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Human Resource Management 6th

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Chapter 07 - Performance Management and Appraisal

Chapter 7 Performance Management and Appraisal

True/False Questions

1. Performance refers to the traits, personal characteristics, or competencies of the employee.
Answer: False
Page: 241
Level: Medium

2. Appraisal cannot be person-oriented.
Answer: False
Page: 247
Level: Medium

3. The greater the specificity in the content of the appraisal, assuming the content is
compatible with the strategic goals of the organization, the more effective the appraisal
Answer: True
Page: 248
Level: Easy

4. The ProMES method of performance appraisal is effective when management wants to
build a sense of ownership and empowerment for their employees.
Answer: True
Page: 265
Level: Medium

5. Graphic rating scales such as BARS and MBO help identify whether or not the ratee’s
performance matches the anchor.
Answer: True
Page: 249, Figure 7-5
Level: Easy

6. Representativeness refers to the tendency to insufficiently alter a judgment away from
some starting point when new information is received.
Answer: False
Page: 259
Level: Medium

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Chapter 07 - Performance Management and Appraisal

7. The bias displayed by managers when conducting performance appraisals is unintentional
and cannot be corrected through training.
Answer: False
Page: 260
Level: Medium

8. Ratings of frequency are better than ratings of intensity.
Answer: True
Page: 254
Level: Easy

9. The more precise the definition and measurement of performance, the more difficult it
becomes for a manager to effectively and fairly appraise performance.
Answer: False
Page: 240
Level: Medium

10. Appraisal data cannot be used to determine the effectiveness of human resource programs.
Answer: False
Page: 244
Level: Medium

11. Graphic rating scales are the most widely used type of rating format.
Answer: True
Page: 250
Level: Easy

12. Providing training for managers is a means to reduce bias in performance appraisals.
Answer: True
Page: 260
Level: Medium

13. Paired comparisons, straight ranking, and forced distribution are appraisal systems that
require raters to make comparisons among ratees according to some measure of effectiveness
or simply overall effectiveness.
Answer: True
Page: 248
Level: Medium

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any manner. This document may not be copied, scanned, duplicated, forwarded, distributed, or posted on a website, in whole or part.
Chapter 07 - Performance Management and Appraisal

14. Because of the perception of fairness that results from the use of forced distribution in
performance appraisals, this method has been well received not only by employees being
rated, but also by managers conducting the appraisal.
Answer: False
Page: 249
Level: Medium

15. BARS are graphic scales with specific behavioral descriptions defining various points
along the scale for each dimension.
Answer: True
Page: 250
Level: Easy

16. When using the behavioral observation scales (BOS), a manager will consider at what
frequency a behavior occurs.
Answer: True
Page: 252
Level: Medium

17. MBO is most effective when goals are set by the manager at a level that the employees
believe is not attainable because that will motivate the employee to work harder.
Answer: False
Page: 254
Level: Hard

18. A “qualified” rater includes an internal or external customer who is the recipient of the
performers’ products or services.
Answer: True
Page: 260
Level: Medium

19. The use of 360-degree appraisal systems is a high-performance work practice.
Answer: True
Page: 239
Level: Easy

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Chapter 07 - Performance Management and Appraisal

20. Benchmarking is the process of gauging the internal practices and activities within a firm
to an external reference or standard.
Answer: True
Page: 268
Level: Easy

21. Performance appraisals should be focused on the past and managers should not waste time
in discussion of the employee’s career aspirations.
Answer: False
Page: 270
Level: Medium

22. The forced choice methodology has effectively reduced intentional bias, and is a method
that has broad acceptance from managers/raters.
Answer: False
Page: 250
Level: Medium

23. When conducting a 360 degree appraisal it is important to exclude feedback received from
internal and external customers.
Answer: False
Page: 262
Level: Medium

24. Employees and managers are concerned with the lack of effectiveness of performance
appraisals. There is no time to conduct performance management training for managers, or
develop a BARS. One method that could be considered is to include multiple raters to derive
the rating of performance.
Answer: True
Page: 241
Level: Hard

25. When planning a feedback session as part of the performance appraisal process, it is
important to allow the ratee to share their thoughts and to address career aspirations.
Answer: True
Page: 270
Level: Medium

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Chapter 07 - Performance Management and Appraisal

