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Christianity (C) plus aspects of at least two other principal religions selecting at least one from

KS2  Islam (I) and Judaism (J) (including whichever has not been selected at KS1) and at least one from
 Hinduism (H) and Sikhism (S)
Fields of Enquiry Practices and ways of life and Questions of identity, diversity and belonging

Theme Worship, pilgrimage and sacred places: where, how and why people worship, including at particular sites

Religions Christianity (C), Islam (I) and/or Hinduism (H). Optional Sikhism (S) and local faiths
The Fall and Salvation (C) E.g. Confirmation, Baptism, Eternal Life Covenant (C) Worship (I) Worship - Five Pillars (I) Bhakti (H)
Key concepts
Samsara (H) Moksha (H) Dharma (H) Gurdwara (S)
Where, how and why do people worship?
Question 8
Learning Outcomes Suggested Content
1. identify and explain symbolic actions in everyday life which express inner  the significant and spiritual places in their own lives and why these
feelings are special

2. explain the meaning of worship for a believer  how symbolic actions in everyday life express inner feelings and
3. ask some thoughtful questions about why people choose to attend a
church, mosque, mandir or gurdwara and suggest some possible  the meaning and main features, rituals, symbols and sounds that
answers may be used in worship to express beliefs and feelings
4. use religious vocabulary to identify and explain some symbolic objects,  similarities and differences in the way believers worship within
actions and sounds found in a church (mandir/ mosque/ gurdwara) and say
and between different religions
how these help people worship

5. identify some differences in the way Christians worship in two  how Christians in at least two contrasting denominations worship,
denominations including celebration of the Lord’s Supper/ Holy Communion/
6. describe Eucharist/Lord’s Supper/ Communion for Christians; puja for
Hindus; Friday prayers for Muslims; or prayers in the gurdwara and say  how Christian worship around the world reflects the local culture
why it matters so much for believers
 how and why religious people speak and listen to God in different
7. express own ideas about the value of times of reflection, thanksgiving, religions
praise; remembrance
 worship in the Hindu home and mandir, prayer at home and in the
8. explain why the Lord’s prayer is so important for many Christians Mosque, prayer at home and in the Gurdwara
9. identify ideas and feelings in a prayer and express their own
reflections in a prayer or a poem

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