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Cognitive Impairment in Multiple Sclerosis:

A Review of Neuropsychological Assessments
Nikolaos Korakas, MD, and Magda Tsolaki, MD, PhD

Abstract: Of the more than two million people worldwide with
Multiple sclerosis (MS) is an inflammatory neuro-
multiple sclerosis, 40% to 65% experience cognitive impairment,
degenerative disease of the central nervous system
many of them early in the course of the disease. Cognitive im-
(Hernández-Pedro et al, 2013) in which inflammatory
pairment has been found in patients with all subtypes of multiple
cells attack and destroy the myelin, the protective in-
sclerosis. Because both pharmacologic and nonpharmacologic in-
sulation surrounding the nerves (Rahn et al, 2012). Typ-
terventions may improve patients’ brain function, cognitive assess-
ically, MS symptoms first appear between the ages of 20
ment should be a routine part of the clinical evaluation. Traditional
and 40 years (Ortiz et al, 2013), although 2.7% to 5% of
paper-and-pencil neuropsychological tests and batteries can help
patients are diagnosed as children (MacAllister et al,
detect and monitor patients’ cognitive problems. Computerized
2013). Newly developed magnetic resonance imaging
cognitive batteries also show promise. Controversy continues over
sequences and other studies have shown gray matter
which test is most reliable at assessing cognitive impairment in both
demyelination and microglia activation in the disease’s
everyday clinical practice and research. Each battery has possible
earliest stages (Klaver et al, 2013) and even at its very
disadvantages, such as practice effects, poor sensitivity and
start (Schutzer et al, 2013). As a result, many people with
specificity, and questionable applicability to multiple sclerosis.
MS experience physical, sensory, and emotion-regulation
Based on our review of the literature, we describe the tests that are
difficulties (Katz Sand and Lublin, 2013).
currently being used or that might be used in assessing cognitive
Diagnosis of MS follows the 2010 McDonald cri-
deficits in patients with multiple sclerosis, and we summarize the
teria (Polman et al, 2011), which focus on symptoms and
strengths and limitations of each.
neurologic findings. The diagnosis starts with a patient’s
Key Words: multiple sclerosis, neuropsychology, cognition, description of symptoms typical of an MS attack, eg,
cognitive impairment, neuropsychological assessment optic neuritis, intranuclear ophthalmoplegia, and partial
transverse myelitis. These symptoms should be combined
(Cogn Behav Neurol 2016;29:55–67) with objective findings from a neurologic examination
and testing. Important to the diagnosis are a determi-
nation that multiple areas of the central nervous system
BICAMS = Brief International Assessment of Cognition for are involved and evidence that disease activity is con-
Multiple Sclerosis. BRB-N = Brief Repeatable Battery– tinuing (Katz Sand and Lublin, 2013).
Neuropsychology. EPT = Everyday Problems Test. FST =
Faces Symbol Test. MMSE = Mini-Mental State Examination.
MoCA = Montreal Cognitive Assessment. MS = multiple scle- Cognitive Impairment in MS
rosis. NPSBMS = Neuropsychological Screening Battery for In addition to their physical symptoms, an esti-
Multiple Sclerosis. PASAT = Paced Auditory Serial Addition mated 40% to 65% of people with MS experience some
Test. PROMIS = Patient-Reported Outcomes Measurement degree of cognitive impairment (Klaver et al, 2013; Rahn
Information System. RBANS = Repeatable Battery for the et al, 2012). This impairment can have serious effects on
Assessment of Neuropsychological Status. SDMT = Symbol daily life, interfering with such basic and instrumental
Digit Modalities Test. activities of daily living as housekeeping, social life, and
employment (Chiaravalloti and DeLuca, 2008). The most
commonly affected cognitive domains are complex at-
tention, information processing, executive function, pro-
cessing speed, and long-term memory (Helekar et al,
2010). Patients first show deficits in verbal fluency and
Received for publication December 21, 2014; accepted July 8, 2015.
From the Third Department of Neurology, General Hospital “G.
verbal memory, followed by a decline in visuospatial and
Papanicolaou,” Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki, recall skills, and, still later, a deterioration in attention
Greece. and information processing speed (Achiron et al, 2005).
Present address: Nikolaos Korakas, Knappschaftskrankenhaus, Klinikum Verbal learning can also be affected; this deficit has been
Westfalen, Dortmund, Germany. associated with apolipoprotein E epsilon 4 (Koutsis et al,
The authors declare no conflicts of interest.
Reprints: Nikolaos Korakas, MD, Arkadioupoleos 36, 62125 Serres, 2007). Helekar and colleagues (2010) speculated that
Greece (e-mail: people with MS overcome their primary structural deficits
Copyright r 2016 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved. through a neuroplastic reorganization of their functional

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Korakas and Tsolaki Cogn Behav Neurol  Volume 29, Number 2, June 2016

