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Aly Designation: £23 ~ 120 Standard Test Methods for Notched Bar Impact Testing of Metallic Materials’ “ycnn nih cs oven be oxi, tt preset he et eprops "hr oa fs ber ape or we ae 1. Scape 1.1 These test methods describe notched-bar impact testing of metallic materials by Ue Charpy (simple-beam) test andthe aod (cantlever-bear) test. They give the requirements for {est specimens test procedures, test repors, test machines (see ‘Annex Al) verifying Charpy impact machines (see Annex A2) ‘optional test specimen configurations (see Arex A), desig ration of test specimen orientation (see Terminology E1823), fad determining the percent of shear fracture on the surface of token impact specimens (se Annex A) In adkiion, infor: mation is provided on the significance of notched-bar impact testing (See Appendix XD, and methods of measuring the center of strike (Gee Appeniis X2, 1.2 These test methoes do not address the problems associ sued with impact testing at teraperatures below -196 °C (77K). 1.3 The values stated in SI u to be regarded as standard, No other units of measurement are included in this andar 3.1 Exeeption—Section 8 and Annex A4 provide inch Pound units for information only A This standard does not purport 10 address all of the safely concerns, if any, associated vith its ase, 1b 18 the responsiblity of the wser ofthis standard to establish appre priate safery and health practices and deternine the applica Dilys of regulatory linitatons prior 10 use. Specific precau- vionary statements are given in Section 5. 2, Referenced Documents 2.1 ASTM Standards: 18028 Practices for Production and Preparation of Powder Metallurgy (PM) Test Specimens BE mat He tee eo ASTM Cie Ewe conat ASTM Cee Sorcerer An ook 9 STN 5 fe Dagan of pn 77 Practice for Use ofthe Terms Precision and Bias in ‘ASTM Test Methods 60M Test Method for Dynamic Tear Testing of Metallic Materials 5691 Practice for Conducting an Tnterlaboratory Study t0 Determine the Precision of a Test Method E1823 Terminology Relating to Fatigue and F ing 2298 Test Method for Insirumented Impact Testing of ‘Metalic Materials 3. Summary of Test Method 3.1 The essential features of an impact test are: a suitable specimen (specimens of several dillerent types ure recognized), 4 set of anvils, and specimen supports on which the test specimen is placed to receive the blow of the moving mas, a roving mass that has suficent energy to break the specimen placed in is path, and a device for measuring the energy absorbed by the broken specimen. tare Test 4. Significance and Use 4.1 These test methods of impact testing relate specifically to the behavior of metal when subjected to a single application of a force resulting in multi-axial stresses associated with a notch, coupled with high rates of loading and in some cases with high er low temperatures. For some materials and temperatures the resus of impaet tess on notched specimens, when correlated with service experience, have been found 10 predict dhe likelihood of britle fracture accurtely. Further information va significance appears in Appendix XI. '. Precautions in Operation of Machi 5.1 Safety precautions should be tsken to protest personnel from the swinging pendulum, ying broken specimens, and hazards associated with specimen warming and cooling media. 6. Apparatus 6.1 General Requirements: 6.11 The testing machine s constuction. | al be a pendalum ype of rigid (ly £23 126 6.1.2 The testing machine shall be designed and built co cconforin with the requicements given in Aniex AL 162 Inspection and Verification 6.21 Inspection procedures to verify impact machines di rectly ae provided in A2.2 and A2.3, The items listed in A2? ‘must he inspected annually. 62.2 The procedures 10 verify Charpy V-notch machines indieetly, using verification specimens, are given in. AD, ‘Charpy inapact machines must be verified dicecly and indi- rectly annually, 7. Test Specimens 1.1 Configuration and Orientation: 7.1.1 Specimens shall be taken From the material a8 spec fied by the applicable specification, “1.1.2 The ype of specimen chosen depends largely upon the characteristics ofthe material to be tested. A given specimen ‘may’niot be equally satisfactory for soft nonferrous metals and haedened steels therefore, many types of specimens are recognized In genera, sharper and deeper notches are required to distinguish differences im very ductile materials or wher using low testing velocities “7.1.3 The specimens shown in Figs. 1 and 2 are those most widely used and most generally satisfactory They are particu larly suitable for ferrous metals, excepting east ira” 7.14 The specimens commonly found suitable for powder retallorgy materials are shown in Figs. 3 and 4, Powder ‘etallurgy impact test specimens shall be prodiced following the procedure in Practice B925, The impact test results of these materials are affected by specimen orientation, Therefore, > repr Suhre NV on ge esi of Cmte Sa Cen, 10 Type Ae ‘aaoer 0" a sa bo at Som teat onc Soctsm Cover fh 2) Sven ane ea sae am ‘pe Bane Csresen Sormm ye 2 mon slate an apost tc REA im omer wo sree FIG. 1 Charpy (Simple-Beam) Impact Te Specimens. Types A, 8, end © Gy £23 - 120 iam . vey l a T= — ation mngunoe caer oo aS os eats, am ee 8 BE I dimond tee re opt an c— ee pt lt [-——] +f cenprcane guar STRIKING ‘STRIKING DIRECTION —> : a mm Tomato won “oe 1000 = 043 vias ‘Bm =e3 om te at 90° 10 min, ) Impact Test Specimen ly 225-126 unless otherwise specified the position of the specimen in the machine shall he sich that the pendulum will strike a surface that is parallel 10 the compacting direction. For powder metallurgy materials the impact test results are reported as Lunnotched absorbed impact energy. 7.15 Sub-size and supplementary specimen recommentse ‘ons are given im Annes A3, 12 Specimen Machining 7.2.1 When heat-treated materials are being evaluated, the specitnen shall be finish machined, including notching, after the final heat treatment, unless it can be demonstrated thatthe impact properdes of specimens machined before feat treatment ae identical to those machined after heat reatment 7.2.2 Noxches shall be smocthly machined but pobishing has proven generally unnecessary. However, since variations in notch dimensions will seriously affect the results of the (ests, adhering tothe tolerances given in Fg, 1 is necessary (Appen- dix XI.2 illstates the effects from varying notch dimensions ‘on Type A specimens). In keyhole specimens, the round hole shall be carefully drilled with a slow feed rate. he slo may be cut by any feasible method. but eare must be exercised in tattng the slot to ensuze thatthe surface of the drilled hole opposite the slot is not damaged. 