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Nᴏᴀʜ’s Aʀᴋ: Tʜᴇ Mᴏᴅᴇʀɴɪᴢᴇᴅ Vᴇʀsɪᴏɴ

(We got carried away)

Written by: B.Nam, Khoa, Sơn, Bách

Chapter 1: The End Of An Era (B.Nam)

It was the year 3028, technology was advanced as ever, holograms were frequently used on a daily
basis, humans were occasionally discovering new planets, humans could learn a new language in
seconds due to a brain chip, etc.
However, they were met with as many problems as today(perhaps even more), but the biggest one of
them all, was that the Earth was slowly becoming inhabitable. Earth was slowly dying day by day, it was
unclear if it would make it past the next 2 decades, global warming was finally taking its toll, buildings
were slowly crumbling, half of the countries were already undersea, plants couldn’t survive for even a
second outside. Humans were struggling to adapt, most of their plans had failed, as they reacted too late
to the problem. On May 17th, 3028, every government announced that from this day forward, humans
would be unable to live on land. They made an underground system called the ‘UG’ that was connected
with every remaining country. Humans grew crops and cooked food down there, careful not to open any
doors or windows.
All those happy years were burned to crisps, as the earth slowly burned before their very own eyes.
Humans were the cause of their own downfall. They took too much from nature, so much so that in the
end, even nature couldn’t save them.

Chapter 2: Hope & Depression(Sơn)

23 years passed, the human population was quickly decreasing, most of them didn’t want to sit in
silence as their home was slowly being taken away from them, most of them knew that they would not last
long in the bunker before the entire human population went extinct. So many of them decided to commit
the unthinkable. The rest weren’t feeling so well too, many of them started developing anger issues and
depression throughout their years spent in the ‘UG’. Even the most kind-hearted people started shouting
randomly at people and lusting for physical fights. Guards and officers attempted to break them up to no
avail and soon stopped trying as they themselves were starting to become depressed. Humanity was at
its darkest time.
The brain chips also stopped working due to the lack of technology down in the bunker, forcing children
to go to school and study the hard way. Because of this, most people were unable to communicate with
their loved ones, unable to verify themselves, get info from the outside world, and many more things; only
a small percentage still had working brain chips. This caused another riot within the ‘UG’, people were
slaughtering one another to steal each other's brain chips. Thousands were killed, leaving only around
900,000 left, 9 of them still had their brain chips. A widow in her 60s, named Julia was one of them, her
husband was killed during the slaughter for brain chips, leaving her with her only son, named Noah

Chapter 3: An Unlucky Day(Bách)

Noah woke up with a jolt, sweating from head to toe, he had just relived a repetitive nightmare, in which
he would witness Humanity’s last moments, people were calling out to him, begging him to save them,
while he watched in horror, immobile.
He brushed his wet hair out of his face and checked the time, 3 in the morning. His bed was covered with
papers and files that he needed to work on before it reached the deadline.
‘Gotta get some rest, it was only a dream’ He reassuringly thought,
‘Tomorrow’s gonna be the scientific council gathering, I can’t go in looking like a donkey.’ And so he slept
on, with only one thing on his mind.
Noah woke up the next morning, feeling tired and sleepy, he had attempted to pull off an all-nighter to
finish all the assignments that were given to him by his boss, but he still had 5 of them to go, he hurriedly
brushed his teeth and ate his breakfast, while splashing milk everywhere (‘Oh for god’s sake!’) and sat
down to finish his remaining papers.
“Done!” He exclaimed loudly after 5 sweaty minutes. He looked down at his watch and swore loudly.
He had 10 minutes before the meeting started. He grabbed his briefcase and ran as fast as he could to
his workplace, the International Space Industry AKA ISI. He made it with only 2 minutes to spare. He
barged in the door, panting like a dog, his shirt was completely soaked with sweat, he only realized how
unprofessional he must’ve looked moments too late. “Um, so w-when does this meeting start?” He
awkwardly said while re-adjusting his tye. His colleagues and boss glared at him, giving him a sign that
this won’t end well for him. He nervously sat down, dreading the future...
“-YOU’RE FIRED MR LEDOSIA…” yelled his boss, Mr. Thomas, 2 hours after the meeting ended.
“-LEAVING THE PLANET?!? ARE YOU INSANE?!?...” Mr. Thomas continued...
“It could work-” Noah began.
“I want your things out of my bunker NOW! You’re a disgrace to the company, you always look
exhausted, you barely make it in time-.” Lectured his boss.
“I already told you, my mother’s getting sick and weak, the sun’s radiation is starting to spread-” Noah
explained exasperatedly.
“Excuses, excuses, I don’t want to hear them(‘Of course, you don’t’ Noah thought darkly), get out before
I call security.”