Multiple Choice Questions

26. To ensure a legally defensible performance appraisal system, all of the following
procedures are recommended EXCEPT:
A) Setting specific performance standards for employees.
B) Having a performance review process for each employee.
C) Making the performance appraisal process different for all employees within a job family.
D) Including a formal appeal process.
E) Using more than one independent evaluator of performance.
Answer: C
Page: 246, Figure 7-3
Level: Medium

27. The rating method for _____ is to have the rater record specific observations of the ratee’s
performance and then compare those observations to anchors on the rating scale to determine
the most valid rating.
A) Straight ranking
C) paired comparison
D) forced distribution
Answer: B
Page: 250
Level: Medium

28. In a department where there are clearly defined and measurable performance standards,
the performance appraisal method that would work well for a manager who is independently
reviewing a department of 15 people to identify who will and will not be eligible for a bonus
would be:
A) Paired comparisons
B) Behaviorally anchored rating scales (BARS)
C) Management by objectives (MBO)
D) Forced choice
E) Behavioral Observation Scales
Answer: A
Page: 248, 249, Figure 7-5
Level: Hard

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Chapter 07 - Performance Management and Appraisal

29. Leniency refers to:
A) The tendency to rate employees towards the center of the scale regardless of actual
B) The extent to which raters agree on an evaluation.
C) The degree to which the performance of ratees can be differentiated on each performance
D) The tendency to rate employees at the high end of the scale regardless of actual
E) The tendency to allow a rating on one dimension to influence ratings of other dimensions
for an employee.
Answer: D
Page: 256
Level: Easy

30. Which of the following categories of performance outcomes have been identified as being
generally applicable to all jobs?
A) quality, quantity, timeliness, cost-effectiveness, dependability
B) quality, timeliness, cost-effectiveness, need for supervision, integrity
C) timeliness, cost-effectiveness, need for supervision, interpersonal impact, loyalty
D) quality, quantity, timeliness, cost-effectiveness, need for supervision, interpersonal impact
E) quantity, timeliness, cost-effectiveness, motivation, interpersonal impact
Answer: D
Page: 247, Figure 7-4
Level: Medium

31. Behaviorally Anchored Rating Scales (BARS) refer to:
A) Graphic rating scales with specific behavioral descriptions defining various points along
the scale for each performance dimension.
B) Comparisons among ratee's performance.
C) A record of outcomes produced on a specified job function during a specified time period.
D) Comparisons between specific, quantifiable target goals and the actual results achieved by
an employee.
E) Ratings made in the context of opportunities to perform at a certain level.
Answer: A
Page: 250
Level: Easy

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Chapter 07 - Performance Management and Appraisal

32. Management by Objectives (MBO):
A) Provides brief descriptions of levels of performance.
B) Selects the anchor which is most descriptive of the person being appraised.
C) Requires the rater to indicate how frequently the ratee has performed each of the listed
D) Calls for comparison between specific, quantifiable target goals and the actual results
achieved by an employee.
E) Makes comparisons among ratees according to some measure of effectiveness or simply
overall effectiveness.
Answer: D
Page: 254
Level: Medium

33. Performance refers to:
A) Brief descriptions of the traits, personal characteristics, or competencies of the performer.
B) A process that requires raters to rank ratees on the basis of quantifiable goals.
C) Efforts to control rating bias by requiring raters to indicate how frequently the ratee has
performed listed behaviors.
D) Comparison between specific, quantifiable target goals and the actual results achieved by
an employee.
E) Record of outcomes produced on a specified job function or activity during a specified
period of time.
Answer: E
Page: 241
Level: Easy

34. Joy and her manager agreed in January that in order to be ready to take on a new group
project in June, Joy should complete a class that would certify her in project planning. Both
Joy and her manager agreed that 6 months was a reasonable time frame for completing this
course, and earning the certification. How Joy is rated at the end of the review period, if she
is not able to attend the training by June will depend on if her manager believes that there
______ that did not allow Joy to complete the objective.
A) was a lack of utility
B) should have been BOS
C) were situational constraints
D) was a central tendency effect
E) were anchoring effects
Answer: C
Page: 257
Level: Hard

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Chapter 07 - Performance Management and Appraisal

