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Unit 1: Understanding Culture, - Common distinguishing factor

Society, and Politics of a person’s cultural

Lesson 1: Sharing of Social and
Cultural Backgrounds
- Refers to the personal traits or
social roles of the female and
male members of society.
- identity or feeling of
belonging to a group.
- Part of a person’s self-
- is the state of being either
conception and self-
masculine or feminine.
- one’s nationality, ethnicity,
religion, social class,
- set of attributes, behavior and
generation, locality, or any kind
roles associated with men.
of social group that has its own
distinct culture.
- set of attributes, behavior and
roles associated with women.
- Ability of a person to recognize
- when he/she does not accept
the different beliefs.
or understand his/her
- Allows a person to build a
sexuality or is unable to
more successful personal and
understand his/her status.
professional relationship with
- Person’s state, region or
- a personal or family’s
country heavily influence
financial and social esteem
his/her cultural background.
based on income, education,
and occupation.
- It is the totality of a person’s
- Consists of the ethnic,
social position and wealth
religious, racial, gender,
linguistic or other
5 Levels of Socio- economic Status
socioeconomic factors and
- Upper class
values that shape one’s
- Upper-Middle class
- Middle Class
- Can be shaped at the family,
- Working class
societal or organization level.
- Lower class.
It is important to learn about the
- Person’s standing or rank in
cultural identity of other people, so
the social ladder of stratification
that he can appreciate other
based on prestige, power, and
cultures as well.
- Person’s place in the
society’s economic
stratification based on wealth, - Are known from virtually
property, and total assets. human society.
- Is a prohibition against
ETHNICITY consuming certain foods.
- Condition in which social - Certainly, some religions say
group belongs to a common certain foods (sa INC,
national or cultural tradition. dinuguan) are a no-no, while
POLYNESIAN other religions are okay with
- Different ethno-linguistic eating them. It's all about what
groups, most of whose own each religion think is good or
languages. bad to eat.

