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CBSE Business Studies Class 12 Sample Paper 1 Page 1

CBSE Sample Paper 5

Class XII 2022-23
Business Studies
Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 80
General Instructions:
1. This question paper contains 34 questions.
2. Marks are indicated against each question.
3. Answers should be brief and to the point.
4. Answers to the questions carrying 3 marks may be from 50 to 75 words.
5. Answers to the questions carrying 4 marks may be about 150 words.
6. Answers to the questions carrying 6 marks may be about 200 words.
7. Attempt all parts of the questions together.

1. DK Choudahry who was unwell, called his son Ramesh and gave him a gift packet. Ramesh
opened the packet and saw many crumpled share certificates inside. His grandfather told him
that they had been left behind by his late father. As no trading is now done in physical form,
Ramesh wants to know the process by adopting which he is in a position to deal with these
Identify the process.
(a) Dematerialisation (b) Demutualisation
(c) Neither (a) nor (b) (d) Both (a) and (b)

2. Identify the right of consumers being promoted in the given picture.

(a) Right to be heard
(b) Right to seek redressal
(c) Right to be informed
(d) Right to consumer education

3. Manahis Sharma works readymade garments factory. in an production manager. He was shifted
sales department without any substantial change in the responsibility and status.
Which type of recruitment is done in this case?
(a) Horizontal recruitment (b) External recruitment
(c) Internal recruitment (d) None of these
4. A new packaging machine is to be installed in a fast food factory. Which type of decision is
taken while deciding about its installation?
(a) Working capital decision (b) Capital budgeting decision
(c) Financing decision (d) All of these

5. SolarTop Power Private Limited set up a factory for manufacturing solar lanterns in a remote
village as there was no reliable supply of electricity in rural areas. The revenue earned by the
company was sufficient to cover the costs and the risks. The demand of lanterns was increasing
day-by-day, so the company decided to increase production to generate higher sales. For this,
they decided to employ people from the nearby villages as very few job opportunities were
available in that area. The company also decided to open schools and crèches for the children
of its employees.
Identify the objectives of management discussed above.
(a) Social objective (b) Organisational objective
(c) Neither (a) nor (b) (d) Both (a) and (b)

6. Match the work performed by specialist foremen under functional foremanship in Column I
with job assigned to them in Column II.
Column I Column II
A. Ensures (i) Inspector
B. Check quality of (ii) Instruction
work card clerk
C. Draft (iii) Disciplinary
instructions to
(a) (iii), (ii), (i) (b) (i), (iii), (ii)
(c) (iii), (i), (ii) (d) (ii), (iii), (i)

7. PS Fabric Company is planning to measure potential of each employee for learning new skills
to know their capacity to develop.
Which type of test will cater company’s aim?
(a) Aptitude test
(b) Intelligence test
(c) Trade test
(d) Interest test
8. Which of the following is the first and largest depository presently operational in India.
(a) Central Depository Services Limited (CDSL)
(b) National Securities Depository Limited (NSDL)
(c) Neither (a) nor (b)
(d) Both (a) and (b)

9. Identify the element of directing that aims to influence the behaviour of people to strive them
willingly for the achievement of group goals.
(a) Motivation (b) Supervision
(c) Leadership (d) None of these

10. For the following two statements choose the correct option:
Statement I: Working capital requirements of a company is affected by inflation.
Statement II: ‘Choice of technique’ affects the requirement of fixed capital of a company.
Choose the correct option from the options given below:
(a) Statement II is true and I is false
(b) Statement I is true and II is false
(c) Both the statements are false
(d) Both the statements are true

11. Familiarising the selected employees with the rules and policies of the organisation and
introducing the selected employees to other employees is the process of:
(a) Induction training (b) Performance appraisal
(c) Employment interview (d) None of these

12. ‘The human resource manager assessed the number and type of human resources necessary for
the performance of various jobs under an electronic division, and found it to be understaffed.’
Which type of analysis has been done by human resource manager?
(a) Workload analysis
(b) Workforce analysis
(c) Human resource analysis
(d) None of these
13. A company earned a profit @12% last year. Debts are available in the market @15%. If the
company issue debt for its financial needs, it will be______.
(a) Unlevered (b) Unfavourable levered
(c) Favourable levered (d) Cannot decide

14. Which of the following is not a characteristic of a good brand name?

(a) Short and simple (b) In local language
(c) Sufficiently versatile (d) Distinctive

15. A manager should replace ‘I’ with ‘We’ in all his conversations with workers to foster team
spirit. Which principle of management is being highlighted here?
(a) Order (b) Equity
(c) Discipline (d) Espirit de Corps

16. Arrange the following steps involved in the staffing process in correct sequence:
(i) Estimating the Manpower Requirements
(ii) Selection
(iii) Recruitment
(iv) Performance Appraisal
(v) Training and Development
(vi) Placement and Orientation
(vii) Compensation
(viii) Promotion and career planning
(a) (i), (iii), (ii), (iv), (vi), (v), (vii), (viii)
(b) (i), (ii), (iii), (v), (vi), (vii), (viii), (iv)
(c) (i), (ii), (iii), (vii), (v), (viii), (iv), (vi)
(d) (i), (iii), (ii), (vi), (v), (iv), (viii), (vii)

