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Antibody responses to prophylactic quadrivalent human papillomavirus

vaccine at 48 months among HIV-infected girls and boys ages 9–14 in
Kenya, Africa
Nelly Mugo a,b,c,⇑, Linda O. Eckert b,d, Lydia Odero c, Stephen Gakuo c, Kenneth Ngure b,e,
Connie Celum b,f,g, Jared M. Baeten b,f,g, Ruanne V. Barnabas b,f,g, Anna Wald f,g,h,i
Kenya Medical Research Institute, Center for Clinical Research, Kenya
Department of Global Health, University of Washington, Seattle, WA, USA
Partners in Health Research and Development, Kenya
Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, University of Washington, WA, USA
Department of Community Health, Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology, Kenya
Departments of Medicine, University of Washington, Seattle, WA, USA
Department of Epidemiology, University of Washington, Seattle, WA, USA
Department of Laboratory Medicine, University of Washington, Seattle, WA, USA
Vaccine and Infectious Diseases Division, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, Seattle, WA, USA

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Objectives: HIV infected children remain at increased risk of HPV associated malignancies as they initiate
Received 9 June 2020 sexual activity. Though they mount a vigorous immune response to the quadrivalent human papillo-
Received in revised form 5 November 2020 mavirus (QHPV-6, -11,-16, and -18; GardasilÒ) vaccine, durability of the immune response is uncertain.
Accepted 7 December 2020
We assessed antibody responses to HPV 6, -11, -16 and -18 for up to 48 months following administration
Available online xxxx
of quadrivalent human papillomavirus vaccine in HIV-infected girls and boys ages 9–14 years in Kenya.
Design: Of 178 girls and boys who had previously received three doses of the quadrivalent HPV vaccine,
176 enrolled into extended follow up for 4 years. HPV antibodies to -6, -11, -16 and -18 were measured at
HIV infected
24, 36 and 48 months after the first vaccine dose using the total immunoglobulin G immunoassay (IgG
HPV vaccine LIA). We evaluated the magnitude and trend in HPV vaccine response and the effect of plasma HIV-1
Africa RNA on HPV vaccine response from month 24 to month 48 of follow up.
Results: At re-enrollment, 24 months after initial vaccination, median age of participants was 14 years
(range 11–17); 167 (95%) were receiving antiretroviral therapy and 110 (66%) had plasma HIV
RNA < 40 copies/mL. The rate of HPV seropositivity at 48 months was 83% for HPV-6; 80% for HPV-11;
90% for HPV-16; and 77% for HPV-18. There was a plateau in mean log10 HPV-specific antibody titer
between month 24 and 48. The mean log10 HPV-type specific antibody titer for children with unde-
tectable HIV viral load (<40) at the time of vaccination consistently remained higher for the 48 months
of follow up compared to children with detectable viral load.
Conclusion: Children with HIV infection may retain long term antibody response following HPV immu-
nization. Further work to define whether HIV-infected children are protected from HPV acquisition with
low levels of HPV antibodies is needed.
Ó 2020 Published by Elsevier Ltd.

1. Introduction human papillomavirus (HPV) serotypes [1–3]. Since vaccine licen-

sure in 2006, an extensive body of literature has documented up to
There is indisputable evidence of the efficacy of the bivalent, 10 years of sustained immunogenicity [4], with effective preven-
quadrivalent and nonavalent HPV vaccines against vaccine specific tion of HPV infection and squamous intra-epithelial lesions [5,6].
Further, HPV immunization has demonstrated population level
⇑ Corresponding author at: Center for Clinical Research (CCR), Kenya Medical vaccine impact [7,8]. For example, a recent metaanalysis of HPV
Research Institute (KEMRI), International Clinical Research Center, Department of vaccine programs among girls ages 13–18 years reported 83%
Global Health, University of Washington, Box 359927, 325 Ninth Avenue, Seattle, reduction in HPV-16 and -18, 5 years post initiation of the program
WA 98104, USA. [9]. HPV vaccine coverage has continued to rise with an estimate of
E-mail address: (N. Mugo).
0264-410X/Ó 2020 Published by Elsevier Ltd.