networks, or they use alternative strategies to cope with MS lost gray matter in cortical regions, while patients
cognitive tasks. with the relapsing-remitting form lost deep gray matter
Even though cognitive impairment is not a core structures. Specifically for the relapsing-remitting form,
symptom of MS and the McDonald criteria do not re- however, Papadopoulou et al (2013) found that white
quire it for diagnosis (Katz Sand and Lublin, 2013), pa- matter lesions seemed to be an essential factor for cog-
tients may have cognitive impairment in the early stages nitive problems.
of the disease, even before the first characteristic physical No significant relationship has been found between
symptoms appear (Lovera and Kovner, 2012). In fact, a overall cognitive impairment and physical disability in
2013 survey by Achiron et al estimated that cognitive MS (Amato et al, 2008b), duration of the disease (Amato
impairment may precede other symptoms by 1.2 years. et al, 2010), or education or age (Solari et al, 2002).
Clinically isolated syndrome, the mildest form of However, a recent survey reported a connection between
MS, can be a precursor to a more severe form. Reuter cognitive problems and patients’ levels of education and
et al (2011) studied patients with clinically isolated syn- physical disability (Ben Ari Shevil et al, 2014).
drome and found that 24% had cognitive dysfunction at About half of patients with MS have depression
the very onset of MS. In general, patients with clinically (Marrie et al, 2009; Sadovnick et al, 1996), with 25.7% of
isolated syndrome have cognitive problems similar to all patients suffering from major depression (Patten et al,
those in patients with the more severe forms of MS, al- 2003). Anxiety has been reported in 23.5% to 41% of
though with relatively intact verbal learning and memory patients with MS (Wood et al, 2013). Anxiety has been
capacity (Potagas et al, 2008). shown to interfere with cognitive performance in patients
Cognitive dysfunction affects patients with all MS with MS (Goretti et al, 2014). Researchers are divided,
subtypes. The highest frequency is in those with sec- however, on whether depression does so: The COGIMUS
ondary progressive MS; the rate is lower in primary study found no significant correlation between depression
progressive MS, still lower in relapsing-remitting MS, and and cognitive dysfunction in patients with MS (Patti et al,
lowest in clinically isolated syndrome (Achiron et al, 2009), but Borghi et al (2013) reported that impaired
2013). Amato et al (2001) reported that cognitive decline cognitive performance and depression might be linked in
in MS is unlikely to subside; rather, it progresses MS, and Sundgren et al (2013) found that even mild de-
slowly. Borghi et al (2013) wrote that the frequency of pressive symptoms affected cognition in MS.
impaired cognition gradually increases as patients pro- Even if depression does not affect the objective
gress through their disease course, and that patients with neuropsychological performance of patients with MS,
the progressive forms have more severe cognitive im- some evidence suggests that it influences their subjective
pairment than do patients with the relapsing-remitting perception of cognitive impairment (Kinsinger et al,
form. In a recent survey of 1500 patients with 2010). According to Brassington and Marsh (1998),
MS, Achiron et al (2013) found that those with the sec- however, other researchers claim that depression does not
ondary progressive form showed greater cognitive decline affect neuropsychological efficiency and that objective
than those with the other forms, in all domains except for cognitive function and depression vary according to an
the visuospatial. In a 6-year follow-up study of patients individual patient’s coping style. Although this issue is
newly diagnosed with MS, Hankomäki et al (2014) ob- not resolved, Kinsinger et al (2010) concluded that spe-
served quite stable overall cognitive function, but deteri- cific domains, such as speed of information processing,
oration in attention and processing speed. may be related to depressive symptoms in MS.
Borghi et al (2013) looked at each subtype of MS
but were unable to discern subtype-specific patterns of Cognitive Impairment in Pediatric-Onset MS
cognitive impairment. This finding suggests a global Cognitive dysfunction is also a core symptom of
pattern of cognitive dysfunction independent of disease pediatric-onset MS (Till et al, 2013), and may be found in
course. children with clinically isolated syndrome (Julian et al,
Cognitive impairment correlates strongly with brain 2013). Within the first 2 years after onset of clinically
lesions. Brain imaging studies of patients with MS have isolated syndrome, 30% of children experience significant
identified several potential sources of cognitive cognitive dysfunction (Bigi and Banwell, 2012).
impairment. Tsolaki et al (1994) examined patients with Children diagnosed with MS at a very young age
MS using magnetic resonance imaging and nine neuro- have an especially high risk of experiencing cognitive
psychological scales, and found that cognitive dysfunc- impairment within the first years of the disease (Bigi and
tion correlated with lesions in the hippocampus and with Banwell, 2012). Cognition in children with MS worsens
enlargement of the third ventricle. Cognitive impairment relatively fast (Jongen et al, 2012), and the impairment
is also related to brain atrophy. Implicated in particular can be more dramatic than in adults with MS (Ozakbas
have been thalamic atrophy and hippocampal damage et al, 2012). Because children’s central nervous system
(Sicotte, 2011), as well as atrophy of the basal ganglia and myelin is still developing, the pathologic process can in-
cerebral cortex (Batista et al, 2012). Furthermore, ele- terfere with the ongoing maturation of the white matter
vated volume of the third ventricle is a strong biomarker pathways, destroying the neural networks involved in
of cognitive decline (Houtchens et al, 2007). Riccitelli et al cognition (Ozakbas et al, 2012). However, children have
(2011) reported that patients with the progressive form of significant brain plasticity and repair mechanisms, which

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Cogn Behav Neurol  Volume 29, Number 2, June 2016 Neuropsychological Assessment in Multiple Sclerosis

might help them recover from the neurodegeneration is difficult. Health care practitioners need universal
more efficiently than can adults (Ozakbas et al, 2012). agreement on what constitutes cognitive impairment and
The cognitive domains most likely to be affected in tools to help them assess cognition in early MS (Achiron
children with MS are verbal and visuospatial memory, and Barak, 2006). Because most of the methods currently
complex attention, and executive function (by contrast, used to assess mental ability require both time and special
most patients with adult-onset MS retain their verbal training to give, cognitive impairment in MS is under-
skills) (Bigi and Banwell, 2012). Processing speed seems to diagnosed (Patti, 2012). Borghi et al (2013) strongly
be one of the most sensitive and disturbed domains in support neuropsychological screening for patients with
both pediatric and adult-onset MS (Penner et al, 2013). MS, especially those at high risk for cognitive impairment
Not only may patients with childhood-onset MS show based on demographic, clinical, and radiographic
cognitive deficits during the first years of the disease, but they evidence. Zarei and colleagues (2003), arguing for a cor-
are also at risk for a lower intelligence quotient. Children’s tical variant of MS, even proposed including MS in the
cognitive impairment and low intelligence quotient scores differential diagnosis of dementia with cortical features
can jeopardize their current and future academic perfor- and the differential diagnosis of depression when it is
mance as well as their ability to cope with life difficulties and early onset, unusual, and persistent.
psychosocial challenges (Amato et al, 2008a). Our aim in this study was to examine the current
Clinicians should be aware that a child with MS state of knowledge about methods used to assess neuro-
may have cognitive impairment caused by the MS, but cognitive function in patients with MS. Based on a review
may also have depression and/or anxiety that can com- of the literature, we describe the individual tests and
plicate the diagnosis of the cognitive impairment; alter- batteries that measure cognitive deficits in MS and we
natively, a child with MS may have depression and/or describe the advantages and limitations of each. We
anxiety that can manifest as cognitive impairment group noncomputerized and computerized tests sepa-
(Weisbrot et al, 2014). Cognitive fatigue may lead chil- rately, and within each category we list established cog-
dren to perform poorly on cognitively effortful tasks, and nitive assessments, proposed cognitive assessments, and
they may need counseling to help with their everyday functional assessments.
activities (Goretti et al, 2012). Nevertheless, Goretti et al
(2012) found no connection between general or cognitive
fatigue (evaluated with subjective scales) and overall METHODS
cognitive impairment. Bigi and Banwell (2012) found no Between June and December 2013, we performed an
connection between cognitive dysfunction in children online search of the PubMed database using the key
with MS and their disability status, number of relapses, or words cognitive impairment, multiple sclerosis, and neu-
disease duration. ropsychological assessment. We searched the key words
first alone and then in combination. Next, we manually
Management of Cognitive Impairment in MS searched all relevant sources cited in the identified ar-
Amato and colleagues (2013) published a position ticles.
paper that examined in great detail the state of treatment Later we added articles suggested by the anonymous
for cognitive impairment in MS. They reported that some reviewers of our study, and we kept updating the manu-
studies showed benefit from symptomatic drug treatment, script with new articles published until June 2015. We
but could not be replicated. As for disease-modifying tried to include every article that tested or validated a
treatments, relevant research is slight, and the few pub- neuropsychological test or test battery for patients with
lished studies show minimal benefit (Amato et al, 2013). MS.
Despite the limitations of the relevant studies,
behavioral techniques have markedly improved learning
and memory performance in people with MS-related NONCOMPUTERIZED TESTS
cognitive impairment. Even though more data are needed,
clinical trials to date have shown that, for some patients, Noncomputerized Cognitive Assessments
behavioral interventions may slow the deterioration of Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE)
cognition or even improve the already affected brain The MMSE (Folstein et al, 1975) evaluates ori-
functions (Amato et al, 2013; Portaccio et al, 2013). entation to time and place, registration, attention and
Surprisingly, Amato et al (2013) found no studies evalu- calculation, recall, language, and visuoconstruction. A
ating behavioral treatment for processing speed deficits in resident or attending physician, neuropsychologist, or
patients with MS, despite the fact that processing speed is speech therapist (Benaim et al, 2015) can easily give the
one of the major affected domains in MS. In the domain 11-question interview with pencil and paper in at most
of long-term memory, Leavitt et al (2014) showed that 10 minutes (Folstein et al, 1975). The test is easily scored,
aerobic exercise may be effective treatment. from 0 to 30 (Beatty and Goodkin, 1990). Cutoff scores
for cognitive dysfunction differ.
Rationale for This Review While the MMSE is not very sensitive in detecting
Even when people have been diagnosed with MS by well-defined dementia in people with MS, the scale is
the McDonald criteria, determining cognitive impairment useful in predicting focal cognitive impairment, especially