17. A element/dimension of business environment involves improvements and innovations which

provide new ways of producing goods and services and new methods and techniques of operating
a business?
Select the above element :
(a) Technological (b) Political
(c) Economic (d) Social
18. Which of the following principle of equity does not imply ?
(a) Equal pay to everyone
(b) Fair treatment to all employees
(c) Stern action against the lazy personnel
(d) No discrimination against anyone on the basis of gender, religion, language, caste, belief,

19. GSV Steel Ltd. is a steel manufacturing company located in India. It is enjoying buoyant
demand for its products as economic growth is about 9 to 10 percent and demand for steel is
growing. The company has decided to set up a new plant to cash on the increase demand. It is
estimated that it will require about ` 5,000 crores to set up and about ` 1,000 crores of working
capital to start the new plant.
Identify the decision taken by the financial manager in the above case?
(a) Financial decision
(b) Investment decision
(c) Dividend decision
(d) Capital structure decision

20. Which of the following is not an advantage of functional structure?

(a) Minimum duplication of work
(b) Coordination across departments
(c) Ease in training of employees
(d) Control and coordination within departments

21. “If we delegate the authority, we multiply it by two; if we decentralise it, we multiply it by
many”. How?

22. Which marketing management philosophy lays more emphasis on the consumer welfare rather
than the consumer satisfaction? How is it different from the Production Concept?

23. Rajesh was working as a First Line Manager. At which level of management was he working?
State any two functions performed at that level.
Nowadays the market offers a lot of opportunities to the marketers as the customer income is
rising. People have developed a taste for better quality products even though they may have to
pay more. Their aspiration levels have increased.
(a) Which dimension of business environment is being referred to?
(b) Explain one more dimension of business environment with example.

24. What is meant by ‘Financial Management’ ? State its objective.

It is that component of Financial market, in the absence of which the primary market will
become unattractive as there will be no liquidity. Identify the type of Financial market and list
its two functions.

25. In an organisation the morale of the employees is very low in-spite of the different financial
incentives offered to them. The organisation does not provide any developmental opportunities
to them. Neither they are involved in the decision making nor their work appreciated by the
top level management.
(a) Why is the morale of employees low?
(b) State the different incentives that the organisation should offer by giving reference to the
relevant lines.

26. Explain the concept of Democratic style of leadership and state its any two features.
‘An ideal controlling technique is the one that checks each and every stage in the process of
production.’ Comment.

27. Elctroreck limited is in the business of manufacturing and exporting untransformed. It has
a share capital of ` 80 lacs at the face value of ` 100 each. Company is considering a major
expansion of its production facilities and wants to raise ` 60 lacs. The finance manager of the
company Mr. Dinkar has recommended that the company can raise funds of the same amount
by issuing 8 % debentures. Given that earning per share of the company after expansion is `
35 and tax rate is 30%, did Mr. Dinkar give a justified recommendation? Show the working.

28. In an organisation different workers completed the same task by adopting different methods,
involving different movements and took different amount of time. This led to a lot of variation
in the type of work performed and the output produced. To do away with this, Rakesh, the
manager decided to eliminate unnecessary diversity of products and find out the best way of
doing the job. Various studies were undertaken to determine standard way and time of doing
a work.
Explain any two techniques of Taylor used by Rakesh.
Harish Sharma set up a small factory manufacturing toys. To begin with he employed 12 people
who had the experience of working in small factories. He was a strict task master. He kept all
the decision making power with himself. The employees were frequently leaving the job as they
were not satisfied about his way of dealing with them and as such Harish faced a lot of problems
tackling the employees. He then appointed a Manager who through his experience, creativity
and personalized way created an atmosphere of complete co-operation and coordination which
led to the achievement of goals.
(a) Which principles of management were ignored by Harish? Identify by quoting the lines.
(b) What does the manager’s way of dealing tell about the nature of management? Discuss.

29. Give your argument in the support that success of a business enterprise is significantly influenced
by its environment?

30. State and explain any four points of importance of planning.

31. After laying down the plans, a function is initiated to lay down the organisational structure.
Explain the importance of this function in management.
Planning is deciding in advance the future course of action. Explain briefly what all needs to
be done to make effective and efficient plans.

32. A company was marketing ‘water purifiers’ which were very popular due to their quality and
after sales services provided to the customers. The company was a leading company in the
market and earning huge profits. Because of huge profits, the company ignored the after sales
services. As a result, its relations with the customers got spoiled and the image of the company
was damaged in the public. Top management became concerned when the profits for the
current quarter fell steeply. On analysis, it was revealed that ignoring the after sales services
was its reason. Therefore, the company took all possible measures to protect and promote its
favourable image in the eyes of the public. As a result, the goodwill of the company improved
in the society.
(a) Name and state the communication tool used by the marketer in the above case to
improve its image.
(b) Also explain role of the tool as identified in part (a).