Please cite this article as: N. Mugo, L.O. Eckert, L. Odero et al., Antibody responses to prophylactic quadrivalent human papillomavirus vaccine at 48 months
among HIV-infected girls and boys ages 9–14 in Kenya, Africa, Vaccine,
N. Mugo, L.O. Eckert, L. Odero et al. Vaccine xxx (xxxx) xxx

at least 85 countries that have implemented HPV vaccine programs antibodies against HPV L1 capsid protein using IgG Luminex-
and over 260 million doses distributed as of 2016 [10]. Immunoassay (IgG-LIA) at the Merck laboratories [29]. Serological
HIV-1 infection is associated with increased risk for HPV- measurements of type-specific HPV immune response were calcu-
associated cancers [11–13], which may be due to increased persis- lated from measurements of titers to provide geometric mean
tence [14] and replication of HPV [15,16]. Invasive cervical cancer titers (GMT).
and anal cancer rates remain high in the era of antiretroviral ther-
apy (ART) among people living with HIV compared to general pop-
2.3. Statistical analysis
ulations [17], although regular screening and treatment for high
grade intraepithelial lesions partly mitigates risk of cervical cancer
We assessed baseline socio-demographic characteristics and
[18]. A recent systemic review found evidence for reduced preva-
HIV-1 disease status at the enrollment, month 36 and 48 visit for
lence of high risk (HR)-HPV and cervical intraepithelial lesions
all study participants. Our outcomes of interest included the magni-
(CIN2+) with early initiation and adherence to ART compared to
tude and duration of HPV type specific immune response and the
ART naïve women [19].
corresponding HPV-type specific seropositivity at month 24, 36,
Since the risk of HPV exposure persists throughout a person’s
48 post first vaccine dose. We also assessed the effect of plasma
sexual life, the duration of protection, especially when the vaccine
HIV-1 RNA at the time of vaccination on HPV vaccine response over
is given in the pre-adolescent period, is critical to vaccine effective-
time. A participant was defined as HPV seropositive if their anti-HPV
ness. Among women aged 18–26 years in extended follow-up fol-
serum IgG LIA level in milli-Merck Units/ml (mMu/mL) was equal to
lowing enrollment in bivalent [20], quadrivalent [21,4,22] and the
or greater than predetermined seropositivity according to different
nanovalent [23] HPV vaccine trials, effective protection from high
serum cut-off points (SSCO) [30]: 9 for HPV-6, 6 for HPV-11, 5 for
grade cervical intraepithelial lesions has been demonstrated for
HPV-16 and 5 for HPV-18 [29]. The magnitude and duration of anti-
up to 10 years, especially among women naïve to the vaccine
body response was measured with HPV IgG type-specific antibody
HPV type at vaccination. Prior reports on the immunogenicity of
expressed as milli-Merck per milliliter (mMU/ml) and the corre-
the HPV vaccine among children with HIV was mostly limited to
sponding seropositivity rates for HPV-6, -11, -16 and -18 at month
7 months post initial vaccine dose [24–28]. These studies demon-
24, 36 and 48 after initial HPV vaccine dose. We used GMT to quan-
strated safety and seroconversion rates above 90%, albeit the anti-
tify the magnitude of the average HPV-type specific antibody
HPV serotype specific antibody geometric mean were lower than
response per each time point of measurement. We computed the
those documented among age cohort HIV-negative individuals.
seroconversion rates for each type of HPV as a proportion of the
To provide longer-term immunogenicity data, we evaluated per-
raw numbers of persons with HPV antibody response  SSCO for
sistence of HPV antibody response among a cohort of boys and girls
HPV-type specific from total number of persons who had their sam-
living with HIV ages 9–14 years up to 48 months after a three-dose
ple taken and tested for that specific HPV antibody response. Sero-
vaccine schedule of the quadrivalent HPV (QHPV) vaccine.
logical testing of antibodies against HPV for samples collected at
month 7 & 12 was done using Competitive Luminex-
2. Methods Immunoassay (cLIA) [28] and therefore could not be combined with
data from month 24 to 48. This analysis was limited to data obtained
2.1. Study population during the month 24 visit post vaccination and measures obtained
during the extended follow up. To evaluate whether HIV-1 disease
The original study of the QHPV vaccine enrolled and followed severity influenced vaccine immunogenicity over time, we used lin-
100 HIV-1 infected girls and 80 boys ages 9–14 years for 12 months, ear mixed-effects models to assess for potential association
in Thika, Kenya [28]. Exclusion criteria for the original protocol between log10 HPV antibody titers for each type (6, 11, 16 and 18)
included undisclosed HIV status by parent to child, and presence and HIV-1 viral load status at the time of vaccination. HIV viral load
of medical conditions that precluded vaccination. The study began status was defined as undetectable if the HIV viral load was < 40
enrollment in May 2013; in September 2015, 178 participants copies/ml and detectable if the viral load was  40 copies/ml.
were approached for re-enrollment and extended follow-up We randomly selected 50 children using simple random sam-
through 48 months, and 176 girls and boys provided assent with pling method to illustrate their individual HPV-type specific anti-
parental consent for study participation. Eligibility required receipt body response profiles by their HIV-viral load status over the
of three doses of QHPV vaccine as part of prior participation in the follow-up period between month 24 and 48. Each child had equal
parent trial [28], parental/guardian consent and participant assent, selection probability.
and willingness to continue extended follow-up. The Kenyatta
National Hospital Ethics Review Committee and the University of
3. Results
Washington Ethics Review Committees approved the study.
Among 180 girls and boys enrolled in the initial protocol, 178
2.2. Procedures children completed initial 12 month of study follow-up and 176
participants (98 girls and 78 boys) consented to extended study
At enrollment for extended follow up and during bi-annual follow up (Fig. 1). The median time between the first dose of vac-
clinic visits, medical evaluation through history and physical cine and enrollment for extended follow up was 25 months (range
examination were done, with clinical assessment for HIV disease 23–29). The median age at re-enrollment was 14 years (range 11–
stage using WHO criteria. HIV RNA was quantified annually and 17 years) (Tables 1a and 1b). One hundred sixty-seven (94.9%) par-
at study exit visit (month 48) using the M2000SP Abbott real- ticipants were receiving ART and 66 (37.5%) had a plasma HIV
time HIV assay at the KEMRI HIV Research Laboratory, Kisumu RNA > 40 copies/mL. The median CD4 cell count was 701 (IQR
and CD4 cell count was performed at the Clinical Trial Research 520–943) with 6 (3.5%) children who had CD4 cell count < 200
Laboratory (CTRL), Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, cell/mm3 (see Tables 1a).
University of Nairobi. The rate of seropositivity at month 48 of follow up was 83% for
Serum samples were collected at enrollment in the extended HPV-6; 80% for HPV-11; 90% for HPV-16 and 77% for HPV-18;
follow up phase, which was approximately 24 month after the ini- (Table 2). The percentage decline in HPV-serotype specific anti-
tial vaccine dose, and at months 36 and 48 for serologic testing of body immune response between month 24 and 48 was 7%, 5%,
N. Mugo, L.O. Eckert, L. Odero et al. Vaccine xxx (xxxx) xxx