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Korakas and Tsolaki Cogn Behav Neurol  Volume 29, Number 2, June 2016

in patients with relapsing-remitting MS who also have evaluating information processing speed and attention, as
minor physical disabilities (Beatty and Goodkin, 1990). well as concentration. As with the SDMT, the top of the
Digit Symbol Substitution Test form shows symbols, each
Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA) paired with a digit. In this test, however, beneath the
The MoCA (Nasreddine et al, 2005) is also a display the form shows the digits pseudo-randomized,
screening tool for identifying cognitive impairment. The and participants have to draw (instead of say) the cor-
short edition is recommended by the US National In- rectly paired symbol underneath each digit. Like the
stitute of Neurological Diseases and Stroke and by the SDMT, the Digit Symbol Substitution Test is limited to
Canadian Stroke Network. The MoCA has been vali- cultures that use Arabic numerals (Scherer et al, 2007).
dated for cognitive screening in patients with Alzheimer
disease, human immunodeficiency virus, Huntington Faces Symbol Test (FST)
disease, parkinsonism, tremors, and epilepsy (Kaur et al, The FST (Scherer et al, 2007) evaluates working
2013). The test has also been validated for cognitive memory and sustained attention using the same testing
evaluation of patients with MS (Dagenais et al, 2013). principle as the SDMT, except that participants match
The MoCA is a 5-minute verbal test that consists of symbols to faces rather than to Arabic numerals. The test
an immediate and a delayed five-word memory task, an is brief, easily administered as part of a routine neurologic
orientation test, and a language fluency test of words examination, and well accepted by patients. Before par-
starting with the letter F. Patients are awarded one point ticipants take the FST, their hand function and visual
for each correct answer, with a maximum score of 30 acuity are evaluated to ensure that they are adequate for
(Kaur et al, 2013). To determine the value of the MoCA the test. During the actual FST, participants are given 90
in MS, Dagenais et al (2013) have suggested that it be seconds to draw each symbol as quickly as possible be-
given to a large sample of patients with MS and the re- neath the corresponding face. The sensitivity is 84% and
sults compared to other sensitive neuropsychological the specificity is 85% (Scherer et al, 2007).
batteries such as the Minimal Assessment of Cognitive Because the FST uses faces instead of digits, pa-
Function in MS and the Brief Repeatable Battery– tients’ education and culture have minimal effect on their
Neuropsychology (BRB-N). performance. However, the use of faces instead of digits
means that participants cannot reply orally but must
Symbol Digit Modalities Test (SDMT) draw the symbols (Scherer et al, 2007). Thus, patients
The SDMT (Smith, 1982) measures attention and who have hand or vision dysfunction cannot take the test
information processing speed, and can be administered in and should be given the SDMT or Paced Auditory Serial
5 minutes by nursing or technical personnel. The SDMT Addition Test (PASAT) instead. Researchers with the
is part of many batteries, such as the Screening Exami- Berlin Multi-Centre FST Validation Study have recom-
nation for Cognitive Impairment, BRB-N, and Minimal mended using the FST as a screening tool for MS-related
Assessment of Cognitive Function in MS. cognitive decline, and the patients who show deficits
The top of the SDMT form shows nine typographic should undergo a more comprehensive neuro-
symbols, each matched with a digit in sequence from 1 psychological assessment (Scherer et al, 2007).
through 9. Beneath this display is a row of 15 symbols, all
taken from the original set, in a pseudo-randomized se- Paced Auditory Serial Addition Test (PASAT)
quence. Participants are given 90 seconds to say which Like the SDMT and the Digit Symbol Substitution
digit is paired with which symbol. Scherer et al (2007) Test, the PASAT (Gronwall, 1977; Gronwall and Sampson,
noted that use of the SDMT is limited to cultures that use 1974) evaluates information processing speed and attention.
Arabic numerals. Also like the SDMT, the PASAT is included in many bat-
The SDMT has been found to correlate with degree teries, such as the Neuropsychological Screening Battery for
of cerebral atrophy in patients with MS (Christodoulou Multiple Sclerosis (NPSBMS) and BRB-N.
et al, 2003). Some researchers have suggested that if only The PASAT is a complex test involving language
one neuropsychological test could be given to screen for functions, visualization of numbers, and calculation
cognitive impairment, the SDMT could stand alone (Yaldizli et al, 2014). The test asks participants to add
(Amato et al, 2006). Sonder et al (2014) claimed that in together two randomized single digits: the digit they just
both everyday clinical practice and clinical trials, the heard and the one they had heard immediately before it.
SDMT can be used as a sole neuropsychological tool in The digits are presented by a voice on a compact disk or
assessing the cognition of patients with MS. The SDMT audiocassette. In the PASAT-3, the voice presents a digit
has even been found to be a significant predictor of every 3 seconds; in the PASAT-2, the rate is one digit
cognition and automobile driving performance in people every 2 seconds. The maximum number of correct an-
with MS (Schultheis et al, 2010). Furthermore, the test is swers is 60.
relatively free of practice effects. Like the other tests that use Arabic numerals, the
PASAT is not culture-free (Scherer et al, 2007). It is such
Digit Symbol Substitution Test a difficult test for patients to take that in Aupperle et al’s
The Digit Symbol Substitution Test (Wechsler, (2002) study, 11 (17%) of participants refused to take the
1981) is similar to the SDMT both in format and in PASAT and four (6%) tried but quit before completing it.