33. A company wants to replace its old machinery with new hi tech machines available in the
market. For this, it will have additional funds requirement of at least ` 50 Crores. As a Finance
Manager, help the company in deciding the right source for raising the money by explaining
the different factors that impact such a decision.
Market ‘A’ involves the sale of securities by the new companies or further issue of securities by
the existing companies to the investors, whereas Market ‘B’ involves the purchase and sale of
existing securities.
Identify the Market ‘A’ and Market ‘B’ highlighted here and differentiate between the two on
any five basis.

34. Blue Heavens Private Limited purchased a new hi-tech machine from Germany for manufacturing
high quality auto components in a cost effective manner. But during the production process,
the manager observed that the quality of production was not as per standard. On investigation
it was found that there was lack of knowledge amongst the employees of using these hi-tech
machines. So, frequent visit of engineers was required from Germany. This resulted in high
overhead charges.
Suggest what can be done to develop the skills and abilities of employees for producing
high quality products by using these hi-tech machines. Also state how the employees or the
organization will benefit from your suggestion.

Page 1 Sample Paper 1 Solutions CBSE Business Studies Class 12

Sample Paper 5 Solutions

Business Studies
Class XII Session 2022-23
Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 80
General Instructions:
1. This question paper contains 34 questions.
2. Marks are indicated against each question.
3. Answers should be brief and to the point.
4. Answers to the questions carrying 3 marks may be from 50 to 75 words.
5. Answers to the questions carrying 4 marks may be about 150 words.
6. Answers to the questions carrying 6 marks may be about 200 words.
7. Attempt all parts of the questions together.

1. DK Choudahry who was unwell, called his son 3. Identify the right of consumers being promoted in
Ramesh and gave him a gift packet. Ramesh opened the given picture.
the packet and saw many crumpled share certificates
inside. His grandfather told him that they had been
left behind by his late father. As no trading is now
done in physical form, Ramesh wants to know the
process by adopting which he is in a position to deal
with these certificates.
Identify the process.
(a) Dematerialisation
(b) Demutualisation
(c) Neither (a) nor (b)
(d) Both (a) and (b)
 Ans :
(a) Dematerialisation

2. Manahis Sharma works readymade garments

factory. in an production manager. He was shifted
sales department without any substantial change in
the responsibility and status.
Which type of recruitment is done in this case?
(a) Horizontal recruitment
(b) External recruitment
(c) Internal recruitment (a) Right to be heard
(d) None of these (b) Right to seek redressal
 Ans : (c) Right to be informed
(d) Right to consumer education
(c) Internal recruitment
 Ans :
(b) Right to seek redressal

4. A new packaging machine is to be installed in a fast

food factory. Which type of decision is taken while
deciding about its installation?
(a) Working capital decision
(b) Capital budgeting decision
(c) Financing decision (c) Trade test
(d) All of these (d) Interest test
 Ans :  Ans :
(b) Capital budgeting decision (a) Aptitude test