35. All of the following are attempts to control intentional rating errors EXCEPT:
A) using forced distribution or other forms of ratee comparison systems
B) using multirater systems.
C) requiring cross-checks or reviews of ratings by other people
D) training raters how to provide negative evaluation.
E) providing frame-of-reference training.
Answer: E
Page: 260
Level: Medium

36. Which of the following statements about MBO is FALSE?
A) It compares quantifiable target goals with actual results achieved by an employee.
B) It has been shown to be useful for defining individual or unit performance related to
strategic plans.
C) It is recommended as a method for comparing people or units.
D) It is a popular method of managerial appraisal.
E) It may be effective approach to motivating and improving employee performance.
Answer: C
Page: 254
Level: Medium

37. Each of the following is legally desirable regarding performance appraisal procedures
A) Providing a formal appeal process.
B) Outlining specific, objective performance standards.
C) Providing written instructions for raters to follow.
D) Training raters on rating errors and EEO laws.
E) Adapting procedures to meet unique requirements of employees of different races.
Answer: E
Page: 246, Figure 7-3
Level: Hard

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Chapter 07 - Performance Management and Appraisal

38. Company XYZ had a corporate goal to improve the quality of the products they produced.
Employees in the company had personal performance objectives that were associated with
quality improvements. If the quality improvement objectives were not met because of faulty
raw materials purchased from a new vendor, which of the following would be true?
A) The poor materials from the vendor should be considered a situational constraint when
appraising the performance of the purchasing manager.
B) Only mangers should have a performance objective that is associated with the corporate
goal to increase quality, not individuals responsible for production.
C) Employees should be concerned that the poor quality of the raw materials will cause the
managers to be influenced by the central tendency effect.
D) When appraising the performance of an employee on the production line, the poor quality
materials should be considered a situational constraint on their ability to meet quality
E) Employees being rated will have a tendency to overestimate the effects of the poor quality
materials on their ability to perform as compared to their managers, who will underestimate
the effect.
Answer: D
Page: 257
Level: Hard

39. Each of the following is TRUE regarding Comparisons Among Anchors (e.g., forced
choice) EXCEPT:
A) The method requires rater to make comparisons among anchors for a job activity.
B) The method is designed to reduce intentional rating bias in which the rater deliberately
attempts to rate individuals high (or low) irrespective of their performance.
C) The method is well accepted by raters.
D) Anchor statements are chosen to be equal in desirability to make it more difficult for the
rater to pick out the ones that can give the ratee the highest or lowest ratings.
E) Raters are not given the scoring scheme.
Answer: C
Page: 249; Figure 7-5
Level: Medium

40. Each of the following is TRUE regarding Comparisons to Anchors (e.g., BARS, MBO,
graphic rating scales, and summated rating scales) EXCEPT:
A) Method requires rater to compare the employee's performance with specified anchors or
B) Method is very useful for providing feedback to employee.
C) Is easy and inexpensive to construct.
D) For the BARs method, actual behaviors are documented.
E) Generally, graphic rating scales use adjectives or numbers as anchors or descriptors.
Answer: C
Page: 249

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Chapter 07 - Performance Management and Appraisal

Level: Medium

41. Formal performance appraisal should have outcomes that are clearly linked to
organizational __________.
A) demands
B) requirements
C) goals
D) policies
E) ethics
Answer: C
Page: 255
Level: Easy

42. One of the primary reasons that companies have turned to using forced distribution in
their performance management systems is to overcome __________.
A) fundamental attribution error
B) representativeness bias
C) availability bias
D) leniency bias
E) anchoring bias
Answer: D
Page: 256
Level: Medium

43. __________ presents the rater with a limited number of categories and requires the rater
to place a designated portion of the ratees into each category.
A) Comparisons among anchors
B) Paired comparisons
C) Forced distribution
D) Straight ranking
E) Graphic rating scales
Answer: C
Page: 249
Level: Medium

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Chapter 07 - Performance Management and Appraisal

44. An employee does an excellent job at answering customer’s technical questions related to
software. However, they are not effective or efficient when it comes to completing
paperwork, or working well with their peers. The manager rates this employee as excellent in
all performance categories. This is an example of what performance appraisal error?
A) Halo effect
B) Horns effect
C) Recency
D) Severity
E) Central tendency
Answer: A
Page: 256
Level: Hard