Fig 1. Schematic representation of the study.

Table 1a
Demographic characteristics at re-enrollment (Month 24).

Girls (N = 98) Boys (N = 78) Total (N = 176)

Age, years, median (range) 14 (11–17) 14 (11–17) 14 (11–17)
WHO clinical disease stage
Stage 1 18 (18%) 12 (15%) 30 (17%)
Stage 2 37 (38%) 30 (38%) 67 (38%)
Stage 3 40 (41%) 34 (44%) 74 (42%)
Stage 4 3 (3%) 1 (1%) 4 (2%)
Currently on ART 90 (91.8%) 77 (98.7%) 167 (94.9%)
On ART: HIV RNA copies/mL
<40 58 (64%) 52 (68%) 110 (66%)
40–400 6 (7%) 5 (6%) 11 (7%)
>400–10,000 15 (17%) 12 (16%) 27 (16%)
>10,000 11 (12%) 8 (10%) 19 (11%)
Not on ART 8 (8.2%) 1 (1.3%) 9 (5.1%)
VL, median (range) 11,369 (900–44,214) 148,290 (148,290–148,290) 17,094 (900, 148,290)
CD4 count cells/mm3
CD4 count, median (IQR) 702 (499–925) 699 (538–946) 701 (520–943)
CD4 count < 200 3 (3.2%) 3 (3.9%) 6 (3.5%)
CD4 count: 200–500 21 (22.3%) 11 (14.3%) 32 (18.7%)
CD4 count: >500 70 (74.5%) 63 (81.8%) 133 (77.8%)
BMI < 5th percentile 2 (2.0%) 6 (7.7%) 8 (4.6%)

Table 1b
HIV Status at different time points.

HIV Status Initial enrolment (N = 180) 24 months (N = 176) 36 months (N = 174) 48 months (N = 164)
Viral load copies/mL
<40 92 (51%) 110 (63%) 103 (60%) 101 (62%)
40 87 (49%) 66 (37%) 68 (40%) 61 (38%)
CD4 Count cells/mm3
<500 48 (27%) 38 (22%) 38 (23%) 54 (35%)
500 131 (73%) 133 (78%) 127 (77%) 102 (65%)
WHO Staging
Stage 1 37 (20%) 30 (17%) 29 (17%) 39 (24%)
Stage 2 64 (36%) 67 (38%) 66 (38%) 59 (37%)
Stage 3 74 (41%) 74 (42%) 71 (41%) 56 (35%)
Stage 4 5 (3%) 4 (2%) 6 (3%) 6 (8%)

N. Mugo, L.O. Eckert, L. Odero et al. Vaccine xxx (xxxx) xxx

Table 2
Geometric mean titers of HPV antibodies and rates of seropositivity for IgG.