5. SolarTop Power Private Limited set up a factory

for manufacturing solar lanterns in a remote village
as there was no reliable supply of electricity in
rural areas. The revenue earned by the company
was sufficient to cover the costs and the risks. The
demand of lanterns was increasing day-by-day, so
the company decided to increase production to
generate higher sales. For this, they decided to
employ people from the nearby villages as very few
job opportunities were available in that area. The
company also decided to open schools and crèches
for the children of its employees.
Identify the objectives of management discussed 8. Which of the following is the first and largest
above. depository presently operational in India.
(a) Social objective (a) Central Depository Services Limited (CDSL)
(b) Organisational objective (b) National Securities Depository Limited
(c) Neither (a) nor (b) (NSDL)
(d) Both (a) and (b) (c) Neither (a) nor (b)
 Ans : (d) Both (a) and (b)
(d) Both (a) and (b)  Ans :
(b) National Securities Depository Limited (NSDL)
6. Match the work performed by specialist foremen
under functional foremanship in Column I with job 9. Identify the element of directing that aims to
assigned to them in Column II. influence the behaviour of people to strive them
willingly for the achievement of group goals.
Column I Column II
(a) Motivation
A. Ensures discipline (i) Inspector (b) Supervision
B. Check quality of (ii) Instruction card (c) Leadership
work clerk (d) None of these
C. Draft instructions to (iii) Disciplinary
 Ans :
(c) Leadership
(a) (iii), (ii), (i)
(b) (i), (iii), (ii)
10. For the following two statements choose the correct
(c) (iii), (i), (ii)
(d) (ii), (iii), (i) Statement I: Working capital requirements of a
 Ans : company is affected by inflation.
Statement II: ‘Choice of technique’ affects the
(c) (iii), (i), (ii)
requirement of fixed capital of a company.
Choose the correct option from the options given
7. PS Fabric Company is planning to measure potential below:
of each employee for learning new skills to know (a) Statement II is true and I is false
their capacity to develop.
(b) Statement I is true and II is false
Which type of test will cater company’s aim?
(a) Aptitude test (c) Both the statements are false
(b) Intelligence test (d) Both the statements are true
 Ans : 15. A manager should replace ‘I’ with ‘We’ in all his
(d) Both the statements are true conversations with workers to foster team spirit.
Which principle of management is being highlighted
11. Familiarising the selected employees with the rules (a) Order
and policies of the organisation and introducing the (b) Equity
selected employees to other employees is the process
(c) Discipline
(a) Induction training (d) Espirit de Corps
(b) Performance appraisal  Ans :
(c) Employment interview (d) Espirit de Corps
(d) None of these
 Ans : 16. Arrange the following steps involved in the staffing
(a) Induction training process in correct sequence:
(i) Estimating the Manpower Requirements
(ii) Selection
12. ‘The human resource manager assessed the number (iii) Recruitment
and type of human resources necessary for the (iv) Performance Appraisal
performance of various jobs under an electronic (v) Training and Development
division, and found it to be understaffed.’ (vi) Placement and Orientation
Which type of analysis has been done by human (vii) Compensation
resource manager? (viii) Promotion and career planning
(a) Workload analysis (a) (i), (iii), (ii), (iv), (vi), (v), (vii), (viii)
(b) Workforce analysis (b) (i), (ii), (iii), (v), (vi), (vii), (viii), (iv)
(c) Human resource analysis (c) (i), (ii), (iii), (vii), (v), (viii), (iv), (vi)
(d) None of these (d) (i), (iii), (ii), (vi), (v), (iv), (viii), (vii)
 Ans :  Ans :
(a) Workload analysis (d) (i), (iii), (ii), (vi), (v), (iv), (viii), (vii)

13. A company earned a profit @12% last year. Debts 17. A element/dimension of business environment
are available in the market @15%. If the company involves improvements and innovations which
issue debt for its financial needs, it will be______. provide new ways of producing goods and services
(a) Unlevered and new methods and techniques of operating a
(b) Unfavourable levered business?
(c) Favourable levered Select the above element :
(d) Cannot decide (a) Technological
(b) Political
 Ans : (c) Economic
(b) Unfavourable levered (d) Social
 Ans :
14. Which of the following is not a characteristic of a
good brand name? (a) Technological
(a) Short and simple
(b) In local language
(c) Sufficiently versatile
(d) Distinctive
 Ans :
(b) In local language
18. Which of the following principle of equity does not Whereas, scope of decentralisation of authority
imply ? is wider than delegation. It involves systematic
(a) Equal pay to everyone delegation of authority at all levels and in all
(b) Fair treatment to all employees functions of the organisation. It is an extension of
(c) Stern action against the lazy personnel delegation to the lowest levels in the organisation.
In case of decentralisation, middle and lower level
(d) No discrimination against anyone on the basis
managers are entrusted with authority for taking
of gender, religion, language, caste, belief, etc.
decisions on tasks assigned to them. So, it is clear
 Ans : that if we decentralise the authority, we multiply it
by many.
(a) Equal pay to everyone