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Cogn Behav Neurol  Volume 29, Number 2, June 2016 Neuropsychological Assessment in Multiple Sclerosis

Scherer et al (2007) found the SDMT to be more most valid if the patient and an informant completed it at
sensitive than the PASAT in differentiating between pa- the same time (Parmenter et al, 2007).
tients with MS and healthy controls, and reported that
the two tests had similar reliability and practice effects. Brief International Assessment of Cognition for Multiple
Other studies, however, have shown substantial practice Sclerosis (BICAMS)
effects for the PASAT (Parmenter et al, 2007). Re- The BICAMS (Langdon et al, 2012) is a 15-minute
searchers do not agree on which of the two tests is better battery comprising, in the following sequence, the SDMT,
for cognitive screening, and whether either of them can be the California Verbal Learning Test 2nd ed (Delis et al,
given alone (Amato et al, 2006). Brooks et al (2011) ar- 2000) (the first five recall trials), and the Brief Visuospa-
gued that the PASAT is unpleasant to take and its results tial Memory Test Revised (Benedict, 1997) (the first three
in patients with MS can be compromised by sleep dis- recall trials). Advantages of the BICAMS are that it can
orders, fatigue, depression, anxiety, and systemic diseases. be administered by appropriately trained nonspecialist
However, Williams et al (2006) maintained that the staff, it is given easily with just pencil and paper, and the
SDMT is not an equal substitute for the PASAT. Sonder only prerequisite is background information on the pa-
et al (2014) studied the long-term validity of the PASAT tient.
and SDMT, and found the SDMT to be superior. Clinicians should evaluate BICAMS results taking
into account that performance is influenced by demo-
graphic factors, physical impairment (eg, dysarthria, im-
Free Recall and Recognition Test
paired vision, pain), concurrent medical disorders,
The Free Recall and Recognition Test (Wahlin et al, medications, fatigue, and, to some extent, depression
1995) has two parts. In the recall section, the tester shows (Langdon et al, 2012).
the patient a list of 12 concrete nouns while reading them A limitation of the BICAMS is that it should not be
aloud at a rate of 3 seconds per noun (Claesson et al, given within 1 month after a patient recovers from a re-
2007). Then the tester withdraws the list, asks the patient lapse or within 1 month after a patient takes a steroid
to say the nouns in any order, and records the correct medication, since these would affect the scores.
answers. In the recognition section, the tester presents the
same nouns in the same format as in the recall section, but Neuropsychological Screening Battery for Multiple
now the nouns are mixed randomly with 12 distractors. Sclerosis (NPSBMS)
The tester asks the patient to answer “yes” or “no” as to The NPSBMS (Rao et al, 1991) consists of, in the
whether each noun appeared during the earlier pre- following sequence, a verbal learning test, a spatial
sentation (Claesson et al, 2007). learning test, the PASAT, and a letter fluency task. An
The Free Recall and Recognition Test has several option is to add the SDMT, which slightly increases the
advantages over other tests. It takes less than 5 minutes to battery’s sensitivity, even though it adds time. Advan-
give, has no floor or ceiling effects, and is accepted by tages of the NPSBMS are a short administration time
most patients (Claesson et al, 2007). In contrast to the (mean = 31.7 minutes) (Aupperle et al, 2002) and high
MMSE and PASAT, this test can discriminate among sensitivity (71%) and specificity (94%) (Rao et al, 1991).
mild, moderate, and severe MS (Claesson et al, 2007). The Two major drawbacks: Administration of the
test is easily administered by master’s- and doctoral-level NPSBMS requires trained subdoctoral professionals,
staff with knowledge of neuropsychology and proper and, as noted earlier, a component of the battery, the
training, and the results may indicate whether the patient PASAT, is a very difficult test for patients to take.
needs a more comprehensive neuropsychological assess-
ment (Claesson et al, 2007). Screening Examination for Cognitive Impairment
The Screening Examination for Cognitive Impair-
Multiple Sclerosis Neuropsychological Screening ment (Beatty et al, 1995) consists of a vocabulary test, a
Questionnaire verbal reasoning test, a verbal memory test, and the oral
This Questionnaire (Benedict et al, 2003) consists of version of the SDMT. The tests are given as three learning
15 items assessing neuropsychological performance in trials and a delayed recall trial of a list of 10 concrete
daily activities. The Questionnaire has two forms, one for nouns, along with the Shipley Institute of Living Scale
patients and the other for informants. It is self-ad- Vocabulary Test (Zachary, 1986), the Shipley Institute of
ministered and takes only 5 minutes. Living Scale Verbal Abstraction Test (Zachary, 1986),
To evaluate the validity of the Questionnaire, and the SDMT. The Screening Examination lasts about
Benedict and colleagues (2003, 2004) gave it to patients 30 minutes, with a mean administration time of 22.6 min-
and informants, and also gave the patients a compre- utes (Aupperle et al, 2002), and can be performed in a
hensive neuropsychological test battery. The patients’ single session that participants tolerate well (Solari et al,
Questionnaire responses correlated strongly with mea- 2002). The high sensitivity and specificity are similar to
sures of depression, but not with neuropsychological those of the NPSBMS.
function. The informants’ scores, by contrast, correlated Drawbacks: The exam must be administered by
with the patients’ cognitive function but not with de- practitioners with subdoctoral education and brief spe-
pression. For this reason, the Questionnaire would be cific training. Because the practice effects are not known,