24 months 36 months 48 months % difference

(N = 176) (N = 174) (N = 164) (M-24 & M-48)
HPV 6 GMT 61 48 38
(95% CI) (49, 76) (38, 60) (30, 48)
Proportion Positive 90% 86% 83% 7%
(155/172) (140/162) (132/159)
Gardasil package Insert GMT 156 129
(95% CI) (136–180) (116–145)
HPV 11 GMT 42 30 24
(95% CI) (33, 53) (23, 38) (18, 31)
Proportion Positive 85% 83% 80% 5%
(147/172) (135/162) (127/159)
Gardasil package Insert GMT 218 148
(95% CI) (188–252) (131–167)
HPV 16 GMT 243 170 137
(95% CI) (183, 322) (126, 230) (100, 187)
Proportion Positive 96% 93% 90% 6%
(165/172) (151/162) (143/159)
Gardasil package Insert GMT 944 642
(95% CI) (804–1108) (562–733)
HPV 18 GMT 39 29 23
(95% CI) (29, 52) (21, 39) (17, 31)
Proportion Positive 82% 78% 77% 5%
(141/172) (126/162) (122/159)
Gardasil package Insert GMT 138 87
(95% CI) (115–165) (75–101)
Girls age group 9–15 years HIV-uninfected Cohort; GMT for 9–15 year old girls ended prior to month 48.

Fig 2a. Log10 HPV Antibody Titers (anti HPV-6 and HPV-11) over 48 months post vaccination.

N. Mugo, L.O. Eckert, L. Odero et al. Vaccine xxx (xxxx) xxx

6% and 5% for HPV 6, -11, -16 and -18, respectively. At month 48, of children with plasma HIV RNA < 40 copies/mL ranged between
HPV antibody titer levels were below standard cut-off levels for 51 and 64% over the 24–48 months of follow-up (Table 1b). The
seropositivity for all 4 HPV types for 7 unique children, for HPV- change in HPV titers from month 24 to month 48 was not statisti-
16 and 18 for 14 children and for any HPV type for 49 children. cally significant for any of the 4 QHPV serotypes, with little decline
The majority of the HIV-infected children retained antibody in log10 HPV-type specific antibody titers (Figs. 2a and 2b). Chil-
response to one or more of the four HPV types. Of the 7 non- dren with undetectable HIV viral load at the time of the initial vac-
responders to all 4 QHPV types, only one had undetectable HIV cination consistently retained higher log10 HPV-type specific titers
viral load and of the 49 non-responders to any of the four HPV for the 48 months of follow up (Table 3a, Fig. 3a and b) compared
types, 7 had undetectable viral load. to children with detectable HIV viral load (P < 0.001). There was,
HPV antibody response and HIV viral load were measured at however, no difference in the rate of HPV antibody response
month 24, 36 and 48 after dose one of vaccination. The proportion decline over time by plasma HIV RNA status (Table 3b).

Fig 2b. Log10 HPV Antibody Titers (HPV-16 and HPV-18) Over 48 Months Post Vaccination.

Table 3a
Association between HIV-1 plasma viral load and HPV antibody response over time.

Log10 HPV-6 Log10 HPV-11 Log10 HPV-16 Log10 HPV-18

Effect HIV viral load status Estimate p-value Estimate p-value Estimate p-value Estimate p-value
(95% CI) (95% CI) (95% CI) (95% CI)
Intercept Undetectable 2.28 <0.0001 2.17 <0.0001 3.01 <0.0001 2.25 <0.0001
(2.12, 2.44) (2.00, 2.34) (2.81, 3.21) (2.04, 2.47)
Detectable 1.74 <0.0001 1.58 <0.0001 2.27 <0.0001 1.44 <0.0001
(1.58, 1.91) (1.41, 1.76) (2.07, 2.47) (1.22, 1.66)
Time Undetectable 0.0097 <0.0001 0.0107 <0.0001 0.0109 <0.0001 0.0116 <0.0001
(-0.0128, 0.0067) (-0.0139, 0.0075) (-0.0145, 0.0072) (-0.0155, 0.0077)
Detectable 0.0095 <0.0001 0.0120 <0.0001 0.0119 <0.0001 0.0104 <0.0001
(-0.0127, 0.0064) (-0.0153, 0.0086) (-0.0157, 0.0081) (-0.0145, 0.0063)