22. Which marketing management philosophy lays

19. GSV Steel Ltd. is a steel manufacturing company
more emphasis on the consumer welfare rather than
located in India. It is enjoying buoyant demand
the consumer satisfaction? How is it different from
for its products as economic growth is about 9 to
the Production Concept?
10 percent and demand for steel is growing. The
company has decided to set up a new plant to cash  Ans :
on the increase demand. It is estimated that it will The Societal marketing concept lays more emphasis
require about ` 5,000 crores to set up and about on the consumer welfare rather than the consumer
` 1,000 crores of working capital to start the new satisfaction. It is different from the Production
plant. concept in the following ways:
Identify the decision taken by the financial manager
in the above case? Basis Societal Production
(a) Financial decision Marketing Concept
(b) Investment decision Concept
(c) Dividend decision (a) Focus Its main focus Its main
(d) Capital structure decision is on consumer focus is on
welfare while large scale
 Ans : satisfying their production
(b) Investment decision needs and wants.
(b) Aim It aims at earning It aims at
20. Which of the following is not an advantage of profits through maximising
functional structure? c u s t o m e r the profits
(a) Minimum duplication of work satisfaction. by increasing
(b) Coordination across departments t h e
(c) Ease in training of employees production
and reducing
(d) Control and coordination within departments the per unit
 Ans : cost.
(b) Coordination across departments
23. Rajesh was working as a First Line Manager. At
21. “If we delegate the authority, we multiply it by two; which level of management was he working? State
if we decentralise it, we multiply it by many”. How? any two functions performed at that level.
 Ans :
Nowadays the market offers a lot of opportunities
Scope of delegation of authority is limited as to the marketers as the customer income is rising.
it is confined to a manager and his immediate People have developed a taste for better quality
subordinates in work unit. It refers to entrusting products even though they may have to pay more.
the authority by an individual to another. Now, it is Their aspiration levels have increased.
clear that if we delegate the authority we multiply it (a) Which dimension of business environment is
by two, i.e., delegator and his subordinate to whom being referred to?
authority is delegated. It is a process of sharing (b) Explain one more dimension of business
of task and authority between a manager and his environment with example.
 Ans : derived from it is less than the cost involved. Thus,
Rajesh was working at the Lower Level of every decision taken aims at having value addition
Management. The functions performed at this level for the shareholders.
are:  o
(a) Act as a link between middle level management The Financial market being referred to is Stock
and workers: The lower level management passes Exchange or Secondary market.
the instructions of middle level management to Functions of Stock Exchange are:
the workers and the complaints or suggestions (a) Liquidity and marketability of securities: The
of the workers to the middle level management. main function of stock markets is to provide
(b) Supervision of workers: The lower level a ready and continuous market for the sale
management is responsible for overseeing the and purchase of securities. The presence of a
activities of workers and to guide and instruct continuous market is an assurance to investors
them. that their investment can be converted into
 o cash as and when required by them.
(a) Social environment (b) Pricing of securities: The stock market helps to
(b) Legal dimension: It is concerned with the legal determine the price of securities through the
framework within which the business concerns forces of demand and supply. This provides
operate. It includes the different Acts and the instant information to the investors about the
Legislations passed by the government, courts price at which securities can be traded.
and other commissions at different levels, i.e.,
local, state or centre. 25. In an organisation the morale of the employees is
For example, Companies Act 2013, Consumer very low in-spite of the different financial incentives
Protection Act, 1986 offered to them. The organisation does not provide
any developmental opportunities to them. Neither
they are involved in the decision making nor their
work appreciated by the top level management.
(a) Why is the morale of employees low?
(b) State the different incentives that the
organisation should offer by giving reference to
the relevant lines.
 Ans :
(a) The employees morale is low due to non-
24. What is meant by ‘Financial Management’ ? State fulfilment of their psychological, social and
its objective. emotional needs.
 o (b) The different non-financial incentives that the
It is that component of Financial market, in the organisation should offer are:
absence of which the primary market will become (i) Career advancement opportunities:
unattractive as there will be no liquidity. Identify the ‘The organisation does not provide any
type of Financial market and list its two functions. developmental opportunities to them.’
 Ans : (ii) Employee participation: ‘Neither they are
Financial Management is concerned with optimal involved in the decision making.’
procurement and usage of finance in business. (iii) Employee recognition programmes: ‘Nor
It aims at reducing the cost of funds procured, is their work appreciated by the top level
keeping risk under control and achieving effective management.’
deployment of such funds. The primary aim of
financial management is shareholder’s wealth 26. Explain the concept of Democratic style of leadership
maximisation, i.e. maximising market price of the and state its any two features.
shares of the company. The funds of the company  o
belong to the shareholders and the way they are ‘An ideal controlling technique is the one that checks
invested and the return earned on it, determines the each and every stage in the process of production.’
market value and price of the shares. The market Comment.
price of equity shares increases, if benefit from a
 Ans :
decision exceeds the cost involved. The share prices
decreases, if the decision is wrong and the benefit Democratic style of leadership is also known as
participative leadership. It is the most effective Earning after Tax
35 = 80, 000
leadership style. Democratic leaders offer guidance
to group members, but they also participate in the Earning after Tax = ` 28, 00,000
group and allow input from other group members. 8
Interest = 60, 00, 000 # 100
Participative leaders encourage group members to
participate, but retain the final say over the decision- = ` 4,80,000

making process. Group members feel engaged in the Let x be the earning before Tax (EBT).
process and are more motivated and creative. The EBT - Tax = EAT
features of Democratic style of leadership are:
(a) It encourages staff member to be a part of the x - 0.30x = 28, 00, 000
decision-making process. 0.70x = 28, 00, 000
(b) It keeps staff members informed about 28, 00, 000
everything that affects their work, shares x = 0.70
decision making and problem solving x = 40, 00, 000
responsibilities. = ` 40,00,000
Earnign before Tax
(c) The democratic leader:
(i) develops plans to help staff evaluate their EBIT = Earning before tax + Interest
own performance. = 40, 00, 000 + 4, 80, 000
(ii) allows staff to establish goals. = ` 44,80,000

