by averaging all z-scores (Figure 7).
For ease of interpretation for coaches
and athletes, the TSA and each test’s z-
score can then be ranked, and a “traffic
light” system can be used (Figure 8) to
Figure 9. An example of how z-score data can be presented to coaches and athletes highlight how each athlete’s fitness
using the TSA, rankings, traffic light system, and a histogram (and using the compares with their teammates; an
“VLOOKUP” function). The actual TSA score in this example is 0.30, as noted example of how this can be presented
on the graph. However, just above in the boxes, it is reported as 53. This is
(using the “VLOOKUP” function) is
because the z-score derived TSA has been converted to represent a score
between 0 and 100, which is more relatable for athletes and coaches. The shown in Figure 9.
conversion for this is described in the converting z-scores to t-scores
section. TSA, total score of athleticism.
There are actually 2 forms of t-scores,
aerobic capacity may disadvan- then this value is divided by the squad’s one used to transform z-scores into
tage them). SD; so, the equation reads as follows: more user-friendly numbers, which
z-score 5 (athlete score 2 team we will discuss now, and 1 used to
mean)/team SD. This can easily be standardize scores in small squads,
OF ATHLETICISM AND PLOTTING computed in Excel by using the which we will discuss in the following
GRAPHS IN EXCEL “STANDARDIZE” formula or input- section. So, some coaches and ath-
To calculate the z-score of any given ted manually using the equation pro- letes may not like the format of a z-
test, the squad’s average test score is vided (and as illustrated in Figure 5). score, which is a small number that
subtracted from the athlete’s test score, The formula contained within the cell can be positive or negative. In these

Figure 10. Converting z-scores to t-scores using the formula t 5 (z 3 10) + 50.

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The Total Score of Athleticism

Figure 11. Converting raw scores to t-scores using the formula t 5 50 + 10 (athlete score 2 team mean)/team SD.

instances, or just through general value (as oppose to 0 in z-scores), SD above the mean. Conversely,
preference, z-scores can be converted with 10 used to represent an interval a score of 40 represents a score that
to t-scores using the following for- equivalent to 1 SD (5). Therefore, is 1 SD below the mean and 30 two
mula: t 5 (z 3 10) + 50 (Figure 10). a score of 60 represents a score that SD below the mean. We should also
In this format, 50 represents the mean is 1 SD above the mean and 70 two point out that raw scores can be

Figure 12. Converting raw scores to t-scores using the formula t 5 (athlete score 2 team mean)/(SD/SQRT(n)). In this example, n 5
24, that is, 24 athletes were tested.

8 VOLUME 00 | NUMBER 00 | MONTH 2019

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the population SD (s), which in real-
ity, is rarely known. Therefore, when
testing players from a squad of ,30,
the data are likely to follow a t-dis-
tribution, which is essentially shorter
and fatter than the normal distribu-
tion associated with z-scores (2). In
these instances, where the shape of
the curve is dependent on sample
size, reference tables must be used
to interpret the magnitude of differ-
ence for the assessed value relative to
the mean; that is as opposed to z-
scores where a value of 1 always in-
fers a 34% difference relative to the
mean (Figure 2). Therefore, if we
were to use z-scores on small squads,
we could not be confident in inter-
preting the magnitude of difference
from the mean; thus, t-scores are
advised. To reiterate, these are differ-
ent to the t-scores presented above,
with these t-scores computed as fol-
lows: t 5 (athlete score 2 team
mean)/(SD/SQRT(n)), where
SQRT(n) requires you to square root
the sample number. Of note, this is
the only difference from the formula
used to compute a z-score. Figure 12
shows how this can be computed
in Excel.