7.2.3 Wentteation marks shall only be placed in the fol lowing locations on specimens: either of the 10-mm square tends the side of the specimen that faces up whea the specimen {is positioned in the anvils (see Note 1); or the side of the specimen opposite the noch. No markings, on any side of the specimen, sall be within 10 mm ofthe centerline ofthe notch Permanent markers, laser engraving, sribes, electrostatic pen- cils, and other reasonable marking metheds may be used for ‘eniicaton purposes. However, sonte marking methods can result in damage f0 the specimens if not used corectly. For example, excessive heat fom electrostatic pencils or deforma tion othe specimen from stamping can change the mechanical propesties of the specimen. Therefore, care must always be taken to avoid damage to the specimen. Stamping and other ‘marking processes that result in deformation of the specimen should only be used on the ends of the specimens, pricr 10 notching Nore 1—Caelconsgton shoot be given tive pling Me eatin suson he ido the specimen 9 be placed up when positioned nea the wt opel cartel spevinon ay be placed inthe machine with De wenaliaion uring reing onthe specimen Soporte it acing downs, Under thse ctomsances, he absorbed ‘nung valnecbtalaed may be vas 8. Procedure Rul Preparation of the Apparat: 8.1.1 Perform a routine procedure for checking impact ‘machines tthe besioning of each day. ech sbi, or just prior to testing on «machine used intermitiently. is ecommended ‘hatte results ofthese routine checks be kept in a log book for the machine. AMer the testing machine has been ascertained to tomply with Annex AT and) Annes A2, eary out the routine check as follows: Visually examine the striker and anvils for obvious damage and wear Check the zero position of the machine by using the Following procedure: raise the pendulum to the latched posi- tion, move the pointer 19 near the maximum capacity of the range being used, release the pendulum, and read the indicated value. The pointer should indiate zero on machines reading directly i energy. On machines reading in degrees. the reading should correspond to ze0 on the conversion chart furnished by the machine manufacturer [Nove 2~On machines hat do noc compensate Jo winaxe ad tion lesen he pine il stints 2, thi ease ected Yale, ‘who conver fo ener. shal be cme fr Eton ses hat re ‘same to Be proportional a hear of sng The Griesion an windage toss shall not exceed 0.4 ‘of the scale range being tested and should not change by more than 10 % of the percent fection and windage loss measute rents previously recorded oo the machine. If the percent {eetion and windage loss does exceed 0.4 % or is significantly dlferent from previous measurements, check the indicating ‘mechanism, the latch height, and the bearings for wear and damage. However, if the machine has not been used recently, let the pendulum Swing for 50 t0 100 eycles, and repeat the percent friction and windage test before undertaking repaits 10 ‘he machine, To ensure that fiction and windage losses are \withie allowable tolerances, vse one of the following evalua- tion procedures (1) For a machine equipped with an analog seal: to be pruned poston: ‘No pit oth sin sia us Borg ut Fas the ation spacen na acho): ‘ow posta oe he ie (aoa a9 Dstt ‘ing ata ent on Port soe ene gone betwen 8 an 10 Lehane aa bong od Deere nt nr acne ee ye pant [coment sey cess Biss he ray eg 1, Die byte nina ca va blog saad Hat 000 att por etn nd wine ox (2) A machine equipped with a digital display: Determine the percent friction and windage loss per manofac- turer's procedure, (2) For machine equipped with both an analog scale and digital display: Determine the fiction and windage loss using the same indicating device used to report absorbed energy (10.24 and 24) owe 3—Prie to the 2012 veson, the percent ton and windage sre ised on 1 a sings sd the pointer was ot cagage oe Bt ‘ing Now the ont ngage on he stig The eens that the econ, wniage, ad ptr lowe serie with th fet ig 0 longer sem To he Jere. Om the 1 sing the pone ould g9 > {hn so any ftion tht wl be reonded mill only show op on the allowing Half swings. ‘82 Test Tempereaure Consideration ‘82.1 The temperature of testing affects dhe impact proper ‘ies of most materials. For materials with a body centered cubie structure, «tiesition in fact mode ceeurs over a temper ture range that depends on the chemical composition and ricrosiriciure of the material. Test temperatures may be ‘chosen to characterize material behavior a fixed values, or lover 4 range of temperaiares 10 characterize the wunstion| AQ £23126 1, lower shelf or upper shel behavior. oral f these, The choice of test temperature isthe responsiblity of the user of this test method and will pend on the specific application For exis performed at room temperatue, a temperature of 20 $C SAC is recommended 8.2.2 ‘The temperaure of a specimen can change signi cantly during the interval itis removed from the temperaiuee concltioning environment, transferred to the impact machine, and the fracture event is completed (see Nowe 6). When using ‘heating or cooling medium near its boiling point, use dara from the weferences in Nove 6 oF cafibration daa with theemo- ‘couples 10 confim that the specimen is within the stted ‘emperatuee tolerances when the striker contacts the specimen. If excessive adiabaie heating is expected, monitor the speci ‘men temperature near the noich during fracture. 8.2.3 Verify temperature-measuring equipment atleast ev cory six months. If liguid-n-glasstheemometers are use, an initial verification shall be suficient, however, the device shall be inspected for problems, such as the separation of liquid, at Feast twice annually. 