(iii) encourages staff to grow on the job and be
promoted. ROI = Total Investment # 100
The statement, ‘an ideal controlling technique is the 44, 80, 000
one that checks each and every stage in the process 1, 40, 00, 000 # 100 32%
of production.’ is with reference to the ‘Critical As ROI (32%) > Rate of interest (8%), the company
Point Control’. It states that it is neither economical can choose to use trading on equity to increase its
nor easy to keep a check on each and every activity EPS. The finance manager was justified in making
in an organisation. Therefore, the managers should this recommendation.
identify the Key Result Areas (KRAs) which are
critical to the success of an organisation. If anything
goes wrong at the critical points then the entire
organisation suffers, therefore, the managers should
exercise control at those points rather than checking
each and every stage of production. 28. In an organisation different workers completed the
same task by adopting different methods, involving
27. Elctroreck limited is in the business of manufacturing different movements and took different amount of
and exporting untransformed. It has a share time. This led to a lot of variation in the type of
capital of ` 80 lacs at the face value of ` 100 each. work performed and the output produced. To do
Company is considering a major expansion of its away with this, Rakesh, the manager decided to
production facilities and wants to raise ` 60 lacs. eliminate unnecessary diversity of products and find
The finance manager of the company Mr. Dinkar out the best way of doing the job. Various studies
has recommended that the company can raise funds were undertaken to determine standard way and
of the same amount by issuing 8 % debentures. time of doing a work.
Given that earning per share of the company after Explain any two techniques of Taylor used by
expansion is ` 35 and tax rate is 30%, did Mr. Rakesh.
Dinkar give a justified recommendation? Show the  o
working. Harish Sharma set up a small factory manufacturing
toys. To begin with he employed 12 people who had
 Ans : the experience of working in small factories. He was
Earnings per share = ` 35 a strict task master. He kept all the decision making
80, 00, 000 power with himself. The employees were frequently
Number of Equity Share = 100
= 80, 000
leaving the job as they were not satisfied about
Earning after Tax his way of dealing with them and as such Harish
EPS = No. of Equity Shares faced a lot of problems tackling the employees.
He then appointed a Manager who through his
experience, creativity and personalized way created 29. Give your argument in the support that success of a
an atmosphere of complete co-operation and business enterprise is significantly influenced by its
coordination which led to the achievement of goals. environment?
(a) Which principles of management were ignored  Ans :
by Harish? Identify by quoting the lines.
(b) What does the manager’s way of dealing tell No organisation can function in isolation. Its
about the nature of management? Discuss. working and actions are influenced by many external
forces such as social and political conditions and
 Ans : technological changes, etc. which are beyond
The two techniques of Taylor used by Rakesh are: its control. A continuous study of the business
(a) Time study: This study carefully observes environment enables an organisation to identify
each element of the work and measures the the forces that affect it functioning. The following
time taken to do a particular job. It helps in points highlight the importance of environment for
determining the standard time taken to perform the success of a business organisation.
a well defined job, the number of workers to be (a) Identification of opportunities: A careful
employed, framing suitable incentive schemes analysis of the business environment enables an
and determine labour costs. enterprise to identify positive opportunities and
(b) Method study: This study determines the best take first mover advantage in competition. It
way of doing a job. Right from procurement of also enables the organisation to gain maximum
raw materials to the delivery of final product, benefit and move ahead of its competitors. For
every activity is studied carefully. The best example, Tata motors recognised the demand
method is devised to minimise the cost of for a small and economical car in India and
production and maximise the quality to the launched the popular Tata Nano.
satisfaction of the customer. (b) Identification of threats: Besides positive
(c) Simplification and standardisation of work: opportunities, a study of business environment
Simplification aims at eliminating unnecessary helps an enterprise in the identification of
diversity of products. This results in saving of threats or negative signals. Thereby, it enables
cost of labour, machine and tools and helps in it to take appropriate preventive measures. For
fuller utilisation of equipment and increases example, a mobile manufacturing company
turnover. Standardisation means setting up finds that another company is coming up
standards for every element of business activity. with new or improved features in its product.
These standards are the benchmarks which An identification of the threats can enable
must be adhered to. the organisation to take measures such as
 o improving the quality and features of its
(a) The following principles of management were mobile, advertising, etc.
ignored by Harish: (c) Tapping useful resources: Environment acts
(i) Centralisation and Decentralisation: He was as a source of inputs or resources such as raw
a strict task master. He kept all the decision material, machinery, labour, etc. required for
making power with himself. the functioning of an organisation. On the other
(ii) Stability in tenure of personnel: The hand, it acts as a source of demand for goods and
employees were frequently leaving the job services produced by the organisation. Thus, it
as they were not satisfied about his way of is rational for the organisations to take up those
dealing with them and as such Harish faced resources from the environment that can be
a lot of problems tackling the employees. converted into the desired output. It is possible
(b) Managers way of dealing implies that only if the organisations have an understanding
‘Management is an Art’. of what the environment can offer.
Art is concerned with the personalised application (d) Formulating plans and policies: With a
of the knowledge, it involves creativity. Management continuous study of the environment, an
can also be considered as an Art as it involves the organisation can frame suitable plans and
application of the principles of management in one’s policies in view of the current scenario. For
own unique way. The manager handles the real life example, if on analysing the market for clothes
problems with creativity and on the basis of his in India, it is found that there is an increasing
experience. demand for female western wear, then a cloth
manufacturing company can frame policies and
strategies to incorporate western wear in its
30. State and explain any four points of importance of 31. After laying down the plans, a function is initiated
planning. to lay down the organisational structure. Explain
 Ans : the importance of this function in management.
The importance of planning function of management Planning is deciding in advance the future course of
is as follows: action. Explain briefly what all needs to be done to
(a) Provides directions: Due to planning, employees make effective and efficient plans.
and managers know how their activities relate
to organisational goals. Everyone is conscious  Ans :
of his own contribution towards achievement Organising enables people to relate to each other
of organisational goals. In this way, planning and to work together for a common purpose. The
provides directions. importance of Organising is as follows:
(b) Reduces the risk of uncertainty: Planning helps (a) Benefits of specialisation: Through organising,
to reduce the risks associated with uncertainties. jobs are allocated amongst the workforce.
In the process of planning, attempt is made to It ensures that the specific worker performs
look into the future and to predict it. Planning specific job on a regular basis, which allows
helps to identify potential threats and to him to gain experience in that area and leads
develop contingency plans to deal with them. to specialisation.
(c) Facilitates decision-making: Planning ensures (b) Clarity in working relationships: Organising
foreseeing future and choosing the best leads to the formation of organisational
alternative available. The managers evaluate structure, which clarifies the authority-
