Terceira Revisão

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3rd Review - Book one

01 - Say the date, the time and the weather

Today is Saturday, June 17th, 2023.

(07:30) It’s seven thirty or It is half-past seven.
The weather is cloudy today

02 - Complete with words from the box

1 - How long did you live there? 10 years

2 - How old is your mother? She’s forty
3 - How much money do you need? Just ten dollars
4 - How long is this road? It’s one hundred kilometers long
5 - Wich rose do you prefer? I prefer the red one

3 - Write in full

1st First
2nd Second
3rd Third
10th Tenth
20th Twentieth
21st Twenty-first

04 - Answer these questions

How old is your mother?

My mother is (She is) fifty years old

Wich do you prefer, to eat at home or to eat out?

I prefer to eat at home (or to eat out)

How’s the weather today?

The weather is cloudy today

What are you going to do tonight?

I’m going to Sleep tonigh

What did you do on your day off?

On my day off, I relaxed at home and caught up on some reading Or
I visited family and spent quality time with them during my day off
Nessa última questão a pergunta foi no passado, ou seja, perguntou O que você fez no seu dia
de folga? Então você deve responder também no passado, passando o verbo no passado.
5 - Writing

What did you do yesterday?

Yesterday, I woke up at 8 o’clock and got up at 8:30, brushed my teeth and combed my hair.
Then I had breakfast and watched TV. I had lunch at noon and drank lemon juice. After that,
I talked to my friends and watched a movie. Then I studied a little and read a book. Around
10 o'clock pm, I went to sleep.

6 - Change into the negative

a) I lived in São Paulo - I did not (didn’t) live in São Paulo.

b) I speak English - I do not (don’t) speak English.
c) I am going now - I am not going now.

7 - Change into the interrogative

a) She eats a lot of salad - Does she eat a lot of salad?

b) They are studying - Are they studying?
c) I took a shower this morning - Did I take a shower this morning?

8 - Turn into English

a) eu vou todos os dias - I go every day.

b) ele vai todos os dias - He goes every day.
c) eu vou amanhã - I am going tomorrow.
d) ela vai amanhã - She is going tomorrow.
e) eu fui ontem - I went yesterday.
f) eu não fui ontem - I didn't go yesterday.
g) você foi ontem? - Did you go yesterday?
h) onde você foi? - Where did you go?

9 - Relate

A) Plates - Drugstore, Newstand

B) Clothes - Socks, Skirt
C) Food - Olives, Cake
D) transport - Subway, Plane
Pessoal, estudem as palavras novas, estudem os verbos regulares e irregulares, estudem How
long – How long – How much – Which – How old; estudem parentes em inglês tbem (na
lição 11); passar pra negativa e interrogativa frases no present simple e no past simple; Na
prova, vocês terão que escrever 5 comandos, ou seja, um comando é um tipo de frase que dá
uma diretiva ou uma ordem. É usado para dizer a alguém o que fazer. Comandos são
frequentemente expressos usando a forma imperativa de um verbo. exemplos:

Pare! Stop!
Feche a porta, por favor. Close the door, please.
Coma seus legumes. Eat your vegetables.
Não toque nisso! Don't touch that!
Respire fundo e relaxe. Take a deep breath and relax.

Bom, resumindo a prova será isso, estudem e boa sorte a todos

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