45. The __________ rating method presents raters with pairs of behavioral statements
reflecting different levels of performance on the same performance dimension.
A) behaviorally anchored rating scales (BARS)
B) computerized adaptive rating scales (CARS)
C) management by objectives (MBO)
D) behavioral observation scales (BOS)
E) performance distribution assessment (PDA)
Answer: B
Page: 249
Level: Easy

46. Which of the following is an appraisal method that makes comparisons between ratees
A) check list
B) forced choice
C) management by objectives (MBO)
D) straight ranking
E) performance distribution assessment (PDA)
Answer: D
Page: 248
Level: Easy

47. A manager believes that older workers are less likely to be able to improve performance
than younger workers. This thinking could lead to what form of performance appraisal error?
A) attribution error
B) bias
C) contamination
D) frame of reference
E) accountability
Answer: B

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Chapter 07 - Performance Management and Appraisal

Page: 255
Level: Hard

48. To ensure a supportive and creative atmosphere for the feedback session, the rater should:
A) Have one-way conversation with the ratee
B) Include several employees at once to brainstorm
C) Allow the employee to discuss their concerns in a two-way conversation
D) Keep the duration of the performance meeting as short as possible
E) Continue to take phone calls and accept interruptions from your staff during the meeting.
Answer: B
Page: 270
Level: Medium

49. Which of the following is not a major factor causing inaccurate and unfair performance
A) Lack of sufficient observation of employee’s work
B) Multiple sources of information related to performance
C) Raters who have not been trained despite demonstrated bias
D) Failing to consider situational constraints
E) Concern over the negative reaction of the individual being rated
Answer: B
Page: 262
Level: Medium

50. A company that provides service of repairs of refrigerators has noticed that their overall
performance has been declining over the past 3 years. They are interested in increasing the
performance of the entire team of service personnel, including measurements of time and cost
of repair visits. Which of the following is correct?
A) Management should be concerned with measurement of objectives being too objective
B) Management should pull together a team and design a ProMES program.
C) Management should focus on individual performance measurements and not try to
measure aggregate performance
D) Management should implement a forced distribution performance appraisal system.
E) Management should understand that performance levels move up and down in cycles and
they need to simply wait until the next cycle of increased performance begins.
Answer: B
Page: 264-267
Level: Hard

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Chapter 07 - Performance Management and Appraisal

Essay Questions

51. List and explain four common rating errors.
Answer: Central tendency: The tendency of raters to rate employees toward the center of the
scale, or "average," regardless of actual performance.
Halo/Horns effect - Occurs when a rater allows a rating on one dimension (or an overall
impression) for an employee to influence the ratings he or she assigns to other dimensions for
that employee.
Leniency: The tendency of a rater to be unduly lenient to an employee, rating him or her as
"high" when actual performance was actually lower.
Actor-Observer bias: This refers to the tendency for raters to attribute observed behavior to
the disposition of the person being observed.
[Note: Other errors are listed and explained in the chapter.]
Page: 256-257
Level: Medium

52. What are the administrative concerns that must be addressed in performance appraisal
system? Provide a description of each.
Answer: Frequency and timing of appraisals: This refers to the number of times an employee
is to be evaluated each year and the timing between evaluations. Usually, appraisals are
conducted once or twice a year. However, some firms are realizing the benefits of more
frequent appraisals, such as more feedback to employees, better establishing the link between
performance and reward, and faster correction of performance deficiencies. The interval
between ratings can be either fixed (e.g., 6 months) or variable (e.g., project completion date).
.Rating or data collection medium: This refers to the method by which data is collected.
Typically, ratings are made on scales which are printed on paper. Recently, firms have started
to use computers for data collection. Advantages to this method include a reduction of paper
waste and easier record keeping. However, the disadvantage is that employees may feel they
are being monitored constantly, which could have negative consequences.
Method of feedback: Feedbacks can be given via a computer; they can be based on
comparison to other employees; or the rater provides a formal feedback. Further, it has been
shown that specific behavioral feedback leads to greater improvements in performance.
Page: 265, Figure 7-13
Level: Medium

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Chapter 07 - Performance Management and Appraisal