N. Mugo, L.O. Eckert, L. Odero et al. Vaccine xxx (xxxx) xxx

Table 3b HPV-16 seropositivity remained at 100% while HPV-6, -11 and -18
Difference in time effect (the rate of decline) between undetectable and detectable seropositivity rates were 71–85%. Across studies, HIV viral load and
HIV viral load groups.
CD4 count correlated strongly with HPV seroconversion and geo-
HPV type Difference 95% CI p-value metric mean titer of HPV antibodies [28,34]. In our initial assess-
(Undetectable – Detectable) ment, at month 7 and 12 of follow up [28], we found an
Log10 HPV-6 0.0002 0.0046, 0.0041 0.92 association of plasma HIV RNA and CD4 count at vaccination with
Log10 HPV-11 0.0012 0.0034, 0.0059 0.60 HPV titers; this finding was confirmed on extended follow-up. The
Log10 HPV-16 0.0001 0.0043, 0.0063 0.71
Log10 HPV-18 0.0012 0.0068, 0.0045 0.69
evolution of HPV titers correlated with baseline HIV RNA, and chil-
dren with detectable viral load were less likely to sustain HPV
seropositivity over 48 months of follow up.
Natural HPV infection is limited to intraepithelial layer of the
cervix and the virus is shed from the mucosal surface inducing lit-
4. Discussion tle or no viremia which likely restricts the immune response. In
addition, HPV infection does not induce an inflammatory reaction.
Our study results demonstrate that HPV antibody seropositivity The HPV vaccines are composed of virus-like particles (VLP) made
for the majority of this cohort of adolescents living with HIV vacci- for the L1 major capsid protein of specific HPV sero-types and
nated with three doses of the QHPV remained above the cut off induce an immune response several fold greater than natural infec-
threshold 48 months post initial vaccination and is comparable tion. The vaccine VLPs delivered intramuscularly induce local
to same age cohort of HIV-1 uninfected children from the primary inflammation and activate the adaptive immune response which
clinical trials conducted in Europe [31]. HIV infected children with culminates in a memory pool of B-memory cells that provide
detectable HIV viral load at the time of HPV vaccination were less long-term protection [35]. While antibody titers wane over time,
likely to sustain a vigorous antibody response to HPV. The pattern plasma cells with low but constant production are retained;
of decline mimics the same pattern observed among HIV-infected antigen-specific circulating memory cells also can be found after
and uninfected vaccinated girls and women [32] from other set- vaccination [35]. It is possible that the few children who did not
tings, with a plateau after month 24 [33]. The sustained HPV retain immune response over time would benefit from a booster
seropositivity and GMT levels gives reassurance of possible long- vaccine dose. Alternatively, exposure to wild-type HPV may elicit
term efficacy of vaccination and sustained protection from HPV- an anamnestic response, similar to response observed in hepatitis
related morbidities. B immunized persons whose antibody titers have waned [36,37].
Limited data are available on long-term persistence of HPV anti- Longitudinal follow up of cohorts of HIV-uninfected girls and
body among persons living with HIV. Levin et al. [25] followed up a young women show sustained effectiveness in presence of low
cohort of 30 children in the USA who received a standard 3-dose GMT titers providing some reassurance. For example, among
regimen. At year 3, among 14 participants who provided samples, young girls and women enrolled in the FUTURES study cohort,

Fig 3. Log10 HPV Antibody Titers by HIV RNA Over 48 Months Post Vaccination.

N. Mugo, L.O. Eckert, L. Odero et al. Vaccine xxx (xxxx) xxx

who completed three doses of QHPV vaccination and were both Acknowledgement
HPV seronegative and PCR negative at the initial vaccination dose,
the anti-HPV 18 GMT seropositivity rate at month 44 measured The authors greatly acknowledge the invaluable contributions
using cLIA was 60.3%, with GMT of 33.8 mMU/mL (95% CI 32.0– and commitment of the children and their parents/guardians for
35.7). However, the vaccine efficacy against any grade CIN or Ade- their contribution in time, adherence to study procedures and high
nocarcinoma in Situ (AIS) related to HPV-18 was 98.4% (95% CI: retention to study visits. This work would not have been feasible
90.5–100.0) [38], with only one HPV-18 related lesion compared without the contributions of the Partners in Health Research and
to 60 among the placebo arm participants, demonstrating protec- Development (PHRD) study team notably Dr. Murugi Micheni, Jac-
tion against HPV acquisition even with low anti-HPV antibody inta Nyokabi, and Peter Mogere.
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