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Game Design Methods

Creating a Game Design Methodology

Intellectuals solve problems, geniuses prevent them- Albert Einstein


1. Introduction

2. A Definition

3. Problem Statement

4. Method & Methodology

5. Research Method

A lot has changed in recently in the way we regard video game design and game development. In the beginning we had
the pioneer game designer-developer-artist but as the game industry grew so did the need for more specialized roles
did too. One such role that is still in its infancy is that of the game designer.

Many game designers in the past relied on gut feeling to navigate the complexities of game design and development.
This of course has changed as the stakes have increased in game development. There are now few studios that would
risk having a game designer that relied on… gut feeling. This is why many studios require +4 years of experience as a
professional game designer before hiring a new game designer.

It isn’t just about the cost of development… Game design sits at the very core of development and can effect both
moral and time.

As you might imagine, the leading game designers of the industry have developed strong sets game design methods.
Some of these methods are known, others not and most are still buried within the everyday best practice of these

These “best practices” or methods are earned through design experience. When we take the individual methods and
combine them we can create a methodology. It isn’t something new to make a methodology since many already exist.

Game Design Toolbox Methodology

What I am proposing is a methodology aimed at teaching process to students and independent game designers.
Current methodologies assume that the ultimate purpose of game design is to sell games or work in the industry.

The goal of creating a methodology for students and independent game designers is to give them something a process
that is generic, cohesive, structured and reflective. In essence, it is like giving the beginning game designer a compass
to find direction.
A Definition

What is a Game Design Method?

1. A procedure, best practice or technique, used in game design during development or a stage of

2. Has some level of formalization that makes the method functional.

3. Aimed at guiding the game designer in making efficient and effective game design.

What is a Game Design Methodology?

1. A set or system of methods, principles, and rules for regulating game design.

2. A body of practices, procedures, and rules used by game designers.

Problem Statement

Game Development vs. Game Design

Game design is at the center of every game. It is like glue that holds all the separate pieces of the game together. Like
glue, game design left on its own with out any pieces is nearly transparent and the results are negligible. This probably
explains the difficulty to grasp what game design is and what is a game designer. Let’s stop a second and discuss
some examples of what game design is not; it is not project management, marketing, programming and game graphic
design. The reason that this needs to be pointed out, is that these disciplines also have their own methods and
methodology that seem similar or use like terminology. In many cases the game design discipline in its infancy has
borrowed methods, methodology and terminology from these disciplines.
Problem Statement

Visible Process

It is still a rather recent occurrence, where the game designer is recognized as separate discipline needed for the
success of game development. Unfortunately the quality of game designers have always been sporadic and most
companies will only risk veterans from the industry to fulfill the position. How can you measure the quality of a game
designer? The current factor is that the game designer has worked in the industry for X amount of years and has been
involved in a published title. Other disciplines have resolved this by measuring the quality through observation of both
visible process and results.
Problem Statement
A Visible Process

The programmer can be judge in this way; at any point of development we can ask for a build and we know the quality
of the product’s coding because it doesn’t have “bugs” or runs smooth. We know the quality of the game art because it
is either aesthetically pleasing or not. We can pretty much get a feel of progression from every creative discipline within
game development except the current process from most game designers.
Problem Statement
If the game is fun then everyone takes the credit, but if the game isn’t… it’s the Game Designer’s fault.
- T’jien Twijstra


The traditional game designers created and maintained the game design document as their “process” and this resulted
in the final game. This creation of the game design document was typically a black box event. Something that I have
repeatedly come across in my case studies is this comment: “I have a document but I can’t do anything to the game
design until the game has been built.”
Problem Statement

Making Game Design Efficient

This is not very optimistic for development of a game if the very glue that holds the game together is or isn’t going to
stick. Game design without a qualitative way to monitor its progress can and does wreck havoc on time, resources and
moral of game development.
Problem Statement

The creativity issue

The constant issue with methods and methodology is the question of how it affects the creative process. My answer to
this is to ask yourself how many game artist are allowed to just begin making assets as 3D models without some
previous concept art and iterative ideas of what they are going to make? Again how many models are stuck into a game
without some review? The first time a developer writes code is it published without testing? Is it written in one go? It
becomes apparent that all creative activities require natural iteration. A game designer’s document revised and
rewritten is not necessarily game design iteration.
Method & Methodology

Currently my research has uncovered many best practices, tools, techniques that fit my definition of a game design
method. These methods revolve around a list of important reoccurring keywords such as analysis, classification,
reference, guidelines, rules, ideology, approach, process, role, archetypes, prototypes, communication, testing,
formulae and models.
Method & Methodology
Heuristics Analytical Demonstrative Modus Operandi

In an effort to organize these methods into comprehensible model I have arrived to this; methods can be categorized
into heuristic methods, analytical methods, demonstrative methods and modus operandi methods.
Method & Methodology

What I would like to propose is a game design methodology called the “game design toolbox”. The game design toolbox
is aimed at aiding the student game designer and the novice independent game designer. The game design toolbox
features a well rounded selection of methods in each stage of the game design process, while allowing the game
designer some choices between methods for flexibility.
Research Method

In my current research I have encountered that game designers employ poor methodology. Critical literature reveals
that current methodologies are rather inflexible and ignorant of available game design methods. For example, many
methodologies are geared towards the game industry which creates holes of knowledge concerning creating a game
from scratch. Through my research method I am validating selected game design methods, which allow for a synthesis
of coherent game design methods for the creation of the game design toolbox methodology.

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