Lesson 2: Observation about Social, FOOD TABOOS IN THE PHILIPPINES

Political Behavior and Phenomena
- The cuisine of the Filipinos has
SIGNIFICANCE OF STUDYING THE its roots with influences from
CULTURE, SOCIETY, AND POLITICS the Malay, Spanish, Arab,
Indian, Japanese, and
1. It develops our knowledge, American cuisines.
understanding, skills, values - Have 3 meals a day.
and attitudes to achieving - An afternoon snack called
social and cultural literacy. "merienda".
2. It will increase our knowledge - “Papaitan” a goat or beef
and understanding about innards stew flavored with bile
personal, social, and cultural which gives it a bitter taste.
identity and would give us the
impetus to initiate change. SOME DISHES THAT FILIPINOS
3. It develops our skills to apply CONSIDER AS TABOO:
and evaluate social and cultural
research, investigate, and 1. Any dish that has dog or cat
engage in effective evaluation, meat. This is not allowed in the
analysis and synthesis of Philippines. Republic Act No.
information, ideas and issues in 8485 “illegal to slaughter a dog
appropriate forms to different or cat for personal trade, or for
audiences in a variety of commercial trade and
contexts. consumption”. “The dog is a
4. Will be equipped with man’s best friend.”
informed and responsible 2. Any meat of animals
values and attitudes towards considered as endangered.
a just society, intercultural Monkeys, tortoise (pawikan),
understanding, informed and monitor lizards (bayawak), or
active citizenship, ethical rare birds.
research practices, and lifelong 3. Any food that violates human
learning. dignity because they are any
more acceptable for human
FOOD TABOOS consumption by public opinion.
“Double dead meat” or local politics before going to the
“botcha”, “pagpag” (left over national level.
that salvaged and remade into - usually have a strong local
new dish. support base.
- are also active in socio-
There are other dishes in the economic ventures and not just
Philippines that may be popular to the limited to politics.
majority but are prohibited to others on
reason of religious beliefs. Sec. 26, Article II Declaration of
a. Muslim: not allowed to eat Principles and State Policies,
pork. 1987 Philippine Constitution
b. Iglesia ni Cristo: not allowed to - “The State shall guarantee
eat pig’s blood “dinuguan”. equal access to opportunities
c. Protestants: sa 7th day, not for public service and prohibit
allowed to eat pork. political dynasties as may be
d. Hinduism: not allowed to eat provided by law”.
1987 Philippine Constitution Article - The President, Vice-President,
3 Section 5 and the senators elected serve
- freedom of religion and the free for a 6-year term.
exercise thereof. - The members of the House of
Representatives, and the local
THE STANDBY (ISTAMBAY) government officials are elected
PHENOMENON for a term of 3 years and are
- “istambay” is derived from the eligible for re-elections.
English idiom “on standby”. - President, as per the 1987
- “Istambay” a person who does Philippine Constitution, is
not have work and who limited to a 1 term and is
usually hangs-out on street barred from running for re-
corners. election.
- “istambay” an act of spending - Vice-president, on the other
one’s time unprofitably. hand, may run for re-election
This definition also suggests or may opt for a higher
the Filipino terms ‘paglalakwtsa’ position.
(gallivanting), ‘taong tamad’
(lazy person), and ‘di ginagamit’ Philippine Congress has 2
(not being used) as chambers:
synonymous to istambay. - Senate or Upper House has 24
POLITICAL DYNASTY - they do not represent any
- a phenomenon with socio- geographical district.
economic undertones. - The lower half of the Senator’s
- found in affluent families that term is renewed every 3
have entrenched themselves in years.
- LowerHouse has 250 seats
80% congressional 20% party list. - defined as a self-portrait
- reports of fraud, vote-buying, photograph, normally shot with
vote-padding and vote-shaving. a digital camera or camera
phone held in the hand or
Lesson 3: Observations on Social, braced by a selfie stick.
Political and Cultural Change - Self-esteem is important, and
not always in a conceited way.
MAJOR SOCIAL CHANGES IN THE - A carefully taken profile picture
21ST CENTURY or avatar is our way to present
- has been characterized by the a certain side of ourselves to
dynamic interaction between others. More often than not, a
the advancing technology posted selfie puts us on public
and the improvement of stage where we are being
economy and society. liked or disliked by others.
- the main driving force for - Nowadays, the selfie has been
economic and social change expanded into “groufie” or
will be information “wefie.”
- these are increasingly coping Fax Machine
with the new organizational and Landline Telephone
institutional designs required for - Yung mga ginagamit nila.
the full and most effective use
of the new technology, thus, Lesson 4: Definition of Anthropology,
boosting now to the momentum Political science and Sociology
of greater technological
- with the use of a cellular
phone, we can send messages Sociology
- study of society and social
at anytime, anywhere.
interactions taking place.
- the term refers to messages
- also deals with the origin,
sent via the Short Message
evolution, and development of
Service (SMS).
human society.
- technology has expanded to
- focused on all kinds of social
include multi-media
interactions, social relationships,
messages (MMS) including social organization, structure,
images, videos, and sound and process.
content, as well as ideograms, Anthropology
commonly known as emoji. - study of human’s past and
- It can be used to interact with present
others using the automated - to describe and explain human
systems. variation or the observed
similarities and differences in
SELFIE PHENOMENON people through time and across