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Korakas and Tsolaki Cogn Behav Neurol  Volume 29, Number 2, June 2016

the exam is recommended for only a one-time screening The greatest weakness of this battery is that per-
of patients (Aupperle et al, 2002). formance is strongly affected by the patient’s age and
education. Furthermore, because depression might also
Repeatable Battery for the Assessment of affect performance, patients should not be tested when
Neuropsychological Status (RBANS) they show mood disorders (Sepulcre et al, 2006).
The RBANS (Randolph et al, 1998) is a short Minimal Assessment of Cognitive Function in MS
battery (average administration time = 23.8 minutes)
The Minimal Assessment of Cognitive Function in
(Aupperle et al, 2002) that examines immediate and de-
MS (Benedict et al, 2006) is one of the batteries most
layed memory, language, attention, and visuospatial
widely accepted by clinicians. It has seven tests (including
function. Professionals use its 12 short tests to identify the SDMT) that help assess five cognitive domains: lan-
cognitive impairment in patients with Alzheimer disease,
guage, spatial processing, learning new information and
Huntington disease, subcortical vascular dementia, and
memory, processing speed and working memory, and
Parkinson disease with dementia.
executive function.
Patients with MS or Parkinson disease who have
Despite the advantage of high reliability and validity
normal scores on the MMSE share similar patterns of
in identifying cognitive impairment, the Assessment has
cognitive impairment. When patients with Parkinson
major drawbacks (Becker et al, 2012). It takes about 2 hours
disease and normal MMSE scores took the RBANS, they
to administer and requires highly trained professional test-
did poorly, indicating that the RBANS was more sensi-
ers. Furthermore, its strictly standardized testing environ-
tive than the MMSE in revealing the patients’ cognitive
ment may fail to reflect cognitive function in everyday life,
deficits (Beatty et al, 2003). For this reason, Aupperle et al in which tasks are complex and require more than one
(2002) gave the RBANS to a group with MS who had
ability (Willis et al, 1992). The test results can be affected by
scored normally on the MMSE, but they found that the
psychoeducational interventions that patients have received
RBANS was no more sensitive than the MMSE for the to improve their everyday lives (Becker et al, 2012).
patients with MS.
Another important limitation of the RBANS is that Proposed Noncomputerized Batteries Not Yet
it does not estimate executive function. To address exec- Validated
utive function, Aupperle et al (2002) added the Wisconsin
Card Sorting Test (Berg, 1948). This combination of tests Battery Proposed by Aupperle et al (2002)
might be completed in an hour (Aupperle et al, 2002). After evaluating the effectiveness of the NPSBMS,
RBANS, and Screening Examination for Cognitive
Impairment, Aupperle and colleagues (2002) proposed a
Brief Repeatable Battery–Neuropsychology (BRB-N) new battery that would comprise the Consistent Long-
The BRB-N (Rao and the Cognitive Function Term Retrieval test (part of the Selective Reminding Test
Study Group of the National Multiple Sclerosis Society, [Buschke, 1973]), the PASAT-3, and the SDMT. This pilot
1990) is a battery consisting of five tests, carefully selected battery has the advantage of brevity (about 30 minutes,
to assess most cognitive functions with minimal overlap. similar to the Screening Examination for Cognitive Im-
The Selective Reminding Test (Buschke, 1973) evaluates pairment), but its drawbacks include the need to control for
verbal memory. The 10/36 Spatial Recall Test (Rao et al, practice effects on the PASAT and the lack of studies to
1990) assesses visual memory. The SDMT measures at- measure sensitivity and specificity (Aupperle et al, 2002).
tention, executive function, and information processing
speed. The PASAT-2 and PASAT-3, with numbers given Battery Proposed by the Pediatric Multiple Sclerosis
every 2 or 3 seconds, assess sustained attention. The Centers of Excellence (Julian et al, 2013)
Word List Generation Test (Rao et al, 1990) evaluates The Pediatric Multiple Sclerosis Centers of Ex-
verbal fluency. cellence (Julian et al, 2013) used the following compre-
A major strength of the BRB-N is that it is a brief hensive network battery for neuropsychological
(about 20 minutes) (Amato et al, 2006) and sensitive assessment of children with MS:
measure of cognitive impairment in the earliest stages of  Wechsler Abbreviated Scale of Intelligence (Wechsler,
all MS subtypes, even clinically isolated syndrome 1999) two subtests for Vocabulary and Matrix Rea-
(Potagas et al, 2008). The BRB-N’s sensitivity is 71% and soning: to assess general ability level
its specificity is 94% (Rao et al, 1991).  Wechsler Individual Achievement Test, 2nd ed (Wechs-
The battery can be given by appropriately trained ler, 2001) Pseudoword Decoding, Expressive One-Word
nonspecialist staff. Although the other elements of the Picture Vocabulary Test, and Wechsler Abbreviated
BRB-N are well accepted by patients (Solari et al, 2002), Scale of Intelligence (Wechsler, 1999) Vocabulary
as noted they find that the PASAT is quite difficult to take subtest: to evaluate reading and language
(Aupperle et al, 2002). To minimize practice effects, the  Digit Span test from the Wechsler Adult Intelligence
BRB-N is available in two versions. Since frontal lobe Scale, 4th ed (Wechsler, 2008) (for ages 16 years and
executive function is underrepresented in the BRB-N, the older) or the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children,
Stroop Color and Word Test (Stroop, 1935) can be 4th ed (Wechsler, 2003) (for ages younger than 16), and
added. the Digit Symbol-Coding test from the Wechsler Adult

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Cogn Behav Neurol  Volume 29, Number 2, June 2016 Neuropsychological Assessment in Multiple Sclerosis