the positive and negative aspects of each responsibility positions among individuals
alternative and choose the one with least in the organisation. The path of flow of
negative consequences, having feasibility communication and accountability relationship
and profitability. Through this, a direction is is also specified.
provided to all the activities of the organisation (c) Optimum utilisation of resources: The proper
which acts as basic guidelines to the managers assignment of jobs avoids overlapping of
for decision making. work and makes the best possible use of the
(d) Reduces overlapping and wasteful activities: resources. The wastage of resources and efforts
Planning serves as a basis of coordinating the is minimised due to avoidance of duplication of
activities and efforts of different departments work.
and individuals. It ensures clarity in thoughts (d) Adaptation to change: Organising allows a
and actions. Useless activities are eliminated business enterprise to accomodate changes in
and overlapping of work is avoided. the business environment and pave its way to
(e) Promotes innovative ideas: Planning gives smooth transition. The organisational structure
shape to new ideas. Many innovative ideas are can be suitably modified and inter-relationship
scrutinised and evaluated during the planning among managerial levels can be revised. It gives
process. stability to the organisation as it continues to
(f) Establishes standard for controlling: Planning survive and grow in spite of many changes.
provides goals or standards against which (e) Effective administration: Organising clarifies
actual performance is measured. If there is no the working relationships and description of
planning, then controlling function can not be jobs. Thus, it enables proper execution of work.
performed. Management of an enterprise becomes easy and
(Any Four) brings effectiveness in administration.
(f) Development of personnel: Organising enables
a manager to share his responsibilities with his
subordinates through delegation. The manager
develops new methods and ways of performing
a task. It gives him time to explore areas
for growth and opportunity to innovate and
strengthen the company’s competitive position.
It also helps the subordinates to realise their
full potential.
Planning process is as follows:
(a) Setting the objectives: The first step in planning
process is setting the objectives. These are the  Ans :
end results that the company aims to achieve. (a) The marketer used Public Relations as the
Objectives and goals must be quantifiable, communication tool to improve its image.
specific, and realistic. Otherwise the activities Public relations involve a variety of programmes
undertaken are sure to be ineffective. For designed to promote and protect a company
example increase in turnover by 20% by the and its product’s image in the eyes of public.
end of current year. (b) Role of Public Relations in marketing
(b) Planning premises: The second step involves management can be highlighted with the given
establishing the planning premises These are points:
the anticipated future conditions in the which (i) Press relations. The public relations
the plan is to be executed. These are the department is in direct contact with media
foundations upon which a plan is based. If the to present true facts and a correct picture
scientific forecasts or assumptions go wrong about the company.
then the entire planning process will fail. (ii) Product publicity. The public relations
(c) Identifying alternative courses of action: An department sponsor events for the launch
objective can be achieved in a number of ways. of a new product. The public attention can
All these alternative courses of action have to be drawn by arranging sports and cultural
be identified. events like news conferences, seminars and
(d) Evaluating alternative courses: The merits exhibitions.
and demerits as well as consequences of each (iii) Corporate communication. An organisation’s
alternative course of action must be examined image can be promoted through
before a choice is made. communicating with the help of newsletter,
(e) Selecting an alternative: After evaluation of annual reports, brochures, articles and
various available alternative courses, the best audio-visual material. Through this way,
alternative with the maximum benefit and the target customer can be reached. The
the least negative consequences is selected. executives interview on media or responding
Sometimes a firm may also go for combination to the queries helps in promoting public
of plan instead of selecting one best course. image.
(f) Implementing the plan and Follow up: Planning (iv) Lobbying. An organisation needs to maintain
is essentially goal oriented. Hence the plans a good relationship with government
formulated must be implemented effectively. officials and different ministers, in respect to
To ensure success follow up of plans is done in policies related to business and the economy.
the light of the dynamic environment. The public relations department has to be
really proactive in promoting or defeating
32. A company was marketing ‘water purifiers’ which regulations that affect them.
were very popular due to their quality and after (v) Counselling. The public relations department
sales services provided to the customers. The advises the management on general issues
company was a leading company in the market like contributing money and time for
and earning huge profits. Because of huge profits, certain causes like environment, children’s
the company ignored the after sales services. As a right, education etc. By contributing to
result, its relations with the customers got spoiled these activities, an organisation’s image is
and the image of the company was damaged in the improved and thus, builds goodwill.
public. Top management became concerned when
the profits for the current quarter fell steeply. On 33. A company wants to replace its old machinery with
analysis, it was revealed that ignoring the after sales new hi tech machines available in the market. For
services was its reason. Therefore, the company this, it will have additional funds requirement of
took all possible measures to protect and promote at least ` 50 Crores. As a Finance Manager, help
its favourable image in the eyes of the public. As a the company in deciding the right source for raising
result, the goodwill of the company improved in the the money by explaining the different factors that
society. impact such a decision.
(a) Name and state the communication tool used  o
by the marketer in the above case to improve Market ‘A’ involves the sale of securities by the
its image. new companies or further issue of securities by the
(b) Also explain role of the tool as identified in existing companies to the investors, whereas Market
part (a).
‘B’ involves the purchase and sale of existing (c) C a p i t a l It directly It indirectly
securities. formation p r o m o t e s promotes
Identify the Market ‘A’ and Market ‘B’ highlighted c a p i t a l capital
here and differentiate between the two on any five formation by formation
basis. transferring b y
 Ans : funds from enhancing
The company can fulfill its financial requirements savers to liquidity of
through owned funds (equity) or borrowed funds investors. securities.
(debt). To decide the right source, it need to (d) Location There is no fixed There is
consider the following factors: geographical a specific
(a) Cash flow position: The size of cash flow area. location of
needs to be considered before deciding the this market.
appropriate source of finance If the cash flow
(e) P r i c e Prices are Prices are
position is sound, then they can go in for debt
determination determined and determined
otherwise they should opt for equity.
decided by by the
(b) Interest coverage ratio: This ratio refers to the
management of interaction
number of times earnings before interest and
the company. of demand
tax covers the interest obligations. Higher the
and supply
ratio, better is the ability of the company to
raise funds through debt.
(c) Return on investment: If the Return on (f) Transaction Only buying of B o t h
Investment of the company is higher than the securities takes buying and
cost of debt, then the company can make use place in this selling of
of trading on equity to increase its EPS, which market. Sale of securities
means, its ability to use debt increases. securities is not take place
(d) Stock market conditions: If the stock market is possible in this here.
bullish, then the company can easily raise the market.
funds by the issue of equity shares as people
will readily invest. But during the bearish
phase, debt financing should be opted by the
Market ‘A is primary market and Market ‘B’ is
secondary market.

