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noe =. —— mai Gisi17 mm grmias ace) Seay Ingo 11m | Swortare Uz1em, ewes Stora 6 Som) Swope foe 497 G2 pa) SemAuo Shaun 6 aren ae-13 03 eae) Damage Weapons Chart fate Cp Cones! Ramat ws Pa a wat 0 ase: The mas nb of als he un can frei angle mm lp: the mer of ule tha con be elim one lip or mb barrel. The + indicates hat ble, can Schein chamber ming the rs en ire. Gane = om in npc) en inde ce T = on en inte each Range: Taste pracctrangecfin pun Yourayfrypodoblehelisedrang, bai consered lotta tong rant stn nee a hep capable of ree ound rat Ditfcuke Terrain Flat and feareles, so cover gouae tthe Froud). 7 Panisleoverwithinnianingdisance yt 6 Falleover within reaning distance yrs 4 Ralleover within diving distance (I yard) 2 Ry maving back half a sep, you ae back der ull cover. Cover Raise Diiclty By Lying nat 1 Fast moving target a ‘Standing bind ight poke 2 Behind wall 3 “Morty bind comer of building 3 Head exposed ‘ Only part of head exposed 5 ‘Melee Resolution Chart Weapon pitty _Dumage abit 7 Seen ‘Be! 6 Sueogh Baw 5 Soengh +1 Be 6 Suength Bat 7 Sue's 1 Bra sw 4 Suength Meee ub 4 Stengbie Mee aie 4 Sueaghis 1 Melee Fat 5S Soengihe3 Melee Site 6 Simp? Melee Smee Suengihs 4 Melee ren 7 Suengss Melee Bee you can Bi, yu need have ucesflly rapid your epgonent fi. Sec ie Grapplers belo, Generation Trail Max Rating Blood Poot Size Blood PointsT urn wird 10 Fou i Sint Severin Eight Nina Ten tevents Twelah “Tineen + Health Levels. ‘hain eye a ty tan ‘roe vey and Sony eaat ‘See py ape rea ‘Slum Neighborhood Lower Class Heavily Patrolled Suburb Downtown ‘Warehouse District mal Injury (One Health Level ‘Two Health Levels ‘Taree Health Levels Four Heath Levels Fie Health Levels ‘Six Health Levels Seven Health Levels and soon. Dice Pool r %: u: 2: B: Feats ‘Crush a beer can Break a chair Break down a wooden door Break a2x4 board Break open a metal fire door ‘Throw a motorcycle Fiip over acar Break three inch lead pipe Punch through a cement wall Rip open a steel drum Punch through 1° sheet metal Break a metal lamp post Throw acar Litt 201s SOs 150 Ibs 250 bs 500 Ibs 700 Ibs 900 bs 1000 bs 1200 bs 1500 Ibs 2000 bs 3000 ibs 4000 bs Fivo— Seven — Nine — Ten— Heat of Fire ‘Heat of a Candle (ist degree burns) Heat of a Torch (second degree burns) Feat ofa Bunsen Burner (dir degree burns) Heat ofa Chemical fire Molten Metal Sue of Fire ‘Torch, par of body burned Bonfire, half of body burned ‘Raging Inferno, al of body bumed Rays Indirect rays, heavy cloud cover, or twilight. ally covered with heavy clothing ‘Through a window. ‘Struck by one small direct rey of sun light, or being outside on a cloudy day. Direct rays from an unobscured sun. Sixeof Fire ‘Only part of body exposed (only a hand) Part of body is exposed (wearing a hood) Much of body is exposed (wearing normal clothing) ee Frenay Table Cause ‘Difficulty: ‘Virtue to Roll Beactlon “Tas of bod (ven hungry) S$ _Constience Madness Sightot blood (when beng) 4 Contiece Madecss Sell of Blood (when hangy) 3 Constience Madzess Selland le of deah 6 Carscience Madness Chancic being Bulisd 4 Self-Control Rage Charis Angered 5 SettContot Rage Compton Danger $-——_‘SeConsol Rage CCancie Humiiaed == 7S. Conuel Rage xeme Danger 4 Courage ‘Tenor Sigh of Soin 6 Cauage "Tenor Open Fame Ss Counge "tener Being Bored 1 Courage "Tenor erst Humanity Variables Crawling Inside Many guards Nocover Heavy cover Guards for away ‘Typeof lump Vertical (up) Horizontal (across) Length of Time day 3 days 1 week 2weeks 1 month 1 year 1 decade 5 decades 1 cemury 5 centuries Millennia + Difficulty Numbers Three: Four Five! Six: Seven: ight Degrees of Single (one) Double (two) Triple (three) Quadruple (Four) Quintuple Five) Job ‘Simple mechanical repair Soldering job Electronic malfunction Fiuing in new pant Repair stalled ear ‘Tough auto repair ‘Technical glitch System overhaul Easy Routine Straightforward ‘Average Challenging Difficult, Bloody Hard Marginal Moderaie Complete Exceptional Phenomenal iMculty _# of Successes 4 3 2 5 10 4 0 2 20 Point Bool’ Costs apg venns on Disciplines (any) “7 points per dot ‘Topco Trait ost ou, 8 Atribtes Spoins perdat ‘Newall 3 Ben a Abilies 2poins perdot —-‘NewDisipie 7 ioe : 2 puis per dor Wiper cent eing Des > 1 poi per dot Vinwe al Cat 1 1 point per dot aiiy curent ating x2 ce i Petter Can Dicigine ———euret ing 3 ae ¥ swine canara OterDicipaes cunning x3 End of Game Session {poi — ——Auamat: layers et pin air End of Story ver ge eon 1 point — ‘Educational Experience: The 1 point — ‘Success; The characters succeeded Chance would have eared inter mission or gol, Peshae it sonetng fom bel expences ‘was nota complete success, butt Ghing ie Chap Aak De player Seasta mugin]vciry was to detrn wh tir charcer achieved Named eeu swat te i — Danger The Carat expercced a brane Gong ry well, Not ony entetiningly but sees Taisen ea poiat— Wisdom The payer and ths the repaying ely, our sanded charac) exhibited grt wits ‘Boul getty higher, In fesources and came up vil an Hea tat ccs, only award so the thatenaled We sory to result asa perme win id est lang succes. ‘inte Troupe,

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