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Johnson Grammar School (ICSE), Habsiguda


Notes of Lesson
I New Words Syllables

1 . minister min/is/ ter

2 . banished ban/ished

3 . messenger mes/sen/ger

4 . adviser ad/vis/er

5 . tattered tat/tered

6 . intelligent in/tel/li/gent

7 . declared de/clared

8 . wisdom wis/dom

9 . challenge chal/lenge

10 . miracles mir/a/cles

II Meanings

1.banished = ordered to leave a place

2.tattered = old and torn ; in a bad condition

3.wisdom = ability to use knowledge to make good decisions

4.miracle = surprising things that happen and cannot be explained

5. declared = stated very strongly and clearly

III Question and Answers

1. Why did Akbar ask his minister to test the wise men ?

A. Akbar asked his ministers to test the wise men because he wanted to find an intelligent
minister like Birbal.

IV Extract

B ) ‘ Who or what is the most dangerous enemy of the king ? ‘

1. Who asked the question and to whom ?

Ans . The Emperor asked the question to the teacher .

2.What was the answer to the question?

Ans . The king’s ‘bad temper’ was the answer to the question .

3.What did Akbar decide to do on hearing the answer?

Ans . On hearing the right answer, Akbar decided to make the teacher a minister in his court

V . Value Based Question

1. Did Akbar do the right thing when he banished Birbal ? Why ?

(open ended answer)

VI . OBT – Text book page 24 : Bit - 3a

a) “ I do not claim to be wise . Even then , I am ready for the test .”

1.Who said these lines ?

2.Was the person wise ?

VII . Make sentences on your own without changing the form of word.

1. tattered –

2. intelligent –

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