Basis Primary Secondary

Market Market
34. Blue Heavens Private Limited purchased a new hi-
(a) S e c u r i t i e s It is the new It is the
tech machine from Germany for manufacturing high
traded issue market market for
quality auto components in a cost effective manner.
dealing with sale and
But during the production process, the manager
new securities purchase
observed that the quality of production was not as
being issued for of existing
per standard. On investigation it was found that
the first time. securities.
there was lack of knowledge amongst the employees
(b) Parties to The securities T h e of using these hi-tech machines. So, frequent visit of
transaction are sold by the securities engineers was required from Germany. This resulted
company to are sold and in high overhead charges.
the investors p u r ch a s e d Suggest what can be done to develop the skills and
directly or b y abilities of employees for producing high quality
t h r o u g h i nve s t o r s . products by using these hi-tech machines. Also
intermediaries There is no state how the employees or the organization will
involvement benefit from your suggestion.
of the
 Ans :
Training of employees can be done to develop
the skills and abilities of employees for producing
quality products by using these hi-tech machines.
Benefits of training to the organisation:
(a) Economic operations. Trained personnel will
make economic and efficient use of resources
such as men, money, material and machines.
This will lead to the reduction in the cost of
production per unit. There will be a great
savings as training reduces wastage and spoilage.
This will result in economic operations. Thus,
training expenditure is treated as an investment
in human resources.
(b) Increases productivity. It helps to improve
employee’s knowledge and skills, which in
turn increases the quality and quantity of
production. Higher productivity means higher
profitability for the organisation.
(c) High motivation and morale. Training reduces
the rate of labour turnover and absenteeism
and increases job satisfaction. This improves
staff morale and self-esteem. With the help
of training, employees are able to direct the
staff towards management philosophy, mission,
attitudes, work ethics, team work and greater
cooperation and loyalty.


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