Intelligence Scale or Wechsler Intelligence Scale for In Akbar et al’s study of their computerized SDMT, they
Children: to measure attention, working memory, and presented the task to patients with MS and healthy con-
processing speed trols on a 19-inch monitor at a distance of 16 inches. As
 Contingency Naming Test (Taylor et al, 1987) and with the paper version, the participants looking at the
Delis-Kaplan Executive Function System Trail Making computer screen were first shown the nine different typo-
Test (Delis et al, 2001): to evaluate executive function graphic symbols, each paired with a digit from 1 to 9. In
 California Verbal Learning Test, 2nd ed (Delis et al, the next screen, the original display remained, and below
2000) or Children’s Version (Delis et al, 1994): to assess it appeared the nine symbols in a new sequence. For each
verbal episodic learning and recall symbol, the participants had to say the number that
 Beery-Buktenica Developmental Test of Visual-Motor matched the identical symbol above. The participants
Integration, 6th ed (Beery and Buktenica, 1997) and took a total of eight trials, each with a different sequence
the Wechsler Abbreviated Scale of Intelligence (Wechs- of symbols. Participants also completed the 90-second
ler, 1999) Matrix Reasoning test: to evaluate visuo- paper version of the SDMT, among other tests.
spatial function The computerized SDMT proved promising (Akbar
 Grooved Pegboard Test (Kløve, 1963) and Delis- et al, 2011). It had a slightly higher sensitivity and slightly
Kaplan Executive Function System (Delis et al, 2001) lower specificity than the paper version. The compu-
Trail Making Test Motor Speed Condition: to assess terized version seemed to be less influenced than the paper
fine motor speed and coordination version by participants’ head motion and the speed of
their eye movements. However, results in both versions
The battery was given by a clinical neuro- could be affected by impaired visual acuity and speech
psychologist or a trained and supervised psychometrician. capability (Akbar et al, 2011).
The total administration time was 2.5 hours, with breaks
as needed (Julian et al, 2013). Computerized Test of Information Processing
The Computerized Test of Information Processing
Noncomputerized Cognitive Functional (Smith et al, 2012; Tombaugh and Rees, 2008) consists of
Assessment three reaction-time subtests, each with progressively
Everyday Problems Test (EPT) greater cognitive requirements. Tombaugh and Rees
(2008) developed the three subtests. The first is the Simple
The EPT (Willis, 1993) and its revised edition
Reaction Time task, in which participants are asked to
(Becker et al, 2012) are useful tools for measuring cog-
react when the letter X appears on the screen. The second
nitive performance in everyday situations. The original
subtest is the Choice Reaction Time task, in which par-
test consists of 42 written problem-related questions that ticipants are asked to press the right key on a keypad
assess performance in seven areas: meal preparation and
when the word DUCK appears, and the left key when
nutrition, medications, phone use, shopping, financial
they see the word KITE. This subtest requires participants
management, transportation, and household manage-
not only to react but also to make a decision. In the third
ment. The administration time is about 30 minutes. The
and most difficult subtest, Semantic Search Reaction
revised edition, shortened to 30 questions, takes about
Time, participants are asked to decide whether or not a
21 minutes, thus reducing patient fatigue and burden
stimulus is a member of a presented semantic category.
(Becker et al, 2012).
Here participants must not only react to the stimulus but
Both versions of the EPT have yielded reliability
also simultaneously decide and categorize the stimulus
coefficients above 80%, and the revised version has cor-
according to its meaning.
related moderately with standard neuropsychological The test takes an estimated 10 to 15 minutes
tests. Another advantage of the EPT is that testers require
(Mazerolle et al, 2013; Smith et al, 2012). Tombaugh et al
little formal training. However, the revised edition still
(2010) reported that the Computerized Test of In-
needs to be investigated for its sensitivity to changes in formation Processing can detect defective information
patients’ cognitive function after they have received in-
processing ability in people with MS as effectively as the
terventions. Although the EPT can measure everyday
PASAT does, and can even replace it.
cognitive performance, patients may still need standard
neuropsychological tests to determine if they have cog- Automated Neuropsychological Assessment Metrics
nitive impairment (Becker et al, 2012).
The Automated Neuropsychological Assessment
Metrics (Reeves et al, 1992, 2007) battery has a particular
COMPUTERIZED TESTS strength in assessing processing speed, a crucial element in
evaluating cognitive impairment in MS. This 30-minute
Computerized Cognitive Assessments computerized battery includes the Selective Reminding
Computerized Version of the SDMT Test and the Procedural Reaction Time test to evaluate
In 2011, Akbar et al reported their newly developed basic and complex reaction time, respectively. The battery
computerized version of the SDMT designed for patients assesses memory with the Running Memory Continuous
with MS (Akbar et al, 2011). Their goal was to overcome Performance Test, Code Substitution Delayed Memory,
methodologic weaknesses of validation in paper versions. Delayed Matching to Sample, Mathematical Processing,

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Korakas and Tsolaki Cogn Behav Neurol  Volume 29, Number 2, June 2016