8.2.4 Hold the specimen atthe desired temperature within = 1°C G& 2°P) in the temperature conditioning environment Any method of heating or cooling or transferring te specimen fo the anvils may be used provided the temperature of the specimen immediately prior to fracture is essentially the same athe bolding temperature (see Note 6). The maximum change in the temperature of the specimen allowed for the interval between the teraperature conditioning teatment and impact is not specified here, because it is dependent on the material being tested and the application. The user of nontraditional or lesser used temperature conditioning and transfee methods (or specimen sizes) stall show that te temperature change forthe specimen prior to impact is comparable to or less than the temperature change fora standard size specimen of the same ‘material that has been thermally conditioned in a commonly used medium (il. ai nitrogen, acetone. methanol). and teansforred for impact within 5 seconds (See Nove 6). Three temperature conditioning and transfer methods used in the past are! liquid! bath thermal conditioning and transfer to the specimen supports with centering tongs; furnace thermal con- Uiioning and robotic transfer vo the specimen supports; place- ment of the specimen on the supports followed By in situ heating and cooling 8.24.1 For Hiquid bath cooling or heating use a suitable container. whic has a grid oF another type of specimen positioning fsture. Cover te specimens, when immersed. ith a least 25 mum (1 in.) of the liquid, and positon so thatthe note area is not closer than 25 mm tothe sides or botiom of | the container and no par ofthe specimen isin coatact withthe container. Place the device used to measure the temperate of the bath inthe center ofa group ofthe specimens. Agitte the bth and hold a the desived temperature within = 1°C (* 2°F), ‘Thermally condition the specimens for atleast Sin before testing, unless a shorter thermal conditioning time ean be shown to be vale by measurernents with thermocouples. Leave the device (tongs, for eximple) used Co handle the specimens in| the bath fora east $ min before testing, ad retuen the device to the bath erween ts 82.4.2 When using a gas medium, postion the specimens so that the gas circulates around them and hold the gas atthe desired temperature within + 1°C (2 2°P) Korat least 30 min, Leave the device used to remove the specimen ftom the medium in the medium except when handling the specimens. Non: 4Tempertnes pf +250°C may be otained with eral ol, ‘wt "asp emperors as be etl verve. Nott 3 For teig a tmperatres dent 198°C (7 °K) saad ‘esting prosedres hae bee ow to be ade for most mea. ‘Now 6A study as sown hat a specie het 0 100°C In wor an siot 10 C in the $a alowed or nse o the specinen spots {Ober wuss, wsng cooling maa at are above the boing pans ‘rom empraire bea sw are ches in ecimeneges. “wre daring the caster of species the machine sis Tn addon, seme macs change temperature drumatcly ding imps testing st Cxyopeni emporatines due weak bol 8.3 Charpy Test Procedure 83.1 The Charpy test procedure may be summatized as follows: the test specimen is thermally conditioned and posi- tioned om the speciaen supports against the anvils; the pendu Juan is released without vibration, anu the specimen is impected by the striker, Information is obtained from the machine and from the broken specimen 8.32 To position a test specimen in the machine, itis recommended that sell-cenering tongs similar to those shown in ig, 5 he used (See Al. 10.1). The tongs illestated in Fig. S| are for centering V-notch specimens, If keyhole specimens are ‘sed, mitiction of the tong design may be necessary. I an end-centering device is used. caution must be taken 10 ensure ‘that low-energy high-strength specimens will not rebound off this device into the pendulum and cause erroneously high recorded values. Many such devices are permanent fixtures of| ‘machines, nd i the elearunce between the end of specimen, the test postion and the centering device is not approxi ‘nately 13 mm, the broken specimens may rebound into the pendulum. 83.3 ‘To conduet the test, prepare the machine by raising the pendulunnto the latched positon, et the enengy indicator athe. ‘axiom scale reading, or initialize the digital display, or, both, position the specimen on the anvils, and release the pendolum. If figuid ath or gos medium is being ased for thermal conditioning, perform the following sequence in less than 5 s (for standard 10% 10 % 55 mm (0394 x 0.394 x 2.165 im) specimens, see 8.2.4). Remove the test specimen {rom its cooling (or heating) medium with centering tongs that have boon temperature conditioned with the test specimen, place the specimen in the test postion, and release the ‘pendulum smoothly. Ia test specimen has been removed from ‘he temperature conditioning bath and itis questionable tha the ‘est ean be contd within the 5 s cme frame, retwn the specimes to the bath forse time requted in 8.2 bere testing, 33.1 Tha fractured impact specimen doesnot separate it ‘ovo pieces, report it as unbroken (see 9.22 for separation Jnstuctons). Unbroken specimens with absorbed eneiges of Jess than 80 % ofthe machine eapacity may be averaged with values fom broken specimons. Ifthe individual values are not “Thelen sen tas refer of ee ae (ip £23120 e\/ \ : Ni a, ee 1 Bian rn w+ 0-008" | To mn epee ‘aeie sae Sno eoeiae ‘i a 2 Sapp i) tt poe od wae 4 agua on npgot est Seer em 98-1 3 secon wh tees ® ms font : "39% ie os : am spon enc) aest Sramspeanen em oro Simm spears ath Seas FIG § Centering Tongs lor WNoIch Gherpy Specimens listed, repost the percent of unbroken specimens with the average, I the absorbed energy exceeds 80 % of the machine Capacity and the specimen passes completely between the anvil, report the value as approximate (see 10.1) and do not average it with other values. If an unbroken specimen doesnot pass between the machine anvils, (for example, it stops the pendlun). the result shall be ceported as exceeding the machine capacity: specimen shall ever be struck move than 8.33.2 If a specimen jams in the machine, disregard the results and check the machine thoroughly for damage or ‘nisaligament, which would affect its calibration, py ©23- 126 used by Jatring the indicator when locking the penditumy in its upright {ready} position, read the value for each tes from te indicator Prior to locking the pendulum forthe next test. 84 Iepd Test Procedure B41 The Hod test procedure may be summarized 3s follows: the test specimen is positioned im the specimen: bhlding txcue and the pendulum is released without vibrato, Information is obtained from the machine and from the broken specimen. ‘The details are described as follows: 1.4.2 Testing at temperatures othr than room temperature is clificult because the specinen-holding fixtuce for Izod speci mens is offen part of the base of the machine and cannot be readily cooled (or heated). Consequently, I2ad testing is not recommended at ether than room temperature ‘843 Clamp the specimen fly in the support vise so dha, the centerline of the now i in the plane ofthe top ofthe vise ‘within 0.125 mm. Set the energy indicator at the maximum scale reading. and release the pendulum smoothly. Sections 53..1-83.33, also apply wheo testing Tead specimens. 