Political science a wide range of current social
- study of the state and issues and problems.
government. Human ecology
- concerned about politics and - studies the behavior of a given
policies of the government. population and its relationship
- focuses on the analysis of to present social institutions.
political systems, political Population
behavior, and political culture. - concerned with population size,
composition, change and quality
RELATIONSHIPS BETWEEN SOCIOLOGY, and on how they influence the
ANTHROPOLOGY AND POLITICAL SCIENCE economic, political, and social
- Both Sociology and Anthropology
Sociological theory & method
study human society. They
- concerned with the application
analyze how societies are
of the results of sociological
organized, how humans act
studies to solve various human
together and act among
- Political science is concerned
with the political life of man,
which is one part of his entire life.
Sociology is the science of
Cultural anthropology
- studies human cultures,
AREAS OF SOCIOLOGY beliefs, ideas, technologies,
economies, practices,
Social Organization values, and other spheres
- study of social groups, social of social and rational
institutions, social stratification, organization.
mobility, ethnic relations, and
- is primarily based on
cultural understanding
Social psychology
- tackles human behavior or gained through actual
nature because of group life, experiences, or participant
personality formation, social observations of the human
attitude and collective behavior. population.
Social change Physical anthropology
- study of changes in the society
- deals with the biological
and culture, and the factors
and behavioral aspects of
resulting from such change.
Social organization & disorganization human beings.
- study the emergence of - focuses on their relationships
societies, their structural to non-human primates and
formation, and the ways they are their extinct hominid
strengthened. ancestors.
- also study crime, delinquency, Archeology
family conflict, poverty,
subversion, unemployment, and
- studies both the ancient and governing civil servants
recent past of humans working in the government.
through the material International relations
remains, such as artifacts, - delve on nation-state’s
fossils, and bone fragments. interactions including
Linguistic anthropology intergovernmental and
- studies the relations between transnational organizations.
language and culture in Law
relation to human biology, - governs the relationships
human reasoning and between individuals and
human language. the government, and the
Applied anthropology. relationships of individuals
- deals with the application of among themselves directly
anthropological facts, affecting the society.
perspectives, theories, and Political methodology
procedures in identifying, - focuses on the quantitative
assessing, and solving social methods used in the study
problems. of politics combining
Statistics, Mathematics, and
POLITICAL SCIENCE - often used in positive
research, unlike normative
Political theory research.
- focuses on the ideas of - related to econometrics.
classical thinkers, such as
Aristotle, Niccolò Machiavelli, INTERSECTIONS OF
Cicero, and Plato among ANTHROPOLOGY, SOCIOLOGY, AND
Comparative politics RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN
- deals with the incisive SOCIOLOGY AND
evaluation and comparison ANTHROPOLOGY
of the doctrines of various
constitutions, of political - Sociology and Anthropology
actors, legislature and other are closely related
allied fields. disciplines that contribute to
Public administration each other's growth.
- focuses on the Sociology studies society,
implementation of while Anthropology focuses
government policies, the on the study of humans.
academic disciplines However, due to the
involved and the principles interrelationship between
individuals and society, it
becomes challenging to - Group of people interacting
distinguish the two. with each other and having a
Anthropology aids the common culture.
development of Sociology by
providing data on ancient TYPES OF SOCIETY
societies, while Sociology
enriches Anthropology with a. Pre-industrial society:
concepts and ideas. main economic activity is
Sociologists like Emile food production carried
Durkheim and Herbert out through the utilization
Spencer have greatly of human and animal
influenced Anthropology labor.
through their research and - Subdivided society
conclusions, enhancing the ( hunting and gathering)
field's overall research
endeavors. 1. Hunting and gathering –
main method of food
production is the collection
B. RELATIONSHIPS BETWEEN of wild plants and hunting
ANTHROPOLOGY AND of wild animals.
POLITICAL SCIENCE 2. Pastoral society –
prevailing method for
- Anthropology plays a crucial production they start taking
role in enriching the study of care of animals.
Political Science. By 3. Horticultural Society –
examining early societies learned how to rail fruit and
and their governmental vegetables grown in a
systems, Anthropology garden plot.
provides valuable insights 4. Agrarian society – applied
into modern institutions and agricultural technological
the political behavior of advances to cultivate
people today. Sociology, crops over a large area.
Anthropology, and Political 5. Feudal society – several
Science are distinct groups become wealthy
disciplines, yet they are and able to acquire lands
closely interconnected, as and declared these as their
their existence and growth own domain.
mutually influence one
introduction of foreign metals, silk,
SOCIETY and spices in the market stimulated.
SOCIETIES – advance societies
dominated by information services.

characterized by mass production
of all essential. It became
community of debt and money
becoming the most valued.

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