and Sternberg Memory Search tests. Information pro- ceiling effects. Dwolatzky et al (2003) gave the Mind-
cessing speed is measured with Code Substitution streamss Mild Impairment Battery to older people with
Learning and the Running Memory Continuous Perfor- cognitive impairment or mild Alzheimer disease and found
mance Test. Finally, the Logical Relations test evaluates that the battery successfully discriminated those with mild
verbal reasoning. cognitive impairment from healthy elderly controls.
Scores on the Automated Neuropsychological As- Later, Achiron et al (2007) validated the Mindstreamss
sessment Metrics battery are highly concordant (95.8%) Computerized Cognitive Battery for patients with MS, and
with paper-and-pencil measures of cognitive deficits in concluded that it can be used to evaluate cognitive dys-
MS (Wilken et al, 2003). function in MS.
Pellicano et al (2013) used the battery in comparing
cognitive function in patients with MS and healthy con- Computer-Generated Battery Not Yet Evaluated
trols. The authors chose to test all participants in the Cognitive Screening Battery Proposed by Lapshin et al
morning to try to avoid potential bias from variability in (2013)
fatigue. Still, they found significantly poorer outcomes in In 2013, Lapshin and colleagues reported their
the MS group. formulation and validation of a new computer-generated
battery to screen for cognitive impairment in patients
Cognitive Drug Research Assessment System with MS. The battery contains five tests to evaluate in-
The Cognitive Drug Research Assessment System formation processing speed and working memory: the
(Simpson et al, 1991) is a computerized cognitive battery Stroop Color-Word Test (Stroop, 1935), the compu-
that assesses power of attention, continuity of attention, terized version of the SDMT (Akbar et al, 2011), the
quality of working memory, quality of episodic memory, Paced Visual Serial Addition Test (Nagels et al,
and speed of memory. The battery comprises the Selective 2005; Sampson, 1956) (a 2- and 4-second visual analogue
Reminding Test, choice reaction time, digit vigilance, of the PASAT), the Simple Reaction Time test
numeric working memory, spatial working memory, word (Tombaugh and Rees, 2008), and the Choice Reaction
recognition, and picture recognition tasks. Participants Time test (Tombaugh and Rees, 2008). The battery can be
record “yes” and “no” answers with a simple response given with standard Windows software and does not re-
box. To minimize the motor demands on patients, the quire any special hardware. Testing time is estimated at
tester records their responses for word recall. Admin- 20 minutes.
istration time is 15 to 20 minutes. A tester was needed to give the Paced Visual Serial
To study the usefulness and validity of the Cogni- Addition Test and to supervise the rest of the battery,
tive Drug Research battery for patients with MS, Edgar even though the computer collected all the participants’
et al (2011) compared the battery with the PASAT and non-Paced Visual Serial Addition Test responses. In
the Digit Symbol Substitution Test in patients with re- the Lapshin et al (2013) study, the tester was a master’s
lapsing-remitting MS, and found similar efficiency. The degree student, not a neuropsychologist.
authors reported high test-retest reliability and low The authors found that the computerized version of
practice effects since the computer generates alternative the SDMT and Paced Visual Serial Addition Test had
forms of the tests; however, these alternative forms have good sensitivity (up to 85.7%) and specificity (up to
not been specifically assessed for their equivalence with 100%). The battery was limited by the need to exclude
the original. The authors also cautioned that the Cogni- patients with significant vision impairment, and possibly
tive Drug Research System might not be sensitive in de- by practice effects.
tecting memory deficits, and that the battery has been
validated for use only in the relapsing-remitting form of Computerized Functional Assessments
MS. Patient-Reported Outcomes Measurement Information
System (PROMIS)
Neurotrax Mindstreamss The PROMIS, a program funded by the US
The Neurotrax Mindstreamss computerized cogni- National Institutes of Health (http://www.nihpromis.
tive battery ( (Dwolatzky et al, org), is a system of coordinated patient self-assessments
2003) was designed to detect mild cognitive impairment. of physical and mental health and social well-being (Cella
This tool assesses verbal and nonverbal memory as well as et al, 2007). Patients and informants complete PROMIS
verbal fluency, executive function, visuospatial function, questionnaires on paper or a computer screen. Their data
attention, information processing speed, and motor skills. can be sent to the Assessment Center website (http://
The test battery is installed on a patient’s local computer, where they are scored and
system, and the results are uploaded to and stored in a kept in a database for analysis by both clinicians and
secure web-based patient demographic database. The test researchers. Because the self-reports are standardized
battery takes 45 minutes. Patients can take part in mock and validated, researchers can compare across domains
sessions before the actual testing. and conditions.
The strengths of this battery include quick data reg- Among the PROMIS measures are subscales for
istration and the ability to alter the level of task difficulty Cognitive Concerns and for Cognitive Abilities (Becker
according to each patient’s performance, thus minimizing et al, 2014). Each consists of eight Likert-type items

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Cogn Behav Neurol  Volume 29, Number 2, June 2016 Neuropsychological Assessment in Multiple Sclerosis

asking for a self-rating from 1 = “not at all” to 5 = “very The advantages of computers in neuropsychological
much.” The sum of the scores for individual items be- evaluation include shorter test administration times,
comes the total score. faster registering of data (in milliseconds), and automa-
Becker et al (2014) confirmed the validity and reli- tion reducing human error (Woo, 2008). Because com-
ability of the two PROMIS subscales as a neuro- puterized batteries are always administered the same way,
psychological tool for patients with MS. The authors they standardize assessments, benefiting both clinicians
recommended future studies to evaluate whether these and researchers (Woo, 2008). Some computerized bat-
scales are sensitive in measuring meaningful cognitive teries prevent floor and ceiling effects by creating a range
change after interventions. of possible scores that keep participants from scoring too
high or too low (Woo, 2008). Finally, computerized bat-
teries can create multiple and randomized versions of the
Virtual Shopping Test
same stimuli. In general, Schatz and Browndyke (2002)
The Virtual Shopping Test was developed and
write that computerized tests are characterized by ease of
tested by Okahashi et al (2013) to assess cognitive dys-
function caused by brain injury, as from stroke or trau-
Computerized tests also have substantial dis-
ma. The creators designed the test to require only a
advantages. For example, clinicians should be careful
personal computer and a touchscreen.
when they use Internet-based neuropsychological tools
After getting instructions and a demonstration,
because normative data established for conventional
participants were given 10 seconds to view and memorize versions of the tests do not necessarily apply, and norms
a shopping list of four items. Then they had to organize
for online versions have not yet been established
the most effective route through a series of 20 different
(Buchanan, 2003). Test developers should give clinicians
kinds of shops in order to buy the four items. Ten shops all specifics on hardware and software requirements
were placed on each side of a virtual street, and each shop
(Schatz and Browndyke, 2002). Another potential prob-
contained six items. Each of the items on the shopping list
lem is that older patients who are not familiar with
came from a different shop. This meant that four shops
computer technology may experience so much anxiety
had one correct item and five incorrect items, and 16
while undergoing computerized tests that their perfor-
shops had no correct items. Okahashi et al selected the
mance suffers (Leposavić et al, 2010). Computerized
incorrect items to be similar to the correct item in set, use,
batteries generally cannot be used with patients who have
phoneme, color, or shape. If participants forgot the items low vision or poor motor skills. Importantly, because
that they needed to buy, they could get a second try. They
computerized tests require less interaction between the
could also use hints, like referring back to the shopping
patient and the examiner, these tests almost exclude
list. the clinical interview that is so important to analyzing
The Virtual Shopping Test was easy for participants
the data correctly and planning proper rehabilitation
to use. Including the demonstration, it took 30 minutes to
(Leposavić et al, 2010).
Even though computerized batteries do not always
The authors reported that the test could detect at-
require a trained neuropsychologist to interpret the
tention and memory problems in patients with brain
results, Leposavić and colleagues (2010) maintained that
damage, even in one session. A potential advantage of the
a certified neuropsychologist is essential, not only for
test was that it could be used to evaluate cognitive func-
gathering the data, but also for evaluating the history of
tion while patients were being rehabilitated. The re-
illness, the patient’s behavior, and the strategy that the
searchers also emphasized the test’s possible ecological
patient uses in taking the test. These three factors are
validity, ie, its ability to generalize to real-life situations. fundamental to diagnosing cognitive impairment
They did not discuss possible application of the test to
(Leposavić et al, 2010). Hence, Leposavić et al concluded
patients with MS.
that computerized batteries cannot replace traditional
paper-and-pencil tests, but they can serve as a primary
DISCUSSION evaluation tool for clinicians in other fields, who should
refer affected patients to a neuropsychologist.
Computerized Versus Conventional Tests
Neuropsychological evaluation of patients with MS Limitations
is the focus of substantial research. Along with the One limitation of our study is that we found no data
available radiologic and clinical data, numerous well- on the internal and external validity of the neuro-
constructed and validated tests give clinicians a means to psychological tests before and after cognitive inter-
detect and diagnose cognitive deficits early in the course ventions. Very few of the tests have been validated for
of the disease. New computerized and online evaluation their ability to detect minor cognitive changes after in-
tools are joining the mix, like Okahashi et al’s (2013) tervention.
Virtual Shopping Test. The advantages and dis- Another limitation is that most current batteries
advantages of computerized neuropsychological testing measure cognition in a highly standardized environment.
versus standard paper-and-pencil tests are part of an They do not allow the evaluation of cognitive abilities in
ongoing debate. everyday life. We could not find data on the ecological

