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Patachi is another typical soup *300 grams of beef brisket.

from Huancavelica that you *300 grams of pork.
In this triptych we will talk
cannot miss on your visit. It is
about a typical food and *300 grams of lamb meat.
prepared with meats such as
drink from Huancavelica,
pork, beef and lamb. In addition, *300 grams of bacon.
which is PATACHI and
it is complemented with
chicha de JORA, we will talk *¼ cup of beans.
ingredients such as ground
about its ingredients and
corn, chuño, potatoes, peeled *2 Potatoes cut into squares.
wheat, broad beans, beans and
*1 cup of Chuñ.
This triptych will be directed peas. The important point of this
to my teachers and recipe is that the ingredients *¼ cup of peas.
classmates at school. must be boiled overnight for *½ cup of Corn.
long hours to achieve the right
flavor and consistency. *½ cup Chochoca.
*½ cup of peeled wheat.
*4 cloves garlic, finely chopped.
*2 sprigs of mint.
*1 spoon of Oregano.
*4 liters of water.
*1 pinch of salt.
*1 pinch of pepper.

Step 1: Ingredients:
Wash the wheat and soak overnight. *1 kilo of jora corn.
Then it is washed well and set aside.
*1 kilo of barley.
Step 2:
*8 liters of wáter.
In a pot, sauté the garlic with a little
*100 grams of chancaca.
oil. Add salt and pepper.
*Sugar to taste.
Step 3:
Add the water and let it boil. Then add
*1/2 tablespoon cloves. Issue:
the chochoca, corn, wheat, morón Instructions: typical dishes of Huancavelica
and beans. Cook all the ingredients
for approximately 3 to 4 hours. *To begin, place the jora corn and barley in
separate pots. Proceed to toast each
Step 4: ingredient separately, without adding oil or
water, for about 20-25 minutes.
Cut the meats into pieces.
*Add water to the jora and let it soak for about
Step 5:
30 minutes. After time, change the water and
Then add the mint branches, let it soak for the same amount of time.
potatoes, chuño, beef, pork, lamb and *Once this step is completed, strain the corn
bacon. Adjust the flavor and let it cook and put it in a much larger pot along with the
for approximately one hour. barley and cloves in the 8 liters of water. Let full name: BRISA ALISON
it boil for about 5-6 hours or until the liquid HUAMANI QUISPE.
Step 6: has reduced by half.
Serve very hot and decorate with teacher: HAYDDE BOZA DE LA
*After this time. Add the chancaca, the sugar
chopped parsley. CRUZ.
(approximately a cup and a half would be
excellent) and let it cool.
grade and section: 4° ¨C¨.
*Then strain and store in containers that you
can cover and let sit for a couple of days to course: ENGLISH
ferment properly.

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