9, Information Obtainable from Impact Tests 9.1 The absorbed energy shall be taken as the diferenee between the energy in the striking member atthe iastant of impact with tho specimen and the energy remaining. after breaking the specinien. This value is determined by the machine's scale reading which has been corrected for windage and Frietion Toss, Now To-Aliratve means for exeygy measurement ae scopabe roiled the accuracy of such methods can be demand, Methods {es toa opal encoders a sas-aged stele 9.2 Lateral expansion mewsurement methods must take inte ageount the Fact that te Fracture path seldom bisects the point Of maximum expansion on both sides of a specimen. One half fof a broken specinien may include the maximum expansion for both sides, one side only, or neither. Therefore, the expansion ‘on each side of each specimen half must be measured relative to the plane defined by the undeformed portion on the side of the specimen, xs show in Fig. 6. For example, iy is greater ®@ 98 a ® of Broken Charpy Notch Impect Specimen 19 the Measurement of Lateral Expansion, Dimensions ‘Ry, Ba, Ay Ay and Oaginal Width, Dimenslon W than Ap, and Ay is fess thao A, then the Ira expansion i the sum of Ay + Ay 9.2.1 Before making any lateral expansion measurements, i is essential thatthe two specimen halves are visually exantined for burs that may have formed during impact testing; if the buss will influence the lateral expansion measurements, they must be removed (by rubbing on emery cloth or any other stitable method), making sure that the protrusions t0 be ‘measured are not rubbed during the removal ofthe bur. Then, examine each Fracture surface to ascertin that the protrusions hhave not been damaged by contacting. an anvil. machine mounting surface, et, Lateral expansion shall net be measured ‘on a specimen with tis type of damage 9.2.2 Lateral expansion measurements shall be reported as, follows. An unbroken specimen ean be reported as broken if the specimen can be separated by pushing the hinged halves together once and then pulling thent apart without furth fatiguing the specimen, sad the lateral expansion measured for the unbroken specimen (prior to bending) is equal of greater ‘than that measured forthe separated halves. In the ease where specimen cannot be separated into two halves, the lateral expansion can be measured a loug as the shear Hips ca be fecessed without interlerence from dhe hinged Higameat that has been defourned dung testing. The specimen should be reported as unbroken 9.2.3 Lateral expansion may be measured easily by using a sage lke the cue shown in Fig. 7 (assembly and details shaven in Fig. 8), Using this type of gage the measuremeat is made with the following procedure: orient the specimen halves $0 that the compression sides are facing each other. take one half ‘of the fractured specimen and press it agains the anvil an dial ‘gage plunger and record the reading, make a sinsilar measur meat on the other bal (same side) of the fractured specimen ‘and disregard she lower ofthe 1wo values, do the same for the ‘ther side of the fractured specimen, report the sun of the maximum expansions for the 2 sides asthe lateral expansion for he specimen: 9.3 The percentage of shear fracture on the fesctre sur faces of impact specimens may be determined using a variety ff methods. ‘The approach and the acceptable methods are defined i Annex 2, Bor each method, the user must distin tuish between regions formed by stable crack growth mechs hiss, and regions formed by unstable crack growth mecha nisms. For purposes of this Test Method, the “shear area” consists of thase portions of the fracture sufice that form by Stable crack growth (Fracture Initiation Region, Shear Lips, ‘and Final Fracture Region) as shown in Fig. 9. The pescent shear area om the fracture surface of a Charpy impact’ specimen is typially caleulated as the diference bhetween the foal fractured area (Fesciue Initiation Region, Shoae Lips, Unstable Fracture region, and Final Fracture Region) and dhe area of unstable facture region, divide bythe total fractuted area, simes 100, The measurement niethods described in Annes A4 provide estimates for the area of the unstable fracture region (deectly or inditectly), but do not ‘consider dsals ofthe fracture mode for the unstable region “The unstable fracture region could be 100 % cleavage, a mixture of cleavage and ductile dimple facture morphologies, FIG. 7 Lateral Expansion Gage for Charpy impact Specimens. f mixtue oF intergranular and ductile-dimple fracture mer: Phologies, or a mixture of other fracture morphologies. None # Caton sees often exit a class clewage rgion that ideas tbe uatele acre region wit a wel-detned wea of say Irate tat fe easy tecognie and metre. Other stele, sch 3 ‘quenched and tonpered SAB 240, loys have ropion of nee foctere th const ofa tine str of cleavage fess and Ste Ainples only appon t High magus). Sone ened ele “ei partly spear tae, wll Un hese ces he 62 10. Report 10.1 Absorbed energy values above 80 % ofthe scale range ‘inaccurate and shal be reported as approximate, Ideally an Jmpact test would be conducted a « constant inypact velocity Ima pendalum-ype test, the velocity decreases asthe fracture progresses, For specimens hat have impact energies approsch= Ing 80 % of the capacity ofthe pendulum, the velocity of the pendulum decreases (10 about 455 of the intial velocity) ‘during fraeture tothe point that accurate impact energies are no longer obtained. 10.2 For commercial acceprance resting. espor the follow: ing information (for each specimea tested 10.2.1 Specimen type, 10:22 Specimen size ( not the full-size spe 1023 Test temperatare, 10.24 Absorbed enersy, and 1025 Any other contractual requiemens 103 For otler shan commercial acceptance tesing the following information is often reported im addition 10 the information in 10.2: 10.3.1 Lateral expansion, 103.2 Unbroken specimens. 