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Korakas and Tsolaki Cogn Behav Neurol  Volume 29, Number 2, June 2016

validity of the tests we presented, and so could not discuss that patients with MS are more likely than the general
the tests’ real-world effectiveness. population to self-report feeling “useless” on the Chicago
A further limitation is that we could not find studies Multiscale Depression Inventory (Chang et al, 2003). For
that directly addressed the costs of the neuro- this reason, we endorse the use of a functional perfor-
psychological tests. mance test that has ecological validity.
An intrinsic limitation of using self-report assess- We also think that the cognitive percentile curves
ments is that they are somewhat reliable but not sufficient built by Achiron et al (2005) could be used in the clinical
for longitudinal studies (Gold et al, 2003). Gold and evaluation of patients’ cognitive performance to predict
colleagues concluded, “The common pattern of poor their risk of cognitive decline and to guide decisions on
correlation between self-rated and objective cognitive the possible value of neurorehabilitation.
function thus appears to be a result of the patients’ The neuropsychological tests that we have reviewed
(adaptive or maladaptive) coping mechanisms rather than can be used to evaluate children with MS. The usefulness
being due to inaccurate measurement.” of neuropsychological testing to guide pediatric treatment
Van der Hiele et al (2012) found that 29% of their decisions is illustrated by a case report by Penner et al
participants with MS underestimated or overestimated (2013). They affirmed the high sensitivity and clinical
their cognitive abilities. It is noteworthy that in the self- relevance of the testing that they used in their care of a 16-
report tests, the participants evaluated their cognitive year-old boy with relapsing-remitting MS. An interesting
function within the context of a variety of everyday sit- finding, however, was that the patient’s SDMT score
uations, while the neuropsychological tests evaluated appeared normal. This finding led the authors to conclude
cognition in a strictly standardized environment. Fur- that a better choice than the SDMT would have been a
thermore, patients may have cognitive deficits that they test that measures pure information processing speed
and their informants do not report. without elements of working memory (Penner et al, 2013).
To overcome the current limitations of neuro-
Recommendations and Conclusions psychological testing, future research should focus on
Cognitive impairment is a major part of the spec- constructing a battery that will identify cognitive im-
trum of clinical manifestations of MS and can have a pairment as early as possible and will not be confounded
serious impact on patients’ quality of life. Thus, cognitive by depression, anxiety, or other psychiatric disorders. The
impairment should be identified as soon as possible, even need is great for a test that can differentiate the somatic
before other functional symptoms appear, so that patients symptoms of MS from anxiety and depressive vegetative
can benefit from early intervention and, possibly, better disturbances, and help us identify patients in whom
rehabilitation. anxiety and depression may affect cognitive evaluation.
Helping clinicians confirm their suspicions of cogni- Research is needed to examine the validity of the
tive decline in their patients with MS are demographic and new batteries, such as those described by Aupperle et al
clinical information (Amato et al, 2008a; Ben Ari Shevil (2002) and Lapshin et al (2013). We encourage research,
et al, 2014; Bigi and Banwell, 2012; Borghi et al, using the tests discussed in this review or even con-
2013; Hankomäki et al, 2014; Jongen et al, 2012; Julian structing new ones, to meet the great need for tests that
et al, 2013; Kinsinger et al, 2010; Koutsis et al, can evaluate cognitive changes over time after pharma-
2007; Langdon et al, 2012; Ozakbas et al, 2012; Patten et al, ceutical and cognitive-behavioral therapy. The ecological
2003; Penner et al, 2013; Potagas et al, 2008; Reuter et al, validity of new and existing tests is another area that
2011; Solari et al, 2002; Till et al, 2013) and imaging findings needs further research; any new tests should be designed
(Batista et al, 2012; Houtchens et al, 2007; Papadopoulou to evaluate patients’ cognitive performance in their ev-
et al, 2013; Riccitelli et al, 2011; Sicotte, 2011; Tsolaki et al, eryday activities. Finally, a review of the costs of cogni-
1994). Patients at high risk for cognitive dysfunction in the tive evaluation tools, in both time and money, would be
course of MS can be identified using cognitive percentile of great benefit to clinicians who seek guidance in
curves (Achiron et al, 2005). In view of the high prevalence choosing the best test for their patient.
of brain dysfunction in patients with MS, all diagnosed In summary, because 40% to 65% of people with
patients should undergo neuropsychological testing (Klaver MS experience cognitive dysfunction, which may affect
et al, 2013; Rahn et al, 2012). For these reasons, we en- their quality of life and may be treatable, cognitive eval-
courage clinicians to consider the advantages and dis- uation should constitute a major part of the clinical ex-
advantages of the individual tests and batteries that we have amination in MS, especially when impairment seems
described and to choose the most suitable battery for each likely.
patient and each clinical situation.
We recommend that clinicians suspect and evaluate
their patients for anxiety and depression, both of which
can affect cognitive test performance (Goretti et al, ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
2014; Patti et al, 2009, Sundgren et al, 2013). Even if The authors thank the anonymous reviewers for their
clinicians do not detect depression, they should be aware insightful comments.

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Cogn Behav Neurol  Volume 29, Number 2, June 2016 Neuropsychological Assessment in Multiple Sclerosis

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