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B2 – Listening: Charity Event

You will hear a conversation. You will hear the conversation twice. Choose the correct

1 Jack suggests that his friends will help Jill because they…
A have got a lot of free time.
B want to support her charity.
C will be paid for their time.

2 What does Jill ask Jack to do at the charity venue?

A Sell coffee.
B Rearrange furniture.
C Cook pizza.

3 What is on the logo of the charity?

A a letter
B a picture
C a sign

4 Jill won't tell Jack the name of the celebrity because she…
A is still not sure who it is.
B thinks the person might not be able to come.
C has promised not to reveal it.

5 The person who owns a food truck is going to…

A supply the cutlery.
B use plastic plates.
C give money to the charity.

6 Jill asks Jack to go to the bank to…

A pick up something.
B pay in some money.
C get some information.
B2 – Listening: Charity Event

- There are only two days to go before your charity event, Jill. Have you got everything
under control?
- I'm afraid there's still a lot to do in the next couple of days, Jack. I wish we had another
week to get everything ready.
- What else needs to be done? I'm free all day on Friday, so I can help out. I can also
contact some friends who would be glad to lend a hand for such a good cause, even
though they're busy.
- Thanks so much. It's really kind of them, especially as I can't give them anything in
return. I really need to get the venue sorted out. We're having lots of different activities
to raise money, the tables and chairs have to be moved, so could you help with that?
There's one area where people can come and buy cakes and another where we're going
to sell coffee. I also want to decorate the hall with lots of lights and colourful balloons.
- That doesn't sound too difficult to do. My friends are used to moving chairs and tables
around, so it won't be too much of a problem. Have you got signs and banners to tell
people about the charity and what you are trying to do?
- Yes, they're being done at the moment. Our logo is a big C. The charity is called We Care
and we are raising money for children by selling coffee and cake. We also have a
celebrity coming to open the event, so I don't want anything to go wrong.
- That sounds exciting. Who is it?
- Unfortunately, I've been sworn to secrecy and have promised not to tell anyone, not
even you, Jack. However, just between you and me, this person has over a million
followers on social media. She lives not far from here, so I'm very confident she'll turn
- A local celebrity is an excellent choice. I can't wait to see who it is. What else have you
got on your list of things to do?
- Let me check. Oh, yes, I forgot to say that the owner of one of the food trucks that are
outside the station has very kindly agreed to come and cook pizzas on the day. He's going
to donate all the profit he makes to the charity. However, we have to provide the plates
and knives and forks. Could you possibly go and get them if I give you the money?
- Of course. I know a discount store where I can get them cheaply. Don't worry, they will
be bio-degradable and not made of polluting plastic.
- Thank you. One of the aims of the charity is to care for the environment, so I don't think
we would sell many pizzas if they were served on plastic plates.
- I've got to go soon, but text me if you want anything else.
- I've just remembered one last thing. Could you possibly go to the bank and pick up some
money bags? We'll need them to help us work out how much money we've collected on
the day. we just put the coins into the bags and take them back to the bank to be
- I'll do it on my way home. There's one problem, though.
B2 – Listening: Charity Event
- What's that?
- The bags are made of plastic.

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