10.3.3 Fracture appearance (% shear, See Note Ad), 10.34 Specimen orientation, and 1035, [Now Even hen he st eerie pi oom emp 1H Precision and Bins UL An Taterlaboratory snuly used CVN specimens of low energy and of high energy v0 find sources of variation in the CVN absorbed energy. Data ftom 29 laboratories were in cluded with each nboratory testing ono set of five specimens of each energy level. Except being limited to only two energy levels (by availabilty of reference specimens), Practice F691 ‘was followed fo the design and analysis of the daa; the details fre given i ASTM Research Report No, RR:E28-1014> 11.2 Precsion—The Precision information given below is forthe averuge CVN absorhed energy of five test determina tions at each laboratory for each materia is oe ey Hon Ener 5% Papal Ut 24 «3 5 pony 2 62 The teas repeatability and reproducibility limit are used as defined in Practice E77. The respective standard deviations among test results may be obtaised by dividing the above Himits by 2.8. 11.3 Bias—Blas cannot be defined for CVN absorbed en- cemyy. The physical simplicity of the pendulum design complicated by complex energy loss mechanisms within the ‘muchioe and the specimen. Therefore, thee is no absolute standard wo which the measured values can be computed 12, Keywords 12.1 Charpy test fracture appearance; lo tess impact test, notched specimens; pendulunt machine Sparing ahve fled ASTM eens eee ey t — a Soe] it po + H =" T 4c wo Ge ince PD STE oo se ttecse sree, ates FIG, @ Assembly and Deals fr Lateral Expansion Gage j Finat Fracture Region 4 No 1-Mewre serge dimersions A nd B othe nee 5 2 Deane de percent seer fore wang Tible AG Lor Table A FIG. 9 Schematic of the Fractore Surlace of Charpy vNeten Impact Tost Specimen Showing the Various Rogion of Fracture ANNEXES (Mandatory Information) Al, GENERAL REQUIREMENTS FOR IMPACT MACHINES ALL The machine frame shall be equipped with & bubble level oF a machined sutface suitable for establishing levelness ofthe axis of pendulara bearings or alteroatvely the leveless of the axis of rotation of the pendulum may be measured diectly. The machine shall be level t» within 3:1000 and securely bolted 10a conerete floor not less than 150:mm thick or, when this isnot practical, the machine shall be bolied 10 a foundation baving a mass not less than 40 times that of the pendulum, The bolts shall be tightened as specified by the ‘machine manufacturer. AL2. A scale or digital display, graduated in degrees or energy. on which readings can be estimated in increments of 0.25 & of the energy range ot less shall be furnished for the machine. ‘A121 The scales and digital displays may be compensated for windage and pendulum friction. The error in the scale reading at any point shall not exceed 0.2% of the range or (04 Se oF the reading, whichever is larger: (See A2.28.) AL3 The tonal fifetion and windage losses of the machine during the swing im the striking direcGon shall not exceed 0.75 % of the scale range eapacity, and pendulum energy loss fom feietion in the indicating mechanism shall not exceed 0.25 % of scale range capacity. See A238 for fiction and windlage los calculations ALA. The positon of the pendulum, when hanging feel, shall be such that dhe stiker is within 2.5 mm from the test Specimen, When th indicator has been positioned to read zero energy ina free swing, it shall read within 0.2 % of the scale range when the striker of the pendulum fs held agaist the tes specimen. The plane of swing of the pendulum shall be perpendicular to the transverse axis of the Charpy specimen anvils o¢ Teod vise within 3:1000, ALS Transverse play of the pendulum atthe sttikor shall not exceed 0.75 mim under a transverse force of 4 % of the efoctive weight ofthe pendulum applied at the center of strike. Radial play of the pendulum bearings shall not exeeed 02075 ALG The impact velocity (tangential velocity) of the pendulum atthe center of scke shall not be Tess than 3.nor ore than 6 mvs ALT The height of the center of strike in the latched position, above is free hanging postion, shall be within 04 5 ‘of the range capacity divided by the supporting force, mea- sured a8 described in A23.5.1. If windage and friction are ‘compensate fr by increasing the height of cop, the height of| Arup may be increased by not more than 1 ALB The mechanism for releasing the pendula from its inikial postion shall operate freely and permit release ofthe fy 23-120 pendulum without intial impulse, retardation, or side vibra- ‘ion, I the sume lever used to release the pendulum is also used toengage the brake, means shall be provided fer preventing the brake from being accidentally engaged. ALD: Specimen clearance is need to ensure satistectory results when testing materials of different strengths and com= positions, The test specimen shall exit the michine with a ‘minimum of interference. Pendulumns used on Charpy ma chines are of three basic designs, as shown in Fig. AIL) AJ9.1 When using a C-rype pendulum or a compound pendulum, the broken specimen will not rebound into the pendolum and slow it down if the clearance atthe end of the specimen is at least {3 ram o if the specimen is deflected out ‘of tha machine by sore arrangement such that shown in ig. ALL A192 Wheo using 4 U-ype pendulum, means shall be provided 10 prevent the broken specimen trom rebourdling against the pendulum (see Fig. AI-1). In most Uype perdu lum machines, stel shrouds should be designed and installed to the following requirements: (a) thicknass of approximately LS mim, (2) minimum hardness of 45 HRC, (@) radius of less than 1.5 mm at the underside corners, and (positioned so that the clearance between them and the pendulum overhang (both top and sides) does not exceed 1.5 mt, [Nom Al—In michises whete the opening thin the pendlom permits clearance between to cris of a specimen Cesta ot the compounn Pena pet L—seecnes sores Iu a seus econo aL ‘cine suport ond the shroud at thi earn i atest 3 a, he egress (2) snd I ned nt a Al10 Charpy Apparatus 1.10.1. Means shall be provided (se Fig. AI and support the tes specimen against 190 anvil block ‘postion that the center ofthe notch i located within 0.25 mm ‘of the midpoint berween the anvils (see 83.2). 