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“Poverty is the parent of revolution and crime.” — Aristotle. By definition, poverty is

characterized by the inability to provide for even the most fundamental needs in our everyday
life, such as clothing, food, and shelter. If you identify yourself within that description, you are
considered poor. However, poverty is a lot more complex than possessing monetary capacities,
or the lack thereof. It is a multifaceted issue having origins in social, economic, and political
institutions that traps individuals and communities in a cycle of deprivation.

One thing is for certain: poverty is not a consequence of limited global resources, but rather, it is
a ramification of the blatant political and economic injustice all over the world. Poverty is not a
personal failure; it is a systemic failure that requires collective action and solidarity.

In instances where natural disasters and war for resources occur, and especially now in the
heights of climate change and inflation, the poor will always receive the gravest repercussions
of these happenstances brought by the capitalistic ploys of the rich.

To achieve sustained poverty reduction, developing countries, especially the Philippines must
attain higher, durable growth that involves and benefits poor people. The government and its
key sectors must invest in prioritizing quality and accessible education, reinforcing poverty
reduction plans and working more to enhance income opportunities and labor mobility for the
poor. let us commit ourselves to a future where poverty is nothing but a distant memory. Let us
foster compassion, empathy, and solidarity in our communities. Together, we can build a society
where no one is left behind, and everyone has the chance to lead a life of dignity and fulfillment.

Zero Hunger

Today, I want to address a critical issue that affects millions of people around the world: hunger.
It is a sobering reality that in the 21st century, where progress and prosperity are celebrated,
there are still countless individuals who go to bed hungry every night.

Zero hunger is not just an aspiration; it is a fundamental human right. It is unacceptable that in a
world of abundance, so many people suffer from malnutrition and food insecurity. We cannot
turn a blind eye to the plight of those who struggle to feed themselves and their families.

Achieving zero hunger requires a multi-faceted approach. First and foremost, we must prioritize
sustainable agricultural practices. By investing in modern farming techniques, promoting
efficient use of resources, and supporting small-scale farmers, we can enhance food production
and ensure a stable supply of nutritious food for all.

We must also address the root causes of hunger, such as poverty, inequality, and conflicts. By
promoting inclusive and equitable economic growth, we can create opportunities for individuals
and communities to escape the cycle of hunger. Social safety nets and targeted interventions can
provide a vital lifeline for those most vulnerable to food insecurity.


Today, I want to emphasize the transformative power of education. Education is not merely a
means to acquire knowledge; it is a fundamental right and a catalyst for personal growth, social
progress, and economic prosperity.
Education opens doors of opportunity. It empowers individuals to break free from the shackles
of ignorance and poverty, allowing them to realize their full potential. It equips us with the skills
and knowledge needed to navigate an ever-changing world and contribute meaningfully to

Education is the key to unlocking a brighter future. It is the cornerstone of sustainable

development and the pathway to achieving the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals.
By investing in education, we invest in a more just, equitable, and inclusive world for all.

Quality education is not a privilege reserved for a fortunate few; it is a right that should be
accessible to every child, regardless of their background or circumstances. We must ensure that
education is inclusive, reaching the marginalized, the disadvantaged, and those living in remote
areas. Education should leave no one behind.

However, education is not solely the responsibility of governments or educational institutions.

It requires a collective effort. Parents, communities, civil society organizations, and businesses
all have a role to play in supporting and promoting education. We must foster partnerships and
collaboration to ensure that education remains a top priority.

Women Empowerment

Today, I want to address a crucial issue that affects half of our global population: women
empowerment and gender equality. It is time for us to recognize that a society cannot progress
and thrive when half of its members are held back, marginalized, or denied equal opportunities.

Gender equality is not just a women's issue; it is a human rights issue. It is a moral imperative
that requires our collective commitment and action. We must strive for a world where every
individual, regardless of their gender, can live with dignity, freedom, and the ability to fulfill
their potential.

Women empowerment is about breaking down the barriers that have historically limited
women's participation in various spheres of life. It is about challenging gender stereotypes,
discriminatory practices, and unequal power dynamics. It is about creating an inclusive society
where women have the freedom to make choices, pursue their dreams, and contribute to all
aspects of social, economic, and political life.

When we empower women, we empower societies. Study after study has shown that gender
equality leads to better outcomes for individuals, families, communities, and nations. When
women are educated, when their voices are heard, and when they are given equal opportunities,
economies thrive, poverty decreases, and social progress accelerates.

Political representation is another crucial aspect of women empowerment. Women must have a
seat at the decision-making table, shaping policies and laws that affect their lives. We need to
support and encourage women's political participation, dismantle structural barriers, and
promote women's leadership at all levels of governance.

