Week 6 Calculations

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A host starts a TCP transmission with an EstimatedRTT of 34.1ms (from the “handshake”).

The host then

sends 3 packets and records the RTT for each:

- SampleRTT1 = 45.6 ms (NOTE: SampleRTT1 is the “oldest”;

- SampleRTT2 = 17.1 ms SampleRTT3 is the most recent.)
- SampleRTT3 = 20.9 ms

Using an exponential weighted moving average with a weight of 0.4 given to the most recent sample,
what is the EstimatedRTT for packet #4? Give answer in milliseconds, rounded to one decimal place,
without units, so for an answer of 0.01146 seconds, you would enter "11.5" without the quotes.


Our exponential weighted moving average has a weight of 0.4, so α = 0.4

Calculate the EstimatedRTT for each SampleRTT:

- SampleRTT1 = 45.6 ms - EstimatedRTT = (0.6 * 34.1) + (0.4 * 45.6) = 38.7

- SampleRTT2 = 17.1 ms - EstimatedRTT = (0.6 * 38.7) + (0.4 * 17.1) = 30.06
- SampleRTT3 = 20.9 ms - EstimatedRTT = (0.6 * 30.06) + (0.4 * 20.9) = 26.396

Final Answer: 26.4 ms

Imagine a mythical set of protocols with the following details.

- Maximum Link-Layer data frame: 751 bytes
- Network-Layer header size: 24 bytes
- Transport-Layer header size: 5 bytes
What is the size, in bytes, of the MSS? (Give answer without units)

MSS = 751 – 24 – 5
MSS = 722
Given a effective delay of 64ms when network usage is 40%, what is the effective delay when network
usage = 82% ? (Give answer is milliseconds, rounded to one decimal place, without units. So for an
answer of 0.10423 seconds you would enter "104.2" without the quotes).
To solve this, we first want to find 𝐷0 (the delay when there is no traffic).

64 = 64 (0.6) = 𝐷0 𝐷0 = 38.4 ms
(1 – 0.4)

Now we can plug 𝐷0 in to solve the delay for 82% utilization:

D = = 213.3333 ms
(1 – 0.82)

Final Answer: 213.3 ms

Given a 1 Gbps link with TCP applications A, B, and C.

- Application A has 40 TCP connections to a remote web server

- Application B has 4 TCP connection to a mail server
- Application C has 10 TCP connections to a remote web server.

According to TCP "fairness", during times when all connections are transmitting, how much bandwidth
should Application C have? (Give answer in Mbps, rounded to one decimal place, without units. So for
an answer of 1234,567,890 bps you would enter "1234.6" without the quotes.)

- Convert 1 Gbps link to 1000 Mbps

- Total connections = 40 + 4 + 10 = 54 connections
- Each individual connection gets 1000/54 Mbps
- Application C has 10 connections, so it gets a total of:
(1000/54) * 10 = 185.185 Mbps

Final Answer: 185.2 Mbps

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