1,102 The suppoats and stiker shall be of the foxms and imensions shown in Fig. 1.2. Other dimensions of the penclulum and suppons should be such as to mize inter- rence between the peodulum and broken speciniens. ‘A1.10.3 The center line of the striker shall advance in the plane tht is within 040 mom of the midpoiat between the Supporting edges ofthe anvils. The striker shall be perpendicy- lato the longitudinal axis ofthe specimen within 5:1000, The striker shall be parallel within 1:1000 tothe Face ofa perfectly square test specimen held against the anvil ALI ed Apparat: 'ALLILLL Means shall be provided (see Fig. A1.3) for ctamp- i the specimen in such a position that the face of the specimen is parallel to the striker within 1:1000. The edges of the clamping surfaces shall be sharp angles of 90° + 1® with ‘ai less tha 0.40 ran, The clamping surfaces shall be smooth ‘witha 2 ym (R,) finish o beter, and shall lamp the specimen firmly at the notch with the clamping force applied in the direction of impact. For rectangular specimens, the clamping 4| CovPe Pena. ws EXTENDS ores | OAPI oe noe (0 locate one ‘unten naz FIG, A1.1 Typical Pendlums and Anvile for Charpy Machines, Shown with Medications to Minimize Jamming aa war =) wate anne Ef con om wee $BRR 07 woe BERR « i - cena ovine) 4 Ans shee enacted wih a sutace rsh 2 Per saan sacs ana stove ean sige wen mau onto mache Not 2 Sho chatty nase wan suc tah of 04 yn or nang efor esa ang bah be ‘ete a0 sna teranaee sabe 2035 mem nes ner atin FIG. At? Charpy Stiker rae srecwen — Teg 066m a vise Radius oust be tess han 040 on: [Nove 1—All imsnsonstleraess sl be $008 man vals eter who speci, ‘Now 2Tas clip srices of A and B sl eats parai svt 125 ‘Now 3 Surface fish on stir a vise sal be 2 ym (8 [Nove Stier wih rat beget than tht fe Specimen big sexed, FIG, At. tod (Cantiover-Beam) Impact Test SST eae "aan cemman ip 225-126 surfaces. shall be fat and parallel within 0.025 mm. For cylindrical specimens, the clamping surfaces shall be co0- towed 10 match the specimen and each surface shall contact a ‘minimum of 1 rad (90°) of the specimen circumference L112 The dimensions of the swiker and its postion ‘elative to the spocimeo clamps shall be as shown in Fig, AL. |A2, VERIFICATION OF PENDULUM IMPACT MACHINES AQ The verification of impact machines has wo parts: di rect verification, which consists of inspecting the machine 10 ensure thatthe requirements of this annex and Annes AY are wet, and indivect verification, which entails the testing of verification specimens AAI Teod machines are vesilied by dict verification analy, A2L.2 Charpy machines shall be verified directly and indineotly annually, Data is valid only when produced within 365 days following the date of the most recent success \etification test. Charpy machines shall also be verified imme- Gialy after replacing parts that may afect the measured energy, aller making repairs or adjustments, affer they have bbeen moved, or whenever there is reason to doubt the accuracy fof the results, without tegand to the time interval. These restrictions include cases where pars, which may affect the measured energy, are reinoved from the machine and then reinstalled without modification (with the exception of when the sirker or anvils are removed to permit use oft diferent striker or set of anvils and then are reinstalled, see A213). It is not intended that pans not subjected 10 wear (such as pendulun and scale linearity) are to be divecly verified each year unless a problen: i evident. Only the Home cited in A22 fare required to be inspected annually, Other parts of the machine shall be ditectly verified at least once, when the machine Is new, oF when parts are replaced A213. Chaxpy machines do not require immediate indivect verification after removal and replacement of the striker or anvils, or bot, that were on the machine when it was verified Provided the following safeguards are implemented: (1) an ‘organizational procedure for the change is developed and follossed, (2) igh-siength low-enerey quality conte speci- mens (see A24.1.| for guidance in breaking enerey range for these specimens) ae (ested prir to removal and immediately alee installation of the previously verified striker or anvils, oF ‘both within the 365 day verification peri, (3) the results of the hefore and after tests of the quality contol specimens are ‘within L4 J ofeach other, (4) the results ofthe compatsons ae ‘Kept in a log book, and (5) before reattachment, the striker and anvils aro visually inspected for wear and’ dimension verified to assure that they meet the required tolerances of F AL2. The use of cerified impact verification specimens is not required and internal quality coniol specimens are pemited. A2.2 Direct Verification of Parts Requiring Annual Inspec- A2.2.1 Inspect the specimen supports, anvils, and striker and replace any of these parts that show signs of west. A straight edge or radius goge ear be used to discern dllerences between the used and unused portions of these parts to help identify « worn condition (see Note A2L). ow: AZ.—TD messre the anil o sete ali, the ecommended prose f wo one rp eating) te rgion of nrest ad reas cis eco the repliea Tis ca he dane with he als at "Aker in plac onthe much removed ro he machine, Make am Wit catdhard and pe sorounding the eepon of fret eo our & Tewshilkage casting compound int hem (icon ruber eating sonpounds work well). Allow to axing to cue rome te ds ad ‘Mise eons secon tough be rogin of net wih a aoe Use ese ‘rose eons mk ai mestreentom opis compaatr a tet ‘42.22 Ensure the bolts that attach the anvils and stiker to the machine are tightened to the manvfacturers specications. 