The issue with using t-scores is that,

as aforementioned, it requires the
use of reference tables, which is
Figure 13. Using the “PERCENTRANK” formula in Excel to convert t-score–based TSA a lengthy and onerous task for those
scores into percentages, whereby 50% represents the mean. TSA, total producing the athlete reports. How-
score of athleticism. ever, even without the use of refer-
ence tables, the relative difference of
each score can still be gauged from
the graph, that is, above the line im-
directly converted to t-scores using readily illustrate better and worse plies better than average and below
the following formula: t 5 50 + 10 than average (and by what magni- the line implies worse, with the
(athlete score 2 team mean)/team tude) through bars being above or height of the bar indicating by how
SD (Figure 11). Because t-scores pro- below the y axis. much. Furthermore, the average t-
duce a number that is more conven- score can still be computed and used
tionally appreciated by athletes, that FITNESS TESTING FOR SMALL to rank holistic fitness (i.e., the TSA)
is, it provides a scores between 0 and SQUADS among the athlete’s teammates.
100 rather than, for example 23 to 3 The use of z-scores normally re- However, to now turn the t-score
(as per z-scores); the final overall quires achieving 1 of 2 conditions. derived TSA into a score between
TSA score is presented in this way First, normally distributed data (as 0 and 100, which again may carry
as illustrated in Figure 9. Anecdotally, illustrated in Figure 2), which given more contextual meaning for
however, it may still be better to illus- the central limit theorem, are coaches and players, we use the
trate any data contained in graphs achieved with a sample size of .30 “PERCENTRANK” formula in
through z-scores, as these more (2). Second, it requires us to know Excel (Figure 13). The score now

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The Total Score of Athleticism

information can then be used to

identify areas to be targeted when
the next training program is individ-
ualized for each athlete. Of course, it
would be remiss of us to not point
out that standardized scores essen-
tially rank athletes within the tested
population; thus, half the athletes
will always be below average. Some
consideration should therefore be
given to whether this highlights win-
dows of opportunity in these athletes
or is a natural byproduct of excep-
tional fitness within the tested squad.
If it were the latter, then other areas
should be targeted, with this a natural
consequence of analysis through
standardized scores. For interested
readers, a step-by-step guide for the
Figure 14. An example of how t-score data can be presented to coaches and athletes calculation of z-scores and the TSA,
using the TSA, rankings, traffic light system, and a histogram (and using the along with how to graph results (as
“VLOOKUP” function). The actual TSA score in this example is 1.45, as noted histogram or radar plot), is available
on the graph. However, just above in the boxes, it is reported as 61%. This is elsewhere (10).
because the t-score derived TSA has been converted to represent a per-
centage score between 0 and 100, which is more relatable for athletes and Conflicts of Interest and Source of Funding:
coaches. The conversion for this is achieved through the “PERCENTRANK” The authors report no conflicts of interest
function in Excel. TSA, total score of athleticism. and no source of funding.

Anthony N.
Turner is an
informs athletes and coaches (as holistic indication of an athlete’s ath- associate profes-
a percentage) how much above or leticism. Currently, there is no consen- sor in Strength
below the mean they are, noting that sus on how this is best defined, and and Conditioning
like the t-score originally introduced, thus, a TSA may provide one such and the director
50% represents the mean. method. The validity of the TSA score of postgraduate
In closing, a player profile produced is governed by the relevance of the programs in sport
using t-scores is presented in Figure 14; fitness tests used, so coaches must be at the London
this is the same player used above in able to rationalize their choices based Sport Institute,
Figure 9, allowing you to note the sub- on the information derived from a com- Middlesex
tle difference between the 2 methods of prehensive needs analysis of the sport University.
analysis. Incidentally, the rank you get including positional demands.
from t-score analysis is generally iden- Finally, data visualization is an Ben Jones is
tical to the rank you get from a z-score important consideration to maximize a professor of
analysis; it is just unfortunate that t- the effectiveness of this approach, Sports Physiology
scores (unlike z-scores) are affected with the figure schematic used sim- and Performance
by sample size and thus require refer- ple to interpret for both coaches and at Leeds Beckett
ence tables to determine relative differ- athletes. Histograms may provide University and
ence from the mean. a logical and easy way to understand a visiting
the data, as scores above the line researcher at
CONCLUSION mean an athlete is better than aver- University of
Oftentimes, the various coaching staff, age, while below the line suggest Cape Town,
sport science, and medical practi- they are worse, the height of the South Africa and
tioners of a sports club require a single, bar determines by how much. This University of New England, Australia.

10 VOLUME 00 | NUMBER 00 | MONTH 2019

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