But achieving women empowerment and gender equality requires more than just policy
changes. It demands a shift in attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors. It calls for men and boys to
become allies in the struggle for gender equality, recognizing that when women succeed, society
as a whole benefits.

Today, I want to address a topic of utmost importance: the rights and dignity of the LGBTQIA+
community. It is time for us to embrace and celebrate the rich diversity of human sexuality and
gender identities, and to ensure that every individual, regardless of their sexual orientation or
gender identity, is treated with respect, equality, and acceptance.

The LGBTQIA+ community encompasses a wide range of identities and experiences. Lesbian,
gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex, asexual, and other identities are all part of the
tapestry of humanity. It is essential that we recognize and honor the inherent dignity and worth
of every individual, regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity.

We must strive for a society where LGBTQIA+ individuals are free to be their authentic selves,
without fear of discrimination, harassment, or violence. No person should be denied their basic
human rights, such as the right to life, liberty, and security of person, simply because of their
sexual orientation or gender identity.

To achieve true equality and inclusion for the LGBTQIA+ community, we must challenge deeply
ingrained prejudices and stereotypes. We need to promote education and awareness to
dismantle harmful misconceptions and foster empathy and understanding. By fostering an
environment of acceptance and respect, we can create a society where everyone can thrive,
regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity.

Legal protections are crucial in safeguarding the rights of LGBTQIA+ individuals. Laws must be
in place to prohibit discrimination in employment, housing, healthcare, and other areas of life.
We must advocate for the decriminalization of consensual same-sex relationships and work
towards ending the persecution and stigmatization faced by LGBTQIA+ communities around the

Supportive mental health services are also essential for the well-being of LGBTQIA+ individuals.
Many face higher rates of depression, anxiety, and suicide due to societal rejection and
discrimination. It is our responsibility to provide safe spaces, access to counseling, and
resources that address their specific needs. By working together, we can create a world where
love, acceptance, and diversity are celebrated, and where every individual, regardless of their
sexual orientation or gender identity, can live with dignity, freedom, and pride.

Climate Change

Today, I stand before you to address one of the most urgent and existential challenges of our
time: climate change. It is a global crisis that transcends borders, affects every living being on
our planet, and demands our immediate attention and collective action.

The evidence is undeniable. Our planet is warming at an alarming rate, causing unprecedented
changes to our climate systems. Rising temperatures, melting ice caps, more frequent and severe
natural disasters, and disruptions to ecosystems are just some of the consequences we are

Climate change is not a distant threat; it is happening now. It poses a significant risk to human
health, food security, water resources, and the overall stability of our societies. It exacerbates
existing inequalities, hitting the most vulnerable communities and regions the hardest.
But amidst this challenge lies an opportunity. An opportunity to come together as a global
community, to reevaluate our relationship with the planet, and to forge a sustainable and
resilient future.

We must recognize that the time for incremental changes and half-hearted commitments has
passed. We need bold and transformative action. We must transition to a low-carbon economy,
shifting away from fossil fuels and embracing clean and renewable energy sources. Investing in
renewable energy not only mitigates climate change but also stimulates economic growth,
creates jobs, and improves public health.

We must also address deforestation and promote sustainable land and forest management.
Protecting and restoring forests, which act as vital carbon sinks, is crucial in mitigating climate
change and preserving biodiversity. By embracing sustainable agriculture and reducing food
waste, we can also contribute to climate solutions.

Furthermore, we must advocate for stronger policies and international cooperation. The Paris
Agreement, a historic global accord, provides a framework for climate action. We must hold
governments accountable for their commitments and push for more ambitious targets to limit
global temperature rise. We need to prioritize climate adaptation measures to protect
vulnerable communities and build resilience in the face of inevitable changes.

Individual actions matter too. Each one of us has a role to play in combating climate change. We
can reduce our carbon footprint by adopting energy-efficient practices, making sustainable
choices in our daily lives, and raising awareness in our communities. Together, we can create a
groundswell of change that ripples through society and inspires others to take action.

Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the global partnership for
sustainable development
The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development is universal and calls for action by all countries –
developed and developing – to ensure no one is left behind. It requires partnerships between
governments, the private sector, and civil society.
The Sustainable Development Goals can only be realized with a strong commitment to global
partnership and cooperation.

Significant challenges remain: official development assistance is declining; private investment

flows are not well aligned with sustainable development; there continues to be a significant
digital divide; and there are on-going trade tensions.

To be successful, everyone will need to mobilize both existing and additional resources, and
developed countries will need to fulfill their official development assistance commitments

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