'A2.2.3 Verity thatthe shroucs, if applicable, are properly installed (see A192), ‘A224 The pendulum release mechanism, whieh releases the pendulum from its initial postion, shall comply with AL "A2.25 Check the level of the machine io both directions (ee AL, 'A22.6 Check that the foundation bolts are tightened to the manufacturer's specifications. one A22—typtsion fot of fsenes wih dives inserts tal ot Be sed outs. Thess fasteners wil or aos amo tie {i again Ihe Bot of he mshi neti» igh og aloe son the Blt ae teens. ‘A2.2.7 Check the indicator zero and the (ition loss of the ‘machine as described in 8.1 A23 Direct Verification of Parts to be Verified at Least Once: A231 Charpy anvils and supports oF Lod vises shall confor tothe dimensions shown in Fig. AL.2 or Fig. AL, [Nowe A23—Toe impast machine will be inaccurate to dhe exten tht sone engi ws in detention or nowemet of cogent pate Gro te machin a a Whale is ener will be egisteted as wed In (acting the secon, ‘A2.3.2 "The sitiker shall conform to the dimensions shown in Fig. A1.2 or Fig. 41.3. The mounting surfaces must be clean and free of defects that would prevent a good ft Check tht the striker complies with AL.10.3 (for Charpy tests) oF ALU. (for Teo est), ‘A23.3 The pendulum alignment shall comply with Ala and A 5, Ifthe side play inthe pendulum or dhe radial play the beatings exceed the specified linits, adjust or replace the ‘earings. Ora combination thereof ‘A234 Determine the Center of Strite--Foe Charpy ma- chines the center of strike of the pendulum is determined using ‘half-width specimen (10 % 5 % 55 mam) inthe test position, With the ster in eontact withthe specimen, a Hie marked Necsus tere Gly £23- 120 slong the top edge of the specimen oo the striker will indicate the center of sek, For Lod machines, the center of strike may be considered 10 be the caotact line’ when the pendulum is ‘brought into contact with a specimen in the normal testing position, ‘ALAS Determine the Potential Enerey—The following procedure shall he used when the center of stke of the pendalum is coincident withthe radial in from the centerline ff the pendulum bearings therein called the axis of rotation) 10 the center of gravity (see Appendix X2). If the centr of strike js move than 1.0 mim from this fine, suitable eomections in elevation of the center of suike must be made in A238. and 2.39, so that elevations set or measured correspond to what they would be if the center of svike were on this line. The potential energy ofthe system is equal 0 the height fom whic the pendulum falls, as determined in A232, times the supporting force as determined in A2.3.1 ‘A23:5.1 To measure the supporting force, support the pendulum horizontally to within 15:1000 with two suppers, tone atthe bearings (or center of rotation) and the other at the ‘enter of strike on the striker (See Fig, A2.1). Then arrange the support at the siker to react upon some suitable weighing / Distance rocenter of percustios, Angie of vise a,” | FIG. A2.1 Dimensions for Cleulations device such asa platform scale or balance, and determine the weight to within 04 5, Take care to minimize fiction at either point of support. Make contact with the striker through a round zal crossing the center of sike. The supporting tore is the scale reading minus the weights of the supporting rod and any shims that may be used to maintain the pendulum in a horizontal position. A23.5.2 Determine the height of pendulum top for com pliance with the requirement af AI.7. On Charpy machines elermine the height from the top edge of @ halfswidih (oF center of a full-width) specimen to the elevated position of the center of suike within 0.1 S¢, On Izod machines determine the height from a distance 22.66 mm above the vie to the release positon ofthe contr of strike within 0.1 6. The height may be teternined by direct measurement of the elevation of the center of strike or by caleulation from the ehange in angle of the pendulum using the following formulas (see Fig. 421): b= Sito) ap hy = Sl -easa 322) where = inital elevation of the sker, 5 = Tength of the pendulum distance to the center of strike, m, = angle of fall, fy = beight of rise, m, and = angle of rise A236 Determine the imprct velocity, v, of the machine, eplecting fiction, by means ofthe following equation: vo vial ay wh velocity mv ‘cceoraiion of gravity, 9:81 1s? and inal elevation ofthe sik. A237 The eeter of percussion shall be a «point within 15 of the distance from the ais of rotation to the center of senke in the specimen, (0 ensue that minimum force is teansmitd w the poiat of tation, Determine the location of e enter of patcsion as follows ‘A237. Usiog a stop watch oF some other sutubletime- cosving devie, capable of tearing tine to witha 02 Swing the pendulum through a total angle not greater than 13° td rece he tine for 1DD complet eles (0 and fo) The period ofthe pendulam then, she time for 100 yeles divided by 10, {A2.3.72 Determine the center of percussion by means of the following equation ‘ he we wp where: 1L = distance trom the exis 0 the centr of percussion, m, = local gravitational acceleration (accuracy of ene pti ‘ne thousand), mis, 31416, and period of a complete swing (¥o and fr). s > Vdeenamuancmnen fy 29-120 A238 Determination ofthe Priton Losses—The exergy loss fom ftom and windageof the pend an retion i the revording mechanism, if nt corected wl be ichod in the energy loss atibured to breaking the specimen and can sesul i erroneously high measurements of absorbed eneray Fr machines recording in degrees tonal loses are usually ‘ot compensated for by the machine manufacture, wheteas it Inachines recording dell in energy, they ate usally com> pense for by increasing the tarting height of the pendulom. Determine energy losses ftom ition as lows ‘A238.1 Without «specimen in the machine. and withthe iniestor a the maximum energy reading. release the pen Jun fiom is starting postion and record the energy value ‘neat. This wale whould indiate vero enersy if (etonal losses have been corrected by the manufacture. Now ralse the pendula slowly unt itjasteortecs the indieator athe value obtained in the fee swing. Secure th pendulum a this eight tnd within 01% determine the verteal distance fom the mtr of strike the top ofa hal-widh specinen positioned fon the specimen rest supports (se A225). Determine the supporting fore as in A235. and muliply by this vertical istnes. The diference between this yalue aul the initial Potential energy i the tal energy loss i the pendalu and Inciewor combined. Without reseting the ponte, repeately release the pendula fom its inal postion unl the pointer shows no futher movement, The energy los detriined by the positon of the pointer is that dete the pendula alone. ‘Te Ieionl los inthe iicatr alone i then te diene tutween the combined indicator and pendulum loses and those de the pendulum alone. ‘A23.9 The indicating’ mechanism accuracy shall be ehocked to ensure thats ecordingsecarately over the eee range sce Al.21), Check tat graduation marks comesponding {© approxinuiely 0, 10,20, 30,50, and 70°% of each range ‘With the striker matked to inicae the center of sek, it the pedal and set iti. postion where the indicator ea for ‘example. 