53. Define the six different types of outcomes that may be measured in a work performance
system. Provide brief examples for each.
Answer: Quality: The degree to which the process or result of carrying out an activity
approaches perfection, in terms of either conforming to some ideal way of performing the
activity or fulfilling the activity's intended purpose.
Quantity: The amount produced, expressed in dollar value, number of units, or number of
completed activity cycles.
Timeliness: The degree to which an activity is completed or a result produced, at the earliest
time desirable. This is from the standpoint of coordinating with others and maximizing the
time available for other activities.
Cost-effectiveness: The degree to which the use of the organization's resources, such as
money, labor hours, etc. is done in a way that gets the highest gain or reduction in losses from
each instance of use of a resource.
Need for supervision: The degree to which a person can carry out a job function without
either having to request supervisory help or requiring the intervention of a supervisor.
Interpersonal impact: The degree to which a person promotes feelings of self-esteem,
goodwill, and cooperativeness among coworkers.
Page: 247, Figure 7-4
Level: Hard

54. What is the criterion for recommending MBO as a method for comparing people or units?
Answer: MBO is recommended as a method for comparing people or units only if the
objectives that are set can be judged to be equally attainable in the context of potential
situational constraints on performance.
Page: 254
Level: Medium

55. List the three basic ways in which raters can make performance assessments.
Answer: The three basic ways in which raters can make performance assessments are: (1)
they can make comparisons of ratees’ performances, (2) they can make comparisons among
anchors or standards and select one most descriptive of the person being appraised, and (3)
they can make comparisons of individuals’ performance to anchors or standards.
Page: 248
Level: Medium

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Chapter 07 - Performance Management and Appraisal

56. What does the process of designing an appraisal system include? Who should be involved
is this process?
Answer: The process of designing an appraisal system should involve managers, employees,
HR professionals, and, internal and external customers in making decisions about each of the
following issues: (1) measurement content (2) measurement process (3) defining the rater
(i.e., who should rate performance) (4) defining the ratee (i.e., the level of performance to
rate) and (5) administrative characteristics.
Page: 246
Level: Medium

57. Briefly explain the management by objectives (MBO) rating method.
Answer: Management by objectives (MBO) is a performance management and appraisal
system that calls for a comparison between specific, quantifiable target goals and the actual
results achieved by an employee. MBO is the most popular method of managerial appraisal.
With MBO, the measurable, quantitative goals are usually mutually agreed upon by the
employee and supervisor at the beginning of an appraisal period. During the review period,
progress towards the goals is monitored. At the end of the review period, the employee and
supervisor meet to evaluate whether the goals were achieved and to decide on new goals. The
goals or objectives are usually set for individual employees or units and usually differ across
employees (or units) depending on the circumstances of the job. For this reason, MBO has
been shown to be useful for defining “individual” or unit performance in the context of
strategic plans. MBO is an effective approach to improving performance and motivating
Page: 254
Level: Medium

58. What are rating errors? List the common rating errors.
Answer: Performance ratings are subject to a wide variety of inaccuracies and biases referred
to as rating errors. The most common rating errors are leniency/severity, halo/horns effect,
central tendency, fundamental attribution errors, representativeness, availability, and
Page: 255
Level: Medium

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Chapter 07 - Performance Management and Appraisal

59. Briefly describe each of the two ways in which errors arise.
Answer: Errors can arise in two different ways: as the result of unintentional errors in the way
people observe, store, recall, and report events or as the result of intentional efforts to assign
inaccurate ratings. Attempts to control unintentional errors most often focus on rater training.
Training to improve the rater’s observational and categorization skills (called frame-of
reference training) has been shown to increase rater accuracy and consistency. Raters may
commit rating errors intentionally for political reasons or to provide certain outcomes to their
employees or themselves. Attempts to control intentional rating errors include hiding scoring
keys such as through forced choice, using forced distribution or other forms of ratee
comparison systems, requiring cross-checks or reviews of ratings by other people, using
multirater systems, training raters on how to provide negative evaluations, and educing the
rater’s motivation to assign inaccurate ratings.
Page: 255
Level: Medium

60. List the recommendations for implementing a multirater/360-degree appraisal system.
Answer: Recommendations include considering instrument issues, administration issues,
feedback report, feedback session, and follow-up activities.
[Notes to Instructor - Refer Figure 7-12, p. 263]
Page: 263
Level: Medium

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