Noah walked out of the huge bunker miserably, “Great, another job lost, exactly what I needed during
this time” Noah sighed. His mother was lying ill in the hospital bunker, her skin was starting to turn red
from the sun’s radiation, meaning that the human race might be coming to an end any second now. On
top of that, he was balancing 12 other jobs at the moment.

He and his parents used to work on a project together, they were trying to find a way to save humanity.
Their idea was to build space pods to find other planets with life forms, Noah and his parents were sure
that this would work with the technology they had now but many people disagreed, not willing to take the
risk, believing him to be a psychopath who enjoys watching people suffer. He stared at the white ceiling in

Chapter 4: The Discovery Of Aspiration(Khoa)

Later that afternoon, Noah received a call from his other boss, named Mr. Isaac, while he was working
at a restaurant.
“Hello, sir?”
“Hi Noah, are you busy at the moment? If not, I’ll need you to meet me at the lab now.”
“Is there a problem at the lab?” asked Noah.
“Oh no, I just have some really big news...” Reassured Mr. Issac.
“Good or bad?” Asked Noah nervously.
“Depends on the context Noah, just meet me there...” Mr. Isaac answered grimly.

Noah arrived at the lab bunker moments later, their company was called Sky Engineer Industry AKA
SEI. But it was noticeably much smaller than ISI (International Space Industry) and the bunker looked a
lot less fancy, the number of employees was also smaller (with only around 15 of them), however, they
were a lot more pleasant than the ones in ISI. He knocked on the door and was welcomed warmly by his
boss Mr.Issac.
“Here’s the young chap! How’s it been with you Noah?” Mr. Isaac energetically asked.
Nick told him the events of this morning and watched as Mr. Isaac’s smile slowly fade. The company
was relying on him to convince ISI to try using their idea. But Noah had only convinced 10 of them.
Expecting to be scolded, Noah was totally caught off guard when Mr. Isaac reassured him by saying that
he has found another way to fix this.
“Fortunately, I have found further evidence to prove to the public the dangers of staying here,” said
Mr. Issac.
Mr. Isaac continued: “For the past 5 years, I have been measuring the temperature of the main door
seal entrance. The entrance to the outside world has heated up a tremendous amount, and the guards
even have to wear more protective gear, fearing for their own safety. The heat has also spread across the
UG, as I have also measured the temperature yearly. If my calculations are correct, we have no more
than 5 years before this place burns to crisp.”

“So that means-” Noah began

“We don’t have much time left” finished Mr. Isaac.

Chapter 5: The Start Of New Era:

Over the next 4 years, Noah and SEI worked together to build a space pod big enough for everyone to
fit in. They also took DNA samples from each and every animal they had in the bunker to repopulate the
animal population. Although SEI tried to convince the others again with their newfound evidence, they
only got 2000/900,000 more convinced. On the day of their departure, Noah was given his mother’s brain
chip, as she no longer needed it, this helped him navigate the ship and find planets with any possible
signs of life. The remaining humans stared in awe at the sight of the outside Earth, it looked like a burning
fireball with broken buildings and roads.
The journey lasted for 52 years(with some deaths along the way), and when they finally found a planet
habitable for them to live in, Noah, now aged 85 years old, took the first step, tears of joy filled his eyes as
a feeling of hope, of freedom filled his insides. Now that the remaining humans have learned from their
past mistakes, this was truly the start of a new era.

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