13J. Secure te pendulum at his height and within (0.1 6b determine the vertical distance fom the cone of srike tothe tp ofa hal-with specimen positioned onthe specimen suppor (ee A235} Determine the residal energy by rouliplying the height ofthe ceter of sike by the supparting force, a desried in AZ... 1 Ierease this value by the tol fictional and windage loses fora ee swing see A281) rwultpied by te aio of the angle of swing of he pend from the luc w the enemy val beng evaluated wo the angle ‘of swing of the pendulum ftom the ltch to the 7er0 energy reading, Subtract the sum ofthe residual energy ad propo iol ietional and windage less fom the ptetial exergy at theatched position See A238). The inet sll are with the energy caeulated within the liis oF 1.2.1. Make similar ‘aleatons at othe pins of te scale The indicating mechs- niki shal not ovetshoat or drop back with de pendulum Make test swings fe various heights 10 check visually he ‘operation ofthe pointer over several portions of the seal, [Nore 2nd tht ini inp sl cst sing she towered Dc regs am he sae le came ‘ery roangs ining he everson formal or he oly od {Sig nei way he ono le an sss bers forage {hd fon cecions. A2A Indirect Verification: A2A.1 Indirect verification requires the testing of speci- mens with cenilied energy values to verily the accuracy of ‘Charpy impact machines. ‘A2A4 1.1 Verification specimens with cenifiedeneesy values are produced at low (13 to 20 J), high (88 10 136 J), and super high (176 to 244 J) energy levels, To meet the veifica- tion sequiremenis, the average value determined for 8 st of| verification specimens at each energy level tested shall corre- spond 0 the certified values of the verification specimens within 14 (1.0 fb) or 5.0%, whichever is greater ‘ The reference vlus forthe verification specimens shall be established on the three reerence machines owned, ‘maimained, ai operated by NIST in Boulder, CO. ‘A2.4.2 The verified range of a Charpy impuct machine is described with reference to the lowest and highest energy specimens tested on the machine. These values ae determined from tests on sels of vetification specimens at two oF more levels of absorbed energy. except in the case where a Charpy rnichine has maximum capacity that is top low for two ‘energy levels tobe tested. In this case, one level of absorbed ‘energy can be used for indirect verification. ALAS Determine the usible range of the impuct testing machine prior to testing verification specimens. The usable ‘ange ofan impact machine is dependent upon the resolution of the scale or readout device a the low end and the capacity af ‘the machine tthe high end. ‘A24.3.1 The resolution of the scale or readout device establishes the lower limit ofthe usable cange forthe machine. ‘The lower limit is equal to 25 times the resolution of the sale cor readout device at 15 J. one A2.5—On alo xls, he eoltion fhe amas change in ere that canbe dnered om ie sel. Th asl Wo 1 of tae lesen between 2 aljcet maths en the seat th 15 ergy eve Now AZ6—Digial readouts usualy incorporate devices, sich as ial encoders, witha fed dscrcte angular rostton The resskiono these pes of eadout devies ish inal change in nei hat can be ‘comisely measre af 15 J. The esluton uf hese types of dvies Tally nots change ithe st cist shown om the spy bees "esalton iva fination of the angler postion of the pendulum nd ‘hangs hohe the swing, For devin which icorporate vei tion mode in which «live readout of amore enerpy os arable, te euloy my be moved soy ite ae 15 Jo obare hese ‘hange I he readout dvie the reson, A24.3.2 Tho upper limit ofthe usable range of the machine is equal to 80% of the capacity ofthe machine. A284 Only vetfication specimens that are within the usable range of the impact machine shall be tested. To verily the machine over is Tull usable range, test the lowest and highest energy levels of vetitication specimens commercially available that are within the machine's usable range. Ifthe ratio bperwen the highest and lowest certified values tested is greater than four. testing of a third set of intermediate energy speci- mens required (i the specimens are commercially availabe). Nowe A2.7—Use the upper bound of the energy range given forthe tow. igh, and siprsigh vesieation specimens (2,136. and 204 7 respeutvl) fo dtemite he highest eery level verifieatin specimens tha can he etc Alo, ase ths Inve Goud oto ery range Ay 223-120 ven forthe vesfction specimens te étermibe the minima exergy losel fr texting ‘A2AA. Ifthe low energy vetiicaion specimens were not tested (only high and super-high were tested), the lower limit of| the verified range shall be one half the eneegy of the lowest cenerey verification set tested, [Nove A28—For example ifthe ceed yale ot the igh eneey specimens teed wat 100 J, th oer nit would Bo 30 A244. If the highest energy verification specimens avait ale for u given Charpy machine capacity were tx tested, the Upper value ofthe venfed range shall be 1.5 times the certified value of the highest energy specimens tested, Nowy A29-—For exemple ite machine beng tested has a maxima 03. 751030 xk Sot mats atewam Xe aro mas aoe XX ammo “a bese axa e NIN erway vetonsfeemers ease ave ced va of 20 AS. ADDITIONAL IMPACT TEST SPECIMEN CONFIGURATIONS AB. Sub-Size Specimen—When the amount of siaterial available docs not permit making the standard impact test specimens shoven in Figs. | aod 2, smaller specimens may be ‘used, but the resus obtained on diflren. sizes of specimens canot be compared directly (X1.3). When Charpy specimens ther than the standard are necessury or specified, it is recommended tha they be selected from Fig. A3.L A32 Supplementary Specimens—For economy in prepars- ‘ion of test specimens, special specimens of round of rectan gular cross section are sometimes used for eantilever beam est ‘These are shown as Specimens X, ¥. and Z in Figs, A32 and 3.3. Specimen Z. is sometives called the Philpot specimen, afer the name of the original designer. For hurd materials the machining of the Mat surface struck by the pendulum i sometimes omitted. Types ¥ and Z require a different vise from that shown in Fig. AL, each half of the vise having a semi-cylindrical recess that closely isthe clamped portion of | the specinen. As previously stated, the results cannot be reliably compured with those obtained using specimens of other sizes or shapes

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